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17916522 No.17916522 [Reply] [Original]

Why can’t /lit/ into Bookchin?

>> No.17916762

He's not
1) a well-known enough philosopher to meme about
2) a mysticist to meme about and/or for alienated 20-somethings to find meaning in
3) defined entirely by misanthropy in a way that degenerates find interesting
instead, he
4) writes a lot on the ecological, not a popular topic here
5) proposes an essentially pro-social, generally inclusive societal framework, which is anathema to 4chan
6) isn't very much connected to the lefties like marx or the post-structuralists that people do find interesting here (even if the interest is usually based more in opposition to their ideas)
So the average /lit/izen finds little interest in him.

>> No.17916805

>be 20-21st century thinker
>slap ecology onto your work
He's the origin of the gay social shit that plagues my field and alienates conservatives and traditionalists. I hope the ghost of Aldo Leopold shoots every Kurd.

>> No.17916838

His books that I’ve read are kinda good but he’s a Zionist so...

>> No.17916871

I think he's the most interesting political philosopher from modernity, but you're right, that perfectly describes the lack of discussion around him here. You're actually hard-pressed to find significant discussion of him anywhere, which I think may be in part due to him not being the most concise writer.

You've never read a single word of his work have you?

>> No.17916932

>You've never read a single word of his work have you?
Did Bookchin ever do any physical ecological work? No, he smoked pole and jerked off to himself. An engineer has more worthwhile things to say than him.

>> No.17917024

Number five is literally it. Ted’s boys prefer their ecology sociopathic and the stormtards had to invent “eco fascism” to cope

Who’s fault is it that homosexuals care about the environment more than those strong handsome guys like so much
>I hope ghosts shoot middle easterners in their own lands
Go for a walk.

>> No.17917036

>Ted’s boys prefer their ecology sociopathic
Ironically Ted was an ultra pro human type who thought technology was gonna destroy humanity. Misanthropes picking up on him is kind of funny.

>> No.17917047

>Ted’s boys prefer their ecology sociopathic and the stormtards had to invent “eco fascism” to cope
big words coming from some retarded idealist who thinks you can fix things with books and pamphlets. accusing others of sociopathy is just admitting that you don't even actually care if you succeed, you just want to participate. ideology-as-hobby types are always like this - "of course we want it, but not like that!" "the ends don't justify the means!" "if we lose our humanity in the process, what's the point?" and so forth and so on

>> No.17917111

>was an ultra pro human type
Which is why he went to love in the woods.
Which is why he thinks the problem with people is that they’re over socialized.

>who thinks you can fix things with books and pamphlets
>... you just want to participate
I do want to succeed. I’m afraid I won’t, but I want to try. Bombing people for publicity is ridiculous. He was just unhinged that people put a four wheeler path through his favorite stomping grounds

>> No.17917117

>Which is why he went to love in the woods.
>Which is why he thinks the problem with people is that they’re over socialized.
t. Never read Ted.

>> No.17917122

>love in the woods.
Hahaha *live in the woods

>> No.17917128

I go walking everyday as a part of my job. I probably walk more in a year than you will your whole life, seeing as you're a morbidly obese dyke. Ecofascism is also a leftist/liberal cope term invented to scare ecologists away from ideas like "border control" and "white people making decisions in third world countries". But I'm sure Garrett Hardin was secretly duck-walking around his house throwing sieg heils around. And I'm sure the precious faggots of the 21st century, those specifically targeted by modern advertisers, have a rigorous land ethic that is against consumption. I'm sure these people don't throw out phrases like "no ethical consumption under capitalism" before shoving a gigantic polymer cock in their ass, and have a deep and rich connection to the natural world that surrounds them. You couldn't even name five trees outside your window.

>> No.17917150

>He was just unhinged that people put a four wheeler path through his favorite stomping grounds
how can you criticize his action from your inaction? that's my entire point - you, who does nothing, have no standing compared to someone who does something, no matter what that thing actually is. the peanut gallery is always wrong, no matter what they say or who they say it to

>> No.17917178

I do a lot of walking at work too. Too bad it’s indoors. Border control isn’t helping the environment in the least. States *nationalism* does loads of damage to to it, in fact.
Since you’re one of those people that think Liberals are leftists and you seem a tad schizophrenic, I’ll just as soon let ya go.

