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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 220x330, 220px-TheBellCurve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17908078 No.17908078 [Reply] [Original]

Was it accurate?

>> No.17908125

That is not even what a bell is shaped like

>> No.17908136
File: 206 KB, 1406x1200, 10b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a bell looks like
the image in the op looks like someone pushing a finger into a condom

>> No.17908169


But not like racists will care and will still constantly try to shove it down your face anyway

>> No.17908215

Pseudoscience goes on >>>/x/

>> No.17908224

it was racist which is more important

>> No.17908278



>> No.17908344

Can we ban all political (left and right) and e celeb threads?

>> No.17908356

We all know this /pol/ bait thread will get 300+ replies and the jannies won't delete it. Just keep bumping it with Sneed and get it off here quicker

>> No.17908361

>people already seething

Like clockwork.

>> No.17908366

can't unsee it, thanks

>> No.17908425


>> No.17908845


>> No.17908885

Been debunked sweaty

>> No.17908887

No, its racist pseudoscience, Charles Murray is an actual klansman who killed his jewish co-author hernstein when he objected to Murray injecting it with such venemous lies, such as the idea that every human population doesnt have absolutely identical cognitive capacity.

Say a prayer to St George Floyd and kneel on this book until it's destroyed forever

>> No.17908891

why didnt he respond to althype?

>> No.17908898

You have the same emotional reaction to this book every time there's a thread about it. Just hide the thread, better for your mental health.

>> No.17908900


>> No.17908903

This isn’t literature

>> No.17908908

Name one literature

>> No.17908927

The Bell Curve

>> No.17908952
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How big is Murray's racism field and how many kings' necks have been telepathically knelt on by it

>> No.17908960

....how... do you debunk.... a video.... that shows explicitly how the citations are being misused, or are fraudulent to begin with, by just showing them... verbatim
Also, showing how it's clearly all politically motivated, obviously tainting any scientific merit it might've had to being with....

>> No.17908968

>i'll use a bunch of ellipses so the anons will know i'm exasperated

>> No.17908978

You seem confused. Maybe watch the video and find out. In sum: Alt hyp irrefutable debunks Shaun

>> No.17909012


>> No.17909021

And like, genuinely not being adversarial right now.. but you guys do know, like, at least in an abstract sense, that you don't NEED to look down on other ethnicities to feel good about yourself and stuff, right? Like, you know the rest of us get along fine without that, right?

>> No.17909034

Contributing to the bump limit

>> No.17909038

You never read the bell curve have you?

>> No.17909042


>> No.17909043

"Shaun is a British YouTuber. Video essays by Shaun have covered popular culture and politics, specifically to critique neoliberalism"

>> No.17909065
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>> No.17909068

Can you NOT be cringe for one second?

>> No.17909078

wanna give me a tl;dw on that vid. I have no strong committments on Murray but this guy seems like a complete communist. I don't want to waste the next ten hours of my life having to fact check every lie he put into that video

>> No.17909089
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>right wing bitchute man says bell curve is all fine and scientific, therefore its 100% true

>> No.17909091

We are just amateur biology enthusiasts

>> No.17909101

yep, alt hype always delivers the facts

>> No.17909103

hhUAHA, of course not. My time has value, bud. it's one of those things where, giving each side of the argument a fair listen... does not apply... like, race science? In the 21st century? Don't fucking insult me.
he from de othe team! he not from mey team!!!

>> No.17909107


>> No.17909113
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>he delivers the facts because... he just does, okay?

>> No.17909118


>> No.17909124
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>> No.17909126

like I said.. there's no convoluted arguments, because those are not necessary when dealing with the Bell Curve. All of the citations used in the book are either misused to favor his position, or fraudulent to begin with.
Secondly he shows pretty clearly how the whole thing is obviously politically motivated, in a really awful way.

>> No.17909133

It's been thoroughly debunked by various academics. The book is plagued with simple mistakes like copying over the number of participants into the wrong column, making up numbers out of thin air, and using a sample size of very few people that did not learn English we'll against native born English speakers.

