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17906038 No.17906038 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite rationalist and why?

>> No.17906053

My dick lmao

>> No.17906054
File: 165 KB, 484x581, Reza_Negarestani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17906057


Spinoza but only because he had balls.

>> No.17906064

Decartes >> Leibniz >> Spinoza

All other answers are cope

>> No.17906134
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Muh reason

This expression indicates a rationalist's confusion and lack of noumena. When confronted with phenomena he cannot apprehend or respond to, rationalists mumble, "Muh reason" or "Muh reason a priori." This is usually followed by analytical-synthetic distinctions and mind-matter dualism.

>> No.17906137

Leibniz because I like daring pluralists who come up with daring novel views. Spinoza's monism is overdone by everyone in history, and Descartes' views end up being way too close to "Common sense was right all along!" so Leibniz immediately comes out on top.

>> No.17906528


Descartes because he's a pleasure to read, he's upsetting to freshmen who think they're smart, and unlike Spinoza he did actual geometry and satisfactorily proved things.

>> No.17906545

Leibniz. The other two were hacks who got filtered by the fact that existence is not a predicate

>> No.17906905

Geulincx or Malebranche