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17915440 No.17915440 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explore our relationship with technology and how it estranges us from our fellow people?
As you can see the girl, after having just caused the death of an innocent man, cares only about her phone. Surely there are some novels that have predicted this would happen?

>> No.17915540

I think it's reaching in this situation to attribute the psychopathy of car-jackers to the fact that they owned a phone.

>> No.17915590

> fellow
> people

>> No.17915612

Blacks are just allowed to do this now, right?

>> No.17915618

Unironically Infinite Jest

>> No.17915621

They were arrested and are going to be tried.

>> No.17915647

I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.17915650

yeah as white or white-passing people we need to step back and let their voices be heard

>> No.17915681

This. Our system of white supremacy claimed that man's life. It shouldn't claim theirs, too.

>> No.17915688

Impeachment of Man.

>> No.17915698

They're juveniles so they'll just go to Juvy and when they turn 18 they'll be set free. Also they'll use Saint Floyd as a defense and probably get of free.

>> No.17915700

They’re black so of course they don’t care about human life.

>> No.17915703

Why? For trying to live their lives in this white supremacist world? Negros are the most noble of humans by virtue of rebelling against the queer anglo-jew abomination of the “West”.

>> No.17915704

This, so much this.

>> No.17915709

>almost one million raised on gofundme
What the hell.

>> No.17915721

That model-minority driver benefiting from the system of white supremacy called them "n*gg*rs." Everyone heard it. Or at least they did. Black POC who suffer racial abuse can't be held responsible for what happens to racists. The historical pain of those wounds needs to be addressed. That judge better understand and be an agent of restorative justice.

>> No.17915722

All amusements in which the machine plays a part are somehow empty. They have no gaiety. They show that they are dominated by some compulsion which affects the freedom of human motion. Life within the technical organization means that the individual is not gay, and cannot be gay because he is overstrained and no longer has leisure. Enjoyment has departed from his work as well. It is precisely because the joy has gone out of work that work is being praised and exalted with growing ethical fanaticism. The picture proffered by our great industrial cities with their human masses streaming back and forth mechanically is grim and joyless. The great masters of the festive spirit, Apollo and Dionysus, no longer find room in this picture.
The rhythm of things mechanical is one of automatic lifelessness and rigidity. Where it dominates, it displaces man's rhythmically rounded motion. The periodicity which is basic to all rhythm and all measured motion becomes mechanical and ordered by dead time. The yearly cycle of the holidays, which used to be holy days of a higher order, decays as technology advances to perfection. Popular celebrations change their character. Where festivals or fairs are still rooted in the hearts of the people, we shall always find that the farmers flock to them, for peasants are that portion of the people who follow with the greatest assurance the cyclic sequence of the year and its feast days. But if we witness a festival as ancient and as popular as the October Fest in Munich, we can see at a glance how the inroads of technical organization have profoundly altered its old rural character. Everywhere we find mechanically operated swings, Ferris wheels, power rides and other power-driven gadgets of the amusement park, which with mechanical music invite us to buy their mechanical thrills. And just as in the field of sports we already noted the lack of free improvisation, so in amusements, too, all free improvisation and spontaneity are lost as they become mechanized. Increasingly our amusements are becoming a business subject to technical organization. It appears that man has lost the faculty of amusing and entertaining himself, that for his enjoyment some apparatus is indispensable – and this means that even our spare time must needs be filled with automatic regulation. The modern idea of recreation is the relaxation that follows the tension of mechanical work. That is why our amusements show a kind of hectic mobility, a spasmodic tenseness for the loosening of which a long succession of gymnastic systems has been invented. When we look at an art as free as the dance, be it artistic or social, it becomes very noticeable how mechanical it appears. The music for it is furnished either by machines or by musicians who have mechanized rhythm. The radio and the films are among the great automatons whose share in popular entertainment is constantly expanding.

>> No.17915730

Pakis are basically white...he deserved it for oppressing them.

>> No.17915731

This is not in defense of the nigglets, but every uber eats style delivery driver I have ever seen always steps out of their car leaving it unlocked and running. They're all literally asking to get carjacked. I've considered pranking them by moving their cars to a different parking spot or a few feet up the street to teach them a lesson.

>> No.17915746

I assume it's not good for your engineer to be turning it on and off every 5 minutes, or at least a waste of fuel or something

