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/lit/ - Literature

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17893325 No.17893325 [Reply] [Original]

>China is adopting the literary culture the west abandoned
Yeah I'm thinking it's Chinese Century time

>> No.17893338

>Finnegans Wake is a bestseller in China

Actual, native English speakers cannot understand that fucking book. This has got to be pure status-climbing on the part of the Chinese. It's like how they'll buy ten thousand dollar bottles of wine from Bordeaux despite having no palate for wine at all. They don't care about its quality, they just care that it's expensive and they can use it to show off.

>> No.17893344
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>coping this hard

>> No.17893379
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>Cannibalism is a taboo in nearly every culture. But not in China. Tell us about the history of “gourmet cannibalism”—and how Mao unleashed a new wave of famine-driven cannibalism during the Cultural Revolution.
>During the Cultural Revolution, privately owned farms were collectivized. These techniques did not work, though, which resulted in a lot of people starving. Many people across China were reduced to incidents of what is known as “starvation cannibalism,” similar to the Donner Party. Families were often reduced to trading their children for the children of their neighbors, so they wouldn’t wind up killing and eating their own kids.
>China is a special case because it was never exposed to the taboo against cannibalism. This is a Western taboo. If your culture dictates that, if you’re an emperor, you’re allowed to eat human body parts, then there’s nothing wrong with that. There are numerous descriptions of emperors and other members of the imperial court enjoying humans as a type of food, prepared in all different ways.

>Workers string up the animals by their necks and hang them, smash their heads open, or shock and burn them alive in the mistaken belief that dogs who are tortured as they die “taste better.”

>The practice leads to reported cases of female corpses being stolen. In 2017–19, it is reported that a black market of female corpses has appeared in the provinces of Shandong, Shanxi and Shaanxi. A female dead body can be sold in the range of several hundred thousands RMB for the purpose of minghun. Even corpses of married, elderly women have become targets of such illegal trade. In 2019 some graveyards in Henan province resort to CCTV cameras and concrete coffins to prevent thefts.[9]

>> No.17893439

100%. Everything they do, from Euro-trips to reading western literature is pure showmanship.
It is reality. That store is just another symptom of the problem.

>> No.17893452
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based chinkland

>> No.17893458
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cannibalism is actually a very prevalent theme in chinese literature. Lu Xun's book "Diary of a Madman" the main character gradually goes insane and comes to the conclusion that the entirety of chinese civilization could be summed up in the two words "eat people"

>> No.17893465

>China is adopting the literary culture the west abandoned

It wasn't abandoned it was taking to it's next logical step which is the reality that we live in today. If you hate China this is good news it means they can't be that far from collapsing after us

>> No.17893478
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>mfw i see another china thread

>> No.17893481

Finally mossad gets off it's ass and learns mandarin

>> No.17893497

based af

>> No.17893523

uganda be crazy! ha, ha, ha: uganda be kidding me!

>> No.17893530
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>> No.17893536
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>Finarry mossad gets off it's ass and rearns mandarin

>> No.17893541

we so grad you courd join us for anuddarh passover

>> No.17893551
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>we so grad you courd join us for anuddarh passover

>> No.17893557

make the straw hat tiny like a yarmulke

>> No.17893570

In all seriousness, how the fuck do you translate Joyce into an ideogrammatic language?

>> No.17893578

Americans are so touchy on this subject of them being a culture-less shopping mall society

>> No.17893579

A few years ago somebody posted a mandarin translation of Finnegans Wake. If I remember correctly the appendix was extremely large and just about every word had a handful of annotations.

>> No.17893580

Throw some silverware down the stairs and write down whatever combination of "ching" and "chong" you get.

>> No.17893588

we also got twerking and popping xans

>> No.17893589



>> No.17893591
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>you americans

>> No.17893592

>China is adopting the literary culture the west abandoned
Ultimately, I envy China. Their media is not devoted to tearing their nation down, they preserve and respect their language and culture, and they seem united. They even seem to be moving in a greener direction with planting forests and the like. They are what I wish America was.

>> No.17893597

Fuck China. They're adopting it because they're behind. The entire world is behind the western world basically stuck in the western 1940's

>> No.17893602

You're wrong. China is home to literary giants that will reinvigorate the western canon.

RC Waldun is one example among many. https://youtu.be/6qRWrPDNbGw

>> No.17893604
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Mind sayin that again Chink?

