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17907726 No.17907726 [Reply] [Original]

one foot in the grave, still sharper than 99% of people on the planet


He's 92 btw

>> No.17907763

I like his beard

>> No.17907782

That's actually Joe Biden.

>> No.17907803

The supreme commander of pseuds

>> No.17907833

Have you slept on his roof already?

>> No.17907839

>criticizing the ideologies of Islam is racist and ignorant, not worth discussing
Without memeing, can anyone explain why left-libs have such a hard-on for Islam and islamism? It's the religion that in contemporary practice is the absolute furthest away from their professed political beliefs. I'm not saying all Muslims are bad or that all of Islam is bad, but a lot of them are literally saying that ALL Muslims are good and ALL of Islam is unassailable. If they ever do anything bad it's not real Muslims and not real Islam.

>> No.17907852

>Without memeing, can anyone explain why left-libs have such a hard-on for Islam and islamism?

I assume it's because they view it as some antithesis to Christianity and Christianity is, of course, bad.

Of course, they're very unwilling or unable to reflect further on their Islamophilia to see that it's misguided; they just want to be seen as rebels.

>> No.17907870

if Islam falls into doing gay parades then they win

>> No.17907887

Wrong. Its a reaction to right wing based triad against the Islamic world seen throughout the west and Israel. Neocons and their trash used the middle east as a playground of death, misery, and destruction while the people they were attacked were vilified back home

>> No.17907889

an islamic gay parade would be pretty based. i could see gigachad being in attendance.

>> No.17907896

It's not his place to criticize Islam especially when it's intertwined with so much counterproductive politicized baggage. In trying to "fight" Islam or Islamism he'd be easier to pigeonhole on an issue he probably doesn't care much about or consider vital to his general philosophy. He and many others choose to make blanket statement on monotheism and might even use Christianity as a proxy subject to their arguments against Islam.

>> No.17907932

A very hard thought to tackle really, I mean I could see it, as the other anon has put, as it being diametrically opposed to christianity, despite this obviously being the case. Perhaps some sort of pathetic flabby general attempt at virtue-signalling? Although even if this was the true, I imagine islam takes up only a small amount of fucks in these peoples head

>> No.17907943

>the historical bulwark against islam in the west is a good proxy for islam
Wewlad. Too clever by half.

>> No.17907970

Because of the wars in the middle east and the neo-cons adopting "anti islamism" as a core part of their platform the lefties in reaction decided to defend s religion and school of thought totally opposed to 95% of their general philosophy.
Kind of like rightoids doing anything to "own the libs"

Christianity is closer to home and poses or at least once posed some actual opposition. Islam and Muslims just became another case of "thing we support because the other side doesn't"

>> No.17907989

>>the historical bulwark against islam in the west is a good proxy for islam
Nice reading comprehension.

Also, consider that Chomsky, and every other mainstream philosopher (Harris, Chomsky, Pinker etc), are most likely backed by alphabet agencies and their views are used to intentionally shape the Overton window for political activism.

>> No.17908017


Also, those three jews probably are spooks. Certainly Chomsky. Chomsky's background is sketchy as hell, his thesis was basically his own father's work (coincidentally he stopped writing about linguistics at the time his father died), and his entire reason for being appears to be controlling the narrative re: where and why the USA is up to no good.

>> No.17908068

Yeah Chomsky always rubbed me the wrong way, slightly less than Harris, but still.
He's seemingly outspoken about all the "right" issues but falls short after the diagnosis. In my personal history book he was the white middle class equivalent of a KKK, Black Panther, or Weathermen spokesperson, an intellectual honeypot designed to make political discourse the inert end goal, to deradicalize radical activism.

>> No.17908077

>KKK, Black Panther,
NB: insofar as the honeypot metaphor goes, ie proven honeypot "activists", controlled opposition etc

>> No.17908088


>> No.17908129

I don't like Neocons and their wars in the Middle East either. I'm in full agreement with Chomsky and other leftists on that front. I couldn't be happier if there were no more wars against Muslim countries. However, that doesn't in any way prohibit me from criticizing the extreme gender inequality, sharia laws, etc. The vast majority of Western leftists seem incapable of applying this mindset. The same exception isn't made for anyone else. Feeling pity for someone can't be used as an argument to overlook their flaws and atrocities.
Why not? Seems like he's perfectly fine criticizing Christianity even though it's equally intertwined with such baggage. He got a question in an interview, of course it's his place to say what he thinks about it.

It's not asking for much, Zizek for example seems to be able to stay ideologically consistent when he talks about Islam. Chomsky and his ilk are so obviously disingenuous on this matter and to great cost for a lot of women and children in the West who are forced to live in Islamist parallel societies under honor culture and all that. For what? With Zizek you can always see he is honest, principled and passionate about his opinions even though I often disagree. Chomsky lacks that backbone. He'd rather bow out of an uncomfortable conversation. I have no respect for him.

