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17919827 No.17919827 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really any reasonable orguments for the existence of the christian God?
Only one I found in /lit/erature is that it makes you feel good and life is pointless otherwise.

>> No.17919841
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There are no good arguments for God. It's not a coincidence that 3/4s of philosophers are atheist.

>> No.17919917

Read Karl Jaspers and Robert Sokolowski on the God of the philosophers and God of the theologians. Metaphysics might give you an insight and conviction in the existence of an abstract first being, an uncreated creator of the universe. Alas from the existence of this philosophical God no specific ethical pronouncements or dogmatic teachings follow. Even worse as Jaspers argues this philosophical God is virtually indistinguishable from the universe itself. Thus a "religion" that would venerate this metaphysical being would be no different from pantheism which is a lite variant of atheism. Ultimately you have to rely on some sort of revelation that is handed down to you via the scriptures if your religion is to have any meaning.

>> No.17920004
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>life is pointless otherwise
As in, you're not actually thinking, your words mean nothing, and you are nothing. That is the reality for materialists.

>> No.17920043

>i need a reason
if you actually read the bible you would have gotten an answer to this question among many other inquiries you would have

>> No.17920079

One that hasn’t really been answered is the transcendental argument for god. Watch Dillahunty and Dyer’s debate.

>> No.17920188

>It's not a coincidence that 3/4s of philosophers are atheist.
It's not a coincidence that 3/4s of philosopers are literal non names who will will never make an impact.

>> No.17920213

How much looking have you done?
contingency argument
cosmological arguments
fine tuning argument
transcendental argument

>> No.17920224

God is that which nothing greater can be conceived. That’s all.

Because the human mind is designed for language and brings and metaphor, and not for formal logic, God can only be understood through revelation in human affairs, or in other words religious story.

In other words, the closest we can come to understanding the greatest being in the universe and the greatest truth is through religion, not through theology or philosophy or physics.

>> No.17920226

Argument from contingency is better.

>> No.17920231

Unlike you and your zoomer "orthabros" on Discord, I'm sure.

>> No.17920236

>In other words, the closest we can come to understanding the greatest being in the universe and the greatest truth is through religion, not through theology or philosophy or physics.
Which is why your would always have philosophy follow religion after every revelation, same way you would have philosophy follow science after every discovery

>> No.17920238

The cosmological argument
The teological argument
The moral argument

>> No.17920275

First of all, are these contemporary philosophers or not contemporary philosophers? Because most of the contemporary philosophers are garbage and shouldn't be consider. Most influential philosophers seem to be theists. If you look before contemporary times you will find a lot of religious philosophers. Sure, some of them don't necessarily implement philosophy and religion together, but the point is that they are religious in some sort of degree.

>> No.17920723
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Better off following the other Abrahamic religion, Islam.

>> No.17920755

It's not "3=1," it's "1=1=1"

>> No.17920765

>It's not a coincidence that 3/4s of philosophers are atheist.
Lol, how many *good* philosophers are you talking about?

>> No.17920772

What about Judaism?

>> No.17920775

Who do you worship then, the son, the father or the holy spirit?

>> No.17920782

There are some neoplatonic type arguments that demonstrate the self-diffusive nature of God. God is self diffusive and meets with his creation by outpouring himself. This is the incarnation.

>> No.17920795

There is nothing to discuss about Judaism.

>> No.17920809
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>> No.17920829

This is a historical contingency.

Most philosophers today are Atheist, therefore, atheism is correct holds about as much water as claiming that most classical philosophers were theists, therefore theism is correct. You're appealing to a transient trend to justify an eternal claim.

>> No.17920833

If you can understand that water, ice, and vapor are all H2O, then you can understand the trinity

>> No.17920856

Look outside the realm of objective, material fact. Asking about the existence of god already points you out as being on the wrong track. Retrace your steps, go back to the origin.

>> No.17920868
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that's modalism

>> No.17920871

Your fancy infograph and quote by some dipshit does not change the fact that you literally believe 3=1.

H20 cannot be water, ice and vapour all at once, yet I am expected to believe that the trinity is just that.

>> No.17920886

>does not change the fact that you literally believe 3=1.
Except we don't so I'm not sure what you're getting at here.

>> No.17920887
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Somewhere out there, there is an ice cube
Somewhere out there, there is a glass of water
Somewhere out there, someone is boiling water

I win

>> No.17920917

>one god
>3 divine persons

Nuh-uh. An ice cube, a glass of water and water vapour are three seperate instances of H2O.

>> No.17920922

>one god
>3 divine persons
you forgot
>coequal and coeternal

>> No.17920924

It's all water, cope

>> No.17920960

The seeming irrationality of faith raises the question of why Christian belief came into being in the first place, implying some early numinous experience took place to convince those early followers

>> No.17920979


>> No.17920994

Maybe it's just not irrational.

>> No.17921029


>> No.17921034

>it makes you feel good and life is pointless otherwise
yeah, religion makes anyone, esp christcucks feel great. for THEM life would be pointless otherwise, because they've, in some cases, invested decades into a retarded self-flagellating belief system. But, feeling that "one day, when i die, my life will be better, as long as i do x y z for a while" is a pretty soothing belief. There's not much anyone can say to a self-hating hedonist, especially when there are gigantic institutions propping up their retardation.

