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17899285 No.17899285 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on making friends for someone who doesn't have any of them?

>> No.17899303

Seneca's Letters from a Stoic and Epictetus' Discourses. Both mention whom, how, and according to what criteria you should befriend people.

>> No.17899316

They never be your real friends. You will always have the stink of isolation on you. True friendship is spontaneous and the result of many shared experiences and difficulties. The best you'll manage is a group.me hiking club that is as shallow as a puddle.

>> No.17899347
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I just turned 20 two days ago and I’m having an existential crisis because I have no friends and no life. My biggest fear is regretting wasting my youth on my deathbed. Any books for this feel?

>> No.17899356

>True friendship is spontaneous and the result of many shared experiences and difficulties
this. I've spent a third of my life (I'm 23) moving around on my own. Since 15 I've been an international student, first in Switzerland, then in Colorado, and now in Wisconsin. I had nobody else who shared this path with me. I have no siblings and my parents still live at home. So I cannot have meaningful friendships, just because I lack these long-term experiences. All my friends from the past places have just kind of faded away from my existence. And it's not like I can't make friends, it's just that these relationships don't last at a distance and I feel alone.
Stick to your local community and you'll get friends. Read the bible and go to a church. I'm not even a Christian, but this is a genuine advice.

>> No.17899360

better hurry up and make a change now little frog, you'll be 30 in the blink on an eye. No time to waste. The clock is tik tik tiking all day long.

>> No.17899361

I have advice, find a thing you like to do and join a group that does it. If you have an issue with drugs or something go to a support group. I myself have friends but none I've seen in awhile.

>> No.17899364

You’re 20 and we’re in the middle of a global pandemic. Go a little easier on yourself bud

>> No.17899380

I've been like this since middle school

>> No.17899387

It's over bro. You know it in your gut.

>> No.17899409


I'm 26 now and in the same boat. I've just accepted that it will never end. I've learned that, at least in America, there is not much of a common culture and people are stratified into fine niches and cliques. Me being a loner is the result of a few personal failings that ruined that delicate stratification process, so I am not among peers who are likeminded or competent.

>> No.17899429

my life is literally hasnt changed a single bit from covid. Im every bit just as isolated as I was before

>> No.17899460
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>having friends
>social life
>living a full life

>> No.17899539

become a sailor

>> No.17899611

I’m 29 and my only friend is my cat

>> No.17899838

i'm 28 and have true friends that I went to war with, but I am compelled to alienate myself lets the friendships drift away.

>> No.17899856

Go home Odysseus.

>> No.17899928
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>> No.17900007

Are you a student?

>> No.17900015


>> No.17900018

can confirm this works. sort of did this for sales job and it was so simple and worked so well.

i would actually just watch the youtube channel Charisma on Command, much better than books. i do that, watch my favorite actors/celebrities with the sound off to mimic their body language and stroke it

>> No.17900021

Not to mention we don’t have any common physical spaces anymore. Gone are the days of bumping into someone on the train or the park because they’ve been taken over by heroine junkies and dope dealers snd if you live in the suburbs or country you never had in the first place. It’s unreal how quickly this place turned into an alienating dystopia.

>> No.17900095
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21 here. same.


>> No.17900110

also, just as a side note, watch kaiji. exact replica of your situation, especially because covid is fucking the economy.

>> No.17901049

redpill me on this

>> No.17901847

People dont like me because they dont like how I speak

>> No.17901864


>> No.17901887
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The sad part is, you will. No matter what your life choices, you will always regret that you did what you did and didn’t do what you didn’t. Even the people that have tons of friends and spend the majority of their time being social will lie on their deathbed and regret not picking up a skill or having more hobbies, etc. Regretting the past is inevitable.

>> No.17901908

this is cope.

>> No.17901916

I dunno bro. All my friends are from when I was 14 years old. Haven't made a single new one since high school.

>> No.17901928

Be autistic, enjoy shit you actually enjoy, don't be an asshole to others but don't let others trend on you, focus on stuff you want/need to do, then throw yourself into crowds of various people with your head held high and your words spoken confidently (what your voice actually sounds like doesn't matter).
You cannot read any one particular book to "make friends", you can only cultivate your soul as broadly and deeply as possible using and doing whatever you can to find resonating hints from those around you, which might perhaps be nurtured through exposure and interest into full blown songs, or 'vibes'.

>> No.17901930

Nailed it. Shit's just a subtler form of consumerism.

>> No.17902016
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>> No.17902324

>have no friends
>join boxing club
>train for 6 months
>can now punch things real good
>have friends, mentors and juniors who can punch things real good
Feels good the only drawback is never talking to a female again

>> No.17902332

i am thirty and i've had like three friends for the past ten years, ask me anything

>> No.17902343

Why haven't you improved since you were 20

>> No.17902350
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The Wheel of Time is kind of like that. Especially since it starts in their teen years. It's like growing up with frens. I bet this is what high school memories are like for normal fags.
I don't think it will help you make friends since most of the vocal fan base are insufferable.

>> No.17902351

i have transcended the need for companionship
my solitude only further tempers my spirit

>> No.17902352

See >>17899928 + bee yourself

>> No.17902354

Will you feel the same way when you're 40 and childless? 50?

>> No.17902395

Literally just talk to people. Not everyone will reciprocate but in the end you'll connect with some people.

>> No.17902417

i've spent a lot of time around a lot of people. i just don't get anything out of it. i hate awkward conversations. i hate parties. i hate talking about inane shit with people i don't give a shit about. there is simply nothing in it for me. other people are liabilities to me, interacting with them rarely brings happiness and almost certainly brings worry and anxiety about whether i interacted with them correctly and didn't accidentally insult them or come off wrong. if i wanted to change, i would. but what i am is the result of trying to free myself from pain, not a failed attempt at happiness. i think i've done pretty well for myself in that regard, actually
to answer your question, who knows? maybe not. but however i feel, i know right now that i can't see a better answer from here. i'm sure my future self will understand that

>> No.17902423

I haven't had a single friend since I was 12 years old. I'm 32 now. Usually you can just ignore the desire for companionship but just consoom and distract yourself if the feelings of alienation and isolation ever get too intense. I'm sure some high quality friend simulators are right around the corner so just hold out until then friend.

>> No.17902427
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>high quality friend simulators are right around the corner
you're in one, fren

>> No.17902488

24 here and I have completely wasted the last 6 years of my life. It doesn't get better.

>> No.17903026

thank you for your service

>> No.17903385

sink or swim

>> No.17903429

How do I reach this wisdom after a broken heart?