>> No.17909143

Just watch the alt hype video fren, you'll see that in fact it's the other way, cheers

>> No.17909145

sorry, meant for >>17909043

>> No.17909146

this is obviously bait, how are you sneegers falling for this

>> No.17909155

Did any of the scientists cited say this or just this random youtuber guy who is clearly a communist moron.
>he from de othe team! he not from mey team!!!
is this the best response you have?
If you devote your time to debunking "neoliberalism", I automatically assume you are not worth paying attention to.

>> No.17909162

In all seriousness though, what's the solution to this problem? It's scientific reality that differences in cognitive capacity exist between different human populations and that a non-insignificant proportion of this variance is heritable. Progressives and peddlers of victimocracy can whine ad infinitum about the question, but for those pragmatic souls who recognise the civilisational problem that it is, what's the solution?

>> No.17909167


>> No.17909168

Are you sure?

>> No.17909178

Murray admits freely in the book that his research could be interpreted to justify pretty left-wing policies. Murray himself has been in favor of a UBI for years. He just thinks left-wingers are too romantic about the poor

>> No.17909184

There is no solution because there is no actual problem, it doesn't matter if one race is dumber on average. Literally so what?

>> No.17909186

No mate, race denialist are actually that schizo

>> No.17909201

>Literally so what?
It causes untold levels of pain and suffering.

>> No.17909211

There isn't a solution, you just have to not care really, otherwise all the caring you do will just produce more stress and frustration in your life.

>> No.17909217

Genetic differences between races?
I'm sure glad that those different races conveniently all have the same skin color! It would be a disaster if Africans were more genetically diverse between their ethnic groups compared to other peoples, then I wouldn't know who to target!

>> No.17909228

What suffering does it cause? Life is perfectly fine if your IQ is 85, you can still contribute to society and have a life.

>> No.17909230

Wow, you actually think that? Lol

>> No.17909233

The deboonked meme has to be the most cope filled meme I've ever seen come out of 4chan in the last 5 years.

>> No.17909242

i think you fail to grasp that its operating on around 3-4 layers of irony

>> No.17909244

See for yourself
https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2953791/

>> No.17909251

Metrics of life success are significantly lower across the board for people with low IQ.

>> No.17909252

No I meant all the stuff about different races having the same skin color and you wanting to target people, pretty wild stuff lmao, you should chill out probably

>> No.17909262

"The reasons to expect differences among racial groups as conventionally defined are weaker, since males of all races play the same role in reproduction, as do females of all races. But we know that members of such groups differ in the distribution of observable physical characteristics--that, after all, is the main way we recognize them. That is pretty strong evidence that their ancestors adapted to at least somewhat different environments.

There is no a priori reason to suppose that the optimal physical characteristics were different in those different environments but the optimal mental characteristics were the same. And yet, when differing outcomes by racial groups are observed, it is assumed without discussion that they must be entirely due to differential treatment by race. That might turn out to be true, but there is no good reason to expect it. Here again, anyone who argues the opposite is likely to find himself the target of ferocious attacks, mainly from people on the left."

>> No.17909264

They are mostly pretty dumb though lel

>> No.17909274

As a retard myself I find it offensive that you think my life is not worth living just because I am dumb

>> No.17909283
File: 36 KB, 600x552, pepe cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's a very short video huh!
>first section, with the big REVELATION that shaun thinks about how to hook viewers into sticking around, and that he had a stance on murray from the start
Gasp! Those foul commies sure play dirty... We, the noble right would never abuse such devilish tricks....
>Second part, about how TBC has a technically correct definition of Heritability which shaun didn't show in the video, optin instead, to show other sources, like interviews with murray, where he shows a shaky understanding of the word.
Yeah... I thought I might spend the full 12 minutes just for the meme, but I just don't have the fucken patience..
And to make the big obvious point... Shaun's video is a fucking feature length movie, with dozens of examples of how this book is a woefully inadequate attempt at science.. You can't debunk that in a few minutes. I think Mr. alt here, thinks he can prove that shaun had a point, a political goal with this video... and that this is enough to "debunk" him, I guess.
It's like I was saying to this retard >>17909043 >>17909155
he's proving shaun is from the other team, and thus.... yeah! Done! Job is done. He's from the opposing team.
That's what our culture is now. "Debunking" doesn't have anything to do with ideas or facts, obviously. I read fucking tweets and posts on here... It's just categorizing people and things into the two teams. [thing] is fascist! [person] is a commie!
This is all that needs to be said anymore.. and so that's all we're still capable of articulating..

