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17908593 No.17908593 [Reply] [Original]

>pic related

>> No.17908598

isnt worm at the core a better version of the same thing?

>> No.17908599
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>> No.17908602
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>> No.17908632

This book is the final white pill/black pill depending on the perspective you’re looking at it from.

>> No.17909340

who will be the first to synthesize Xi Jingping thought and Belcea's philosophy?

>> No.17909347


>> No.17909379

What’s this about give me a rundown pronto

>> No.17909412

most human activity is largely driven by fear of death

>> No.17909417


>> No.17909486

well religion or any belief in any sort of afterlife is a big example.

>> No.17909505

Because men fear death they create what Becker calls immortality projects; by which he means basically anything and everything. Religion, culture, career, family, we make all these things to cope with death anxiety.
It's kind of reductive and he sucks Freud's dick way too much but it's an ok book I guess. Hardly the most important book of the century.

>> No.17909531

Well duh. I think our Western society shields us too much from the impending reality of death.

>> No.17909541

jackass he asked for a rundown i gave him a rundown. dont duh me

>> No.17909546

wanna know how I know you just read the wikipedia article?

>> No.17909583

>I think our Western society shields us too much from the impending reality of death.

Human culture is about avoiding mortality. Religion, reproduction, meaning within systems, consumerism, etc. Thinking its merely the West, or even contemporary society, is short-sighted.

>> No.17909596

>he sucks Freud's dick way too much
True, except it's someone else entirely and he literally spells it out in the preface which you've never read because >>17909546 is correct.

I liked the part where he said babies playing around with their bum holes made them proto-philosophers.

>> No.17909685

Because I said it was hardly the most important book of the century and for you it was babbys first existential crisis so you think he's a super-genius for coming up with this stuff? And the fact that I think otherwise indicates to you that I didn't actually read it?

>> No.17909710

Which century?

>> No.17909711

the whole book is just a rehash of the main idea with the addition of 'science' and 'research'.

>> No.17909712

I just finished this actually and I was going to make a thread! Since humans make immortality projects and they ultimately mean nothing and we can’t ever be immortal, what do we do then? Is there a way to live WITH the knowledge of our inevitable demise? Idk if this makes sense

>> No.17909734

relish in the shared psychoses

>> No.17909735

ok i believe you.
but is worm at the core less dense? simplified? easier to understand?
I'm not the most well read but im also not retarded and I'm just wondering which I should read

>> No.17909742

there’s no solutions offered in the text. read staring at the sun.

>> No.17909793

Thank you I really appreciate it! Do you have any other books on this topic? I want to find a way to live my life with the knowledge of my death but not fall into immortality projects or religion

>> No.17909804

denial of death is a very easy read.

>> No.17909821

>but not fall into immortality projects or religion
why not?

>> No.17909822

Funerals should be done inside the home.

>> No.17909855

I don’t know for some reason I feel like pursuing these things are stupid and you’re just fooling yourself/ biding your time until you die. But I guess that’s better than just meditating on death until it happens. I am looking for how to live a full life without.. I don’t know I sound like a high schooler having an existential crisis. Maybe I’ll become an orthodox Christian

>> No.17910055


>> No.17910356

>orthodox Christian
Good call, you recognized that man stands outside the animal by being aware of his own mortality now you can find out why that is.

>> No.17910463

Read Cosmic Trigger by RWA

>> No.17910857

>Literally just the male pregnancy section of the Symposium
>gets btfo by Phaedo anyway
Becker is hack.

>> No.17910876

Babies first pop philosophy.

>> No.17911492

It's not what most people will take away from this kind of book, but you should really read Evola.
Because his historical analysis and definition of Tradition and modernity as two different traits rather than a timeline of one leading into the other, really demonstrates these "immortality projects", as the basis for societies and beliefs that create archetypes, castes and roles that are oriented beyond themselves, beyond individuality and the illusions of modern personality.
but he doesn't advocate with a reversion to any one past period or belief, in fact, his "solution" is an ontological one, stated in Ride the tiger, which you should only read after Revolt against the Modern World.
Basically, fear of death stems from (partially instinst, obviously) the individualised modern world that focuses on the self, and in times that represented the more Traditional (that just happened to be in the past, not just because they were in the past), allowed that "personality" to fully inhabit a role that would be unchanged through generations, or be defined by caste/religious principles that was passed down and would be passed down beyond you, and the YOU was merely a chance to embody a role, sort of like a reincarnation.

