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17893861 No.17893861 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to learn more about international relations, especially the theory. What are the most important works from the last thirty years other than pic related?

>> No.17893898

>pic related
What is that though?

>> No.17893899


>> No.17893903

Kissinger is the go to

>> No.17893920

Is that the guy who wrote the great chessboard

>> No.17893935

gorilla mindset

>> No.17894220

Kisinger, no.
Wallerstein yes even though world systems theory dwindles in relevance with each passing year

>> No.17894229

Dear Irishmen,

There’s more to us than our colour.

There’s more to us than our looks.

There’s more to us than the body that you have unjustly exotified because you refuse to look at what we can offer you intellectually.

We have depth. We have character. We have value.

So please stop sexualising us.

When you sexualise us you don’t make us feel beautiful. You don’t make us feel special. You don’t make us feel unique. You make us feel like an object that you will eventually get bored of and toss out after having derived maximum pleasure from us.

Stop sexualising us.

Because when you sexualise us you are merely reminding us that you don’t actually see us. You do not see us for what or who we are. You see nothing more than a physical aspect of us. You see a carnel desire and someone with whom you want to explore your insatiable black girl fetish.

Stop sexualising us.

Because when you sexualise us we can’t help but wonder how much longer you’ll stick around after you get tired of the pigment of our skin.

Stop sexualising us.

Because when you sexualise us you are damaging our spirit. Tearing up our soul. You are instilling an insecurity in us about something that we should be proud of.

Stop sexualising us.

Because when you sexualise us you’re telling us that we will never amount to anything more than a checklist, a conquest, a tool.

It is degrading. It is diminishing. It is devaluing.

So why do you continue to sexualise us?

am not a commodity.

I am not a car for you to test drive one day because you’ve come to the realisation that you’ve yet to try a black one.

I wasn’t brought to this world to explore your sexual curiosity and I do not exist to fulfil your sexual needs.

Dear Irishman, the next time you set your green eyes on me, remember this:

There’s more to me than my colour.

There’s more to me than my looks.

There’s more to me than the body that you have unjustly exotified because you refuse to look at what I can offer you intellectually.

I have depth. I have character. I have value, so please stop sexualising me.

>> No.17894310

What’s wrong with Kissinger?

>> No.17894335

He grilled some gooks in Vietnam which made gnome chompsky angry

>> No.17894347

>Kisinger, no.

>> No.17894357

1. Thucydides
2. Machiavelli
3. Hobbes
4. Clausewitz (On war)
5 Study Bismarck
7. Morgenthau
8. Kenneth Waltz

>> No.17894360

John J Mearsheimer and Kenneth Waltz

>> No.17894369

He was a cross dressing man. I prefer ranch myself.

>> No.17894714
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>After Hegemony - Keohane
>Soft Power - Nye
>Power and Interdependence - Keohane & Nye
>A theory of International Politics - Waltz
>Man, the State, and War - Waltz
>The Tragedy of Great Power Politics -Mearsheimer
>Social Theory of International Politics - Wendt

>> No.17896457

Thank you!

>> No.17896466

Holy based

>> No.17896498

except OP asked for the last 30 years and not a single one of those wrote their most significant works in the last 30 years