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17907200 No.17907200 [Reply] [Original]

>capital is some kind of parasite with its own purpose
>capital can be anything quantum
>molecules, cells and even our thoughts increase, multiply and divide

Was the game rigged from the start or its just madness to attribute our own nature to some external force? Am I retarded or I didnt get this right? Sorry for bad english.

>> No.17907285

notice me super AI techno-capital blockchain demon senpai

>> No.17907293

Stop spamming this pseud retard

>> No.17907394


>> No.17907481

The schizo shit about Capital being sentient and deterritorializing the very core of human social wellbeing through massive atomizing advertisements is more plausible than other theories.

>> No.17907667

ok tel me what specifically in the material is being deteritorrialized and then into what (material) fluxes and reterritorialized into what new material codes?
I swear if you cant say what code actually is except for
>machines have it
you aren’t saying anything.

>> No.17907745

capital is why I don't have a gf, blackpilled again

>> No.17907768

Is it just me or this guy literally the modern reincarnation of Lovecraft

>> No.17907773

Capitalism seeks efficiency through its spread of product normalization and consumption. To reach this it co-opts whatever antagonizes itself so that such antagonizing force may actually act in favor of the production-transaction-consumption model. Think of Occupy Wall St. first having Zizek speak on it and then becoming a woke identitarian movement for minorities to cater to, for instance. I can go on.

>> No.17907825

antagonizing = deterritorialization ??
schizo analysis’ point is to detach all from the social machine though. your occupy wallstreet example is shit.
talk about material deterritorialization of a “code” with economic reterritorialization; talk about the molecular not just the molar ffs

>> No.17907846

I am masturbating to the replies

>> No.17907904
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>schizo analysis’ point is to detach all from the social machine though
lol nope

>> No.17907905

Imagine if accfag put this much effort into reading something good.

>> No.17907974
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in Anti-O:
>definition of Schizo-Analysis: destruction of expressive pseudoforms of the subconscious , uncovering unconscious placement in the social field of desire.
And in the last chapter of A-O they literally state schizo analysis is in opposition to the social machines desire placements

>> No.17907997

Where should I get started if I wanted to read about accelerationism?

>> No.17908002
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With Marx. This chart is alright I guess. But the lack of Lenin, Luxembourg, and Bordiga really fucks.

>> No.17908050

Capital is sentient

>> No.17908054

The manifesto is trash, you should be reading the intro to grundrisse if you're going to read Marx as a prep for land. Lenin, Luxembourg, and Bordiga are nice to haves at best. Most of that chart is also nice to haves.
Anon need only read Genealogy of Morals, an introductory on Deleuze, Anti-Oedipus, Visions of Excess, and Neuromancer before starting.

>> No.17908172
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Congratulations, you’re now aware that their goals shifted after the reception of AO, and that I posted a quote from Guattari’s Schizoanalytic Cartographies. Great job not knowing about the topic at hand, or realizing that things change in time.

>> No.17908178

fr. the world would be such a better place

>> No.17908449

gravity's rainbow says basically the same thing just less schizo
>If the rockets don't get her there's still her lieutenant. Damned Beaver/Jeremy is the War, he is every assertion the fucking War has
ever made—that we are meant for work and government, for austerity: and these shall take priority over love, dreams, the spirit, the senses and the other second-class trivia that are found among the idle and mindless hours of the day.... Damn them, they are wrong. They are insane.
Jeremy will take her like the Angel itself, in his joyless weasel-worded come-along, and Roger will be forgotten, an amusing maniac, but with no
place in the rationalized power-ritual that will be the coming peace. She will take her husband's orders, she will become a domestic bureaucrat, a junior partner, and remember Roger, if at all, as a mistake thank God she didn't make....

>> No.17908610


fuck i need to order a copy for my bookshelf. dissociating raw and dope as anything I've ever read.. I have recently left behind traditional/mainstream social media...the weak womb bag hypervirus of our "culture". Hypervirus poetics really cement this for me. I feel like I haven't been reading in decades!!

>> No.17908629
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An unoriginal sentiment; a line in the Manifesto said as much. Also: Buy my book! Buy my book! BUY MY BOOK!

>> No.17908635

Capital is the literal antichrist

>> No.17908672
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Get Genoskos ‘Guattari: an abbarent introduction’, Guattari is insane to try to read without being prepared

>> No.17908690
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>Gensokyos ‘Guattari: an abbarent introduction’

>> No.17908785
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Absolute state of "theory"

>> No.17908814

Filtered. Guattari is incredibly based, he manages to be hyper critical of post modernity while maintaining a deep sense of hope for the future of mankind.

