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/lit/ - Literature

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17894486 No.17894486 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Sappho so fucking amazing?

>> No.17894781


only poet that makes me cry consistently. I can't put a finger on what it is in her verse. something about it is just so sincere, and so timeless, and if I'm to be honest, there is something about its being so ancient thats really touching.

>> No.17894796

Ezra Pound said Catullus was the only one he knew who "mastered the lady's metre". Maybe try him?

>> No.17895065

>tfw you will never correctively rape Sappho

>> No.17895077

It's a Sappho thread not a "rec poets like Sappho" thread. Can you not read or do you just love posting off topic garbage?

>> No.17895104

There is only like one poem that isn't just fragments of two or three words.

>> No.17895109

atheists idolize whores

>> No.17895143

Stfu you faggot, if you think no one compares to her and I've just recommended someone who does, you should be thankful.

>> No.17895251

I have never been moved by any of the fragments of her we have available. Could you please post something from her you consider exceedingly of high quality?

>> No.17895827

What's the best collection of her works? I was going to get Anne Carsons but I don't think it has the poems they discovered in 2014.

>> No.17895835

You said it yourself you're mostly into spiritual poetry so you can't appreciate Sappho as she's into a different type of poetry. Why even ask for someone to bother posting fragments so you can analyse them in an obtuse way?

>> No.17895838

She barely has any works. You can read them in 30 minutes. She's glorified by incels like the virgins ITT

>> No.17895949

She isnt, but throughout history men have pretended to be amazed by even basic competence in a woman, for obvious reasons (appearing sensitive and nice so as to fuck other women).

>> No.17896267

She isnt, otherwise she would have been somebody in any time period ever

>> No.17896269

But i can still appreciate raw quality like in Robert herrick, Ben Johnson, Swinburne and the like. I just don’t think what we have of her is that big of a deal so I personally don’t get it. It’s not like there aren’t female poets in history that actually have some decently sized bodies of work that are good.

>> No.17896278
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post her best work, then, if this dyke is as amazing as you say

>> No.17896302

A female writer Who I’ve liked though she’s probably a lesbian was Katherine Phillips for example. Either check out her solitude poem or any of her longerish poems

>> No.17896421

Youre a woman

>> No.17896445

just ordered my bilingual ticket to Lesbos. I'll make a sophisticated thread in about a month. see you later, virgins.

>> No.17896474

>bilingual ticket

>> No.17896488

a bilingual edition. Anton Bierl / Sappho: Lieder (deutsch/griechisch), Reclam, Stuttgart, 2021.

>> No.17897260
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>> No.17897275

Here's a poem for you:

You must choose
But choose only one
And post them now
You whore

>> No.17897284

Post one

>> No.17897287

Someone say something about ligual lesbos?
Haha, sign me up!
Nah, I'm just joking around.

>> No.17897299

Why don't you google "poems of Sappho" read it, and them come back in 30 minutes. Moron.

>> No.17897302

I really like the one where the girl she likes is paying attention to some guy instead of her, very relatable

>> No.17897306

I’ve read them all and none of them have ever impressed me. The Aphrodite one is the best and it isn’t anywhere near as good as Horace nor as good as Ovid nor as good as the Orphic hymns.

Again, post one you think is actually good compared to various Greek and Roman poets.

>> No.17897333

If you've read them all why would I bother posting the poems again? If you're interested, read someone critical examination of her work. There was a reason why she was called the Tenth Muse for the ancient Greeks, and how others like Ovid also took inspiration from her.

>> No.17897340

i said "dyke", i am not a woman-hater, iam in fact a lesbian-hater.

>> No.17897343

It's a board for literature discussion. Don't really think it's a big ask to explain what you love about one of your favourite poets rather than just telling people to read some criticism.

>> No.17897351


>> No.17897386

Sure, fragment 31 is a great example of longing in poetry that encapsulates her feelings about the woman with brevity. Her rhyme scheme and metre is always impeccable considering the lyrical nature of the poetry.

My favorite parts of her poetry are kinda found in Milton, she's really great at making the words sound good when you do the speaking thing.

All I got. Its not like I'm a lit major.

