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/lit/ - Literature

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17912562 No.17912562 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?

previous thread:>>17904722

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>On Writing, Borges

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
>This Craft of Verse, Borges

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.17912580

So Im the guy that is making the DxD fanfic, cabI post it here?

>> No.17912581
File: 2.35 MB, 2976x2976, 20210331_091339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey wazzup my bros, this thread is totally lit! xD(Smiley face, tears in pinched laughing eyes, and holding up an okay sign with gloved hand)!!!

YOOOO wazzup peeps, my dudes and dudettes, guess who just published a new chapter in the super cool, you really want to read and review, publication of awesomeness, that is totes availiable for free on fictionpress, so you can read! For everyone to read YES!

I mean, you're so cool and mysterious, like a sexy witch or darklord. You should like totally read and review my books and stuff! You're such a complicated person, so smart and well-read!

Just do it. Oh! It will be such an honour for me, you know, it is a HUGE honor for me to have YOUR REVIEW!!!! on my bookzies. bruh.


I am currently writing the sequal on my first book ever yo. I'm pretty stoked about it soon being finished.

OH! you know what you should do!? You should like totally read my new chapter and shiet! Chapter 20 is called VAPORWAVE MALL? Yeah, you into that shit? That sum of that good good!

Here, have my poem:

Colorful clothes in pink and teal
Sun in the sky shining bold
At night neon lights up the Ferris-wheel
Such were the seasons of gold

As the sea mirrors moon from above
By the beach the campfire dances
There on the beach we first made love
City noise said we took our chances

Dead are the malls we used to enter
The Ferris-wheel removed from it's coast
Yet I am still around to remember
Golden seasons of pink and teal clothes
OOOOH you can't brushie the dog against it hairs!

>> No.17912586
File: 383 KB, 1031x1200, Kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any progress on your novels?
Yes, I'm done now. I was never cut out for this but I hid behind the language barrier to avoid criticism for months, maintaining an illusion that was fun to live in while it lasted.
This will be my final post on /lit/. I've been humiliated and exposed as a fraud. My writing is pretentious, infantile, banal drivel. My observations are dull, my language grade school level. My tenses are mixed up, I use colloquialisms, ellipses and onomatopoeia.
I was never cut out for writing. I began writing my "book" on January 6th. Since then I've produced 60 thousand words for it. These words are a tide of garbage without value, without insight, without form. The themes of time, space, infinity, memory and pointless dueling are not present in my work. It was never real writing, it was anime and weebshit.
I have failed. Goodbye.

>> No.17912591

Okay. There better not be any weird porn scenes shoved in.

>> No.17912598

>another vtuber thread

>> No.17912615

>he really did update the word count this time

>> No.17912626

I also added the line about the themes since someone was asking about it not being in the OP in the last thread, I think it fits nicely.

>> No.17912636

Course not, that would be sinful

>> No.17912640

Ever since I've approached the end of my draft I've developed terrible insomnia. I can't sleep when my brain wants to spend every idle moment thinking of the draft and my characters and how I might improve them. I am finally learning why every author is mostly insane. People aren't meant to live inside a story for this long.

>> No.17912642

>shit posters
>no comfy pastas
>no progress posts
bad start

>> No.17912658

What you need is pick up jogging. It's what I do.

>> No.17912689

>blurring the line between reality and his fiction
I'm jealous
You are about to go to place that turns men into writers
God speed anon

>> No.17912697

Great work, great post

>> No.17912704

Same, it’s nuts. I spend all my brainpower thinking about my story that I can’t even sleep.

>> No.17912715

I read some fanfics that have those things. They caused me to rage quite a bit.

>> No.17912810

Not sleeping because you've just finished a draft is a progress post.

I don't want to become too attached because I know the odds of actually publishing are slim given how fucked the children's market is (my book is actually written for children, not publishers, and that's probably a death sentence.) But maybe I can carry this over into my next book.

>> No.17912814

I spend every idle moment thinking about my story but it doesn't bother me. Your insomnia may not directly be linked to your novel, but to a general tendency for anxiety/obsessive-compulsive behavior/an unhealthy lifestyle, etc. There must be a larger psychological imbalance at work, beyond what you feel regarding your story.

>> No.17912822
File: 498 KB, 640x1150, Viheldää.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much writing must be allocated to a person to do a character study of them in an ensemble cast? Asking for a friend.

>> No.17912835

>making a single fucking dime off your writing
not worth thinking about
it's more freeing to just write for yourself

>> No.17912847

I don't want to make money. I own a house and a car and stocks. I want people to read it.

>> No.17912863

then just post it online

>> No.17912875

Depends on the length of the project.

>> No.17912935

>I know the odds of actually publishing are slim given how fucked the children's market is
Thankfully this subversion of children and the ((people)) controlling it are going to burn in hell this year.

>> No.17912936

It's a children's novel. Children do not read webnovels. The community of people who will read an online novel is something that I have no interest writing for. If I publish online, I will consider it the same as having put the story in the trash.

>> No.17912949

Not many children are even fortunate enough to have physical books.

>> No.17912962

>writes a children story
>expects children to read it
not gonna happen unless you blow up as a cultural phenomena
tell your friends to have kids maybe or have some yourself
>writing to your audience
>not writing to yourself and letting an audience come
don't be such a market degree yuppie about it, you've already said you aren't interested in making money from it
it's different in this case since it's directed at children but that mentality is fucked

>> No.17912985

>it's different in this case since it's directed at children but that mentality is fucked
Fairytales were written for children in mind. What's wrong with that?

>> No.17912991


I do not care at all what you think will or won't happen. I want to write books for kids and find a way to get kids to read them. That's my goal and I don't think you know anything about it.

>> No.17913026 [DELETED] 

Silly anon. We all know they don't give gibs to white families.

>> No.17913036

Do NOT respond to the namefag. Ever.

>> No.17913044

I don't, it's just your goal seems a bit inane
but good luck anon
maybe you'll end up like Andersen, you seem autistic enough
and I do mean that as a compliment

>> No.17913095

This is based, ride the lightning

>> No.17913122

>the goal of writing children's books and having children read them seems insane
Alright whatever man

>> No.17913172

I've never heard of a children's story that wasn't either a classic or written by a famous childrens book author
seems the only way to have children read your book is to be a really big deal
personally, I wouldn't want my kid to read some random shit but I'm not a parent so what do I know

>> No.17913189

Yeah, I don't get it either. i personally put in a lot of thought into children's books because Franxx actually made it a key point of focus. To me, I think of them as a simple way for a parent to communicate to their child in a way that the child can understand it. Whether its history or a life lesson.
What exactly got you interested into that path in the first place? If it is too personal, you don't have to comment.

>> No.17913209

>>I wouldn't want my kid to read some random shit but I'm not a parent so what do I know
How is this even complicated? Supervise them. Child neglect is a huge issue that allows the tech kikes to "teach" your kids. I feel disgusted that I have to tell you this.

>> No.17913223

sub zero reading comp from the delusional schizo
try again retard

>> No.17913235

Every time you respond, he wins. Stop responding.

>> No.17913251

can't believe I got baited by a namefag
I apologize for my weakness

>> No.17913279

We all make mistakes, fren.

>> No.17913437

Honestly, I am just confused.
>personally, I wouldn't want my kid to read some random shit but I'm not a parent so what do I know
Nothing in this line says anything about looking into the material or anything. To be fair, I am probably overreacting. It's just normal to see parents raise their kids with a goddamn ipad. There is little to no faith in humanity for me.
I don't give a shit about your stupid (you). In fact I want to bop your fucking head off so you can never give me another pointless (you). I only care about fairytales right now. I would've asked the guy, but I am certain you people scared him off with some "weirdo" claims. I am exclusively looking into a telling a tale of a tragic prince.

>> No.17913446
File: 117 KB, 600x450, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think it was possible for these threads to get any worse, but you manage to prove me wrong with every iteration. This is getting too disgusting even for shitposting and I'm out of here. Holy fuck you suck

>> No.17913453

Is it possible it's just one person with a grudge?

>> No.17913458

My MC is turning out to be Katniss fucking Everdeen. How do I create scenarios to challenge him, but not destroy him?

>> No.17913461

dont bite the bait...
dont bite the bait...

>> No.17913477

Characters serve the narrative and the narrative serves the themes
If you don't have a reason for your characters to exist of course they'll end up resembling soulless memes

>> No.17913489

>punished anime schizo takes up a trip and roleplays an illiterate, tanking the threads quality
>all to get vengeance on the weebs
not a bad character arc
shame that it's above /wg/'s writing capabilities

>> No.17913492

is it even legally posssible to start a sentence with "the fact that" anymore. kind of want to do it in a cheeky way

>> No.17913499

Right here it is, what I have done so far
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Word of advice though, its in Spanish so sorry for the one who only know English

>> No.17913504

It's Shakespearean.

>> No.17913565

Following this anon
We have three themes. man versus man. man vs nature. man vs society. All of these must be carried by ideas and ideology.
My favorite example the final boss of metalgear rising, Armstrong. The starts off with a man vs society conflict. After the mecha is taken, the fight evolves to man vs man as Armstrong reveals his true straight and his true intentions. Finally, the climax becomes a battle to the death between two similar men to decide the fate of society.
The digest anon is probably a troll. Something about him feels inorganic to me. Unless you have any bright ideas about what he is doing, don't (you) me.

>> No.17913601

holy fuck
this has to be punished anime schizo
this caricature of a cross boarder who doesn't read is too perfect
only someone who reads could know how to depict such a grating illiterate

>> No.17913640

Or I am tired as shit. I just can't stop hopping on text with my overly fried brain.

>> No.17913694

Ignore namefags grade school level advice
Themes are whatever you want them to be, don't use a stupid cookie cutter mold
Just make sure they exist, are incorporated and are conveyed

>> No.17913699

Wish you would have opened with the Spanish bit

>> No.17913713

So do I, but better late than never

>> No.17913717

I literally can’t stop recommending the Story Genius book. It’s really worth it to wrap your head around this concept of turning your MCs into fully fleshed out characters and not just soulless mannequins serving the plot.

>> No.17913733 [DELETED] 

Hey wazzup my bros, this thread is totally lit! xD(Smiley face, tears in pinched laughing eyes, and holding up an okay sign with gloved hand)!!!

YOOOO wazzup peeps, my dudes and dudettes, guess who just published a new chapter in the super cool, you really want to read and review, publication of awesomeness, that is totes availiable for free on fictionpress, so you can read! For everyone to read YES!