Or you could be go full pomo consumerist and kill yourself when you're a fat bloated corpse and blame it on the reactionaries.

>> No.17911530

You're too focused on the individual, think of the effect these immortality projects have on the subsequent generations, then ask yourself if they're a waste of time. If people thought about doing good for their offspring or if groups thought about doing good for their group's next generation, none of the negatives currently unfolding would ever have taken place.

>> No.17911669
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Maybe I’m a retard but I’ve been getting into antinatalism because having kids is an immortality project. If I live a life without falling into these immortality projects (including having children, etc) what would that look like? I want to live a life free of all of these lies we wrap our existence in, including creating a “better life” for beings who didn’t need to come into this existence in the first place. Again, I might just be a retard

>> No.17911801
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The Last Messiah gets the same idea across in a more impactful, concise, and emotionally devastating way, and without relying on psychoanalytic nonsense.
And unlike Denial of Death you won't feel like you've wasted a massive amount of time after you've finished it.

>> No.17912659

no, it's as autistic and dry rehash of becker's intuitive truths using muh Ricky morty science bullshit

>> No.17912691

some of us need ideas drilled into our heads before we can actually internalize them. for this reason, a full reading of the devourer of death is essential. one wonders what secrets of zapffe have not yet penetrated my cranium

>> No.17912723

>it's someone else entirely
FROMM!!! I’ve never seen so much dickriding. Book was okay but not the greatest book of the century by any means. It’s a good intro to philosophical pessimism (with a Kierkegaardian parachute baked in).

>> No.17912747

>If I live a life without falling into these immortality projects (including having children, etc) what would that look like?
Depends a lot on who you are and what you want. Just because you actively avoid falling for immortality projects (if you can even do this) you still need to occupy yourself doing something. This could mean moving to the beaches of South East Asia, this could mean being a conscious husk in your home country, this could mean suicide. There are way too many factors to paint a general picture of a “life without immortality projects”.

>> No.17913073

>greatest book of the century
No one said that. Imagine falling for low effort OP shitposts.
>tout cursory knowledge of book in attempt to dismiss it
>get called out
>"OMG stop dickriding guise"
better start working on your mortality project

>> No.17913128

Im about halfway through it and I was promised a blackpilling. But actually it's made me feel pretty whitepilled, Becker is shitting all over Freuds scientific reductionism and praising Kierkegaard.

>> No.17913152

Escape from evil is Becker's best book.

>> No.17913314

Is this worth reading if you've already read conspiracy against the human race?

>> No.17913679

Nigger that was my only post, I’m not the guy you were arguing with. I’ve read the book, and you’re drunk if you don’t think Becker was dickriding Fromm.

>> No.17914986


>> No.17915902

Literally the worst book I've ever read

>> No.17916323

>but you should really read Evola.
Stopped reading there

>> No.17916627

>As anal play is an essential exercise in human mastery, it is better not interfered with. If the adult anxiously cuts it short, then he charges the animal function with an extra dose of anxiety.
>It becomes more threatening and has to be extra-denied and extra-avoided as an alien part of oneself. This extra-grim denial is what we mean by the "anal character." An "anal" upbringing, then, would be an affirmation, via intense repression
>Penis-envy, then, arises from the fact that the mother's genitals have been split off from her body as a focalization of the problem of decay and vulnerability. Bernard Brodsky remarks about his female patient: "Her concept of woman as fecal greatly stimulated her penis envy, since the lively erectile penis was the antonym of the dead, inert stool"
>Phyllis Greenacre--outstanding student of the child's experiences--had already remarked on this same equation in the child's perception: penis = movement, therefore life; feces = inertia, therefore death

>> No.17916792

U need some anal play, virgin ass mf.

>> No.17917154

Not the guy you’re replying to but do you have any book recommends or advice on the subject of living life without falling into an immortality project?

>> No.17917205
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Ernest Becker is gay and spook-pilled. Anyone who doesn't see it is a nigger.