>> No.17909289


>> No.17909290

No one said that, take your meds

>> No.17909293

I don't think that though. Indeed, I think it should be worth living despite your low IQ.

>> No.17909294

Is your argument seriously 'the video I posted is longer than the video you posted' lmao
We could recreate the Bell Curve thesis just with posters from this thread

>> No.17909295

What are you talking about?

>> No.17909299

As a person of divergent sanity I find it offensive that you think I have to take my medication to have a life worth living

>> No.17909309

The video was split into 4 parts. take your meds and watch them

>> No.17909314

yes, friend. Seriously. bitchute boy simply doesn't have the time to address the dozens of points made by shaum in his video.. Surely you see what this means

>> No.17909317

a mongrel race that will replace current diversity

>> No.17909318


>> No.17909320

I'll make one final attempt to spoonfeed this to you:
People who are way way out there on the furthest far left use the term "neoliberalism" to mean consensus findings of the science of economics that offend their ideology. Hence I distrust people who use the term pejoratively

>> No.17909322

see >>17909309

>> No.17909324

The one thing you will ever experience in the endless and cold void that is existence, and you are ok with it just being "fine"? Should one not strive for some sort of absolute excellence, even if that is contained within him as an individual, to meet the inescapable condition of death?

>> No.17909331

don't worry anon
I'm not who you're replying too, but as an unironic neoliberal who thinks Shaun is dumb give it a shot

>> No.17909332


>> No.17909334
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>> No.17909335

not worth my time, sorry
I'm sure in the other two parts he finds two other HUGE nitpicks to yammer on about... it's just not enough to debunk the debunk.

>> No.17909344

But did you take your meds at least?

>> No.17909345

The best things i've experienced had nothing to do with intellect really

>> No.17909349

Holy shit you type like such a fucking faggot its unreal. Get your testosterone checked.... that, also, MIGHT be, you know, why you're like, a lefty

>> No.17909350
File: 77 KB, 960x639, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the science
>of economics

>> No.17909360


>> No.17909368


>> No.17909375


>> No.17909377

based on what?

>> No.17909382

based on Brave

>> No.17909390

what's that?

>> No.17909398


>> No.17909402

make it to where?

>> No.17909434

no, but it's a nice way for henpecked and cucked whites to make themselves feel better,

nobody is born with a grasp of anything at all, after all, and it really is dependent on actually learning stuff - kind of really obviously.

>> No.17909442

do you think every person is born with the exact same intellectual potential

>> No.17909448


>> No.17909453

you dont get it

>> No.17909467

pretty much identical yeah, but of course socioeconomic status changes their opportunities for actually learning.

>> No.17909477
File: 463 KB, 731x504, meme magazine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead, enlighten us

>> No.17909478

Why do you think that? Do you have evidence showing that given the same environmental conditions everyone ends up with the same intelligence regardless of genes?

>> No.17909479

how stupid do you have to be to actually believe this?

>> No.17909487

yeah there's black doctors, lawyers, astrophysicists, etc and there's pretty dumb white people in any given prison or jail you check

>> No.17909495

is this bait

>> No.17909497

apparently so stupid he doesn't realize what he is posting is non-sequitur.

>> No.17909498

You are aggressively stupid

>> No.17909502

what part are yall struggling with?

>> No.17909510

saying there are black doctors(meaning smart blacks) and stupid whites doesn't mean people are born with the same intelligence. that you think so basically shows everyone that you don't even understand the most basic of reasoning.