>> No.17908144
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"I believe in God"
"and also universal healthcare, UBI, the Green New Deal, and LGBT rights"

>> No.17908196

>render plebs inert
Yes. That's the entire game. Always has been. Plato's Cave isn't about either metaphysical or practical emancipation. It is about both, simultaneously. "As Above, So Below" is a trope amongst secret societies and gnostics and such, yet it really does apply to the world in many ways.

The mental energy of the most promising people in the west has largely been turned to either 1) outright hostility towards their own civilization and history or 2) useless bickering over words and symbols conjured up to waste their time. There's a stark contrast between those categories of thinkers and the outsiders right here on /lit/.

The public is miseducated and abused ad infinitum. "Our mission will be complete when everything the US public believes is a lie" - first CIA director (maybe apocryphal, but the proof is in the pudding). Shadows on the wall.

>> No.17908218

>even though it's equally intertwined with such baggage.
Not even close. Christianity has become the butt of Abrahamic critique on all fronts but "extreme" rightwing, being predominantly western. It's like saying black people should be held to the same social scrutiny as white people in mainstream leftist discourse in the west. This is not to say I sympathize with that sentiment all but there's a certain decorum to the ivory tower intellectualism this type of people engage in that only few get away with that precarious act without basing their entire cultural presence around it (see: Hitchens, Dawkins etc).

What I mean by it not being his place isn't judgmental either, it's that it really isn't beneficial for him to compromise his position of perceived authority to deride what was at the time the deadest that horse could be. Islamophobia may be a joke today but back in the 90s-early 2000s it was undeniably potent.

>> No.17908220

Cognitive decline with aging is a myth. It’s really that you just get too cynical and demotivated to give a shit anymore.

>> No.17908265

holy shit someone finally asking him questions about linguistics instead of worthless political bullshit.

>> No.17908267

Chomsky is openly atheist from what I've read. Islam does not have a favourable view on LGBT rights.

>> No.17908288

Yeah, not a huge fan but the beard makes him look legit as fuck.

>> No.17908295

oh no he is going to be exposed as the pseud he is! Change the topic back to shitting on Republicans!

>> No.17908316

still got rekt by a french pedophile while he was in his prime

>> No.17908318

religions are literally millions of people with widely divergent interpretations of their own religion
the Catholic Church, for instance, has priests who want to change to rules to allow priest marriage
not how religions work, celibacy as an example was a change to the rules

>> No.17908347 [DELETED] 

chomsky straight up beast, this dude is a living legend man, enjoy it while he's with us

>> No.17908369

>Change the topic back to shitting on Republicans!
he just bescumbered the hell out of biden on vaccines while throwing heavy shade on peter singer's sophistry, chomsky's a real a dude

>> No.17908378
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>> No.17908391

>peter "have sex with animals, kill babies" singer
based Chomsky

>> No.17908460
File: 463 KB, 656x660, BASED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Hegel
>I've read Hegel's lectures on the philosophy of history which I thought was astonishing...in some of it's extraordinary racism and incomprehension. That's what struck me about it.
On Heidegger
>Most of the time I have no idea what he's talking about. I started reading introduction to metaphysics when I was a college student but a little way in I was so appalled by the apologetics for Nazism that I just couldn't bring myself to go on. Maybe I missed something, maybe not. A lot of it struck me as empty verbiage.
Yup, I'm thinking based.

>> No.17908503


>> No.17908514


>> No.17908521

Lil C the based God

>> No.17908528

sauce sauce sauce

>> No.17908652

Can you give an example of right wingers betraying the core tenants of their ideology to own the libs?

>> No.17908659
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>> No.17908665

King of the midwits

>> No.17908679

lefies base whole ideologies around owning the conservatards

>> No.17908692
File: 60 KB, 750x745, IMG_0459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based trump

>> No.17908698

I miss him bros...

>> No.17908703

>there are people who hate this guy with the seething rage of 1000 suns

genuinely baffling to me

>> No.17908712

Arabs have no identity beyond Islam whereas Turks (Tengrii) and Iranians (Zoroastrianism) at least do.
It's not racist to anyone but Arabs, but who cares about them?

>> No.17908727


If it weren't for the mainstream media, he would have united the entire country.

>> No.17908752

What good is intelligence if you're just an establishment shill?

>> No.17908778

i hope you're suffering.

>> No.17908784

>whereas Turks (Tengrii) and Iranians (Zoroastrianism) at least do
Both of those traditions are heavily suppressed and looked down upon in their respective countries

>> No.17908786

I miss him too

>> No.17908788

you're retarded. he was a filthy individual and we hated him before the media started spewing it's shit.

>> No.17908796

Speak for yourself tourist

>> No.17908812
File: 164 KB, 798x1200, Martyrdom of St Simon of Trent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret to jewish lifespan has been known for centuries.

>> No.17908834

anyone who unironically like him was a fucker retarded brainwashed twat not worth a second glance.

>> No.17908839

Did those things actually happen or are they antisemitic propaganda?

>> No.17908850

No, you didn't. The media owns your brain.

>> No.17908854


>> No.17908857


>> No.17908881
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Don't take my word for it. Take theirs.