I’m barely even criticizing him here. No need to hold me up to *all that he’s done*

>> No.17917189

>I do a lot of walking at work too.
Butters is employed? That’s a surprise.
> Since you’re one of those people that think Liberals are leftists
Sure you disagree theoretically but nobody apart from a few hardcore commies actually gives a fuck what Bakunin or Marx said. In action yes you guys are useful idiots for the liberals.

>> No.17917267
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Butterchunks, I wrote leftist/liberal not as a conflation of the two political schools, but to illustrate that it is a united condemnation. There are liberals who disapprove of borders from globalist, humanitarian thoughts; and leftists who oppose borders for other reasons, but seeing as the majority of policy is crafted by liberals we don't have to discuss the leftist underpinnings and simply know they support liberals in this way. Additionally, liberals are supported by capitalists who seek to create a low-status class of stateless workers that can be abused outside of their state's legal apparatus.

So 21st century environmental groups are trying to bring in more immigrants to environmentally sensitive locations, locations that will be filled with cheap, low-income housing built to rot. Existing infrastructure will further degrade alongside the new stuff. How could any environmentalist justify more people in Southern California, killing native predators for cheap housing developments, or draining aquifers to quench the thirst of a million new Americans with no sense of belonging to their land?

>you are animated therefore you have schizophrenia
stunning insights, I'll be sure to temper my passion for the things I love so not to be perceived mentally ill by twitter-communists.

>> No.17917274
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This book covers what they’ve been up to twenty years ago. Ten years ago they did OWS. We exist, we’re just scrupulously censored out.
There needs to be a better direction of course

>> No.17917310

>years ago they did OWS. We exist, we’re just scrupulously censored out.
Back when lefties actually spooked power. Okay I’ll check that out.

>> No.17917315

I dont read zionists

>> No.17917333

Oh. Pardon.
And not to defend any of this cheap labor+humanitarianism argument, but they’re not building them houses in park lands. They’re stuffing them into crowded cities or already existing towns near the farms.
The issues with statist boarders is a tricky one, but under ideal circumstances there’d be no flood of immigrants when boarders are left to vanish

>> No.17917674

>Bombing people for publicity is ridiculous.
Tell that to Ocalan, muffin muncher.

>> No.17917675

>Bombing people for publicity is ridiculous.
Tell that to Ocalan, you muffin muncher.

>> No.17917986

Cause Marx is just better and more important. Bookchin is kind of memetier, maybe some liberal will get lost along the way to communism and read him but he isn't academically or politically relevant

>> No.17917999
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The workers won't seize the state in the USA, but China can still bring communism to the rest of us, as America falls further towards barbarism

>> No.17918900

Fuck off tankie

>> No.17919552

>he isn't academically or politically relevant
>Who are the Kurds
And “academic leftism” is fucking terrible so it’s good he isn’t relevant in academia.

>> No.17919614

Sell us on his work instead of just dumping a pic and expecting us to generate interest

>> No.17919694

Because his work is inferior to real groundbreaking thinkers like Ted K and Zerzan. If Ted is the revolutionary, Bookchin is a conservative

>> No.17919737

>America falls further towards barbarism

>> No.17920178

will u sit on my face butter-fly

>> No.17920261

Tankies are no different than Fascists

>> No.17920366

Seething anarchikiddies. Reddit is over there.

>> No.17920468
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Bookchin has no appeal outside of college pseudos
He tries to be "eco friendly" and simultaneously support cities its painfully obvious cities are the least eco friendly way of human organization

Bookchin would be taken more seriously if he gave up his urbanite cope but sticks with it because "cities foster progressive values"

Also being a fat jew doesn't make a person likeable regardless

>> No.17920535

Read Bob Black's book-length takedown of Bookchin (Anarchy After Leftism). Genuinely hilarious and informative

>> No.17920696

I have to finish the frogs first