I mean, you're so cool and mysterious, like a sexy witch or darklord. You should like totally read and review my books and stuff! You're such a complicated person, so smart and well-read!

Just do it. Oh! It will be such an honour for me, you know, it is a HUGE honor for me to have YOUR REVIEW!!!! on my bookzies. bruh.


I am currently writing the sequal on my first book ever yo. I'm pretty stoked about it soon being finished.

OH! you know what you should do!? You should like totally read my new chapter and shiet! Chapter 20 is called VAPORWAVE MALL? Yeah, you into that shit? That sum of that good good!

Here, have my poem:

Colorful clothes in pink and teal
Sun in the sky shining bold
At night neon lights up the Ferris-wheel
Such were the seasons of gold

As the sea mirrors moon from above
By the beach the campfire dances
There on the beach we first made love
City noise said we took our chances

Dead are the malls we used to enter
The Ferris-wheel removed from it's coast
Yet I am still around to remember
Golden seasons of pink and teal clothes
OOOOH you can't brushie the dog against it hairs!

>> No.17913740

We get it, you wrote the book. Stop lying about its contents. Shill it on reddit, you'll get more sales.

>> No.17913764

I never told him to restrict his themes. I told him about basic obstacles characters face theme-wise. Trying to undermine the basics of conflict is a horrible ass idea. You don't separate the theme with its symbol.

>> No.17913797

Here is the problem: a woman wrote it. Women can't stop shilling for themselves until they go back to the kitchen.

>> No.17913858

I second the Story Genius rec. There's one guy here who gets buttblasted by it every time it comes up, but the PDF is very easy to find for free and I think that almost everyone will get something useful out of reading it.

>> No.17913889

i actually like the poem and your dubs but the satirical rambling in valley girl i skipped, tad excessive.

>> No.17913906

You don’t have to buy it, it’s pretty easy to find for free boi

>> No.17913961
File: 101 KB, 600x600, 1524337833828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost everyone will get something useful out of reading it
t. has never read it
All it is is run on sentences about the most basic fucking writing advice you can get anywhere online, with a sprinkling of popsci "brain science" in a few spots to justify the title. If you aren't totally braindead and have sought any kind of other writing advice the book is useless.
>dude like you have to like make a character have more than one like quality dude
Woah wow such good advice I never would have thought of on my own.
>bro if you set something up to look one way then subvert it readers like that because it means your story is unpredictable just like real life
>Man have you ever thought that, like, your characters are people in their own universe and have their own beliefs and stuff just like real people and those can be used to make them seem more real
You are blowing my FUCKING mind man.
>Hey, you should make a plot outline but not one that's too rigid because writing is inherent a flexible and dynamic art
Please master, allow me to kiss your feet.
Anyone recommending this book as writing advice should seriously consider never putting pen to paper again.
>Dude shit is free that means you should eat it

>> No.17914019

Ah yeah you're the buttblasted guy I meant, you always reply to posts like this and I never read your posts. You toad. Give me another (You).

>> No.17914036

Not gonna reply to that post okay

>> No.17914047

Samefag and you got blown the fuck out like 2 months ago over this same topic. If you're going to shill your shit book at least post your tits.

>> No.17914052

why is there anime in the op >:(

>> No.17914079

>you got blown the fuck out
Do you mean the time nobody but you replied to either of our posts and you decided that you won because I didn't want to talk to you? We're not the same poster, either. Shut the fuck up. You're a toad. You're a fucking toad. I spit on you. PTOO. Toad.

>> No.17914098

No I mean the time where an autist who wasn't me spent almost 200 posts cornering you to the point that every single retarded thing you said was already addressed and countered by him then everyone left in the thread (which was at 300 replies by that time) laughed at you and agreed you got wrecked. You are that same poster and I know it because your writing style is the same and you're the only one retarded enough to shill such a shit book. Coincidentally your writing style is also similar to the author of Story Genius.

>> No.17914104
File: 113 KB, 1600x900, 6MRLFZQJGFEBPFQVBCXVAAU3BA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17914108

Is that supposed to be some kind of insult, cunt?

>> No.17914161

>It’s really worth it to wrap your head around this concept of turning your MCs into fully fleshed out characters and not just soulless mannequins serving the plot.
Isn't this just common sense? Or at least quite common advice and doesn't warrant an entire book to 'wrap your head around' it.

>> No.17914190

Writing is just putting words on a page it's easy bro haven't you ever read a book? Just do that lmao Just Write

>> No.17914202

Your utter inability to justify exactly why, using examples, your book is so good for "almost everyone" is the exact reason you're being called a shill.

>> No.17914238

Good job at refuting that point. No opinion on the book, haven't read it, but if you need to be told to flesh out your characters then you're an idiot.

>> No.17914271

Why would you keep replying to him

>> No.17914301

>don't reply to namefag
>don't reply to anime poster
>don't reply to anti anime schizo
>don't reply to pro book poster
>don't reply to anti book poster
Yes, why don't we all just ignore each other forever

>> No.17914314
File: 92 KB, 926x773, ky8cw8yv-1358308030[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17914381

Based seethpost

I was just about to find the pdf but now I wont

>> No.17914498

I assume that because nobody commented on it that nobody here knows a dime on Spanish or you just dont like it

>> No.17914519

No hablo espanol esse, sorry

>> No.17914551

Its quite alright

>> No.17914584

I'm about to submit my query letter for a fantasy novel. Any advice before go ahead with it?

>> No.17914605

tfw mind is focused on a different part of the writing process than the one i'm actually engaged in

>> No.17914611

Nothing that you don't already know, but make sure you have an actual world built in the novel I suppose, since fantasy novels have a fair bit of worldbuilding required to be good

>> No.17914699

seems a little late for that kind of advice if he's about to query it

>> No.17914726

I'm tired of worldbuilding autism. I just made sure to cover enough bases to shoo away the pseuds.
It's never too late. I won't send out a half assed product.

>> No.17914727

>make sure your book doesn't suck
seems obvious, but some people need that kind of advice

>> No.17914737

Stop posting in these threads.

It's a good idea to refer to other novels released recently that are similar in some way to yours which have realistically attainable sales numbers. Definitely don't tell agents you've written the next ASOIAF, but don't tell them you've written the next The Hobbit, either. Find some novels from the last few years which did moderately well (looking at the winners/honoraries of awards is a good way to do this) and mention the ones that are in-line with what you've written. (You don't have to be an expert on those books, but at least skim them to be sure you're not talking out your ass based on the synopsis.)

>> No.17914811

>other novels released recently that are similar in some way to yours
I'm having a hard time finding anything similar enough. The next closest thing is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but telling my potential agents that is a quick way to get rejected.

>> No.17914818

>fantasy novels have a fair bit of worldbuilding required to be good

>> No.17914856

Describe it maybe as being like one of Sanderson's books but with more comedy? I don't know. Scroll through https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Fantasy_Award%E2%80%94Novel and pick whatever sounds closest.

>> No.17914873

I'll go with this, then.

>> No.17914956

Im looking to get into writing and appreciating more pulp fiction. Sci-Fi & Fantasy. Where do I go, what do I read first? I read a lot of Conan, Elric and Leiber.

I like the simplicity and have evolved past the need for recognition and fear of lowbrow.

>> No.17914984

Just write

>> No.17915004
File: 679 KB, 2010x3279, GZKFP7Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the same justpaste short story I posted a week ago or so, just now on royalroad for posterity. It's about 6k words, supernatural urban fantasy.

>Since 2013, an ever-increasing trend of bizarre deaths rocks the nation. None can be linked to each other, and almost all are natural or accidental causes. In Jeon city and its Donkas ward, life is the same as always for insurance workers Akane Wakabayashl and her best-friend Ken Komura. They are content with their ever-increasing workloads and wellbeing—except for the ever-irritating fatigue from the Jeon Crisis media coverage.

>On a particularly it-rains-it-pours day in June 2016, Ken is absent from work, and Akane returns home, drenched, miserably with a head-splitting migraine. Little does Akane know, however, that this it-rains-it-pours day will be like none other.

Give it a read and critique if you want.

>> No.17915019

At least the anime fags actually write

>> No.17915026
File: 56 KB, 500x800, ErasedCover500x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 22 released.

>> No.17915210

“Hush, darling,” said the skeletal blood-drinker who Charlotte called Mother. “It will all be over soon.” Mother sank her teeth into her own wrist, drawing luminescent blood like red wine caught in the sun. If this caused her pain she didn’t show it. “Feed,” she said, squatting low and bringing her bloody wrist with the punctured holes to Charlotte’s mouth.

Charlotte must have understood what she was meant to do. She brought her lips to the Mother’s wrist and began drinking. At first she drank timidly, but soon she drank as much as she could. This wasn’t the first time Chloe had watched Charlotte gorge herself. Over many dinners she had to pretend as if Charlotte glutting herself at the dinner table wasn’t revolting.

In just under a minute Mother pulled her arm away from Charlotte with some difficulty.

Chloe was not prepared for what came next. Before her eyes Charlotte transformed, wriggling and convulsing like a fat bug, her body squeezing in on itself like a grape fit to burst. She began vomiting a disgusting milk-white bile all over the storage hut floor. There was far more of the bile than blood. There seemed to be no end to it. The more Charlotte vomited, the thinner she got, and the more her body tightened itself bit by bit.

“She’s becoming one of them!” said Wilford.

Chloe had almost forgotten he was still there trembling beside her. It was the first time she had seen his neatly combed moustache terribly unkempt.

Wilford was right. Charlotte ceased vomiting, and the floor could no longer be seen beneath the blood and bile. Chloe and Wilford’s clothes were wet with the lukewarm substances. When Charlotte stood to her full height she no longer seemed tired or in great pain but filled with joy.

A feeling of inadequacy struck Chloe then. She wasn’t ugly, but neither did she think of herself as beautiful. She never thought she would envy Charlotte for anything other than her money. But now Charlotte was beautiful; despite her filthy dress stained with bile and blood, her beauty and sexual allure was such that she made the outfit work in her favour. Her skin was pale like the other blood-drinkers’, and her hair was now golden and without grime, resting on her shoulders.

“I see why you don’t like to wear them,” said Charlotte, taking off her shoes which had barely held together. “Feels so constricting.” Her hands and feet had pointed nails like the others’, and her eyes, before hazel, were now the same large black marbles glistening in the dark. “Oh, Wilford. I bet you wish you could have me now!” said Charlotte.

>> No.17915238


>> No.17915244

-mazing grace, how sweet the sound

>> No.17915268

I don’t have trouble sleeping, but it always seems like I come up with my best writing right when I lie down to bed. Which is maddening, because I can’t think of anything to write when I have time during the day.