>> No.17908965

>hated him before the media started spewing it's shit.

bullshit. if the media sung his praises like they did for biden, he would be the most popular president ever. we could have been easily top dog and pwning the fuck out of china but we have people like you and Anderson Cooper who want to see the country die and fail. you fight for our own destruction. well, we have pedo joe now and he's fucking everything up. hope you're happy.

>> No.17908980

When he talks about the Galilean challenge near the end he mentions two names: Emilio what and Robert what? I would like to read their paper

>> No.17908985
File: 43 KB, 510x268, HAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's still there! In fact, he has so little going on right now, you can go to his website and pay him to receive a personal greeting!!! shauHIASHshajshajhsasuahsaushauhsuahsuahsuah HAHAHAAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.17908991

i hated him since i watch that trash show the apprentice. he was always a vial man.

>> No.17909057

are jews übermenschen?

>> No.17909062

When he talks about the Galilean challenge near the end he mentions two names: Emilio what and Robert what? I would like to read their paper

>> No.17909063

Meds, NOW

>> No.17909093

lick my taint

>> No.17909131

mr forehead interviewer is so hard to listen to jesus

>> No.17909171

Timestamp? I skimmed through that section but I didn't hear him mention an Emilio or Robert.

>> No.17909240


>> No.17909257

1 7 40

>> No.17909313

99% sure he's talking about Emilio Bizzi and Robert Ajemian.

>> No.17909441


>> No.17909447

found it

>> No.17909452

He spent the last five years to turn the new socialists that have sprung up into succdems that simp for joe and Hillary.

>> No.17909480

is he what the third international called "bourgious wreckage"? I"m bastardizing the notion, but basically Stalin and Rajani Palme Dutt argued that social democracy is equivalent to fascism because it encourages bourgious socialist to engage in activities that prevent the development of the dictatorship of the proletariat, calling them "weckers" and "traitors"

i wouldn't go so far as to call chomsky a traitor, but it seems like he could be inadvertently doing something similar.

>> No.17909995

He plagiarized his BS and MS theses from his father and was recruited by spooks at Hahvahd and the IAS to act as the public face of intelligence agencies.

He stopped publishing on linguistics when his father died and has done nothing more famously than control the narrative re: misuse of USA armed forces.

He's a spook. Maybe in fifty years a manuscript wi turn up. I doubt it. It'll be destroyed.

>> No.17910020

dont let this be true :(

>> No.17910030


>> No.17910040


>> No.17910082
File: 212 KB, 713x1032, blood-passover-by-ariel-toaff-omar-zaid-ed-zaidpub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muslim writes paper about it therefore we never did it haha don't you hate muslims goy?

Nice try. Ariel Toaff, author of Blood Passover, is jewish. He teaches at Bar Ilan University in Israel.

>> No.17910094

this is my main grip too it feels absolutely gross how preformative it all is. its not much of a different thing from the polemicism of the old conservative bent, making it an us vs them duality. At least its fucking consistant for the right wing be be like that, but it seems supremely insidious in how prescriptive. line the sole and main reason to do it is just NOT to be seen as the oposition. Its a boy that cried wolf phenomenon. yah, often its just the conservative elements barking up the tree, but that doesnt mean the wolf is never there.

Unironically it feels victorian.

>> No.17910158

i hadn't read it. i literally just googled it and linked it. you totally owned me tho

>> No.17910215

Look into it. Also, see:

>> No.17910281

Not so fast, Anon!
> Prof. Toaff has since partially recanted, and now maintains that:
> – yes, Jews are a corrupting and disruptive element in society;
> – yes, Jews lend money at 40% and seem to do little else;
> – yes, Jews buy and sell justice with huge bribes;
> –yes, Jews pull off all sorts of fraudulent bankruptcies and swindles;
> – yes, Jews resort to poisoning and assassination when thwarted;
> –yes, Jews are obsessed with hatred for Christians and the Christian religion;
> – yes, Jews kidnapped and castrated Christian boys on a large scale and sold them into slavery in Islamic Spain for centuries;
> – yes, Jews used [and still use?] human blood in all sorts of quack remedies, despite the Biblical prohibition, even for minor complaints;
> – yes, Jews used [and still use?] Christian human blood in their matzoh balls at Passover;
> – yes, Jews used [and still use?] Christian human blood in their wine at Passover;
> – yes, the blood had to be from Christian boys no more than 7 years of age;
> – yes, the blood had [has?] to be certified kosher by a rabbi;
> – yes, there was [is?] a large and profitable trade in fake blood products and animal blood, which was [are?] unsuitable to the purpose;
> – yes, Christians tried to sell the blood of Christian boys to Jews, but were rejected because the Jews feared it was animal blood; but no, no Christian boys were ever killed to obtain the blood. Never, never! Or hardly ever. It all came from “voluntary donors”!

>> No.17910290
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>88 lol

>> No.17910352

hello fbi shills

>> No.17910447

Please point out which posts are FBI. I can't tell.

>> No.17910471

I can't either, I'm guessing its probably falseflaggers saying Chomsky is a glowie