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File: 68 KB, 412x630, 2940016106502_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17895041 No.17895041 [Reply] [Original]

In a society where people have no self-esteem and live in poverty, you have to find divine bullshit. Otherwise, people shall rebel against the authority and crash it. To prevent it from happening, smart rulers, wealthy ones, and priests created a fiction called religion. So that they will make you their cattles. From what many on this board have written and believed, I can obviously say they indeed succeeded. You are isolating yourself from the real world. You are living in a dream world. Thus you will feel no agony and never question why you live in such misery. Whereas those who have wealth and authority shall live this only and intrinsic world with all the joy, happiness, and enjoyment. Alas, you can only diagnose the issue not the solution. But if you seek an answer start by reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche. And see how a true believer should be.

>> No.17895058

Did you finish your homework before posting this tonight, anon?

>> No.17895120

Sorry but that sounds more like /r/atheism than Nietzsche. I think you should try reading his works OP

>> No.17895515

Nietzsche would strangle you to death.

>> No.17895656
File: 160 KB, 800x1088, Cannibalism_during_Russian_famine_1921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing that bugs me about this mindset is that im supposed to be upset about authoritarianism and rulers trying to prevent people from destroying society, as if its somehow in my interest as a working class person to see society reduced to a dysfunctional hell on earth

it seems like pure utopian drivel, pic related is what your revolution actually looks like IRL

>> No.17895714

im not even religious but Ill be the happiest cow in the pasture if it means I get to live in a society that leans towards christian morality family values instead of the alternative

>> No.17897023

Thanks for the responses, anons. I didn't actually write the OP, sadly. It's a YouTube comment made by a Turkish computer engineering student who was bullying an Indian Advaita Vedantist. I found the exchange mildly amusing so I slightly modified the Turk's comment to be suitable for this board.

>> No.17897041

>therwise, people shall rebel against the authority and crash it
No you need a strong police force and overwhelimg power, like the one we have nowadays. The gap in power between armed government organizations and civillians is so big that nobody has the balls to do shit to the enstablishment.

>> No.17897056

>who was bullying an Indian Advaita Vedantist
of all the things to get mad about as an edgy fedora-tipper