>> No.17897419

Post some so we can review it

>> No.17897424
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>> No.17897429

youre a woman, deep inside..

>> No.17897508

ITT: People dismissing Sappho after reading her in translation.

>> No.17897561

I absolutely love fragment 31 in my language but it sounds pretty awful in English. The English translations I’ve read at least.

>> No.17897636
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>doesn't even dare to defend his views
Holy shit anon this is just embarrassing

>> No.17897752

Alright let’s compare it, that one poem certainty is nothing compared to Homer and If you allow us some time, she is clearly no where as potent as Horace or an orphic hymn.

Example this Horace ode translated by Milton.

What slender youth, bedew’d with liquid odors,
Courts thee on roses in some pleasant cave,
Pyrrha? For whom bind’st thou
In wreaths thy golden hair,
Plain in thy neatness? O how oft shall he
Of faith and changed gods complain, and seas
Rough with black winds, and storms
Unwonted shall admire!
Who now enjoys thee credulous, all gold,
Who, always vacant, always amiable
Hopes thee, of flattering gales
Unmindful. Hapless they
To whom thou untried seem’st fair. Me, in my vow’d
Picture, the sacred wall declares to have hung
My dank and dropping weeds
To the stern god of sea.

Example; the Orphic hymn to Aphrodite.

Heav'nly [Ourania], illustrious, laughter-loving queen, sea-born, night-loving, of an awful mien;
Crafty, from whom necessity [Ananke] first came, producing, nightly, all-connecting dame:
'Tis thine the world with harmony to join, for all things spring from thee, O pow'r divine.
The triple Fates [Moirai] are rul'd by thy decree, and all productions yield alike to thee:
Whate'er the heav'ns, encircling all contain, earth fruit-producing, and the stormy main,
Thy sway confesses, and obeys thy nod, awful attendant of the brumal God [Bakkhos]:
Goddess of marriage, charming to the sight, mother of Loves [Eortes], whom banquetings delight;
Source of persuasion [Peitho], secret, fav'ring queen, illustrious born, apparent and unseen:
Spousal, lupercal, and to men inclin'd, prolific, most-desir'd, life-giving., kind:
Great sceptre-bearer of the Gods, 'tis thine, mortals in necessary bands to join;
And ev'ry tribe of savage monsters dire in magic chains to bind, thro' mad desire.
Come, Cyprus-born, and to my pray'r incline, whether exalted in the heav'ns you shine,
Or pleas'd in Syria's temple to preside, or o'er th' Egyptian plains thy car to guide,
Fashion'd of gold; and near its sacred flood, fertile and senpai'd to fix thy blest abode;
Or if rejoicing in the azure shores, near where the sea with foaming billows roars,
The circling choirs of mortals, thy delight, or beauteous nymphs, with eyes cerulean bright,
Pleas'd by the dusty banks renown'd of old, to drive thy rapid, two-yok'd car of gold;
Or if in Cyprus with thy mother fair, where married females praise thee ev'ry year,
And beauteous virgins in the chorus join, Adonis pure to sing and thee divine;
Come, all-attractive to my pray'r inclin'd, for thee, I call, with holy, reverent mind.
For me, these all produce far more mental imagery, aesthetic pleasure and emotion than the fragment and they sound both very lovely in original and in translation.

>> No.17897787

Thanks for proving you're b8ing, faggot.

>> No.17897800

I don't like using Milton as an example of that, Milton basically wrote his English poetry like it was latin. He mutilated the English language (albeit ingeniously)

>> No.17898981

>the are actual people in this thread deriding sappho
who the fuck likes literature but not sappho?

>> No.17899007

Jesus anon are you gonna at least try to provide an argument or is your brain entirely made of memes and greentexts?

>> No.17899045

An argument "defending" one of the most sublime and influential poets of archaic greece? Want me to "defend" homer too you illiterate retard?

>> No.17899049

why not?

>> No.17899054

Yes anon, he wants you to defend the 10th muse from his criticism, lemow!

>> No.17899064

Because I can't convince you that a sunset is beautiful if you feel the need for me to prove it to you. Pearls before swine etc etc

>> No.17899569

Eh, Alcaeus was better.