>> No.17915298

Disabled anon here. I'm having fun with my novel, but IRL is also effecting me so my progress is slow. But having a hour of writing is cheering me up.

There's a light novel author who writes a ton, but I'm nowhere near his level. Writing with a keyboard and cord attachment feels like I'm transcribing my novel ideas as directly as possible. Feels great.

On editing portion, but my first part is getting cracked open.

>> No.17915323

Write. Or have a loose outline. Then have fun.

>> No.17915483

>22 chapters and no review
>no rating even
This is because your synopsis is still shit. I can't believe you still haven't unfucked it. It's written like one of those vague Netflix blurbs.

>[PROTAGONIST] is a [ROLE/OCCUPATION], but one day, [INCITING INCIDENT] happens. [PROTAGONIST] has to set out on an adventure to [ACCOMPLISH GOAL]. However, he runs into trouble in the form of [OBSTACLES].
It's this simple. Don't try and be artsy. Just tell the reader what it's about.

Is "the Black Hand" a bounty hunter or some shit like that? Say it plainly.
>Macarthy is the Black Hand, an infamous [OCCUPATION].

Stop being vague with your inciting incident.
>One day, Macarthy's guild was broken up and sealed away. However, they have another chance at victory. They are planning to steal from [whatever].

Last paragraph is better but just state plainly that the MC is a girl now. Readers are just going to skim over it and not realize what they read.

>> No.17915591

I agree with this anon. I read the synopsis and still had no clue what this was about, so I didn’t bother reading any of it.

>> No.17915637

Yeah basically this. I might read it later but what the absolute shit is it even about?

>> No.17915827

Okay, thank you.
As far as what Black Hand is its his Thieves Guild name, because essentially he has no qualms whatsoever killing people.
The problem I'm having is he only becomes the girl in chapter 11, which is pretty much the big plot point that I didn't really want to spoil but if I didn't tell people up front they'd justifiably rebel when they hit the chapter if they weren't ready for it.
I will definitely do a more serious rework on the blurb, and I guess spoilers be damned.

>> No.17915925

>bro if you set something up to look one way then subvert it readers like that because it means your story is unpredictable just like real life
This stings to me even though it's supposed to be a purposely comedic. I find it kinda creepy that subversion is a very common word to use on the subject of literature. A lot of our media is a residence for the most horrible and they love the very idea of subversion more than any other group. Just the word by itself carries tons of bad vibes that you can read on and on in Wikipedia. I wonder if we are supposed to accept the very idea of subversion in the public domain, calling it a norm.
That's not saying that the concept can't be used to make a story far more enjoying. Just be cautious whenever it's given as a piece of advice.
The solution seems obvious to me. Why don't you write the ideas during the night and explore them during the day? If you still struggle, look into the history or the use of those pieces of writing. It helped me a lot to consider how monarchal characters would behave like in many scenarios. On my most extreme case, it's about their sense of total brutal revenge.

>> No.17915985

>luminescent blood like red wine caught in the sun
I know you're trying to get some good imagery in, but I don't think red wine in the sun would be luminescent.
>but soon she drank as much as she could
Ordinarily I think simpler sentences are better, but since I would try and be a bit more descriptive here. Something like, "...but soon she was comfortable and drank voraciously." That's not perfect, but I think you need something a little more interesting than what you have now.
>convulsing like a fat bug
I might say something like, "convulsing like a fat bug on its back" and remove the grape analogy.
I would try and find another way of saying bile since you use it a few times in this passage.
>A feeling of inadequacy struck Chloe then...
This paragraph feels a little awkward. I would have Chloe thinking that she would never envy Charlotte's money first, then say that she didn't think she was ugly but thought Charlotte was beautiful now. "Made the outfit work in her favor," sounds a little too modern and out of place as well.
I had to write this on the fly, so let me know if any of it doesn't make sense.

>> No.17916000
File: 63 KB, 635x419, LastDrink_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has any suggestions for this action scene I'm writing, I'd appreciate hearing them.

>> No.17916015

For the type of story I'm writing I like to keep description to a minimum. Probably to my detriment. I don't think I would ever unironically use a word like 'voraciously'. If I did it would be comedically.

>> No.17916054

Okay I got through 3 chapters of this and I still have absolutely no fucking idea what's going on. You need a better summary or a proper intro. Ideally both.

>> No.17916094

It's honestly impressive how there can be so many words but so little context conveyed.

>> No.17916140

really, you don't know whats going on? Is it not clear that his goal is to sneak to the colosseum while under an illusion?
As far as the larger plot I can understand you not knowing, I don't make it explicitly clear they're on a space station until chapter 9 or 10, but the basic plot at your point should be crystal clear. I dunno, I guess I'm too close to it to not see the context, I'll reread and and see if there's anything I can do to make the basic gist more clear. Definitely appreciate you letting me know.

>> No.17916151

Any good tips on structuring? I have a million different ideas that I doubt I will finish all at once, but I still want to make significant progress, or at least know how to.

>> No.17916154

I've been in these threads before and I've seen it clearly explained to you that your prose is not clear. It is stream of consciousness that only you can understand. It needs so much work you might as well rewrite and learn how to rewrite clear and engaging prose.

>> No.17916197

oh its just a stylistic issue then. well, in that case, I've got 70 plus chapters already drafted, working on finishing up the last act. I'm still gaining readers as I release chapters, not lightning quick but definitely more each time. Its certainly not for everyone, neither the prose nor the story, and I'd never claim it was. So, in that case, I appreciate your feedback, but its probably just not for you. Which is fair enough.

>> No.17916266

I didn't really believe it could be that bad until I read this synopsis.
"Access revoked, paying the price for failure, but back in on a technicality. New face, new class, starting all over. At least a foot shorter and missing some important bits. Hopefully only a temporary situation, but the way things have been going? Not likely."
It's like I'm reading translated mumbles. If he is doing this, why doesn't he say that the dude becomes a girl strait up?
Consider your main ideas first, how much focus they should have. and when you introduce them.

>> No.17916290
File: 231 KB, 600x603, e09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its certainly not for everyone
>but its probably just not for you

>> No.17916314

I mean, you hate yourself... so that's a start.

>> No.17916319
File: 71 KB, 840x640, vermin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why doesn't he say that the dude becomes a girl strait up
if you don't understand
>At least a foot shorter and missing some important bits
means exactly that I'm not sure what to say

>> No.17916392

I perfectly understand what he means by that. It just when you combine the entire paragraph together, the prose becomes a hot mess of gargles.
He could've done this:
"Ending up in female form, the once well-respected assassin must start over her life from scratch. Hopefully this awful situation is temporary. Hopefully..."

>> No.17916399

Oh I see. Thank you. I'll do my best to improve my writing and make it clearer from now on.

>> No.17916406

I'm trying to write a short sitcom pilot script but I can't figure out specifically what the conflict is. The situation at play is the introduction of the sixth member of a typical Sitcom Six friend group. The character being introduced has a goal
>make a good first impression and hopefully new friends
and has a flaw

How do I find the individual cogs of my conflict clock?

>> No.17916435

I read that earlier you were not a fan of descriptions. Adjectives and nouns are incredibly useful for clarity. You should look into them more so people can quickly understand your characters and their roles.

>> No.17916462

Put him in a situation he isn't qualified to solve where his strengths are irrelevant. If he is a good fighter force him to mediate between diplomats, if he is good with words take his voice away, if he is a lady killer put him in a sausage fest, etc.

>> No.17916467

hey you're not me. maybe I should get a trip. oh wait, that sort of cancerous growth has no business being here
if you feel the need to hold your reader's hand and simultaneously drag their nose through the dirt because they can't understand context clues, you can write that way. be my guest

>> No.17916472

The original five friends know that the person is shy. They try to plan out the most effective schemes to get this person to be their sixth member. It ends up with them going on a war with eachother

>> No.17916529

>if you feel the need to hold your reader's hand and simultaneously drag their nose through the dirt because they can't understand context clues, you can write that way. be my guest
We tried to be nice and honest with you. Then, you proceed to shit on us and the audience for your goddamn ego. You either improve your story or ditch the general.

>> No.17916556

Having friends is a lie made up by advertisers to make you feel bad so you'll buy shit. Nobody over the age of 22 does that shit IRL, we hang out with our coworkers and neighbors but nobody seriously knows a bunch of random people with different jobs and personalities who go down to "the spot" to shoot the shit when they could be watching anime at home in their underwear. The only people I know IRL who have friends are immature retards who absolutely need to group together in order to process the basics of existence, like food and transportation.

You should have your shy character go up to a group at a bar to hopefully make friends, but everyone is absurdly hostile until one of the group points out they're coworkers and then gives the monologue above.

>> No.17916570

>if you feel the need to hold your reader's hand and simultaneously drag their nose through the dirt because they can't understand context clues, you can write that way. be my guest
And your readers have no obligation to follow you.

You're not writing literary fiction. You're writing pulp fantasy. About genderbending. On a site for mouthbreathing isekaifags. Know your goddamn audience.

>> No.17916599

>you proceed to shit on us
harden up
>you proceed to shit on the audience
no. this I vehemently disagree with. my contention is that I actually have more respect for my reader. if I felt the need to talk down to them because I don't think they can figure pretty obvious shit out, that would be a lack of respect. seriously tho, why you namefagging?
to the person who told me to rework the blurb, thank you again. I've never been happy with it, ever, hopefully its better now. more concise.

>> No.17916647

All we ask for for is clearer writing and less word mumbles. Just look at your text's most critical lines, emphasize them, and get rid of shit you don't need. I have went through the same issues as you before.

>> No.17916655

Thanks anon. I do take a lot of notes at night, but the big thing for me is that I have come up with certain ways of phrasing things I like when I’m in bed and if I don’t write them down then and there I’ll forget them. Think it’s just something I have to work through.
>I like to keep description to a minimum
I think I see what you mean anon. In that case, I’d suggest cutting back some of the analogies.

>> No.17916664

Great to hear anon, if you’re enjoying writing you’re doing better than me. Keep at it bro!

>> No.17916669

>if I felt the need to talk down to them because I don't think they can figure pretty obvious shit out, that would be a lack of respect.
I see what you're saying. Obviously a story doesn't need to spell out the fact that it's taking place on Earth. No one is saying it's impossible to figure out what you're saying because you don't supply enough information. We're saying you supply information in a way which takes more time for the reader and yourself than plainly stating it. Take for instance, I gathered from the title of chapter 1, and the general context of the scene, that the items being rattled in the cage were dice. But for a moment I was legit confused about what was spinning across the table. Followed by more confusion about how many people were sitting at the game and which one was saying what. And then I was confused about the mug shattering. Which table did it happen at? Was it something to do with the main characters or just an attempt to create ambiance?