>> No.17893605

James Joyce being the shallow signifier sophistication and intellectualism vs marvel movies being shallow signifier of sophistication and intellectualism. choose one

>> No.17893616

If Americans had no culture, there would not have been memorial marches for St. George Floyd in Finland and New Zealand.

>> No.17893628

This posts makes me feel weary. At times I feel that we had a truly great culture, and then I feel like the American culture I love never actually existed. I wish I was powerful/influential enough to create it.

>> No.17893642
File: 1.75 MB, 2515x3353, EAA89952-9CDF-4C94-BF53-E8E01AE2EEFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is China so fucking based bros? America needs to adopt Communism and become like them.

>> No.17893645

>Yeah I'm thinking it's Chinese Century time

>> No.17893647

we DO have culture

>> No.17893650

The first sentence reveals that anglos do exactly what the rest of the post accuses the chinamen of doing.

>> No.17893652

>America needs to adopt Communism and become like them.
They became based after Deng Xiaoping moron, the move from communism to quasi-state-captialism is what saved them. We need to copy their nationalist and statist tendencies.

>> No.17893655

Exactly. Communism with Chinese Characteristics.

>> No.17893662
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Yeah I'm thinking its psyops time.
Great thread 50 cent party

>> No.17893682
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>> No.17893688

Takes your meds

>> No.17893699

the absolute state of chink-to-english autotranslate

>> No.17893704

*50 cents have been deposited to your bank account.

>> No.17893710

Back to /x/

>> No.17893714

50 shekels have been deposited into your account

>> No.17893727
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>> No.17893728
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>> No.17893733

*takes your meds*

>> No.17893738

Shut the hell up black nigger dog.

>> No.17893750

Racist nonsense . China is better than US shithole - from US citizen who visited.

>> No.17893752

Since we’re doing classic ‘American dude goes to foreign countries and is horrified by what he sees’ posts, does anyone have the post where anon goes to South Africa or something and he describes it like a post apocalyptic hellscape full of niggers

>> No.17893754

You expect me to believe this shit? Schizos were right

>> No.17893762

How is >>17893652 even CCP-shilling? I am saying we need to study what they are doing right and implement it here, not that I am a fan of China.

>> No.17893763

Ok CIA nigger

>> No.17893768
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>Shut the hell up black nigger dog.

>> No.17893770
File: 65 KB, 1841x318, africa 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might be this one? i have a few more i'll post those

>> No.17893778

Reminder American intelligence shills against China. If the American people knew the truth about glorious Chinese socialism they would overthrow their leading class

>> No.17893780
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>> No.17893782

the gigabytes of chinkland gore videos i have on my computer says otherwise

>> No.17893787

Wait, they’re making Chinese girls have sex with Africans in China? For what reason?

>> No.17893790
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last one

>> No.17893795

It’s probably sons of African elites.

>> No.17893798
File: 2.83 MB, 2562x1950, china1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for grorious genes and strong child

>> No.17893806

Fake bullshit

>> No.17893811

Why in the ungodly fuck is this obvious chink thread still up.

>> No.17893816

They’re not it’s fake. CIA shills projecting nigger dick obsession onto China

>> No.17893817

Based China. This looks comfy as fuck.

>> No.17893819
File: 1.78 MB, 2029x1713, china18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok chang

>> No.17893823
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reminder that when you side AGAINST china you're siding WITH western intelligence agencies and western hereditary aristocracy

>> No.17893827

They’re going to steamroll black tranny army of the USA.

>> No.17893834

Hard to believe with the frequency they get gobbled up by machinery they haven't learnt to be careful or even bother to develop any sort of environmental awareness.

>> No.17893835

Why is everthing black blac black niggerdog nigger? Does that prove your shilling more?

>> No.17893836

That was when the army and leaders were white. Now it’s niggers led by Jews

>> No.17893837
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>> No.17893843

Holy shit there are literal CCP shills on /lit/.

>> No.17893849
File: 71 KB, 620x675, 8fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminder that if you side AGAINSTS glowniggers you're siding WITH glowniggers and glowniggers

>> No.17893858

It's been like a week of this shit at least if you haven't noticed.

>> No.17893863
File: 2.31 MB, 842x6839, china21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a LARP, the best way to start a chink hate thread is to pretend to be from the grorious nation of china

>> No.17893864


>> No.17893876

nah, fuck off.

>> No.17893882
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>> No.17893888

>um sweaty you need to side with MY glowies because it makes these other glowies mad
don't care bugman chink

>> No.17893904

Muh random article proves China is jews
Meanwhile the US government is like 90% kike

>> No.17893911

Such a fake article lol. Of course there are not even citations.