>> No.17909511

I think it would be cruel to engage further with you as though you were capable of thinking

>> No.17909512
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>> No.17909513
File: 17 KB, 347x195, main-qimg-e2053f9f97a58e1f56c1eb5d17edf530-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even for the 2 most remote human beings alive today, total genetic variation is a tiny tiny percentage, anyways..

>> No.17909524

convenient haha

>> No.17909525
File: 98 KB, 910x587, 1615079186121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different potential, different sheer reasoning capacity. But you'll never "believe" this, because you can't afford to, as some dygenic chinese pedo cartoon watching limp wristed feeble little dweeb needle dicked tweedle dee tweedly dum, dumb mothafuckin nut suckin onions slurpin hot chip lie and twerkin' bitch ass nigga, you need to believe that deep down we're all equal in some way. Its just not true

>> No.17909527

And the variation between us and literal poop throwing cannibal primates is only 2%. You dont even understand your own argument

>> No.17909533

most of the differences are in regulatory genes, meaning a single mutation can effect thousands of genes.

>> No.17909535

Do you think everyone has the same genetic potential for height and the only reason some people are tall is environment?

>> No.17909538

it does show that actually because of it was racially determined that whites were smarter than blacks then there wouldnt be smart blacks or dumb whites, pretty obvious

>> No.17909550

dude the thread is literally called the bell curve. some people are in one and some people are in the other. I refuse to humor you anymore.

>> No.17909552


>> No.17909567

Blacks obviously have worse socioeconomic status than whites due to the legacies of colonialism, slavery, and racist legislation such as jim crow and redlining, which accounts for their worse outcomes.

>> No.17909569

how do you think evolution works if none of our traits are genetically determined, how did we even evolve to be smart in the first place?

>> No.17909571

It's always funny that when people talk about genetic differences in iq between race, they never talk about the modern scientific conception of race as groups of genetically similar peoples, of which there are hundreds of them. It always returns to... skin color.
Like a little kid who decides to put on a lab coat and play doctor, they just decide to cosplay science and add some racialism.

>> No.17909574

Duh. In the revolutionary war americans were taller than the anglos they directly descended from due to better nutrition lol. North koreans are shorter than south koreans by multiple feet. You didnt know this lol?

>> No.17909578

he either baiting or he's genuinely too stupid to be talking to, just stop lmao

>> No.17909579

no I'm saying even among Blacks some of them are going to be in one and some are going to be in the other end.

>> No.17909586

>do you think every person is born with the exact same intellectual potential
Uh, no. I 'recognize' that society has wholes are stupid inferior gatherings of animals, and that all genius is usually in the hands of one or two genius inventors who are 'in fact' responsible for everything nice we enjoy in society.

The mass-IQ approach is just a theft of talent of the smart people and helps to make dumb violent do-nothing proles feel smug about their low achievements.

>do you think every person is born with the exact same intellectual potential
I'm sure virtually anybody could be educated to grasp virtually anything, if society were willing to actually have functional education systems, which society really isn't.

no u!

>> No.17909590


>> No.17909591

I was really entertained, but finishing on "bitch ass nigga" was really lazy. 6/10
hehe, right! I see your point. On the surface, it's a genius take. If we share 98% of our genes with chimps, that means a tiny portion of genes can make a huge difference.
And it does! but humanity is one single race. Our differences are minute and superficial, like height (here's your (you), >>17909535) or skin color. Cognitive capacity is a "core" feature of the organism it doesn't vary as freely as those cosmetic traits. Just like heart size doesn't, bone density, etc.
sounds legit! got any references on that?

>> No.17909597

Of course, im sure lebron james' kids are gonna be 'smarter' than some dude in prison's because they will be better educated and have better opportunities

>> No.17909601

Why do people always reply to these threads. Nothing is discussed that hasn't already been countless times. You won't convince anyone else of your arguments.
A waste of time.

>> No.17909612

debates are a show put on between people of conviction to sway the large majority of undecideds and moderates.
I've probably make a few dozen lurkers realize how fucking retarded "race science" is already

>> No.17909615

Ah true, I could be posting in the 1,823rd Blood Meridian thread.