This type of writing can be valid if there's a payoff to resolving the reader's confusion. But if that payoff consists of nothing more than a complete picture of an otherwise mundane scene, then it's just annoying.

>> No.17916681

>but the big thing for me is that I have come up with certain ways of phrasing things I like when I’m in bed and if I don’t write them down then and there I’ll forget them.
That's typical short-term memory loss. You will have the phrase for about 20 to 30 seconds, so you have to quickly write it down when they do pop up.

>> No.17916696

Who /Jarte/ here?

>> No.17916711

>But for a moment I was legit confused about what was spinning across the table
good. it was a double entendre
>the mug shattering
ambiance, setting the scene. shitty dive bar with ruffians
>which table
irrelevant, but I see what you're saying
I'll revisit with your comments in mind

>> No.17916735

>I'll revisit with your comments in mind
Didn't you already post this as a finished product somewhere?

>> No.17916740

Should we relook into fixing your first chapter? It could be very helpful as a practice and a guide for a clearer writing style.

>> No.17916776

royal road, as far as I'm concerned, is in large part betareading. plan is to release chapters at weekly basis to make sure everything is edited, grow a reader base. work on the sequel in the meantime, then throw it on amazon for like 3 dollars. I didn't write this book to make money, I wrote it to entertain myself. If I make anything at all I'll consider that a success. In the meantime the goal is getting more readers, and they're coming in.

>> No.17916935

Do you guys think it's correct to say that everyone who habitually reads wants to write?

I'm thinking back over my life, all the way back to elementary, and I don't think I've ever really been a "pure" reader. This is going to be a bit of a blog, but roll with me here because I think it'll lead to something interesting. In elementary school I was trying to write stories based on the standard Scholastic Bookmobile stuff we all read. In middle school I read maddox and tried to write like maddox. In high school I got my first introduction to serious literature and made my first attempts to write serious literature, and in college I discovered genre fiction like Crichton and tried to write genre fiction. Same thing in adult life, read an author, try to be an author. Somewhere around 26 years old I finally committed myself to writing a novel, at which point my reading began to become more serious and purposeful. I was essentially critiquing everything I read attempting to see what I could learn from it. I don't usually do this with movies or anything, like I don't watch Drive and try to act like the Driver, although I do sometimes copy fashions, etc. etc.

Basically, what I'm saying is, I don't think I've ever read anything purely for enjoyment. Every book I've read has made me want to be a writer, and books I really enjoyed made me want to imitate them specifically. But I don't think I can remember ever reading anything since I was 9 years old and just purely enjoying it. Am I unique, or is this something every reader does? Or does their desire to imitate take on the form of real life action, like I read the Great Gatsby and wanted to write something similar, does a normie read the Great Gatsby and want to have swing dance parties?

Sometimes I get the feeling all creative endeavors are just incestous pyramid schemes, like the only reason people buy books is to support the book industry, because they someday hope to support themselves by writing books.

>> No.17917055

>accidentally make two characters that fit the same role of the ideologically devoted soldier
>they are both knight-like though in different ways
>they serve different, opposing leaders inside the same faction and both die fighting an insurmountable threat at different points of the story
>they also both have a close mentor-like relationship with the protagonist and are the most reliable member of their respective teams
Is this fine? Would that be repetitive?
They don't act alike at all by the way.

>> No.17917069

aesthetics fag
what the fuck does it even mean to be a writer. its just communication
you have self identity issues. many do

>> No.17917080
File: 406 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.32_[2018.01.16_20.10.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A. LaCroix's blurb is STILL a muddled, ambiguous mess
Dude, you just can't seem to learn what we're trying to tell you. We've tried telling you how to fix it 100 times by now and you still make the same mistakes each time. Erase the entire fucking thing and follow along with some blurb template that you can probably find online.

>> No.17917197

really? still? I'm, I don't know.
I set up who the main character is.
>Macarthy, the Black Hand. Thief. Infamous and hated.
I say what the goal of the night is.
>Tonight's plan: steal the grand prize. For revenge, first and foremost, payback for shutting everything down and sealing up the guild. And, of course, a way distant second, for the money.
I make it clear it fails.
>The only problem? Even the the best laid plans tend to go awry.
All that seems super fucking clear.

Is it the next section? Like, I don't know what to say. I really don't. Seems very clear and I hope that royal road readers can figure out what's going on especially given the tags.
>Access revoked, but back in. New face, new class, starting all over. At least a foot shorter and missing some important bits. Hopefully only a temporary situation, but the way things have been going? Not likely.
Do I really have to say something like:
>Banned for being a bad boy but now back in as a cute little girl. Casting magic and shit. Cool adventures bing bing wahoo.
Because seriously fuck that. I don't fucking know.

>> No.17917259

If they are still distinct characters, having similar fates isn't the end of the world.

>> No.17917308


Why am I so insecure?

>> No.17917324

Because you care and have a healthy sense of inner criticism. Insecurity is a natural feeling but you shouldn't let it lead the way. Insecurity is something you should be critical of and treat as a broken clock. Sometimes right but generally wrong.

>> No.17917439

>what the fuck does it even mean to be a writer.
I guess the question I'm really asking here is more about the relationship between production and consumption in regards to creative activity. Writing is an integral part of life: if you put a bit of thought in how best to say something before you speak, you are, in my mind, "writing."

When I read, I am consuming a book critically, as part of my overall writing process. Even when I wasn't as focused on writing, this still occurred naturally to me. When I first read East of Eden, I felt compelled to write the story of my own family (actually eerily similar to Steinbeck's novel). I enjoyed the book as a reader, but it was not a pure process of enjoyment. It was partly study. This feeling applies to everything I consume: tv, movies, video games, even historical records are all potential sources of material and I look at them that way. And seeing all these royalroad posts got me thinking: who reads this stuff? Most of it isn't very good, and there's a functionally unlimited supply of cheap/free quality literature on the internet. They could be reading anything, but they're reading poorly composed stories on royalroad. At least, most of what gets posted in these threads is of pretty poor quality. So why do they choose this stuff when they could be reading something with similar characters, settings, and themes, but written by a competent author and refined with the resources of a publishing house. I kind of have to assume it's other aspiring writers who feel obligated to support royalroad because they hope to make a living/gain an audience from it one day.

Every second someone spends reading my work is a second they're not spending on your work. We are in competition, regardless of whether we're aiming for profit or prestige or some other motivation. So if my theory about RR readers is correct, we have this sort of unstable pyramid scheme. Someone will have to give views without getting them, thusly meaning they're left out. I don't want this to be true. I want to know if there are people out there who can and do read purely for enjoyment.

Perhaps a writer's group isn't the best place to ask this question.

>> No.17917451

Some people really do just enjoy reading but if you are a writer there is no off switch for it. I see everything around me as material for drawing. I don't use most of it, but when I look at a body I don't just see a body. My mind's eye is butchering it for the rich taste of understanding. This extends to other things like taking note of the simpler geometries used to create buildings or objects.

>> No.17917468

>consumes media through the lens of ones ego as a creator
ngmi and soulless
unless you can address the fundamental themes and ideas you're cursed to being derivative
most people can access different modes of thought, it's very strange that you are locked into one. what your doing is good practice though, if narcissistic

most people don't hold your bizarre self oriented views on reading

>> No.17917495

>Macarthy, the Black Hand. Thief. Infamous and hated.
Macarthy is the land's most infamous thief, the Black Hand.
>Tonight's plan: steal the grand prize. For revenge, first and foremost, payback for shutting everything down and sealing up the guild. And, of course, a way distant second, for the money.
In his latest mission, the great thief sought the Grand Prize of the Kingdom's colosseum for more reasons than profit. Marcarthy wanted to bring shame on the royals for taking away his treacherous way of life.
>The only problem? Even the the best laid plans tend to go awry.
In the night of his personal mission to steal the prize, the unexpected happened. He completely lost everything and his masculinity.
Macarthy now has to start over life from scratch as a surprisingly adorable girl.

>> No.17917559

I guess I could say the opposite for myself: I can certainly enjoy a good drawing simply for the feeling it provokes in me. I don't want to understand it's qualities to better improve my own artistic creations. So I guess that answers my question. Some people look at books the same way I look at drawings.

>> No.17917636

I like it. I really do. That sounds like a cool story.
The problem is the plot of my book isn't even remotely that. They've been shipped out to the ass end of nowhere and they're working on what's essentially a terraforming mission. Don't use the word terraforming in there, they're not from Earth necessarily. The problem is the 2nd expedition going out was allegedly killed en route. The guy gets put in what had been a 12 year old girl, now 8 years later a 20 year old girl. He comes in and the hands on his nails are all cracked and his hair is this super long tangled mass and he's completely emaciated. Turns out she was from the 2nd expedition. It arrived, and everyone was killed there. The world they're in has a 5 day work week. 2 days working in what's basically hell, and 3 days off inside the grid. The whole thing changed to a mining operation and they're sending out the new recruits basically lying to them, its a 6 month one way trip out there. And they get there and its nothing like they've been told. So you're trying to figure out who the girl is and what exactly happened to make them get killed, not the fakeout intro, except basically everything in the introductory 9 chapters is very relevant to the plot.
But I obviously don't want to spoil that on the site.

>> No.17917657

Just when the general was winning the war against one autist, another one comes in and ruins the effort. I just want to write my stories and come here to get critiqued but all I see is anime nerds shilling their erotica and RR accounts. I think I'm done with this general, anyone have any recommendations on where I could go to get quality feedback on my stories? I don't want to read your fantasy story that's "anime inspired" I want to read real literature and I want others to help me write real literature. Is that so much to ask for?

>> No.17917713

Florida anon here. I still regularly post critiques and analysis which have to be edited down to fit the character limit. I was in the first thread and I will be in the last.

Keep the faith, anon. You are not alone. You were never alone.

>> No.17917891

There's Reddit and some botnets, so be careful what you ask for. Somehow, for some reason or another this is the only unique place on 4chan that has a general/thread for writing purposes... other than the thread on /tg/ for tabletop sessions.