>> No.17893949

Cargo cult

Japanese brutalism in WWII was an acquired taste

Decolonize & kill whitey btw

>the belt buckle of the world island girdling One Belt One Road initiative is:

>> No.17893998

Give them back bro the doctor said I have schizophrenia!

>> No.17894027
File: 61 KB, 600x400, 03-49-24-8a-gettyimages-645812534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me? Would Chinese citizens buy a Western novel of cultural significance even if they couldn't understand it? Of course they would. China loves to pretend, and they love to copy. Look at their architecture for example. China loves to copy inventions of Western nations. They even go so far as to copy cities. Some of these cities are so called "ghost towns", but China does not care, since they seem to have a cultural obsession with copying the West.

China's copy of Paris: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tianducheng

Hallstatt of Austria:

Jackson Hole, Wyoming:

"Thames Town" of London:

"Holland Town":

"Sweden Town":

"German Town":

"Italian Architecture Town":

A Florence of Italy inspired town:

Article on Chinese theme park which hosts copies of the Sphinx and Greek Parthenon: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3621429/amp/Double-New-theme-park-China-builds-Great-Sphinx-Giza-Parthenon.html

Pic related is copy of London's Tower Bridge, in Suzhou, in China's eastern Jiangsu province. Note that it doesn't have the full functionality to rise as the actual Tower Bridge does.

Copies of the Kremlin, the Tower of Pisa, a copy of Pont Alexandre III, government office buildings which look suspiciously like the White House, St Peter's Basilica and the Vatican, St Mark's Square of Venice the list goes on and on.

See: Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China for more on this subject

>> No.17894046

>the chinese appreciate the western tradition more than westerners do
sounds about right

>> No.17894064

I apologise. *gives you your meds*

Trash post. You should be a trash man. You'd get more out of it

>> No.17894069

If you're in the "uncreatively stealing and appropriating is the highest form of flattery" camp, then sure Lee

>> No.17894077

he's right though

>> No.17894092

Their copies are all trash though

If it were flattery then it was a rubbish attempt, because the copies are flat pack furniture compared to grand pieces. A soulless mockery more like

>> No.17894094

when you start to froth at the mouth at the mere mention of country then that's how you know you've been psyop'd

>> No.17894099

I'm not mad, I'm jealous.

>> No.17894100

Kinda getting nick cage vibes from this faggot.

>> No.17894110

Oh shit! They actually linked up.

>> No.17894112

Boy that was the quickest reply I have ever seen on 4chan. within 15 seconds kek.

>> No.17894126

I was going to write something more, but I felt my feelings were pretty succinctly explained with that.

>> No.17894157

China is clearly very important for the future of literature, there is already a number of excellent Chinese writers, but you cannot discuss anything even tangentially related to the country here without setting a bunch of people off. Even the statement that China has interesting writers opens you up to vitriol, most likely from people who cannot name a single one.

/pol/-wojaks straight off the bat and some guy up to 'china16.jpg' in his prepared array of anti-China infographics. What the fuck does that have to do with literature?

>> No.17894160

so many amerimutts seething in this thread lmao

>> No.17894168

Personally, I think it's a reflection of the now-inevitable Cold War II which is either here or soon to be upon us. Maybe if 4channel existed in Cold War I we would have the same reactions to Russian writers.

>> No.17894169

Name the writers then

>> No.17894192

I would love 4chan in the 60s lol. Imagine Stalinist v Khrushchevite shitflinging

>> No.17894200

those are intended to be zoos for the last few whites on the planet after the kalergi-chang plan is completed

>> No.17894201

>Cuban Missile Crisis memes
>JFK assassination /pol/ reactions
>Civil Rights Era memes and arguments
What could have been :,)

>> No.17894208

>soros funded

>> No.17894216

pictures after fires are so representative lmao

>> No.17894223

Correct. The asian brain doesn't function like that of the Frenchman or the German, for example, he has no ability to discern the Sublime nor any capacity for proper introspection.

>> No.17894230

Bro I'm wondering how Koreans feel about Joyce, especially considering Korea is pretty much the Ireland of Asia (colonization, sad history, drinking)

>> No.17894232

>They are what I wish America was.
Unfortunately for America it’s a nation built on genocide and slavery which makes it very hard to build a unified patriotic populace. China however is built on ancient civilization, proud tradition, and the ideals of socialism and equality, they are perfectly set up to create and maintain patriotism.

