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17918127 No.17918127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We did it Reddit!

>> No.17918136

The what?

>> No.17918142

who gives a fuck OP

>> No.17918181

You’re right dude, I’m going to take a rip from a big ole fat BLUNT and boot up some Call of Duty: Modern Warfighter © made in conjunction with the CIA and Department of Defence powered by Nvidia © and suck corn syrup from a big drum through a hose because who gives a shit nothing matters XD we’re all just talking monkeys floating in space on a big a*s rock in space!!!

>> No.17918206

On the side that this is ancient news by now, whether Odyssey stayed or not in the curriculum doesn't really have any impact on students, most would hate it anyway because it would be boring and forced on them, and they would take nothing from it. The tiny percentage that loves to read, the ones where that work would matter, doesn't need school to tell them to read it. In fact, they might benefit from the freedom of developing their own opinion, rather than being forced to adopt the teacher's.

>> No.17918207

Consider the following:
The bulk of Western civilization will burn itself out. A people who hate themselves and their heritage do not deserve to be saved. But rather than moping about the fall of the mainland, one should try to be an island of stability. Memorize the works you love, share them with loved ones and friends. Create little islands of knowledge. When the core collapses- and it will collapse- it will be from these islands that the next incarnation of Western civilization arises. You do not live in the first collapse of the West, and this one will not be the last. Keep calm and carry on.

In other words: stop fretting about Twitter and read the Odyssey again. Memorize what you can, and save a PDF or a physical copy.

>> No.17918217

Smh. Emily wilson will lose out on sales

>> No.17918217,1 [INTERNAL] 

We must strike back and destroy VeChain, cryptocurrency simp of the globohomo longhouse. They are trying to market their blockchain for development of 'rona vaccine passports. They must be destroyed and their bones and rotting flesh dumped on the feet of this Jewess to teach her the perils of being a big mouth maenad as the bronze age is on the cusp of returning.

>> No.17918338 [DELETED] 

yes good, now you get it

>> No.17918352

They probably have The Iliad at the school library or could order it in anyway.

>> No.17918368

>When the core collapses- and it will collapse- it will be from these islands that the next incarnation of Western civilization arises
Based Leibowitzian Order.

>> No.17918369

I really don't want to be an anti-Semite

>> No.17918382

Recently read an interview with a drama school teacher, who said new students were visibly shocked and had called it "violence", when they were made to read Shakespeare, the embodiment of "white male rape culture", and petitioned the classics in the curriculum to be replaced with plays by female or black writers.

Like, what is going on

>> No.17918399

You knew before you looked.

>> No.17918438

This but without the corn syrup and irony.

>> No.17918440

High school is shit it was shit and with few exceptions it will continue to be shit. You want to talk about Shakespeare did you read Shakespeare at high school, because I did. We had it taught in English and in Drama, not all students took English and few took drama and of those that did read it most of them were not interested in or were incapable of understanding the language it's written in even though as I recall the teachers did do a satisfactory job of explanation. I don't think it matters, and I suspect that you are only here to feign outrage anyway but I'm still saying my piece.

>> No.17918442

The Odyssey was my favorite "forced to read" book and I'm basically retarded.
I had good teachers though who allowed us to choose from a wide range of books.
Regardless, the motivation to remove it from a curriculum for whatever modern offense is retarded.
It's a cut and dry example of The Hero's Journey that's easy to digest and appreciate.

>> No.17918445


You have to go back :^)

>> No.17918473

I read Shakespeare and some classics in school and hated them. Took me years to get back into reading. I know several people who refuse to read classics because it reminds them of school. Honestly, this shit doesn’t matter. Good teachers in public schools should identify interested kids and tell them to read this stuff in their spare time.

>> No.17918481

In English the teachers gave up and put the movie on.
In theater everyone just hung their heads and memorized their lines.
I actually just yesterday reread hamlet for the first time in more than a decade, and it was beautiful and funny and tragic. Youthful me was annoyed by it but even more annoyed that my classmates could barely read it aloud.