>> No.17917932

Oddly enough, I really don't like anime. Full sexuality, no real family bonds, and overly flashy images to cover up its soulless core. Please don't get me started on their messy "plots".
>I want to read real literature and I want others to help me write real literature. Is that so much to ask for?
You need to describe what real literature is supposed to be first. Otherwise, it's just a vague description with no real meaning to attach it.

>> No.17917939

Writing communities are for amateurs. If you're writing real literature the work of any of your contemporaries should disgust you. Great writers all think all other writers are fucking pests. The creation of great literature is a solitary task.

>> No.17918008

Made an edit, I'll post it in a second.

>> No.17918023

Shockwaves violently shook Gunther’s bus, and seconds later, a loud blast nearly deafened everyone inside it. The bridge they were driving over rocked, and a girder - second on the left - snapped and nearly hit the driver’s window.

The bus rocketed forward: Gunther was pulled up against his seat.

The old woman sitting in front of Gunther whispered prayers under her trembling breath. A young mother on the other side of the bus coddled her baby who already looked a lot calmer than her.

Gunther looked up towards the storming skies. Dark clouds swirled above his head. A dreary atmosphere had followed him from the dilapidated walls of his old home to the dull skies of his new one.

Lightning stuck, blinding a forlorn Gunther, whose eyes were still turned towards the clouds. He rubbed them, grumbled, and turned ahead as he entered the city.

Shortly after crossing the bridge, Gunther’s bus came to a halt. He leaned forward to look through the windows, as passengers behind him yelled several different obscenities in unison. One man in the back huffed loud enough for all the passengers to hear, declared his intentions of insurrection to his uninterested lady friend, then swaggered down to the driver’s seat. Gunther and the others watched him deflate in a conversation with an undisturbed bus driver, and then followed his walk of shame to a miffed woman he’d failed to impress.

The bus remained in place for several minutes. Then, the doors opened. Gunther’s eyes darted, his heart pounded as he sank into the firm cushions of his seat.

“We’re under attack.” A voice declared. It echoed through the bus which had fallen silent immediately after it spoke.

A soldier entered the vehicle. Gunther watched two of his colleagues approach the front seats with warm blankets and sustenance. He sensed desperation rising in the seats around him, and a crowd soon stood up to welcome the new guests; Gunther quietly shuffled between the walls of the bus and the backs of the crowd, avoiding the watchful eyes of the trained men.

>> No.17918031

It's still not perfect, but I changed a lot of shit based on what anons here recommended. Their advice was pretty helpful. Personally, I feel like this is a big improvement, and I was hoping anons could tell me where to go next.

Is this better? Is it still bad? Is it good? Any recommendations for books that might help me? I'm going to read through Art of Fiction this weekend, hopefully I can write better after that.

>> No.17918035

>The creation of great literature is a solitary task.
Is that even true or is this merely another lie to keep us separated? Just like many individuality principals? I have seen those stupid anti-group tricks working for so long that I feel the urge to kill.
Seriously, stop falling for more separatist bullshit.

>> No.17918099
File: 730 KB, 916x2532, moreanimeshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally managed to flesh out a story for a hero's journey that I liked. It's cheesy, but damn do I like it.

A boy sets out on a journey with his father to protect the world. He'll gather powers and experience new cultures. Along the way, he'll discover why there are so few of his kind left, and why he was raised away from the common people. A decade and a half of isolation has given him a different worldview, and he's not prepared for it.

>> No.17918201
File: 195 KB, 565x600, this fucking cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stories which portray immortality, actual immortality, usually focus on the concept of it being a curse that slowly drives men insane, as the centuries pass and the mind become ever more used to experiencing all that there is to experience, I want to ask however, what would happen if it didn't? What would happen if a person became, at the moment of ascension a snapshot of their personality, unable to progress or regress, experiencing the same level of excitement as they were capable on that very moment, forever? My plan is to make that a weakness as well, as they are unable to learn with new experiences, but what are some possible consequences of this differentiation that I might haven't foreseen yet?

Also does anyone knows how the eastern tradition deals with the concept of immortality? Did older western stories also play this theme of eternal life slowly driving a man insane?

>> No.17918256
File: 59 KB, 355x355, the shining dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes I also forgot, what happens if a lighting hits someone that's in midair? Usually lighting goes from the air into the ground, so it merely curses through someone's body and that's enough to kill them, but what happens if all the energy remains in a body and doesn't move?

>> No.17918308

A social group must exist before a gf. When I had a strong social group a gf simply appeared to me without any effort. Without a social group I have to try much harder and I get poorer results. I’m going to refocus and get a solid social group going again. I know It’s a question endlessly repeated here (How do I make friends?) but any advice anons? It’s hard to meet people from scratch.

>> No.17918320

I think the only interesting twist to it would be if the brain never registered immortality and at a certain point forgot the memories of something so far in the past. Like, 200 years ago he loved cocaine but forgot until he rediscovered it. He doesn’t remember his family, but he has current friends. His original name turns to a nickname that turns to another nickname to where he forgot what his original title was. Then the plot would revolve around some through line that he always did remember.

>> No.17918325

There are tons of potential with this concept:
> A never ending sense of naivety that is too abusable, resulting in a man that can cause damage to all of humanity if a Jew gets to him.
> A man stuck on a rage, becoming a walking hazard to everyone around him.
>Humans that are either very robotic (robocop) or in-bound to nature (Adam and Eve) with no in-between.
They are essentially immortal creatures beyond a human's scope.

>> No.17918327
File: 96 KB, 598x343, nonsense redo it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17918342

Then that would just be reincarnation. Have you ever dealt with a person that simply does not learn with his mistakes? Yeah I was thinking about something like that. A static image of what a person is at that moment in time.
Indeed, that's the idea, with the caveat that in my story immortality is hard earned, a gift from the gods so to speak, so much like you can make an AI that has vary minute variations on it's personality and choice taking patterns, said patterns do not change. Liked half burnt chocolate cake a million years ago, still does now. Knew how to trust, but verify a million years ago, still does now. DIDN'T knew to not shit where you eat a million years ago, doesn't now. That means I can give them fairly complex personalities and also give big time spans without worrying that they should change on that time. I guess they actually would resemble the classic polytheistic gods a lot.

I still need to do research on the eastern view on this and on this >>17918256 issue.

>> No.17918379
File: 860 KB, 1024x868, 7a28b61439a22ebdf0c6c9b1513e2cf164f09946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote something for the first time in years that wasn't rambling in my diary. It's about a streamer continually traumatizing herself for her audience.

I'm ESL, the shooting it's referencing is old news at this point. It clocks at about 900 words. My biggest worry right now is getting tenses wrong or turning the story into an incomrehensible order.
I'd appreciate it if someone could have a look and tell their thoughts.

>> No.17918395


>> No.17918403
File: 123 KB, 750x1150, f131f7336ba1c0b86003300f5f74cf03dbebcac0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best critique I got so far, believe it or not.

>> No.17918413
File: 105 KB, 700x811, Lichtenberg Figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had the fortune to observe this effect (accidentally and at work). Electricity always seeks a ground, and if it can't find one then it heats up whatever it's touching. This is how induction stovetops and wireless chargers work on a basic level. Batteries have chemicals that allow storage of electricity.

Your hypothesis of lightning passing through a person in midair is no different from a person getting struck on the ground. The electricity will blast the shit out of the person and continue on its way to a ground.

Pic is the Lichtenberg Figure, the same figure lightning makes in the air. Here's a nice video on electrical induction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i2OVqWo9s0

>> No.17918437

I played around with immortality that has this old man in a young body mentality. The idea was something I was forced to do to justify the man's existence within my story, Papa.
Normally, those kinds of characters are usually evil Jews or people who have gone insane from immortality. With him, he's just a lovely white man with understandable insecurities about his overly young appearance and suffers from loneliness. He'll sing as he plants his garden for all of the people he lost. When you meet him, you feel bits of his love pouring over your soul. Something you can only encounter with the most wonderful of whites.
Then, he has this horrifying side to him. The pushed genocide of his race, his losses in the people he could've saved, and the future taken away from him had created an endless pile of rage. You can look at the justified man with absolute fear your eyes. A man of miracles shows his endless pursuit of enforcing God's very wrath. He'll play with economics, war, and the fate of all beings in this pursuit.
This remade character personally scares me far more than any of my monstrous creations. He scares me more than any immortal creatures. Perhaps it's because his humanity is beyond our own. We want to be like him, despite whether or not he is immortal, yet we fear to ever carry the burdens of responsibility from this white man. If you are his victim, you likely deserve the horrible fate he choses for you.

>> No.17918448

>This. That. This. Then. That. This.
Nigga let your work flow. Damn...

>> No.17918456

So basically, if it someone and it couldn't go to the ground it would fry the person? Ouch, gotcha.
That's an interesting description. I'll stay away from real politics in my works though, at least overtly so.

>> No.17918479

There are a couple sentences that are a bit awkward, and sorry I’m on my phone so quotes may be imperfect:

Drop the though from the third sentence, don’t need it.
>“Cartwheeled through the air”
Sounds nuts assuming these guys are both human. Instead of cartwheeling think you can just combine that sentence with the next one and just have him fall directly onto his back sans cartwheel.

>“Land, solidly”
think there’s a verb out there you could use that won’t require the adverb, liked “slammed onto the ground in a puff of dust” or something

>“Fired against Godwin’s control and sound of the blast was followed by an inhuman scream,”
This bit is also worded awkwardly. I don’t think “fired against control” is proper use of the phrase would be “fired out of his control” or “fired beyond his control” or something like that. Would still be an awkward sentence. Additionally, and I’ll be honest I don’t know much about guns, but I don’t think a pistol could blow the face off a mule to the extent it severs a skull in half...

>”The outlaw had started out of the grave [...] one good leg”
Awkward, wordy, maybe drop the bit where you mention the outlaws one boot out

>“He did not see Caelan rise from the grave as quickly as he had been kicked and in [...] raised the shovel”
Shorten this sentence. You can literally just have him leap from the grave or something.

>“A piercing whiteness [...] and he lost track of where he was”
if your man is getting impaled with a shovel blade first, he’s fucking dead. Maybe that’s what your description is intending, like, “hey this is death” but I’m reading it like, “this guy should be fucking dead what’s this about bells and vibrations.” At least drop that final but where he “loses track of where he was” clunky, unnecessary, your man is dead.

>> No.17918489
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How'd I best go about improving?

>> No.17918505

Okay he's an accomplished fighter type in the middle of a war. Dont ask how it ended up this way, it's a sequel. What can I do to challenge him?

