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1789626 No.1789626 [Reply] [Original]

More like this plz.

>> No.1789639

Have you tried The Name of the Wind?

>> No.1789642


>> No.1789670
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Read some R. Scott Bakker yo. The Prince of Nothing Trilogy was great and and Aspect Emperor Trilogy has been even better so far. It's a shame so few people read him.

>> No.1789686

TJE wasn't that good. But yeah, I'd second that rec. I'm not sure it's too much like Rothfuss though, but still, I'll second it.

>> No.1789730
File: 9 KB, 205x250, R. Scott Bakker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, The Judging Eye is probably the weakest book in the series. I feel like The White-Luck Warrior more than made up for it though. Man that book rocked.

>> No.1789758

I've been meaning to check out the Prince of Nothing Trilogy. So, pretty decent, eh?

>> No.1789778

Fuck you op

you know why

>> No.1790010

Opinions may vary, but personally, I think it's the best thing in epic fantasy today.

>> No.1790757

They're better than any other epic fantasy I've read so far.

>> No.1791167

And there it is. Thanks op.

>> No.1792303

Prince of Nothing Trilogy is best? Legitimate question. Ive read Kingkiller Chronicles, Ice And Fire, The First Law, Tales of the Otori, loved them all and more for the same and/or reasons. Does Prince of Nothing compare and/or what other series?

>> No.1792313

I can't even talk to you Mr. "LOL I love Patrick Rothfuss but Glen Wolfe? No Siree!"

you go and you read your entertaining action-y adolescent books and thinking that makes you superior or something

>> No.1792312

sup op.

>> No.1792336

Did anyone else fall asleep half-way through The Name of the Wind?

damn...and the writing, lol cliche after cliche

>> No.1792343

um, not op, have nothing against call of the wild, but dont see revelance

>> No.1792350


>> No.1792357

think im going to try Bakker, thank you, not op

>> No.1792358

Well, Name of the Wind taught me a good lesson. Don't buy books that have "staff pick" on them.

In fact, don't buy books at all. Library is superior.

I want my money back Patrick...

>> No.1792364

>Did anyone else fall asleep half-way through The Name of the Wind?

Yep :3
It's basically Harry Potter in college.
he also ripped of Oliver Twist.
And mixed it all up with terrible writing skills.

>> No.1792368


So fucking sick of everyone coming all over the fucking book

>> No.1792369

>More like this plz.

Cliched drivel that panders to pre-teen idiots who just finished reading Harry Potter and Twilight?


>> No.1792374
File: 358 KB, 300x169, dr brulelol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patrick Rothfuss
>took him 8-9 years to finish a BACHELORS IN ENGLISH

>mfw it took him the time to become a doctor to get the easiest degree at University.

>> No.1792373

not on demonoid, links for audiobooks?

>> No.1792389

this shit is overhyped as hell
it's trite and unoriginal

>> No.1792393

wow, can't wait to hear the recommendations from you, have to be absolute masterpieces?

>> No.1792418

read jack vance

(the problem i'm facing is that there is an inherent difficulty in recommending good things to people with poor taste. pearls before swine, yeah?)

>> No.1792424


As far as fantasy goes there isn't much to choose from that is acceptable.

Other than GRRM, I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending anyone.

Sci-Fi has some decent stuff...
>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>Book of the New Sun

>> No.1792425

taste is a matter of opinion jackass, ever think your taste may be shit?, cause it sure smells like it to me

>> No.1792430


he recommended jack vance, if you think that's shit, then you are shit.

>> No.1792431

"acceptable" pretentious

>> No.1792433

he won't like any of it. despite the fact that dune is excellent, and a canticle is great, and book of the new sun is a masterwork, he'll find them dry and boring. he'll ignore literary merit and skill in writing, and seek out something with a snarky lead that does cool stuff.

>> No.1792438


mmm I like you, lets be friends

>> No.1792442

If your yardstick of recommendation is GRRM, I don't share your sentiments on the lack of acceptable recommendations.

>> No.1792447


umm ok, I'll be sure to make a note of that in my diary

>> No.1792448

I'm moderately pleased.

>> No.1792451

>dear diary, anon was a faggot today because he likes things I don't like.

>> No.1792459
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Shit's serious business up in hurr.

>> No.1792461

How sad.

>> No.1792643

I've only read A Song of Ice and Fire, which I thought was generally inferior to Second Apocalypse (I believe that's the name for the whole of Bakker's books).

I believe there are three important differences between Bakker and Martin. First, Martin seems to be making shit up as he goes along, what with the constantly increasing number of characters and planned books in the series. I get the impression that Bakker has mostly planned everything out beforehand and will wrap up the series in a satisfying manner.

Secondly, Martin is essentially writing straight-up entertainment while Bakker incorporates philosophical concepts into his novels, giving them more depth and literary value than ASoIaF.

Lastly, Martin is essentially deconstructing fantasy novels by taking a traditional fantasy story and adding a more realistic and gritty feel. Bakker's universe on the other hand is largely original with only a few tropes borrowed from the generic fantasy template.

I'd say the two are on par with each other in most respects, so the advantage goes to Bakker.

>> No.1792686


>> No.1792707
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>> No.1793605

>If your yardstick of recommendation is GRRM, I don't share your sentiments on the lack of acceptable recommendations.

>implying there are other fantasy authors that equal or surpass GRRM

>> No.1793627

>Martin makes stuff up as he goes along..
>Bakker has it all planned out...

I doubt Bakker has it all planned out, that's not how writing works. Regardless, neither method is better than the other.

>Secondly, Martin is essentially writing straight-up entertainment while Bakker incorporates philosophical

This is ridiculous and irrelevant. Philosophy has it's place, but you can't inject philosophy into a fantasy book that goes beyond basic phil 100 level shit...just like you can't place much quantum physics or math in a fantasy genre, it is going to be inherently dumbed down, chopped up and simplified...don't pretend it adds any depth to a genre book. Unless your 14 and have never been exposed to philosophy.

>I'd say the two are on par with each other in most respects, so the advantage goes to Bakker.

The two are equal in most areas, yet Bakker comes out on top why? Because nothing you've said makes him better...

>> No.1793655

Terry Pratchett. With Alzheimer's.

>> No.1793684


Can't even compare them, they are too different.

I just finished Going Postal, and for a book that tries to be "quirky & entertaining" it really wasn't.

But I'm not going to say GRRM is obviously superior to Pratchett because they are so different.