>> No.17909616

>I'm sure virtually anybody could be educated to grasp virtually anything,
Do you have any evidence for thinking that

>> No.17909617

This board isn't anything but /pol/acks trying to get all big brained about their traditionalist lifestyles by reading Evola.
I just ignore them anon.

>> No.17909623

At least blood meridian is literature. This is just trannies and /pol/ flinging shit at each other

>> No.17909625

>Cognitive capacity is a "core" feature of the organism it doesn't vary as freely as those cosmetic traits
Do you have any evidence for this statement

>> No.17909626

Hi butterfly, posting without your name again? Ywnbaw

>> No.17909631
File: 24 KB, 483x291, sat race education 1995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no

>> No.17909633

probably not.

Another thing history clearly shows is that the genius people grew up in dire poverty, or close to it, whilst the moment they become rich their children become idiots. Few to none of the inventions or great people in history came from a privileged background, so that part of the theory..
>kids are gonna be 'smarter' than some dude in prison's because they will be better educated and have better opportunities
.. is bullshit as well. We can immediately notice this by coming into contact with the offspring of clever people and noticing how braindead and shallow-minded (feeble-minded) their inheritors are.

>> No.17909641

Charles "The Nigger Grave Digger" Murray is on the ADL's most wanted list. If you see this man, be advised

>> No.17909642

>Do you have any evidence for thinking that
Yes; if you were taught how to do XYZ in school, you'd likely know how to do XYZ today.

Knowing to read and write and speak is a good example, if you're dying for one lol

>> No.17909643

It was in my evolutionary biology textbook. Just googling "chimpanzees humans differences dna regulatory genes" gives you a bunch of different sites talking about it. Like this.
>There are only 50 human genes that have no homolog in chimps. Differences between the two species are, therefore, due more to changes in gene regulation.

>> No.17909647

nope, not a tripfag

>> No.17909650

Contributing to the bump limit. Anyone actually effortposting in this thread should kill themselves

>> No.17909655

Your education must really have sucked for you to become so deficient in all forms of reason.

>> No.17909656

Blood meridian posting gets us ever so closer to figuring out what actually happened in that outhouse. It has some literary worth

>> No.17909658


>> No.17909662

Heart size and bone density do vary between races dipshit

>> No.17909667

do you have any evidence you can teach a retarded child advanced physics

>> No.17909668

The more I bump this thread, the quicker it is gone

>> No.17909672
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Groids are not human prove me wrong

>> No.17909674

Huh. Why are you having an emotional reaction to this discussion?

>> No.17909675

It's not emotional. You're incredibly stupid and it's hard for me to have a discussion with you because of that.

>> No.17909680

I'll make a new one then

>> No.17909687


>> No.17909688

Actions speak louder than words. Instead of just leaving, even hiding the thread, you stick around lobbing insults. How are you feeling?

>> No.17909690

Somehow Hawkins made it

>> No.17909694

he wasn't mentally retarded

>> No.17909702

Who gives a shit, retard. Can you stick to the topic for a second.

>> No.17909705

sure looked like he was

>> No.17909708

Evola wasn't a race realist

>> No.17909714

Well yes I was, until I was barraged with this poster calling me stupid over and over. I'm worried for him, maybe he's going through a tough time. This might be his main social outlet yknow?

>> No.17909719

he's physically disabled and he wasn't as a kid
im quite certain you are incapable of understanding the concept of per capita no matter how much we try to explain it to you, for another example

>> No.17909731
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Hey guys just started this new book. Im enjoying it so far. Its about the struggles of martial arts fighter (women) from my country. So far very good and interesting to read of struggles associated. Does anyone else read book recently they have enjoy? Thank you

>> No.17909737

Doesn't this just work against your argument though? What you've essentially demonstrated here is that a tiny quantitative difference can result in a huge qualitative difference.

>> No.17909740
File: 923 KB, 699x467, 1617151340172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I'm very sorry that you had to endure such a "barrage", but if you hadn't displayed a complete inability to grasp simple reason, I wouldn't have felt compelled to point out that you are perhaps one of the stupidest people I have ever talked to on here, leading me point out that either your education was really bad, or you are infact living proof of your position being wrong.