>> No.17918518

>That's an interesting description. I'll stay away from real politics in my works though, at least overtly so.
For me, I can't. Papa is the symbol of humanity and he puts his faith in the will of complete truth. A Christian man like him will not stand for the world we have today. It's how he even becomes the ruler of humanity in this redone story, destroying the satanic and fake world we live in. It also makes him similar to what he considers to be his enemy, 001, when both of their races were threatened with subversive genocide.

>> No.17918527

>namefag adds no level non-reader comments to discussion
>elbows his way into any point with blogs about his own fiction
actually go to discord
90% of writing discords are this exact same self absorbed behavior, you'd be at home

>> No.17918532

Read more
A lot more

>> No.17918586

Read more of what? You need to give people specific sources to truly help them. We don't know what the hell they are reading.
Stop advertising your cancerous pedo apps.

>> No.17918588

Yeah, pretty much. Except people aren't a good electrical conductor. That's why we use metal, and it's also why it takes a long while for a person to die from electrical execution. I think there's stories of electrocuted humans smelling like pork, which is apparently what we smell like when we get toasted.

>> No.17918602

Books you dumb fucking namefag
Of all writers of all backgrounds. You don't grow perspective and ability by mindlessly repeating the same shit repeatedly
Why on fucking earth are you on /lit/ if you don't read

>> No.17918607

Stop responding to the attentionwhore.

>> No.17918612

During the film of Passion of Christ, Mel Gibson was struck by lighting while he was on the cross. The man didn't complain or scream about it at all.

>> No.17918620

Will do anon but I'll continue writing too alongside. I read a lot but only little in english.

Instead of criticizing the other guy for actually trying to help me out do it better and give me your own advice, shithead.

>> No.17918621

Oh yeah humans and pigs share a LOT of similarities when it comes to our physiology. There are even researches about using their organs as a scaffolding to rebuild ours.
Are there different intensities for lighting?

>> No.17918624

this, it'll exhaust itself. use that energy for writing/reading.

>> No.17918630

If you want to write in english you should also read in english
GL ESL anon. The fact that you keep writing even though it's kinda shit shows your gmi
Too many people think that they can improve without practice. You need to practice and immerse yourself to such a point that you grow bitter and hate it

>> No.17918680

Listen here, faggot. I read your vague ass bullshit. It's only composed of these five words:
>Read more
>A lot more
Your shitty advice is the same as "draw more". Draw more never improved my fucking art. It halted my ass so hard for years. I actually got shit down when I was told what I should draw.
You tell me I am stupid when I mentioned this incredibly important factor, "We don't know what the hell they are reading."
Just saying, "What about originality? Just read more books," is useless as hell.
Just get out of your ass and give the person good sources of literature to follow. They will naturally gain a more developed writing style by picking up good fundamentals.
I didn't want to be an angry dipshit, but you fucking made me to.

>> No.17918698

You go give that person "good sources of literature to follow" if it's so important to you

>> No.17918709

>doesn't believe in the effectiveness of study
>thinks that there is a magic path to progress
>the old greats read On Writing and woke up with a masterpiece
He doesn't read and has nothing to recc
Anyone who wants a secret ingredient to getting good doesn't know what hard work is. 3 years of symbol drawing once a week isn't practice

>> No.17918733

>Instead of criticizing the other guy for actually trying to help me out do it better and give me your own advice, shithead
If I wanted to be a shithead, I would've passed you random novels and pat myself on the back for being a good boy.
I love reading tons of stories and analyses. It doesn't mean I feel confident in criticizing you or giving you any advice. It's irresponsible for me to give you any specific advice, when there are clearly more experienced people on the board that read better books than me.
I want you to get better, but I can't help you in this moment. I will drag you down.
By the way, I am 100% allowed to criticize shitty teaching methods because I know they are 100% shitty teaching methods. There is a heavy difference in being a good teacher and a good writer. That person may be a good writer or even an excellent one, but be as helpful as a shitty teacher.

>> No.17918748

I've give critiques even though I'm not great at writing myself... somethings just sounds wack, and you know that after reading actual decent writing.

>> No.17918760

>Anyone who wants a secret ingredient to getting good doesn't know what hard work is. 3 years of symbol drawing once a week isn't practice
I know there isn't a secret ingredient. The "secret ingredient" in drawing is understanding anatomy properly with good references and study. It may not seem much, but that path will help you improve in drawing the fastest. If you know the best books to read or reference, you should keep them around in your study.

>> No.17918831

thread quality noticeably went down. we need more bakers to be on guard. please make threads.

>> No.17918835

Sorry, this is the namefag's blog now.

>> No.17918842

I want the namefag to die

>> No.17918843

That's fine, just understand your limits. Pushing misinformation is incredibly dangerous for all parties.

>> No.17918847

I blame the faggot and his shit story.

>> No.17918862

all it takes is one bad apple
shills and newfags can be bullied
but an attention thirsty schizo? all you can do is pray that they get bored of larping
nazi mods don't seem so bad these days

>> No.17918873

I want /crit/ back

>> No.17918888

I honestly blame the anti-anime fag.

>> No.17918892

>nazi mods don't seem so bad these days
Those that trade liberty for security shall deserve neither.

>> No.17919025


>> No.17919071

He means people who bake the breads.

>> No.17919161
File: 1.03 MB, 268x274, what 233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw learning there are actual animes about gay relationships
There's a what? Is this real? What?

>> No.17919179
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What year were you born in? It's been a thing for a long while now.

>> No.17919189

I know that anime rules this general but theres no reason to ask that here
Not unless you plan on writing an anime depicting bare back gaynal

>> No.17919205

I thought the japs hated gays

>> No.17919206
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What are they boys kissing? They allow that nowadats? Oh god I wish I were grew with that. I'm losing my fucking mind . Is it actually well animated?

>> No.17919207
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwGgfbQanb99mmxJxF2uw4wM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gundam IBO had a nice rather lowkey unrequited gay crush

>> No.17919219

>Gundam IBO had a nice rather lowkey unrequited gay crush
Sweetie, see gay men suffer isn't that uncommon, actually seeing them happy and together, not just as a prep for "gotcha made you care time to punch you in the gut and kill one of them", is what's rare, specially on japan. Or at least was, a few years... decade ago? Am I getting old?

>> No.17919246

HA didn't I say, >>17919179 the one on the bottom dies and the one on the top ends up in a straight relationship. Japan can't pull these bullshit shots on me anymore. Fuck you slant eye fucks.

>> No.17919301

Good poem

>> No.17919307

Kino report, even if you failed

>> No.17919321
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, AAAABRr7UOT9FhEyMb7vTjfMgva8auXoIYu6EKGeEHrFkfE3g_f2BQy_4peyXOuADOwMp2SDqu5s1G4Iv8C0JvQgKyd_CDI9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not worth watching. Poor writing led to it being mediocre. The worldbuilding is top notch, though. Yuri On Ice is well animated, but I've never watched it.

>> No.17919337

I guess this is as good of a time as any, HOW well accepted are gay characters nowadays? Can their orientation be an integral part of the plot, which isn't about sexuality and the struggles, and people would still read the story?

As I mentioned here >>17919219 >>17919246 what's the consensus on how stories usually just use those types of relationships as a prep for gut shots or to prop up a villain weirdness?

>> No.17919386

Do you mean a gay MC who goes around like a normal person? I think we've just exited the phase where the MC is closet gay and it's normalcy now. It's common to see gay relationships in western novels nowadays, and it's not a central focus. Eastern literature, it's unpopular and the fans will riot if you think of daring to make your MC have a lasting homosexual romance.

>> No.17919410

Really? Even though the main countries in the east are so accepting?

>> No.17919442

You can't really ask "HOW accepted" gay-themed narratives are, it depends on your audience, on the genre of your novel, the quality of your writing, etc. There is a difference between Confessions of a Mask and YA fiction, everything is contextual. I'm not the person you're talking to, but right now I am writing a novel with a main character who happens to be gay, however the plot is not pop culture "gay struggle" and romance/sexuality is not exactly the main focus. I don't care whether people will read or not because of this, it is a story that matters to me and I want to tell it, so I will.

>> No.17919451

Which main eastern countries? China and India hate gays. Japan has realised they exist, but won't allow marriage. Taiwan seems to only allow it to separate themselves from the mainland. South Korea won't ever let a gaylord steal their idol spotlight.

It's really only the West and some of Europe who are on board with gays taking the spotlight.

On that note, I don't think I've ever seen a male homosexual light novel. It seems to only be girls.

>> No.17919470

I can assure you that the sentiment surrounding gay and gender acceptance is changing very quickly. The younger generation already find it normal, and they'll rarely blink of your novel characters are gay. They'll even applaud you for writing them as normal people in a normal relationship.

>> No.17919479

That's the thing, it's not exactly gay themed if you are writing a detective story and the MC is mingy because his last relationship was with a financially abusive guy, he just happens to be gay and his gay life is integral to the story. Or say if the military suddenly decided to make a modern version of the "band of thebes". The main point would be extremely gay, but gay wouldn't be really the main point.
>China and India hate gays
I thought that too about china, but then
And Japan has a huge gay population about 7% according to

Seul seems to have massive pride parades and the acceptance on younger generations is as high as over 80% in the whole country. All in all in terms of acceptance, asia seems to be taking massive steps where the west took god knows how long.
>On that note, I don't think I've ever seen a male homosexual light novel
Which is why I'm asking.

>> No.17919480

What is something from shit writing that's stuck with you?
There's some imagery from Worm that I haven't forgotten. A character gets flayed and has his skin and nervous system stretched across the room
No idea why but 7 years later that shit still sits vividly in my imagination

>> No.17919491

>What is something from shit writing that's stuck with you?
If it stuck with you after all of those years, it wasn't shit writing.

>> No.17919502

Funnily enough, the standoff between Harry and Voldemort. I thought having them circle each other in a ring of Death Eaters was so cliché.

>> No.17919513

Uhhh this is gonna get me shit in this thread because I have derailed it enough, but while doing market research for gay themes and whatnot, there was a comic that was so poorly structured, it had so little focus, it knew so little what it wanted to do that the plot just went from some generic twilight fanfic to housewives to medical drama. It was genuinely the first time in over a decade and half where I had no fucking clue what was going to happen. It really hit me then how formulaic stories are becoming, it was first time I was genuinely excited to see where the fuck the story was going because the author was so insane that each new page was unpredictable.

>> No.17919525

In IBO the gay survived.

>Can their orientation be an integral part of the plot, which isn't about sexuality and the struggles, and people would still read the story?