>> No.17899579

i find it really hard to evaluate translated poetry as just the original poet, but sappho as translated by anne carson is fucking great for me

>> No.17899599

Then what the fuck is the point of posting at all you dumb cretin? You have nothing to share about anything then leave the board

>> No.17899629

I agree with you, it’s very strange of people who have already read her and don’t like her to expect to be convinced to like her by someone saying that they really like her.

>> No.17899642

we're talking about literature on the literature board. maybe you don't like literature?

>> No.17899655

"i really really like X :D" discussions belong to r*ddit and so do you

>> No.17899675

I consider this to be her best poem

φαίνεταί μοι κῆνος ἴσος θέοισιν
ἔμμεν' ὤνηρ, ὄττις ἐνάντιός τοι
ἰσδάνει καὶ πλάσιον ἆδυ φωνεί-
σας ὐπακούει

καὶ γελαίσας ἰμέροεν, τό μ' ἦ μὰν
καρδίαν ἐν στήθεσιν ἐπτόαισεν,
ὠς γὰρ ἔς σ' ἴδω βρόχε' ὤς με φώνας
οὔδεν ἔτ' εἴκει,

ἀλλὰ κὰμ μὲν γλῶσσα +ἔαγε, λέπτον
δ' αὔτικα χρῶι πῦρ ὐπαδεδρόμακεν,
ὀππάτεσσι δ' οὐδ' ἒν ὄρημμ', ἐπιρρόμ-
βεισι δ' ἄκουαι,

ἀ δὲ μ’ ἴδρως κακχέεται τρόμος δὲ
παῖσαν ἄγρει, χλωροτέρα δὲ ποίας
ἔμμι, τεθνάκην δ' ὀλίγω 'πιδεύης
φαίνομ', Ἄγαλλι.
/ stoa: κὰδ' δέ ἴδρως κακχέεται, τρόμος δὲ
παῖσαν ἄγρει, χλωροτέρα δὲ ποίας
ἔμμι, τεθνάκην δ' ὀλίγω 'πιδεύης
φαίνομ' ἔμ' αὔτᾳ.

ἀλλὰ πὰν τόλματονἐπεί κεν ᾖ τά.

>> No.17899679

thanks for the downvote

>> No.17899693
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This thread is one samefag (OP) who made a thread about Sappho because they thought it would make them look smart, and being probably 17/18 and thus immature they're too proud to admit making a mistake, so they're just mindlessly claiming 'she's good' with zero actual evidence

>> No.17899701

>sappho bad because woman
is not an argument, chud

>> No.17899703

Nice anon, you won the debate and have proven that she is objectively not good, you can leave now.

>> No.17899736


>> No.17899745

cope faggot

>> No.17899766

>I just can't explain it, why are you asking me to explain what I think
Are you by any chance a Marxist

>> No.17899773

He didn't make that argument... You posters are everything wrong with this board

>> No.17899782

>what is aesthetics
You must be very young and/or very new to the humanities

>> No.17899798
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>> No.17899818

is the part where you give the reductionist materialist understanding of why we perceive beauty

>> No.17899826

Where's your 'you'? Surely you didn't switch devices. Pathetic

>> No.17899831

>Someone, I say, will remember us in the future
She is lovely.

>> No.17899833
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>You must be very young and/or very new to the humanities

>> No.17899844


>> No.17899858

and you post tradmeme academic paintings so you're basically even

>> No.17899882
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>> No.17900888


>> No.17900899


>> No.17900944

I would have raped her in some other past life.

>> No.17901062
File: 217 KB, 650x703, 6565896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her rhyme scheme
You're a retard.

You're autistic.

>> No.17901414

Sappho is the greatest hack ever next to Plath

>> No.17901452

Literally the only based tripfag.

>> No.17901453
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>> No.17901484
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>fertile and senpai'd

>> No.17902932

what a retarded thread

>> No.17903013

It is and one of the best poems ever written. Incel trip asked for examples and then ignores this.

>> No.17903038

>comparing translations of poetry
are you ill?

>> No.17903080

>Feminine poetry

Pēdīcābo ego vōs et irrumābō

>> No.17903181

>didn't get it

>> No.17903347

Which fragment is this?