>> No.17908948

Okay but how do you get over the fact that he's completely full of shit?

>> No.17908962

Why do they borrow mathematical terminology like "tensor", or even "diagrammatic tensor"? Are they jealous or something?

>> No.17908984

All gas no breaks baby

>> No.17908997

he's actually done some really good reporting in the last year

>> No.17908998

holy shit i never thought of this lmao

>> No.17909002
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It’s from a different author, not maths lol

>> No.17909013
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They went to college with andre weil and half the bourbakis, they're just aping what they heard. So yes literal personal jealousy of people they knew.

>> No.17909041

>It’s from a different author, not maths
It's pure pseudo-mathematical gibberish. How do you fall for this? Maths education has gone to shite.

>> No.17909074

It’s the usage of the term from the dude that wrote libidinal economy, tensor isn’t a solely mathematic term bud

>> No.17909102

Of course it isn't math, that's exactly my point. It sounds suspiciously similar to math despite being completely unrelated. Why do they use the word "tensor" when they have no idea what a multilinear map is?

>> No.17909123
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Underrated on lit

"I wiped the blade against my jeans and walked into the bar. It was mid-afternoon, very hot and still. The bar was deserted. I ordered a whiskey. The barman looked at the blood and asked:



‘S’pose it’s time someone finished that hypocritical little punk, always bragging about his old man’s power…’

He smiled crookedly, insinuatingly, a slight nausea shuddered through me. I replied weakly:

‘It was kind of sick, he didn’t fight back or anything, just kept trying to touch me and shit, like one of those dogs that try to fuck your leg. Something in me snapped, the whingeing had ground me down too low. I really hated that sanctimonious little creep.’

‘So you snuffed him?’

‘Yeah, I’ve killed him, knifed the life out of him, once I started I got frenzied, it was an ecstasy, I never knew I could hate so much.’

I felt very calm, slightly light-headed. The whisky tasted good, vaporizing in my throat. We were silent for a few moments. The barman looked at me levelly, the edge of his eyes twitching slightly with anxiety:

There’ll be trouble though, don’tcha think?’

‘I don’t give a shit, the threats are all used up, I just don’t give a shit.’

‘You know what they say about his old man? Ruthless bastard they say. Cruel…’

‘I just hope I’ve hurt him, if he even exists.’

‘Woulden wanna cross him merself,’ he muttered.

I wanted to say ‘yeah, well that’s where we differ’, but the energy for it wasn’t there. The fan rotated languidly, casting spidery shadows across the room. We sat in silence a little longer. The barman broke first:

‘So God’s dead?’

‘If that’s who he was. That fucking kid lied all the time. I just hope it’s true this time.’

The barman worked at one of his teeth with his tongue, uneasily:

‘It’s kindova big crime though, isn’t it? You know how it is, when one of the cops goes down and everything’s dropped ’til they find the guy who did it. I mean, you’re not just breaking a law, your breaking LAW.’

I scraped my finger along my jeans, and suspended it over the bar, so that a thick clot of blood fell down into my whisky, and dissolved. I smiled:

‘Maybe it’s a big crime,’ I mused vaguely ‘but maybe it’s nothing at all…’ ‘…and we have killed him’ writes Nietzsche, but—destituted of community—I crave a little time with him on my own.

In perfect communion I lick the dagger foamed with God’s blood."

>> No.17909127

If I'm not mistaken, the term tensor comes from continuum mechanics, where a tensor is used to describe how a material responds to stresses, tension, etc. What is the etymology here?

>> No.17909137

It’s from Lyotard. Libidinal economy

>> No.17909173

>completely fails to answer the question in any substantive way

>> No.17909179

Idk about Guattari's diagram idea, but Deleuze's diagram idea comes from Pierce.

>> No.17909188

>tensor isn’t a solely mathematic term bud
True, it's also a pseudo-mathematical term, just like
It's D and G's entire schtick.

>> No.17909196

so the answer is a never ending chain of academic indirection. very cool

>> No.17909204

That’s an actual answer you fuck. It’s not being used in a maths context but instead in philosophy so try checking out the book instead of looking for an easy one line answer

>> No.17909212

Yeah those post structuralists critiquing structuralists are so bad you fucking tard

>> No.17909235

second generation rubes are worse than first generation rubes, obviously.