>> No.17919537

>That's the thing, it's not exactly gay themed if you are writing a detective story and the MC is mingy because his last relationship was with a financially abusive guy, he just happens to be gay and his gay life is integral to the story. Or say if the military suddenly decided to make a modern version of the "band of thebes". The main point would be extremely gay, but gay wouldn't be really the main point.

Well, what I'm writing is just a guy's life story, which includes romantic relationships among the many other things that usually happen in a person's life. Because it's a psychological novel, relationships make for some of the most interesting plot points. So I know to what extent that's gay-themed.

>> No.17919541

>Cherry picked interviews
Wow dude, incredible sources

>> No.17919544

What inspires you guys to write gay lit, anyways? I'm gay but I don't really feel any desire to make my protagonists gay.

>> No.17919546

>So I know to what extent that's gay-themed
Fuck, I meant to write "so I don't know"

>> No.17919550

Do you have the template for the thread?

>> No.17919551

Indeed. That's what I want to avoid.
Do you think making that clear to the readers at first glance is important? How do you think it might or not impact it's marketability?
Nah not really, the interviews on the Seul pride parade showed mostly the christian protestors for example.

>> No.17919572

I took inspiration from real-life events I saw happen, which I have found to be immensely interesting. The person involved in them was a gay guy, so I just kept it this way.

>> No.17919574

Banana Fish is pretty good

>> No.17919613

It was Jim Caviziel the jesus actor who got struck by lightning, and some crew guy got struck twice

>> No.17919620

Identity mongering. Literally-me tier self insertion and pandering to lost lambs who wish to feel validation through representation
Foul stuff

>> No.17919627

>Do you think making that clear to the readers at first glance is important? How do you think it might or not impact it's marketability?

The impact on marketability depends on your target audience, marketing strategy and communication. I advise you to think about this in the latter stages of the writing process, maybe even at the end. Unless you are only writing to make money, asking yourself these questions too early may undermine your creativity and keep you from taking necessary risks.

Whether you should make it clear early on depends on the structure of your story, what you want out of your reader and why. But, as a general rule, "show, don't tell". Reveal information only when it is most pertinent.

>> No.17919630

Bad writing can have compelling or unnerving ideas and scenes
Worm is not what any reasonable reader would consider good writing

>> No.17919645

>Unless you are only writing to make money, asking yourself these questions too early may undermine your creativity and keep you from taking necessary risks.
Quite the opposite I don't think I'm gonna make any money out of this at all, it's a passion project. I was curious because I assume most here want to actually earn their money through writing no?

>> No.17919698

I was going to do camp nanowrimo starting today, but i dunno. There is only an hour left in the day and I haven't started yet. Should I just throw in the towel?

>> No.17919712

>I was curious because I assume most here want to actually earn their money through writing no?

I'm a visual artist so it's not crucial to me, but would be cool. I'm planning to frame it as part of an art project so that it's potentially bankable, lol. But I do it out of "passion" too. I just really want to make this story real, that'd make me feel fucking euphoric.

>> No.17919738

Huh and just the other day I was asking here about how writing for a visual novel is different from writing for a book. There are major differences but it seems like the thread is mostly focused on books. In fact I wonder just how many similarities between screenwriting and writing for a VN there is. Oh and I mean visual novel as the type of comic books you see in europe, not the games.

>> No.17919762

anachronistic error(s) from nanjing requiem by ha jin. a chinese man in the ww2 era says "for real?". apparently it's due to his ESL nature.

>> No.17919764

Not him, but yeah Asians are the least woke societies on earth, in large part cause these places are still scrabbling for survival and don't have time to bother with bullshit like being nice to minorities and sparing someone's feewings. No time for that in the rat race.

>t. Asian

>> No.17919794

>in large part cause these places are still scrabbling for survival and don't have time to bother with bullshit like being nice to minorities and sparing someone's feewings
But that also means they don't have time to butt in to other people' business. It's funny because one of the videos I linked from china stated specifically that, "a few decades ago we used to focus on building functional things, nowadays we build things that we like"

>> No.17919814

We need that in the west.

>> No.17919830

There are major differences like you say, also in the audience's subconscious perception. People do not see the VN format as "serious" literature, for lack of a better word. Because of this I'm writing a novel, not a visual novel, but it will be accompanied by an independent visual component (a series of concept paintings on the subject of the book).

>> No.17919834

Just say illustrations.

>> No.17919839


>> No.17919856

Well it just seems silly to purposefully avoid thinking about the reader's expectations on something like gay theme, and then care about their expectations because of a label, be that comic book, VN or illustrated novel. Think first and foremost about what it'll be good for the project, then decide the proper label to slap on it.

>> No.17919870

I just write because I love to write. I write for myself. So, I don't care what other people's expectations. Just seems idiotic to butcher your own story for other people.

>> No.17919873

Then don't, if you think a VN suits your story and skills more, go for it.

>> No.17919886

I'm not that anon with the VN. I'm the one who said Illustrations. I just find it incredibly idiotic to butcher one's story just to be accepted in "serious" literature circles.

>> No.17919889
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>People do not see the VN format as "serious" literature
You don't say

>> No.17919902

The reason I'd rather write a novel than a VN is because I'd rather read a novel than a VN. It's a personal preference.

>> No.17919911

And I would rather have my story be made into a comic, but I'm forced to make it into a novel.

>> No.17919913

I'm a concept artist so it has the visual aspect of concept art, but I guess you could say illustrations.

>> No.17919914

I see, I usually prefer anything visual to actually describe things and movements.
Agreed, some of the best stories out there are in the VN format. There are quite a few things that any story with illustrations can do which books simply can't.

>> No.17919926

>And I would rather have my story be made into a comic, but I'm forced to make it into a novel.


>> No.17919929

Can't draw for shit.

>> No.17919934

>"a few decades ago we used to focus on building functional things, nowadays we build things that we like"
Yes obviously things have become a little more developed, prosperous, aesthetic, etc but most Asians are still focused on the rat race. Other than the super affluent ones like Singapore and Japan.

>> No.17919951

Well, Japan has been a developed country for quite a while, and their brutal work ethics are pretty old. Maybe people there are just more pragmatic in general, because it seems like the insane work hours are pretty much reflected in the big 3, as well as the "I don't care what you do on your life" attitude.

>> No.17919952

Because writing is easy

>> No.17919961

>I'm completely untalented in almost everything
>I got it!
>I'll just make a novel
>Haha you don't need talent to put words on paper
Fuck off, if you don't like novels to begin with, you shouldn't be making them. Your writing will be as shit as your drawing.

>> No.17919975 [DELETED] 

>Can't draw for shit.

You can always hire an artist. I have a friend, an RPG writer, who can't draw, but regularly works with artists who do concepts for him. I do understand it's not the same, costs a lot of money, etc. But just so you know, it's possible.

>> No.17919998

I tried hiring some artist, but even the more cheaper ones would bite into my savings, so i just picked writing.

>> No.17919999

>Can't draw for shit.

You can always hire an artist. I have a friend, a RPG writer, who can't draw, but regularly works with artists who do concepts for him. I do understand it's not the same, costs a lot of money, etc. But just so you know, it's possible.

>> No.17920014

>thinks that learning to write will be less work than learning to draw
Oh no no no
Post your writing

>> No.17920016

Sorry man, I deleted and reposted the post you were replying to because of a retarded typo >>17919999

Anyways, yeah, I see. Best of luck with your writing then.

>> No.17920035

It will take ten thousand hours of practice to learn to write broski

>> No.17920048

Thanks anon, this was incredibly helpful. I really appreciate you taking the time to review it.

>> No.17920064

>their brutal work ethics
are extremes, not the norm. The top performers do deserve the accolades but the vast majority are actually 9-5 slackers or doing makework. E.g. public sector employees are notorious even amongst Japs for unproductivity.

Numbers don't lie. If the whole nation was really as productive as all that they should have dug themselves out of the economic shithole decades ago.

>> No.17920067
File: 309 KB, 1080x1220, Screenshot_20210130_030606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.17920089

>E.g. public sector employees are notorious even amongst Japs for unproductivity
You meant govt employees? Those are lazy buns everywhere.
>Numbers don't lie. If the whole nation was really as productive as all that they should have dug themselves out of the economic shithole decades ago
Not necessarily. Aren't they extremely dependent on the US? If the US is shit, so are they. I'm mostly speaking out of my ass here, I'd have to look at their unemployment rate, average wage, minimum wage, purchasing power, days off per year and a bunch more to say for certain. Hard work doesn't mean smart work, and that's what makes the big bucks.

>> No.17920101

This isn't yours, this was posted before. Please nobody be fooled.

>> No.17920119

i remember /wg/ praising this. wonder if their opinion will change with the VN revelation. or this isn't yours

>> No.17920166

>Aren't they extremely dependent on the US?
Who isn't?

>If the US is shit, so are they
The US has been the world's leading economy for most of the past decade. They should be doing fantastico if that's the case. They aren't.

>govt employees? Those are lazy buns everywhere
Point is, Japan is no exception, notwithstanding all the guff about Jap work ethics

>Hard work doesn't mean smart work, and that's what makes the big bucks
Yes, and theoretically the leaps and bounds in automation and information technology of the past 20 years should be ample enough to dig them out of the economic pit they got themselves into in the 20th century, IF it's true that the average Jap worker is clocking in 50-60 hours a week. That didn't happen. Why? Rather than imagine that economics and physics doesn't work in the Far East, it's lots more likely there's a huge amount of makework and inefficiency buried somewhere in the average Jap working lifestyle.

>> No.17920198

>i remember /wg/ praising this.
It honestly felt it was just one anon since the IP never rose.

>> No.17920201

>Who isn't?
Countries that are dependent on China's new consumer market, ironically.
>The US has been the world's leading economy
Seems more like smokes and mirrors. Trump made the body twitch a bit but it didn't really change that it's still a body.
>should be ample enough to dig them out of the economic pit they got themselves into
Define economic pit.

>> No.17920214

could be that too

>> No.17920235

>Anyways, yeah, I see. Best of luck with your writing then.
Thanks, was thinking of just posting on Royal Road.

>> No.17920249

You’re taking this shit way too personally, anon, want to tell us what’s bothering you?

>> No.17920269

Most likely.

>> No.17920289
File: 51 KB, 999x773, Credit-12-Japan-Tax-Revenue-v.s-Interest-Rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Countries that are dependent on China's new consumer market, ironically.
Still relatively small, due to Commie capital controls. Relatively.

>Seems more like smokes and mirrors. Trump made the body twitch a bit but it didn't really change that it's still a body.
Nothing to do with Trump, everything to do with the EU fucking up once and for all in the global financial crisis.

