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File: 770 KB, 1200x1671, 1200px-Jean-Jacques_Rousseau_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17897308 No.17897308 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine burning in hell for eternity in every religion and damning the world til the end of time because you wanted to rationalize your uncontrollable urge to suck cock.

>> No.17897421

wait for real Rousseau was a fag? post sauce please.

>> No.17897433

Oh so that's what Keynes looks like?

>> No.17897440

We call it "OP's conundrum".

>> No.17897579

Imagine being such a cuck you actually need an imaginary bull that fucks your wife in the sky after you’ve been freed to the shackles of Abrahamic cuckolding

Maybe that’s the real reason why Moses hated that golden bull. It reminded him too much of his eternal desire, of being forever a submissive cuckold

>> No.17899191

Your exaggerating.

>> No.17900386


See. /lit/ doesn't even read and they suppose they are allowed to have opinions. Kys (((enlightenment))) Rat

>> No.17900404
File: 37 KB, 640x480, Epn1C3GW4AAvYQO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing brainlet

>> No.17900419

>lower/weaker metaphysical stratum don't exist because I feel like it.

>> No.17900431

>lower/weaker metaphysical stratum do exist because I feel like it.

>> No.17900491

>t. Doesn't understand the principle of differentiation/delineation/distinction

>> No.17900537

>Imagine being so butthurt that you need to punish someone for eternity because they didn't think you are real

>> No.17900556

>he thinks God is a person with feelings

Ptff oh nononono

>> No.17900593

God gave humans freewill. This means that each and every one of us is free to choose their path. We can do evil acts or good acts. This also justifies going to hell and heaven. Homosexuality is a choice and a choice that will lead to hell. Can you be homosexual? Of course but there will be consequences, and the worst consequence of it is the consequence of the afterlife's punishment.

>> No.17900609

By the way promoting homosexuality but not engaging is as bad as engaging in it. We know this because in Sodom and Gomorroh we are told that the people who promoted homosexuality but didn't engage in it were also harshly punished.

>> No.17900793
File: 459 KB, 931x528, the cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry bros, i just couldn't beat the urge. nothing can.

>> No.17900812

>He lies to himself and pretends that god does not

>> No.17900815
File: 120 KB, 1200x675, Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion is a spook

>> No.17900821

God isn't real though.

>> No.17900831

are bears a spook smart guy?

>> No.17900934

he looks like one

>> No.17901126

Yeah lmao look at this fucker. Definitely Closet gay trying to go open with it

>> No.17901851

Voltaires kinda cool though

>> No.17901869

>pretending to have morals
Liars go to hell too

>> No.17901883

The ego is a spook, not even joking.

>> No.17903514

yeah, with some people you can just tell can't you?

>> No.17903532

Rousseau was a Christian you retard.

>> No.17903536

>We know this because in Sodom and Gomorroh we are told that the people who promoted homosexuality but didn't engage in it were also harshly punished.
God also harshly punishes rich people, wearing mixed fibers and eating shrimp, but those benefits you, so luckily that makes them metaphors, which you then magically don’t have to follow

>> No.17903539
File: 428 KB, 1440x960, 67BC7D8B-9659-4CEA-B742-05FBF8B19030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the heckin homosexerinos!

>> No.17903811

This is fake. Plato was anti-homosexuality(see Leges), who told gays to use their urges as a driving force for self improvement and abstain from sex and iirc there's basically no mention in any of the ancient writings of authors who were supportive of it, even in the "X comments on what Y said" as we have with Arians or Gnostics.

>> No.17903819

t. doesn’t know the absolute basics of Christian theology

>> No.17903858

Notice how the image is quoting speakers in Plato’s dialogues not Plato himself. I don’t know how you can construe those as ‘not supportive of it’. And you don’t even need the support statements, the mere existence of it as an unremarkable commonplace is interesting enough - the fact that when they speak about love (eros) they use mainly male-male relationships as examples. Also, there are those ‘X are supportive of Y’ comments, such as one (I think in Laertius?) where it says the stoic Zeno said to have unrestrained relations with boys.

>> No.17903877

>He thinks this world was made for evil faggots to enjoy themselves without worry of any punishment or that humans die just like animals and our conciousness doesn't mean shit
Sounds like you're the one with the brainlet take.

>> No.17903884

>humans die just like animals
Well, if I were some kind of animal, like a gorilla, I might find the proposition that I will die just like other animals, and that my consciousness doesn’t mean shit, equally repellent - but that in itself wouldn’t alter my metaphysical status.

>> No.17903918

you're right, should have just become a priest and succumb to sucking on prepubescent cock without trying to rationalize it

>> No.17905222

I'm not saying the gay is good, but I think that story was giving more weight to the fact that that it was town full of rapists. They literally were looking to gang rape a group of angels.

>> No.17905226

>t. doesn’t know the absolute basics of Christian mental gymnastics

>> No.17905278

Not that guy but you basically asked why Christians aren't Jewish, if you can't even grasp the difference why should anyone listening to anything you have to say about it?

>> No.17905295

>For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. - some guy who was kind of relevant to Christianity

>> No.17905296

A gorilla doesn't "find" anything, it's a dumb as shit animal and doesn't into self-reflection.

>> No.17905362

> He keeps doing it
> Doesn't know who is the fulfillment of the law
Paul's letters are included in the Bible for a reason.

>> No.17905379

Take your meds

>> No.17905407

Yes, and Paul’s word is not the literal word from God, or is it?

>> No.17906427

If you knew wtf you were talking about you'd know Paul had to explain the Law in relation to Christians for brainlets who didn't get simple things like the story of Jesus performing miracles on the Sabbath.

>> No.17906971

so does your mom lmao

>> No.17907084

God’s word had to be explained? The creator of everything stuttered?

>> No.17907149

nice feels you got there

>> No.17907256


>> No.17907287

conciousness is an interaction it can't be inmortal