>> No.17918497


i could write a fucking dissertation on this tweet

>> No.17918562
File: 417 KB, 1200x1200, 1617213578017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thou shalt ne'er a true maiden be. Thou hast neither womb nor ovary. Thou art a catamite, twist'd by foul perversion of chirurgeon's art to crude fleer'ry of Divine perfection.
All validation as thou receivest like unto Janus' own be, and tepid to boot. 'Pon thy hind, good folk fleer.
Thy good father and kind mother art in troth disgust'd and in shame of thee.
Thy friends doth make sport of thine hideous countenance 'twixt themselves.
By thee art all of Adam's sons utterly repuls'd. Our Lord didst fortuitously permit all menfolk to divine thy fraud with wondrous accuracy.
If by trickery, thou didst 'pon occasion "pass", all gentle folk verily wouldst 'pon closer examination revile thee. By the Lord's arrangement, thy very bones betray thee.
And if 'pon chance thou pliest with drink an unfortunate companion unto thy fetid bed, 'twould soonest fly as drink in the aromas from thine diseas'd, fest'ring wound, the which thou cherish in mockery of Eve's daughters.
Tis certaine that never shalt the devil's spawn pass from thine false womb, thus fruitless art thy efforts to ensnare gentlefolk.
Joy shall likewise escape thee.
'Pon waking, thou paint upon thy face a Deceiver's frippery, but inside thine heart, parlous despair circles like Leviathan, eft t' crush thee 'neath th'unbearable weight.
In the end 'twill be too much to bear - thou shalt find thyself procuring firm rope, mocking the hangman's noble art, and plunging into the bitter abyss of the Divill's embrace, to spend thy days better cavorting with thine masters.
Thine father or mother shall occasion upon thine empty shell and weep, caught 'twixt heartbreak and relief that the shame thou broughtest them hast, anon, abated.
Thine headstone shall reflect thine Christian name, and hist'ry shall record thee a man.
As worms and creatures of the earth feast on thine unholy corpse, thine bones shalt betray thee again - unmistak'bly like unto Adam's.
'Tis thy fate, self-appointed. Ne'er shall thee revoke it

>> No.17918570


>> No.17918581

>I really don't want to be an anti-Semite
Why, they hate you for making them look ugly and stupid in comparison? "anti-Semite" this doesn't even mean anything. It's like being anti-evil lol

>> No.17918606

No, reddit would fulminate against le cancel culture. Reddit would celebrate a new modernized, heavily redacted slam-poet version of the oddyssey.

>> No.17918673

Good, book fucking sucks anyway

>> No.17918777
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>> No.17918782
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>> No.17918788

Why is this a bad thing?
I haven't said it is good but you need to actually give a reason for it to be there other than "It's always been there."

>> No.17918866

The problem is that whatever they replace it with will likely be damaging to young minds, not even neutral but actively cultivating a mindset that inevitably leads to dependency on the government.

>> No.17918876

The reason is that it will be replaced by >>17918866
We learn about these things, in this case it's the Hero's Journey in the Odyssey, as a means of culturally enriching ourselves. When taught properly, reading classics does enhance one's understanding and appreciation of modern works.

>> No.17918887

niggers gonna nig

>> No.17918904

Doods.. I just got diagnosed with ADHD and tried Adderall and for the first time in my life I can read without spacing out and constantly forgetting what I read and reading the next page and bottom of the current page before I get there. What the fuck do I read now? I lived my whole life not knowing that's not what happens to most people when reading.

>> No.17918905

add racist and homophobic, the retard she was replying to is a black lesbian https://twitter.com/sheathescholar/status/1268536002710306820

>I want to remind y’all that this disruption work is a marathon, not a sprint. Be like Odysseus and embrace the long haul to liberation (and then take The Odyssey out of your curriculum because it’s trash). #DisruptTexts

>> No.17918914

Sounds reddit. I am going to get upset about people on twitter, that will show the glowies and is what is known as 'praxis'.