>Define economic pit.
To cut a very long story short, Japan produces less goods and services than it consumes, and makes it up by borrowing a huge amount of money, so much money that the interest repayment alone is projected to exceed the entire tax revenue of the nation in 20 years' time. It's exactly the same as you racking up credit card debt every month until the interest alone equals your gross salary.

>> No.17920296

What's wrong with Japan's Tax revenue?

>> No.17920317

Nothing, it's steady.

>> No.17920337

>want to tell us what’s bothering you?
Novel writers who don't like novels.

You never hear of a film director who doesn't like films, or an artist who doesn't like art. You only ever hear of untalented retards resorting to writing since they think it's the next best thing available to them. Complete disrespect of the medium you're choosing to create in.

And guess what, you suck at writing just as much as drawing, but you can't tell because of your lack of affinity with it.

>> No.17920340

>You never hear of a film director who doesn't like films, or an artist who doesn't like art
But you do.

>> No.17920346

>econs 101
People produce goods and services for other people to purchase; govts collect taxes on the profits and spend them on buying stuff to be consumed by the people. TLDR Japan's people don't produce enough goods and services and the govt spends too much, thus debt continues to pile up. Exactly analogous, from the national perspective, to you spending $4000 on stuff out of a salary of $3000 and charging the difference to your credit card, month after month after month.

If Japan's people are as super-productive as all that, this problem shouldn't exist. But it does.

>> No.17920349

/wg/ is really turning into a cesspool lately

>> No.17920352

It started when that one fag would make early threads.

>> No.17920369

Nah, the threads were full of shit way before then.

>> No.17920379

That may be true, but you can’t deny it worsen when that one anon did that.

>> No.17920390

Some may be pessimists toward their field like Miyazaki, but they still appreciate well-done works. "Doesn't like" is misstating it, actually. You never see artists or film directors with a complete "disinterest" in their field like you do with this new generation of "writers." They all want to be doing something else but can't.

Because of writers who don't read.

>> No.17920402

Give it a week or two.

>> No.17920411
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, Gondola mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love reading and I love writing. This is what I want to do. This is what I've wanted to do since I was a child. This is what I have done since I was a teenager.
Please don't take my thread away just because you're no good at other things.

>> No.17920413

The writing is very simple, but not bad. Too many people (myself included) try to make their writing too complex and it ends up sounding awkward so I think you're off to a good start.
I think you may benefit by fleshing out the character's feelings just a little more, though. When Darry lies to Annette, for example, you could give us a glimpse into how he feels about having to leave his home at such a young age.
You also might want to add just a little more description to their home, particularly when they first enter with the wash. Doesn't have to be much, just a little more detail to flesh out the scene.
There were also two sentences that felt out of place;
>Indeed, one would find such a house to be quaint.
The wording, "one would find such a house," sounded a little awkward to me.
>Selling vegetables were the few monetary incomes the family had
I don't think this sentence is grammatically correct. Saying something like, "was the family's only way of making money" might be a little better.
We could always use more unironically heroic fantasy so I hope you get this finished anon. Good luck.

>> No.17920421

>Too many people (myself included) try to make their writing too complex and it ends up sounding awkward so I think you're off to a good start.
People are writing as if they were in the 19th century. I would give it a pass if the work was set in the 19th century, but no, its modern.

>> No.17920430

God, I fucking hate those. They’re so pretentious.

>> No.17920431

because it rustled the jimmies of the people shitting up the threads. I'm all for that.

>> No.17920438

But it didn't?

>> No.17920444

>Still relatively small, due to Commie capital controls
lolno, australia, brazil and africa are fully dependent on China, much more so than the US since they export food and all the basic resources that china uses for those huge infrastructure projects. China hasn't been communist since they let cocacola enter the country decades ago.
>everything to do with the EU fucking up once and for all in the global financial crisis
Yes I'm sure that the US bleeding jobs to everywhere else which diminished it's consumer market purchasing power has absolutely nothing to do with it.
>Japan produces less goods and services than it consumes, and makes it up by borrowing a huge amount of money, so much money that the interest repayment alone is projected to exceed the entire tax revenue of the nation in 20 years' time
you mean like every other country? Debt hasn't meant anything in a long while when they can just print more to pay the interests.

>> No.17920445

New thread when? I actually don't know, I'm new here. Do you wait until this one's completely dead, or just when it hits the bump limit?

>> No.17920450

Here you go

>> No.17920457

Thanks anon, I'm desperate for advice and I didn't get any this thread.

>> No.17920459

>I'm new here
you're new in general clearly
look at the 4 numbers in the bottom right 312/30/52/1
when the first number is italicized, thread is done and we need a new one

>> No.17920472

>oh its just a stylistic issue then
It's a legibility issue you retard. Everything you're writing is just random shit with no coherence. I don't know who anyone is outside of their names, I barely know where they are, and why anything is happening is a mystery.
It's clear why you write like this because you either don't understand or refuse to listen to criticism.

>> No.17920473

Yeah, rule of thumb, if the OP pic has an anime in it. It’s legit, if not, it’s off-topic.

>> No.17920519

Anon, there are threads on other boards that don't make a new one until the old one is archived. Bump limits don't mean much for some threads.

>> No.17920523

>China hasn't been communist since they let cocacola enter the country
You do know they have foreigner shares and "local" shares right? That, plus their capital controls plus governance issues means they'll never be fully trusted by the global market. Until they sort that shit out.

>the US bleeding jobs to everywhere else which diminished it's consumer market purchasing power has absolutely nothing to do with it
It really doesn't, and rona just proved it: the USD held rock-solid as the world's reserve currency while everything else was falling apart. As anon said upthread, working harder =/= working smarter, and the US continues to maintain its technological edge, effectively working "smarter" despite bleeding jobs in "less smart" industries. There's actual graphs out there (can't find them right now) showing US productivity increasing while raw employment headcount decreases.

Just think, when rona hit, what were the productivity tools everyone fell back on to keep the world running? Google, Apple, Microsoft, Zoom, Skype. Nuff said.

>like every other country?
like every other European country, led by the morons in the ECB. Not all, though.

>Debt hasn't meant anything in a long while when they can just print more to pay the interests
A myth that has been proven wrong time and time again: the bubble always pops. Always.

>> No.17920531

Ridiculous. Most generals make new threads around 320, and post the link in the old one. It just doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever to do otherwise.

>> No.17920601

>You do know they have foreigner shares and "local" shares right?
That isn't a staple of communism at all, any and all forms of private property aren't.
>That, plus their capital controls plus governance issues means they'll never be fully trusted by the global market
They are needed, it doesn't matter whether they are trusted or not. They have the leverage.
>It really doesn't, and rona just proved it: the USD held rock-solid as the world's reserve currency while everything else was falling apart
Really? Just because the US is still the international trading currency due to oil it doesn't mean people trust it, they need it, that is the US leverage.
>and the US continues to maintain its technological edge
Pure propaganda, the US isn't even one of the most technological countries in the world. It's infrastructure is falling apart, the consumer market, it's main economical factor, is in shambles now, the only thing they have is the military, but for how long? Productivity graphs? Useless subjective bullshit. Talk about hard data or talk about no data at all.
>Google, Apple, Microsoft, Zoom, Skype
Not really no, China doesn't run on those things, neither does Russia. And those brands aren't american at heart, they are just in america, big difference, it's not like samsung that is korean through and through for example. Besides, many countries DIDN'T stop, at all.
>A myth that has been proven wrong time and time again: the bubble always pops. Always.
Yes and when it pops it'll pop all over the world, because the US is just as neck deep in debt.

>> No.17920740

> any and all forms of private property aren't
sigh... you're just theorycrafting, bud

>it doesn't matter whether they are trusted or not
It matters a lot

>due to oil
upside down. oil can be and IS sold in any currency, including yuan. the US is the RESERVE currency of the world because of its economy, not because of oil - oil is just one of the key commodities which makes up a small but significant part of that economy, and these days a little less with the growth of the renewables sector.

> It's infrastructure is falling apart
not the key infrastructures which drive today's digital world, and besides who are you comparing with? whose "infrastructure" is so much better?

>the consumer market, it's main economical factor, is in shambles now
uhhh... it really isn't

>the only thing they have is the military
now you're just talking in memes. the military is nowhere near as big a part of the US economy as imagined, and China's is larger, so where's the logic in what you claim?

>Productivity graphs? Useless subjective bullshit. Talk about hard data or talk about no data at all.
...you can't be serious. Hard data on employment headcount and value of goods and services is "useless subjective bullshit"? fuck off.

>China doesn't run on those things, neither does Russia
perhaps not (can you prove it?) but a lot of the rest of the world did, as reflected in their earnings reports, and you can't deny that.

>those brands aren't american at heart
now who's talking useless subjective bullshit? it doesn't matter in economic terms whether those REVENUE-PRODUCING ENTITIES are momma's-apple-pie-american at all.

>when it pops it'll pop all over the world, because the US is just as neck deep in debt
It will, but the US will pop less and recover faster, just as it did in 2000 and 2008.

>> No.17920874

>you're just theorycrafting
Communism the communal sharing of all properties, if you can even "own" stocks it's not communism.
>It matters a lot
No, no it doesn't, just like it doesn't it the US is trusted or not because you need the dollar to trade oil.
>oil can be and IS sold in any currency
By using the dollar as an indexer. It's effectively the same.
>which drive today's digital world
The world isn't purely digital, most of the goods are all physical.
>who are you comparing with?
Something being in shambles isn't a comparison to anything.
>uhhh... it really isn't
Yes it is, the unemployment is skyrocketing, wages aren't as good compared to the rest of the world as they used to be and the new government is dead set on increasing taxes.
>US economy
I never said the military was related to the economy.
>Hard data on employment headcount and value of goods and services
That's not what "productivity" statistics reflect at all. Specially since you weren't talking about physical goods.
>but a lot of the rest of the world did, as reflected in their earnings reports
If the rest of the world truly did each one of these companies would have grown like amazon, they didn't.
>it doesn't matter in economic terms whether those REVENUE-PRODUCING ENTITIES are momma's-apple-pie-american at all.
It matters because much like companies are packing things up and leaving california, they can do the same towards some other country.
>but the US will pop less and recover faster
Considering how many trillions they are printing, no it won't be the case at all. You are accusing Japan of having a problem that your retarded country also shares, identically.

>> No.17921375

Shut the fuck up and go to pol.

>> No.17921412

>replying on a dead general to a 3 hour reply