>> No.17915748


>> No.17915749

In a mechanized civilization, every standstill of technology produces a feeling of intolerable emptiness in the technically organized peoples, a void in their lives which they cannot endure and from which they try to escape by intensified motion. The individual may bemoan the inexorable organization of time to which his day is subjected, he may curse the mechanical job to which he is tied, but at the same time he cannot be without his mechanical organization; he adheres to its pattern even in his amusements. Motion has a narcotic attraction for him , an intoxicating power, particularly where the going is fast, where the speed is record-breaking. He needs this stimulant as an addict needs his drug to feel alive. He must always feel that something is going on, that he is participating in some action. Hence, his insatiable thirst for news, a thirst that no rotary press can quench. His concept of life is dynamic. He puts the highest value on life's vitality, but this very evaluation betrays the growing hunger for life that torments the masses. Modern life is dominated by the consuming force of that hunger. The individual who forever craves new experiences, who forever desires something to happen, such a person wants to be re-enlivened.
The feeling of weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, and of the senselessness of life becomes overpowering at times when the impulses of mechanical motion are slowing down, when the individual feels that the dynamic energy from without which drives him on is beginning to fail. He gets depressed as he becomes conscious of lifeless time. Motion is one of modern man's most vital consumer goods; wherever it is restricted, the hunger for it grows. Immediately the person is seized by boredom and next by a craving for some sensational event. He fears that the lifeless time which he means to consume will devour him instead, and he attempts to get away from this gnawing sensation by speeding up the motions of his life. Mere action awakens in him the feeling of a more vigorous life; it stimulates him like a drug that creates beautiful dreams. Modern man worships uninhibited, dynamic, throbbing life – but worships it as a weakling who cherishes an illusion of strength. Lifeless time mocks him, for he does not understand that the mechanical motion to which he abandons himself is itself empty, and that the faster it speeds, the more vacuous it becomes. Motion to him becomes a value in itself, because it increases his feeling of wellbeing. One reason why he may well consider being in motion a blessing is that it prevents him from thinking about himself. For thinking, according to Aristotle, means to suffer, since it cannot take place without reason's suffering. This suffering, then, he can avoid by abandoning himself to mechanical motion.

>> No.17915753

The effectiveness of mechanical motion as a narcotic can, indeed, be observed everywhere. The wide-awake atmosphere of our cities is permeated with a trancelike quality. That atmosphere is a blend of intense awareness and of dream-life. The consciousness of a chauffeur, a traffic cop, a subway motorman is awake, but only in a small sector that is surrounded by blackouts and dreamlike, visionary ideas. Such a mind has a functional wakefulness that is focused upon the functions of the machine under its control. But the more one-sidedly this consciousness concentrates, the narrower it becomes. It is amazing how little the pedestrians in a large city really observe, particularly in the great traffic centers where all attention has to be centered upon traffic and its rules. The pedestrian is watchful because he is constantly menaced by the automatically moving streams of traffic. But at the same time this flowing stream has a soporific effect, so that we easily become panicky if this functional flow is interrupted in some way.
In connection with this, we find that sensation of utter unreality, that absent-mindedness produced by the absolute artificiality of the surroundings, which seizes man in the large cities so often and so suddenly. There also is that sensation of being submerged, an impression which to good observers becomes increasingly manifest. Life moves deep in the chasms of our city streets as if seen through a diver's helmet, and looking through the big panes of offices and restaurants, we seem to be looking into an aquarium. This queer and not at all pleasant impression is caused by the automatism of motion, by the vision of mechanically sliding reflexes reminiscent of the reflexes of amphibians. Even to us who are their builders, our modern cities are as uncanny and as foreign as those great cities of past ages of which only a memory has come down to us. Supposing a man of some such bygone era, a man who has no idea of our technology, would come into our cities; supposing we should ask him: "What powers do you think have built all this?" Chances are that his answer would be: "Very mighty, very evil demons."

>> No.17915791

>Teens filmed killing immigrant Uber driver
>they have to mention that he was an immigrant
>the teens were black
Coincidence I suppose.

>> No.17915817

Blacks need to be represented at the forefront until they commit crimes. That's why you never hear about black people.

>> No.17915825

remember this when the time comes

>> No.17915839

Remember what? When what time comes, day of the rope?

>> No.17915855

rightoids hate blacks for doing what they are too cowardly to do.

>> No.17915872


>> No.17915883

The guy should have just called the cops or the troops stationed around the corner
The girls panicked and accidentally injured him in the process. It is hard to not blame both sides in this case

>> No.17915885

Look into the works of neil postman

>> No.17915899

Not that's just far-left white-washing of the crime.
In many states the driver would've been able to legally shoot the criminals.

>> No.17915941
File: 129 KB, 800x590, 800px-Judith_Beheading_Holofernes_-_Caravaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly this is not about the phone, or anything about technology. This video (at least the part about the mentioning of the phone after the incident) illustrates how we can't but utter the most mundane after a tragic event. I would say the phone line is a grounding after an event that rose through reality into unreality, placing the experiencer in a precarious spot. It's actually kind of interesting to see, and anybody talking about technology or blacks is retarded. Either way, this is barely literature.

>> No.17916043
File: 864 KB, 880x1445, 13B2E6F4-8D42-442A-9AA4-35757B672A20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17916051


>> No.17916056

Go back

>> No.17916093


>> No.17916283

I love judith

>> No.17916380

Where? you fucking retard you are killing this board go read you fucking nonreader

>> No.17916432

Holy cringe

>> No.17916543

Underrated book.

>> No.17917632

Except this isn't an issue of technology but rather of selfish vapidness.