There are of course, other ways to live. The best ones i think focus less on eliminating suffering and more on accomplishing fulfilling deeds.

for the record >>17920238
>ontological arguments don't work because existence is not a predicate
>cosmological arguments don't work because a first principle could be the laws of the universe itself/ do not point necessarily to god
>moral arguments, and moreover any argument (transcendental, contingent) that requires knowledge of God doesn't work because nobody has knowledge of God. What we have is human memes that have very good reason not to be trusted

every "argument" for god is a rationalization of why you need to stick to the system of coping that you've stuck with for years

>> No.17921076

>>17920079 Alex Malpass destroyed Dyer. Dillahunty isn’t even a good atheist ignore everything he and other atheists say and instead go read actually intelligent atheists. Also Dyer is a massive faggot for screeching at Orthodox Christians who are thomist and then importing an apologetic from Calvinism anyway.

>> No.17921101

Your entire religion is a glorified fallacy.

>> No.17921124

>these three pancakes is a meal for me
>wait a minute... 3 pancakes is 1 meal??? what!! that's 3=1, b-baka!!

>> No.17921133

oh, to add one more thing to my post, the fine tuning argument is essentially the texas sharpshooter fallacy, except after they paint the target around our universe, they point out how many possible shots could have missed

>> No.17921261

By that logic, 1 pancake is 1/3 of a meal. Now get a Christian to admit that Jesus is 1/3 of God.

>> No.17921311

You're missing the point. Someone says three things are one thing, and you immediately say "3=1 haha you're retarded". I've shown you how 3 things can be 1 thing.

>> No.17921325

They can’t. If you link three things together, you still have three components, which contradicts divine simplicity.

>> No.17921350

You deny that 3 pancakes can be 1 meal?

>> No.17921361

I will affirm that 3 pancakes can be one meal if you affirm that Jesus is 1/3 of God.

>> No.17921367

Yes, but you don’t claim there’s one meal, you claim there’s one pancake. Not that any of this changes the simple fact that monotheism is pure unadulterated trash, but still

>> No.17921392


>> No.17921413

I accept your concession.

>> No.17921433

Of course it's not a perfect analogy, but in it the 1 meal would be the one Trinity and the 3 pancakes the 3 persons. So we would say the 3 pancakes (persons) are 1 meal (Trinity). The one pancake (person) is not one meal (Trinity). Jesus is not the Trinity.

>> No.17921494

>we would say the 3 pancakes (persons) are 1 meal
We must, then, also say that 1 pancake is 1/3 of a meal, and thereby commit a heresy.

>> No.17921562 [DELETED] 

How is that a heresy?

>> No.17921624

It implies God is divisible.

>> No.17921628

yeah, pascal's

>> No.17921674 [DELETED] 

I'm asking how is 1 pancake being 1/3 of a meal a heresy. No, as I said I'm not making a perfect analogy. My only point here since the beginning is that 3 things can be 1 thing. I'm not trying to make an argument specifically about trinitarianism.

>> No.17921688 [DELETED] 

I mean that I'm not arguing about specific theology, just the logic of your "3=1" statement.

>> No.17921718

I'm not making a perfect analogy as I said. My only point here since the beginning is that 3 things can be 1 thing based on your comment about "3=1". I'm not trying to make an argument specifically about any theology.

>> No.17921719
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Anon, maybe instead of reading arguments, you should pray. Ask God to show Himself to you, in some form or fashion.

>> No.17921878

special revelation transcends general revelation

>> No.17922036

>H20 cannot be water, ice and vapour all at once, yet I am expected to believe that the trinity is just that.
It actually can. It's called the triple point. It is still a poor analogy for the Trinity, as all analogies are.

>> No.17922077

You see that circle behind her? That’s a symbol of god.

Figure out what it means and you’ll have your arguement.

>> No.17922276

Sure, but that's a difficult idea to sell to an atheist

>> No.17922391

>Alex Malpass destroyed Dyer
I didn’t really understand either side desu. It just seems like theism can justify logic and other transcendentals but atheism can’t. Also, isn’t an Orthodox Thomist an oxymoron?

>> No.17922420

Only Jesus was a person tho.
You have a mind body and soul, are you three people?

>> No.17922790


>> No.17922884

TA and TAG. Actually try to understand the argument and don't go full midwit "LOL WORD SALAD". It's a very good argument that BTFO's full blown materialism and punches holes in most contemporary philosophy. You'll be left with either God or "I don't know, but maybe we one day will know' which makes athiests seethe so hard they just don't bother attacking the actual argument and pull shit like "b-but muh scientists!" or like this retard >>17919841
Appeal to authority.

>> No.17922905

>Alex Malpass
I admit he had the most honest answer to the argument which is "for my world view to be consistant it may require that I believe in God, but that doesn't mean God exists"

That's the best you're going to get and I applaud him not being enough of a knob to to shuffle around that.

>> No.17923088


>> No.17923284

Sauce on painting?

>> No.17923336 [DELETED] 

Study the monarchia of the Father

>> No.17923362

Study the monarchia of the Father and the essence/energy distinction

>> No.17923368
File: 94 KB, 635x960, 72309038fc43c5860d01b0cda5857a7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>“This ground itself needs to be properly accounted for by that for which it accounts, that is, by the causation through the supremely original matter – and that is the cause as causa sui. This is the right name for the god of philosophy. Man can neither pray nor sacrifice to this god. Before the causa sui, man can neither fall to his knees in awe nor can he play music and dance before this god.”
-Martin Heidegger

>> No.17923483

So he was a deist? Also not an argument desu