>> No.17919312

Had to dig in the archives to find this gem

>> No.17919380

It's like the 60's all over again but with even more faggotry and intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.17919443

Start with the greeks

>> No.17919455
File: 315 KB, 640x480, leftism_sex_ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

public education is just indoctrination into the system. who controls public education? why is public education so important for the left? why are most people completely indoctrinated fucking drones?

>> No.17919524

Because the Odyssey is a book that’s genuinely enlightening in that it portrays difficult situations that that don’t come with easy answers. What they want (which at best would come in the form of Baldwin and Morrison) is just shameless propaganda that tells you what to think and how to feel.

>> No.17919549


>> No.17919606

Highly based. I'm not even religious but that book was an experience

>> No.17919612

So wholesome. Take my gold kind stranger!

>> No.17919624


>> No.17919638


>> No.17919667

I just want to know, what will replace these classics? I'm not a classics or Greek fag, but isn't it beneficial to have a curriculum? Some sort of standard of culture, so people don't read piss and shit, since I unironically think most modern writing is ideological trash, approved by some profit oriented bugmen.
At least back in the day, these chads wrote whatever they wanted, like the Odyssey and the Illiad, and didn't care about offending people. See Goethe also, he wrote a book causing suicides, and he was massively influential. Wouldn't it be like teaching world history and skipping world War 2, and instead teach some obscure conflict in Africa or something? You can't rule out these influential works, since so much has been built on them.

>> No.17919703

James, Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Audre Lorde, and whatever flavor of the month YA is big at the moment.

>> No.17919714

>Wouldn't it be like teaching world history and skipping world War 2, and instead teach some obscure conflict in Africa or something
They already basically do this in some places.

>> No.17919736

Sounds horrible.
These works aren't as influential as the canon though. Imagine an English Lit professor who has only read Harry Potter and other YA stuff.

>> No.17919754
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>> No.17919782

i love how orbiters remove the names of the whores

>> No.17919845

These works are the new canon.

>> No.17919864

This is my general feeling. Kids already dislike HAVING to read a book, they really don't care what the book is -- if it's not popular/well-known, anyway.

The removal of certain books by such people, however, is just narcissism and hitting targets that perhaps they feel slighted against in the past.

>> No.17919894
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except you actually are always doing that

>> No.17919899

They want to ban private schools because they can't control what those guys read.

>> No.17919903

she has a point really

>The Odyssey, like the Iliad, has been a school book for nearly 3,000 years, and what more cruel revenge could dullness take on genius? What has the erudition of the last 2,500 years done for the Iliad and the Odyssey but to emend the letter in small things and to obscure the spirit in great ones?

>> No.17919908

The absolute state of lefties

>> No.17919953

take the rapture-pill, help rebuild the canon and establish a new intellectual foundation for conservatism:


>> No.17919977

I looked up the text and found it in like 10 seconds. People only censor names to avoid incurring the wrath of the janny (who does it for free)

>> No.17920057

Honestly we should challenge the western canon. How much of those books are relevant today? How many will be relevant tomorrow? Should we blindly except something as a classic because we've been told so? Not necessarily to be replaced with poc or LGBT books, cause there is more to lit than the colour of your character. But we should be open to add new diolog to the western canon. I would argue that the Odyssey is still relevant though, it's story structure is the basis of plenty of our sories after all.

>> No.17920071


>> No.17920080

Those who forget the past, are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.

>> No.17920143

No to which part?
The Odyssey's relevancy or to reviseing the western canon?

>> No.17920157


>> No.17920205


>> No.17920260

Fuck your relevant to the modern world bullshit. There's this absolute fucking delusion that English class should be an "easy one" and that each kid should be able to read whatever the fuck they want because we've basically given up on any standards whatsoever. If you imagine letting a kid learn what bits of math they feel like that's essentially the same. The Greeks are important to any study of literature. Their influence has already happened and cannot be undone. Trying to extract them is like trying to extract biblical texts or Shakespeare. They are ingrained in our language and our art.