>> No.17909743

Racism is obviously wrong, there are dozens of thriving black countries

>> No.17909753

It seems more likely that you can't argue the point and the cognitive dissonance is making you angry, resulting in your repeated lashing out with meaningless insults. I sympathize with your frustration though. You're not alone, there's a lot of frustrated white boys on 4chan.

>> No.17909761

why do you think there are no majority black places on earth that are nice to live

>> No.17909762

Why is argument? Please relax, we come to discuss books

>> No.17909763

Maybe if you didn't post such retarded shit, people wouldn't call you a retard. Even if I ignore you now, how long will it be before you drag your knuckles into another thread spouting some mindless retardation only to get into another argument.

>> No.17909784

I am arguing that socioeconomic status explains most of the difference in intelligence we see. This guy who's getting mad insists that it's all about race.

>> No.17909798

Maybe you both compromise and say it is both?

>> No.17909802

it doesn't>>17909631

>> No.17909803


>> No.17909805

You're saying that if a black doctor exists that means no differences in intelligence can exist on average between whites and blacks. Because you're too stupid to read a bell curve or know what on average means.

>> No.17909807

Why is that when we control for that variable (socioeconomic status) the differences don't dissappear?

>> No.17909810

The legacy of colonialism seems like an intuitive factor to investigate, no?
Calm down man. Try meditation.

>> No.17909815

If you were talking to a retard who didn't realize he was retarded, wouldn't you be kind enough to let him know? Well that's all I'm saying. You're of low intelligence.

>> No.17909827

brothers unkind words are no good

>> No.17909833

>The legacy of colonialism seems like an intuitive factor to investigate, no?
No they're probably just dumb, colonialism doesn't do that anywhere else

>> No.17909849

Yes. "g" is a measurable variable and can be predicted based on testing. "g" is genetically heritable. Dont mind the retards. Most of the book isnt even about race.

>> No.17909853

Korea is a former colony too. Imagine thinking places that were in the literal fucking stone age like the Congo before European contact are a mess because of colonialism. What you're saying DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE sweetie. Please, PLEASE get it through your tiny little head.

>> No.17909876

"Hatred is like drinking poison and hoping the other guy dies." - unknown

>> No.17909880

luv blumpfs h8 - literal faggot

>> No.17909893

what if your hatred makes you kill the guy
that's probably why we have the emotion in the first place

>> No.17909912
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>The replies
This is my first time here.
This book has little mention of race, and is mostly about how the rich have created such economic distance from the middle class. All these triggered replies are smooth brain liberal nigger kikery.

>> No.17909924

Someone get this bitch some pants, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.17909925

I really don't know how else to say it: u mad.
Wanna move to Brazil?
It's funny you mention the stone age considering it amounts to acknowledging that material conditions create socioeconomic status which predicts intelligence. Much of Africa is, of course, a desert. Europe has a much richer coastline and river system. But I know, I know— your ego is deeply invested in "me race smart, they race dumb." It's all just race, nevermind any other factor whatsoever. Lol

>> No.17909940 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17909942

Intelligence is HERITABLE TRAIT. Shitlibs are the worst science deniers on the planet.

>> No.17909943

brazil has exactly the quality of life you'd expect from its demographcis

>> No.17909947 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17909954 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17909958


The amount of ink spilled to pretend it isn't ever since it was published must be monumental.

Occam's razor dispenses with the tortured theorizing about microagressions and 'systemic' racism and colonialism and so on being the reason for black underperformance worldwide, in the west, in the east and everywhere else.

>> No.17909959

I see we 've reached the final stage of your meltdown. Lol

>> No.17909974

I met a girl in East LA
In floral shorts as sweet as May
She sang in eights in two Barrio chords
We fell in love, but not in court

>> No.17909981 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.17909989

Occam's razor, Ockham's razor, Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami), or the principle of parsimony or law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae) is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied without necessity", or more simply, the simplest explanation is usually the right one.

