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17907104 No.17907104 [Reply] [Original]

current stack thread is old and nearly dead with a sad excuse for a stack as the op so I am making my own. Behold my new stack. Not everything but almost. 20+ books cost me ~$150 from AbeBooks. Can't recommended them enough

>> No.17907124

This is about 75% decadent works from Snuggly Books/Wakefield Press/Dedalus Books. The rest are random things I've had my eye on like Lafcadio Hearn.

>> No.17907148

pretty gay stack, im not interested in any of them

>> No.17907326

there are some undeniably great authors in there. Cesar Aira, John Hawkes. You're lame

>> No.17907851

where the stacks at? Jachym Topol is cool to see. Really good contemporary Czech author

>> No.17908955
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most recent purchases

>> No.17908974

hard cover stoner? never seen that before

>> No.17908983

yeah, it's a 50th anniversary edition. Very nice book, I finished it in one sitting.

>> No.17909000
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I don't stacking I like displaying because covers are on their own a piece of art so:

(some in English, some in Spanish)
* Gargantua and Pantagruel with images by Doré, seems like the first part only and I don't know if completly or how is the translation, is beatiful and big but I'm not sure if I like books that are not complete
* The Swindler (El buscón), currently reading and loving it
* Examplary novels in Spanish by Cervantes
* La Celestina, in Spanish by Rojas
* Las buenas conciencias (The Good Conscience) in Spanish by Fuentes
* The discomfort of evening by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld
* The Republic and the Catilinarian Orations in Spanish by Cicero
* Artificial paradises and other texts on drugs and alcohol by Baudelaire in Spanish
* Catch-22 in English

>> No.17909018

I hope that Buddenbrooks isn’t a Porter translation.

>> No.17909094

It is. I take it that's bad? Fill me in. I mostly just purchased this copy for my library. When I see a pre-WWII Modern Library edition in good condition for under $10 I pick it up no questions asked. Not opposed to buying a better translation when I plan to read it.

>> No.17909135

The Woods translation is infinitely better.I’ve tried reading both of them and couldn’t even get through Porter so I reread Woods.A lot of critics believe Mann never became as popular in English speaking countries as he should have because of the subpar translation.Porter is just lifeless and stilted

>> No.17909191

I'll keep that in mind. I thoroughly enjoyed Porter's Magic Mountain but I haven't ever tried another translation of Mann.

>> No.17909709
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House of the Spirits -- Allende
Reason in a Dark Time is by Jamieson, subtitled Why The Struggle Against Climate Change Failed
Unreality of Memory is by Gabbert, about disasters
Hidden Life of Trees by Wohlleben

>> No.17909870
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Spic edition.
I'm still learning English desu.

>> No.17910789

Another thread of this? Fucking hell, just stop posting this shit, nobody cares.

>> No.17911112

Repost it as a stack, faggot.
Nice spread, Catch-22 is my favourite book. Also checked

>> No.17911163

I'm too lazy to take a stack pic (also my phone can"t even take pics) but I got ten volumes of the Rougon-Macquart series for 30 euros yesterday. That's not even the price of a sandwhich apiece.
Had I been better versed into the specifics of Paris's secondhand bookshops I could have easily gotten three more for the same price. Feels nice.

>> No.17911173

Almost... a trans girl.

>Nice spread, Catch-22 is my favourite book. Also checked
Cool, I'm planning on reading it after I finish A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, from that pic I've finished the one by Fuentes and El buscon.

>> No.17911661

Should I bother if I already posted my stack in the aforementioned thread?

>> No.17911677

Op from last stack thread here.
Fuck you

>> No.17912420
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you will never be a woman

>> No.17912423

lurk more lmao stack threads are a staple of this board

>> No.17912744
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current stack, hoping to finish by the end of the year

>> No.17912774

Nice get, and I agree. Cover posting is nice too

>> No.17912803
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anabasis is next, currently reading LA confidential

>> No.17913077

lol, it was like 4 slim books.

>> No.17913090

>Modern European civilisation
I have not heard of this book. You've read it, correct? Can you tell me, in outline, what it's about?

>> No.17913319

No i haven’t read that one yet but i’ve skimmed through. Looks like it starts with ancient euro civs, then a couple chapters on 17th, early 18th century and then extensively talks on French Revolution forward for the rest of the book.

>> No.17913444
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>> No.17914555

I can't post pictures here so I'll just type what I bought. I always have to buy from amazon cause I live in a small town and we don't have abebooks in my country.

After the quake - Murakami
In the heart of the heart of the country - Gass
A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again - Wallace
Lolita - Nabokov
The hotel years - Joseph Roth
Whatever - Houellebecq
News from nowhere - William Morris

>> No.17914566


>> No.17915047


Argentina? Huehuehue

>> No.17915596

do it. I didn't see it

>> No.17915606

>seller reply

>> No.17915615

>learning English from Joseph Conrad

>> No.17915620

never seen that NYRB "Lucy Jim" before. Have you tried it yet?

>> No.17915628

Trans girls are best girls <3

>> No.17915765


>> No.17915995
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New shelf

>> No.17916003
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Same as the old shelf

>> No.17917045

>Trans girls are best girls <3
thank you :3

>> No.17917053

But I will be happy.

>> No.17917061

I actually like it, quite smart.

>> No.17917092

Actually a really nice stack. I can tell you care about the look of your books. Is the Stoner hardback Smyth sewn?

>> No.17917095
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>> No.17917393

Good stuff, Eric Basso is very underrated and Wakefield/Snuggly are some of the best publishers currently working. Interested as to what you think of these, I've had my eye on a lot of them.

>> No.17917659


>> No.17917837

doubtful but good luck not killing yourself when you regret turning a sexual fetish into an identity, genuinely

>> No.17918273

Not yet, I have a few things I want to read first. Have you read it?
Thanks! Unfortunately the hardcover Stoner has a glued spine.

>> No.17918294

Need to get around to Pancakes, come to think of it

Woolf should be very ESL frenly, just go for it in the novels

>> No.17918549

>Unfortunately the hardcover Stoner has a glued spine.
They just always have to be kikes about it...

>> No.17918665

thank u borther

>> No.17918753

someone pls click my canada thingy, i don't get it.