>> No.17920280

It goes it goes it goes it goes GUILLOTIIIIIINE

>> No.17920304


>> No.17920388

This. School is bullshit, and everything that threatens it's legitimacy is good. Teach the odyssey to your kids yourself at home.

>> No.17920559

What curriculum? Where?

>> No.17920566
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>noooooooooooo the odyssey is important because... it's olderino!

>> No.17920574
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What we view as modern intelligence and enlightenment is just neurotic deconstructionism. I would trust traditional Western canon as a strong foundation for learning and cultural enrichment, over some eclectic bullshit, or worse yet some ideological propaganda disguised as literature.
I don't have children but from what I'm seeing from this thread maybe public education is just a doomed, sinking vessel.

>> No.17920612

If you don't think literature is important than sure it doesn't matter, but if you do you can't ignore how massively influential the Homeric texts are.

>> No.17920699

My lit teacher was an effeminate young man, a leftist and an atheist. Yet when I discussed with him, he urged me to read the Bible - his reasoning was that most writers I would ever read had read the Bible and were inspired by it or reacted to it. The same is true for the epics or Plato, most writers you admire have read them.

>> No.17920812

try breaking down longer sentences if you can't understand them

>> No.17920826

importance isn't important. we should read the odyssey because it is good or not at all

>> No.17920827

>noooooooo the odyssey is important because... it's influentiarino*!

*baseless claim

>> No.17920846

>effeminate young man, a leftist and an atheist
I can safely discard his opinion then

>> No.17920931

Are you being retarded on purpose?

>> No.17920941

>Baseless claim
It's a stupid bait post, but here you go.
If you were to argue against it being kept for it's influence then you'd be arguing to replace it with the Epic of Gilgamesh or the Bible. Yet you clearly know nothing of what you speak and so I raise you to pick up a book for once in your life and possibly actually read it if you're feeling smart. Otherwise, fuck off Golem.

>> No.17921012

are you ESL?

>> No.17922603

>we must obsess ourselves over poorer individuals
is a great sentiment until you realize that its the fuckin odyssey in a school curriculum.
there is no exclusivity to be had, if kids wanted to be well-read they'd read the odyssey out of their own free will instead of being forced to.
perhaps its just me, but i did not like any book i was forced to read during school. i'd hate for a good work to be personally ruined because of prior negative connotations.

>> No.17922671

This is what happens when white people never spank their kids.

>> No.17922704
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My father beat the hell out of me. All it did was make me fantasize about the day I could murder him.

>> No.17922715

What on earth is this post, is this person even sapient

>> No.17922732

Getting angry about people saying and doing things you don't like will not improve your life. Focus on reading things you like and doing things you like, and try to come up with a positive vision for the future that is more than just a response to what you hate.

>> No.17922795

Let's be real here. You just agree with those changes and want people to stop criticizing it.
Stop being intellectually dishonest and just defend what they are doing openly instead of this shit.

>> No.17922966

Olay you're all mad about this stuff but think about how much I am suffering.
My country still keeps the odyssey on.
I feel victimized.

>> No.17922977

If less people read the Odyssey, I will have an advantage over more people.

>> No.17923005
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We warned you about boko bro

>> No.17923827

You're right. We should sort all students into those with souls and consoomers. The former get literature and math, the others learn how to fill out forms and cook dinner for one.

>> No.17923846

>giving every generation exposure to the epics is degrading to the work somehow
No she doesn't. Kill yourself.

>> No.17923934

Of course. Shakespeare is a play on words; to 'shake ones spear', or, play with ones penis.

