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17914074 No.17914074 [Reply] [Original]

edition №2

Be nice. Reply. Explain to what degree and why others' tastes or worldview is subpar.

>What are you currently reading?
>How are you finding it / would you recommend it?
>Recently finished? Rate it.
>Next to read?

>> No.17914077

>>What are you currently reading?
For solely listening to: The Lobotomist, Jack El-Hai.
>>How are you finding it / would you recommend it?
Still at the beginning, hard to tell, but it should be good.
>>Recently finished? Rate it.
>Why Liberalism Failed, Patrick J. Deneen
(very) good, although at times suffered bad writing on a tolkien- or bad philosopher-level. Some of the arguments are hard to make, and could've been much more succinct. Would rec if you've never heard the arguments or similar explanations of the failings of 20-21. cent us liberalism.
>The Wicked and the Damned, Josh Reynolds, David Annandale, Phil Kelly
audio; more wh40k trash; can't find anything good on univ. but I keep trying
>The Chaos Space Marines Audio Collection, Anthony Reynolds, Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Nick Kyme, John French, Josh Reynolds, Ian St. Martin
audio; mediocre, predictable, bland and boring but finished it
>Hold Up the Sky, Cixin Liu
did 2 of these 10 short Chinese scifi stories; predictable, moralistic, even if he's not trying to be, the hammered-in ideology seems thru the lines it's annoying, but an effort worth making, fuck know i've never heard of asian scifi
>>Next to read?
Ishmael, Daniel Quinn

>> No.17914227
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>What are you currently reading?
Collected Breece D'j Pancake
>How are you finding it / would you recommend it?
It's great. I'll finish today. Favorite stories are "Trilobites", "Fox Hunters" and "The Mark". These are dark stories of West Virginia in the 1960s-1970s. Incest, cold rabbit meat, lots of smoking guns, gritty sex, bobcats and deer and total hopelessness. It's a great collection.
>Recently finished? Rate it.
I finished Ulysses last week. Five fuckin stars. Took me almost all of March, a month well spent.
>Next to read?
I don't know what I'll choose. I want to read a lot of poetry next month. Bilingual edition of Trakl coming, and I have the complete Yeats waiting on my shelf.

>> No.17915173

I added them to my list, thanks for introducing him, seems like a good read.

>> No.17916114

cat is screaming because it feels pain, but people are stupid faggots to see this.

>> No.17916258

Lol, tfw Jesus prolly didn't read a fucking book or scoll in his time.

>> No.17917519

Mason & Dixon
It's great. Just starting part two. Fifth Pynchon book I've read (I've gone chronological). It's unlike his previous books but I would recommend it to anyone who liked any of his works V. through Vineland
Recently finished and enjoyed The Tartar Steppe and Molloy.
Next up: H Is For Hawk and Malone Dies
Pancake is great