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/lit/ - Literature

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17903260 No.17903260 [Reply] [Original]

Prove you're not a mindless drone. Say something bad about the Greeks.

>> No.17903266

The Italians are better

>> No.17903270

Once you have read/studied them, you don't really feel the need to come back at them. The only exceptions are the lyricists and Plato.

>> No.17903277

Lmao he doesn't go back to Homer and the tragedians

>> No.17903282

>Say something bad about the Greeks.
Didn't understand low tragedy adequately.

>> No.17903360

Prometheus Bound is really boring and lame

>> No.17903400

The only one there I've read is Aesop's Fables. Weird that I grew up on that and never read any of the other Greeks.
That image is so jpged that I can't read the text on the tragedies. I know this is /lit/ but come the fuck on, if an image has text in it that's meant to be read you save it as a png! If an image has large areas of a single colour (like a page of text) it's smaller as a png than as a jpg.
Is there a recommended reading order? A uni syllabus I can follow or something?

>> No.17903411


>> No.17903437

the ships episode. FUCKING BORING

>> No.17903467

I was about to start reading the Greeks, then fooled stopped producing, so I quit on them

>> No.17903471


>> No.17903474

>retardos for wanting to better myself
Nah fuck you Anon, you were the real retard all along.

>> No.17903496
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>> No.17903509

I literally can't
The only negative I've faced with starting with the Greeks was that I've completely absorbed their way of thinking and now I'm extremely xenophobic towards other ancient civilizations and argued to people that they are completely unimportant and even that they never existed and they are just historical revisionism to demote the achievements of the Greek civilization

>> No.17903521

You basically ruined your brain thanks to a shitty /lit/ meme. Congratulations, fag.

>> No.17903531

They have lost way too fucking many texts.

>That image is so jpged
It has no artifacts and nearly everything is readable. If you can't read something, let me know and I'll write it down.

>> No.17903537

The Greeks were one of the first and most destructive barbarian invaders. They reduced the flowering native civilization to ruins, then acted as if it were theirs all along, implicitly placing themselves as its heirs, rather than admitting the truth of the matter: they stole it.
The Greeks were the first peoples who practiced organized piracy on a massive scale, terrorizing the Mediterranean for centuries.
The Greeks destroyed Troy. They destroyed Persia. The Greeks invented civilization and all foul things that came as a direct result of it.

>> No.17903541

You ask for a uni syllabus instead of just following the image in the OP and you complain the image is low quality when it's obvious it says READ ALL TRAGEDIES. You can't get more retarded than this anon

>> No.17903546

But that's dumb. Homer was very respectful of the Trojans. Aeschylus wrote Persians with a very empathetic and humane perspective of barbarians, Herodotus often criticized Greeks and favored the barbarians, etc. Are you sure you read the Greeks?
You definitely didn't read the Greeks.

>> No.17903548
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Super legible.

>you complain the image is low quality when it's obvious it says READ ALL TRAGEDIES
I was trying to see if I had read any of them. I know I read Oedipus and Antigone and I think there was a third one with it when I read it.
A uni text would be better since it can give you historical context, reading a book in a vacuum is not How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler.

>> No.17903551

>a jew tells me how to read western classics
Go back

>> No.17903575

>You definitely didn't read the Greeks.
No, it's just that I live in a superior civilization where Greek literature, Greek philosophy and Greek language are taught at school, so that I don't have to fetishize a small portion of human history as you do. I know more than you about the Greeks, and yet I don't need to suck their cocks like a silly kid with ding dongs and cartoons. Cope.

>> No.17903576

what was the native civilization?

>> No.17903581

>taught at school
Oh no, didn't you see what the other Anon said? If you learnt it from school instead of reading the book by itself then you don't know anything.

>> No.17903587

Romans did everything they attempted way better and based Muslims BTFO of both of them. Furthermore, they were cringe pederasts as opposed to based GL's

>> No.17903597

>Super legible.
It's the collection of Greek tragedies published by the University of Chicago Press, 2 books of Aeschylus, 2 Sophocles, and 5 Euripides, edited by D. Grene and R. Lattimore.

>The Persians
>The Seven Against Thebes
>The Suppliant Maidens
>Prometheus Bound

>The Oresteia:
>The Libation Bearers
>The Eumenides
>Proteus (Fragments)

>The Children of Heracles

>The Suppliant Women

Good enough?

>> No.17903598

Sounds like you got filtered anon, sorry for you

>> No.17903607

Thanks Anon, much appreciated. I'll check it out.

>> No.17903612

bunch of fucking wogs

>> No.17903627

That's not what I said. My point is that reading ancient Greek literature (not "the Greeks") with proper contextualization prevents from this kind of output >>17903509 where you mindlessly fetishize a small portion of Western culture believing it is superior to everything else. And, funniest of funnys, that happens because a bunch of literally whos on the internet constantly repeat the mantra (the meme) of «Start with da Greeks». A man is a man when traces his roads from his native civilization to the external worlds.

>> No.17903634

Seethe harder, samefag.

>> No.17903649

Godspeed. The translations are indeed worthy of recommendation

>> No.17903828

Ovid was better than any of them

>> No.17903841

Interesting, but too foreign to really enjoy.