>> No.17910014

>Intelligence is HERITABLE TRAIT. Shitlibs are the worst science deniers on the planet.

ok bucktooth, invent me a car and a lightbulb and an east inda trading company from scratch. also figure out how to do everything around you including making your own clothes.

>> No.17910026

>division of labor and technological evolution exist....therefore intelligence is not heritable
based retard. it's truly impressive completely unrelated what you said was to the post to which you replied

>> No.17910033

calm yo homo erectus looking ass down son
any a those invented by a brotha? think not.

>> No.17910041

b-b-b-but I have a job in a modernized country and access to material wealth! Shouldn't I in fact be able to invent a lightbulb? :bigthink:

>> No.17910046

this person is either a troll or an actual black person or both but honestly my money is on the second option

>> No.17910047

Yeah the guys an absolute retard, but he probably went to college on affirmative action and now he just repeats the word socioeconomic(it has a lot of syllables) a lot, thinking he's actually smart.

>> No.17910060

man ya'll be trippin', yo, check it: PEANUT. BUTTEH an' WEED. now shut you grandpa simpson lookin' ass down

>> No.17910085

>>division of labor and technological evolution exist....therefore intelligence is not heritable
... lol wait what

'technological evolution' invented
> a car and a lightbulb and an east inda trading company

hey, you're taking claim for the genius works of geniuses and passing it off as being your own special genetic intelligence or something, and when you learn about inventions you ismiss the inventors and their painstaking efforts and natural - rare - talent as being 'merely'
"technological evolution"


that's not a feather in the cap for your collective genius if you think only black people are capable of recognizing how retarded most white people are.

did you guys like forget about the serf and working pleb who toiled in ignorance under his intellectual superiors? whatever happened to that comprehension of class.. hmm..

you know, race and iq seems very communistic to me.. "we are all one" and so on


>> No.17910106

>their painstaking efforts and natural - rare -
curiously the distribution of said rare talents is different in different races lol

>> No.17910115
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i just don't understand how anyone can not be racist. how can people simply not notice the fact that outcomes between races are so different, and that this difference is likely biological? i have never seen this refuted. i have never even seen an attempt at refuting this, outside of some vague copes about muh oppression. i can imagine why, it's like trying to refute someone saying the sky is blue, but it just boggles my mind that nobody else seems to notice this massive fucking rampaging 400lb phenomenological gorilla in the room. every single other person just walks along, pretending they don't notice it, even while they remark on the mess it's been making like it just appeared out of nothing. it leers at us and stuffs grass in its face while everyone nervously tries not to look at it, and they wince when they can feel its primal gaze on them, but if you asked them like "dude, what's with that giant fucking gorilla in the corner? aren't you, like, worried about that?" they'll hurriedly tell you to shut up and to stop noticing things
i guess i know why - people are fed industrial-strength state-sponsored lies and copes about it from the earliest ages in the public school system. they outline the gorilla, they tell everyone what the gorilla looks like, they show everyone pictures of the gorilla, except they'll say it's actually called "institutional racism" and it's not a gorilla at all, and any similarities to a gorilla are simply the result of a bigoted and mentally ill mind. and then they tell you the only way to get rid of the gorilla (which isn't really a gorilla at all) is to let trained zoologists sit on board meetings and rule over your HR department, and so forth and so on
it boggles my mind that nobody notices the gorilla, but what really puzzles me is that i know, logically, there must be people out there who do, and have real power (since you can't be powerful if you're truly stupid), and they don't seem concerned about the gorilla in the slightest. in fact, those people are often the first to deny ever seeing a gorilla, or even knowing what a gorilla looks like. do they know, but never talk about it? do they talk about it among themselves? are they scared of the gorilla-denialists?
i just don't get it, the last time i tried to talk about this someone said "well what makes YOU so accomplished, that you dare to notice these things?" and that's basically the kind of conversation you get when you point out the MASSIVE FUCKING GORILLA WHAT THE FUCK HOW CAN NOBODY SEE THAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.17910125
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But that’s not the case for those mired in a conspiracy mentality. What’s also clear is that the rise in pseudscientific beliefs has been fuelled by the Internet and YouTube videos in particular. “Almost everybody that we spoke to said that either they were directly exposed to pseudoscience on YouTube or they were exposed to it via a family member who was exposed to it on YouTube,” says Dr Anon. Pseudoscientific videos often present numerous arguments in rapid succession with what Dr Anon dubs “an illusion of fluency”.