>> No.17909245

The real answer is that it’s not borrowed from maths but instead comes from a philosopher using the same word in a different context

>> No.17909246

No, your answer is meaningless. Of course the term came from some book by some author, it doesn't matter. I asked what the origin is, and you don't mention anything relevant. I already explained here
where tensor comes from in a physics context, why can't you do the same in a philosophical context? I'll go even further. A material can respond to an external force by having some internal "tension" or stress. This "tension" has a direction. But the material might have a different tension when it responds to different forces. So there are two directions that you have to take into account, the direction of the incident force and the direction of the response. So this idea was generalized. Whenever you have multiple objects, each with their own direction, in a single phenomena, it is usually described using a "tensor", in analogy to the materials case.
Okay - now its your turn. Where does "tensor" come from as it relates to libidinal economy?

>> No.17909247

It may be. I don't like deleuze's idea of diagram either because it can't be used alongside anglo' idea of "diagram".

>> No.17909253

p.s. pretty cool how I didn't have to cite any papers by Cauchy, hu?

>> No.17909263

>No, your answer is meaningless. Of course the term came from some book by some author, it doesn't matter. I asked what the origin is, and you don't mention anything relevant.
Classic 4chan answer. I tell you directly where it comes from and you tell me it’s not the source. Guattari literally says that’s the book he gets it from.

>> No.17909277

You're wasting your time, he can't explain because he doesn't understand; he doesn't understand because there's nothing to understand.

>> No.17909288

This is all accfag talking to himself.

>> No.17909323

I know but french philosophy fags trigger me so hard.
For example, if you have an electric and magnetic field, each field has its own direction. So, because you have multiple objects with different direction, it is possible to describe the whole electromagnetic phenomena using something called a "electromagnetic field tensor", named in analogy to the materials case, where both external force and internal response have their own directions.
Okay - now its your turn. Where does "tensor" come from as it relates to libidinal economy?

>> No.17909346
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The table of contents and the entirety of discussion in the book you fucking no book owning pseudo-intellectual cunt go toss on a lab coat and jerk off to your own image in a mirror

>> No.17909364

I am not the person you're arguing with, and I really do not understand what's your problem with the use of a term that also exist in mathematics.
But there is a chapter called the Tensor in Libidinal Economy just about this concept, and it is similar to the scientifc term in that it tries to capture a field where multiple libidinal pulsions pushing in different directions: That desire is not one but multiple. There you can see why Lyotard chose to use the word.

>> No.17909395

Mate I know what that french retard says, I want you to type it in your own words and listen to yourself so you can see how stupid you sound. It's all bollocks, you're being bamboozled.

>> No.17909403

>cites a book by Guattari
p.s. pretty cool how I didn't have to cite any papers by Maxwell, hu?

>> No.17909414

Wow, thanks anon, that's the closest to a real explanation we've seen this entire thread. Okay, I'll stop bullying the french fags now.

>> No.17909483
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Unholy Cringe. Blatant perversion of mathematics. Lmaoing @ the cringy appropriating of the delta and greek symbols.

>group theory

Imagine needing to steal terms from mathematics to express an idea that a mathematician explains in simple language

>> No.17909490

not group theory, set theory i mean

>> No.17909539

>I really do not understand what's your problem with the use of a term that also exist in mathematics.
There's no issue, tensors are used in tonnes of different fields, not just pure mathematics. The issue is that this particular subculture of french intellectuals has a habit of using words that they do not understand. Apologists will usually say that they are using the terms metaphorically, but from what I've read I don't find this convincing.
>But there is a chapter called the Tensor in Libidinal Economy just about this concept, and it is similar to the scientifc term in that it tries to capture a field where multiple libidinal pulsions pushing in different directions: That desire is not one but multiple. There you can see why Lyotard chose to use the word.
This is not-even-wrong

>> No.17909551

>not group theory, set theory i mean
If you want a real cringe, read Badiou and Deleuze arguing about set theory and calculus. It is painful.

>> No.17909653

this chart is such a low effort troll lmao

>> No.17910717

Damn, that Ebert/Land cross-over is disturbing...

>> No.17910742

Amusing to think Weil was such a gigabrain he involuntarily imprinted on a whole generation of non-mathematician philosophers.

>> No.17910796

kill yourself faglord

>> No.17910894

By now he has sadly deteriorated to the point where he wouldn't even understand this thread in the slightest