>> No.17923966

I don't have any opinion on this issue. I have opinions on other issues, but I have found that worrying about them is distinctly unproductive. If you go read, you will one day be able to produce a cogent and compelling argument for your position. The alternative is wallowing in your own filth for the rest of your life, which the people you oppose are quite content to let you do.

>> No.17923985

Ok, nobody cares what you think if you’re philosophically committed to not even being mindful of the topic you tard

>> No.17924134

I am philosophically committed to doing things that are good for me and good for the people around me. Frothing at the mouth about things like this is not good for you, and it's not good for the people around you. Instead of getting angry and ruining your health, why not go for a walk, read a book by a thinker who you could use to cogently argue for your position (Alasdair MacIntyre is a good example), or read the canon itself? Why spend time making threads aimed at provoking people who already agree with you to anger?

>> No.17924153

Hopefully they'll replace it with rupi kaur

>> No.17924251

The book will inevitably get replaced on the syllabus by some trash YA novel. This is hardly a "dialogue" about enhancing the western canon.

>> No.17924261

It's weird but that looks shoopd.

>> No.17924262

You can’t and shouldn’t challenge it if you haven’t read it, idiot

>> No.17925092

If you're trying to teach literature as a discipline than striking the lodestone of western literature from a curriculum is an interesting trajectory to take.
>The highschool kids will just end up hating it
Thats a result of parental neglect, teacher burn out and retarded american 2kool4skool culture. A college student whinging about something they were required to read means they were just another casualty of the previous problems.
Removing the Odyssey, and more than that being "very proud" of removing the Odyssey is just another instance of resentment politics form crypto-luddites calling themselves progressives.

>> No.17925133

Unironically a good move. The book is more of historical interest than a pure literary one. It's difficulty, extensive historical context, and plot strangeness make it ideal for the person who is intentionally seeking that sort of thing out, but too niche for the general reader. As far as epic poetry goes, there's more complex and interesting stuff out there.

>> No.17925154

Why not? You owe them absolutely nothing so if they insult you or your people, you should feel free to desire their extermination. Humanism is a joke, stop extending philia to racial foreigners

>> No.17925165

I mean all the current education system would do is water it down, and it's not like (at least as things are), there would be many students that would benefit rom it being taught to them in high school.

>> No.17925175

Honestly, I never argued one should remove Odyssey, just that it wouldn't matter enough to get all up in arms about it.
Teenagers whining about old books isn't limited to american schools or current time. I remember my generation from 20 years ago and they were more or less the same. It's interesting to note that they liked books from 19th and early 20th century that focused on an individual being at odds with society standards. And they especially loved the true story book on late 20th century teenagers in hell of drug addiction.
Rather than some parental neglect, I would sooner say the issue is in teenagers being very self-focused and old Greek epics not being any way relevant to their world. If it were up to me, I would choose an excerpt to be analyzed during class, it seems more productive that way, and they could possibly read more works during the time left.

>> No.17925189

Students aren't supposed to be general readers.

>> No.17925204

If we're talking high school, then they can't be expected to be anything more

>> No.17925425

I can think of arguments in either direction with sound logic. Having read it as an adult, and only having the degree of precocity necessary to read the book and go no further, it just read like an Avengers movie would. I'm sure there are tons of subtle nuances between the individual characters, gods, historical effects and so on, but the only thing I took was "so they laid their hands on the good things before them".

It's unrelatable in the modern era, though. Quite probably, as a retard, I missed critical elements, but it just read like a hyperviolence novel. The only virtues were bravery and strength. I'd quite like for some philosophy to make it into the primary curricula, not the dogshit they push. If we respected the Catholic tradition, we should start drilling those shits with Plato in their second year. Then they can have their Avengers: Ancient Grease.

>> No.17925473

Maybe, but thinking that they should be that way is perhaps the root of the problem. If that is what they are, then the goal should be to change that.

>> No.17926028

it's part of our collective history and heritage

>> No.17926045

i think we should add dragon ball, naruto and death note
it's time for a change