>> No.17910133
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Looks like i'm probably the only person in this thread that's actually read the bell curve. Let me sum it up for every anon here - IQ is real,demonstrable on a macro level, and highly heritable. Also, 95% of the book did its analysis on whites only. Lots of interesting tidbits like the average intelligence of whites who got an abortion n such.

A funny note for anons who don't believe in "race science". The majority of scientists accept that IQ is highly heritable, with the low estimates being 50% (most agree it's around 80-85%). If you accept even 1% of IQ is heritable you're acknowledging the difference of intelligence among races FYI. Imagine the hundreds of thousands of years apart the different races were and think of the odds of intelligence being evenly distributed. You have to be in an absolute state of denial to believe something like that.

For anons asking "why it matters" the reason is simple. Liberals continue to push this theory of equality of outcome NOT equality of opportunity. That means blacks with an average IQ of 85 could never achieve this equality of outcome with whites, asians, etc. This means higher taxes, more gibs, and an eternity of excuses.

The biggest redpill for me was the law school exam (LSAT) and the data behind it. Did you know the LSAT is the highest correlated standardized exam to an IQ test? Did you know if affirmative action did not exist for law schools blacks and mexicans would essentially have a 0% chance of getting into a top 20 school?

Here's the former head of the LSAT talking about how no one in all of academia and science knows why blacks score 1std below whites in every single standardized test no matter how similar the environments are (same family, same income, same zipcode, etc). This is the redpill to end all redpills. He says if you solved this problem you would win a nobel prize.


Go ahead anon, go win that nobel prize.

>> No.17910140
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>Dr Anon dubs
check 'em

>> No.17910144

well, look, i'd be more inclined to take it all seriously if i met white people who actually bothered studying and learning about the mindset and works of 'their own genius-people'.

They'll take credit for 'everything' through genetics, this type, but they can't be bothered actually doing anything more than that.

Reminds me of a certain empty-headed 'muh dick' behavior i see sometimes in 'another' certain group..

>> No.17910168

>if i met
that's why there are statistics

>> No.17910172

Explain that graph, what does the x axis refer to?

>> No.17910176

ad-hominems are, ironically the only tool in the toolkit of the race-denialist

>> No.17910220


>> No.17910297
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>destroys both the far right and left explanations about race

>> No.17910494

I don't care about this, I dying identify with any group beyond my family. 99.9% of people of every race have an inferior iq compared to me, they are all subhumans

>> No.17910499

>that pic
Lmfao there's barely any correlation, the line provided is bullshit

>> No.17910509

>mexicans would essentially have a 0% chance of getting into a top 20 school?
Idiotic statement

>> No.17910514

If you are so intelligent you'll understand that each individual can be classified a distinct race as can the entirety mankind all together be classified as one race, human.

>> No.17910520

I haven't watched the video but Shaun makes some of the dumbest Twitter posts in history. Almost as bad as the ChaosIsMel clown.

>> No.17910524

>blacks and mexicans have a lower average iq
"blacks and mexicans would essentially have a 0% chance of getting into a top 20 school?"
Well it's clear your own iq isn't that high. There are plenty of blacks and mexicans with iq's high enough to get high lsat scores. In fact, to even be considered in t14 schools with affirmative action being applied you need at least a 165-170, higher than the vast majority of people who take the test. Black kid going to Yale law is more intelligent than the vast majority of whites or asians outside the school

>> No.17910553

There are quite a few mistakes in the book but the idea that all races are exactly the same in terms of intelligence is utterly ridiculous. There is absolutely no research that backs that up and basically every study on this topic suggests that there are significant differences. Socioeconomic factors are obviously a major factor as well, and just because there are differences in intelligence does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that individuals should be treated differently.