>> No.17894239
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he looks like a female to male trans

>> No.17894247

How much do you all get paid? I could use some a nightjob

>> No.17894248

Take your meds

>> No.17894250

Socialism with Chinese characteristics guided by the light of Marxism-Leninism and the national inspiration of Mao Zedong Thought. We need a socialism with American characteristics, perhaps guided by the national inspiration of figures such as Eugene Debs and MLK Jr.

>> No.17894251

The fuck?

>> No.17894256

>Unfortunately for America it’s a nation built on genocide and slavery which makes it very hard to build a unified patriotic populace
> What is France
> What was the Colonnes Infernales.
> What was the Vendée
> What is the UK
> What was it's entire fucking bloody history
Jesus fuck how can ricelets be this dumb?

>> No.17894260

>We need a socialism with American characteristics
Socialism with McDonalds characteristics

>> No.17894261

>Divided populace
For some people thats a feature, not a bug

>> No.17894287

>I wish America was a cheap copy of a cheap copy of itself

>> No.17894292

France and England are nations which are older than colonialism you fucking retard. And if you haven’t noticed the UK isn’t doing well either. Absolute retard

>> No.17894293
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>> No.17894297

This tracks perfectly with my experience as well. All asians are devious by nature, but the Chinese (and the Mongol) are above all else in this regard.

>> No.17894312

>0.25 mm, aka 1/4 cm
fucking americans lmao

>> No.17894317

>France and England are nations which are older than colonialism you fucking retard.
The French Nation was born in 1789 you absolute fucking moron, through the ritual blood sacrifice of the nobility and its supporters at the altar of the young Nation, and was sanctified in front of Satan by the genocide of one of its own province, "be the people there be loyal or traitors, they must all die".
Genocide is literally the best way to found a Nation.

>> No.17894345

>The French Nation was born in 1789
The French Revolution didn’t birth the French nation. you’re literally a mong

>> No.17894374


>> No.17894382

>Genocide is literally the best way to found a nation
based. all the other shit you said is retart-ed tho

>> No.17894395
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>> No.17894457

what if the translator just said fuck it and made it a cool star wars type story and that's why it became a best seller

>> No.17894476

Rare is it that I know with 100% confidence that a poster is a shill. You have that certain retarded je ne sais quoi that even a gifted troll cannot imitate.

>> No.17894480

can i get an extra order of fat acceptance?

>> No.17894506

Schizo. Im not a shill. Yes I’m pushing an agenda, but I am not a shill

>> No.17894511

What if trying to translate it befuddled him so much that he accidentally wrote a menard-esque chinese version?

>> No.17894538

based 150+ IQ (AKA the jew IQ range) Chinese politburo seeing the writing on the wall and deliberately muttifying their population to be dumb and pliable like amerifats

>> No.17894595

Hey, if taking all their meds makes more funny schizo's, I'm all for it.

>> No.17894602

Bad bait. Need worse english.

>> No.17894817

you know nothing about france. Before the republic most 'frenchmen' didn't even know French.

>> No.17894887

Absolutely amazing how people are frothing at the mouth as soon as China is mentioned.

>> No.17894940

I agree that this is a pure status climbing for the Chinese, as is almost everything to them. The very concept of art, as it is perceived through western and particularly western eyes, is a complete alien concept to easterners. However, Finnegan's Wake is unironically comprehendible to a native English speaker if you're willing to put in the effort.

>> No.17894947

The story of the translation of Finnegans Wake into Chinese is very interesting

>> No.17894962

>muh cultural appropriation
>how dare they cast chinks to traditional white Irish roles
i'm so offended I can't even

>> No.17894967

Doesn't seem like Japan or even South Korea has this negative reputation. What's the differences between these countries that has allowed this divide to appear?

>> No.17894969

stems from a subconcious fear that the West is about to be supplanted in the coming century.

>> No.17894979

American intervention in those two countries in the 50s to present has shaped those countries into respectable countries, somewhat anyway, I'm using respectable as compared to China in this case.

>> No.17894982

holy based

>> No.17894986

they're completely different countries. that's like asking why spain has a different reputation to the uk, despite both being european countries and former empires.

>> No.17895004

There's a whole host of reasons but the source can probably be traced back to the purging of the Four Olds during the Cultural Revolution.

No society can not only destroy, but loathe their own culture, while killing millions of their own people in the process through cannibalism and state endorsed murder and not emerge with a fucked up mentality of cultural traumas.

>> No.17895009

unironically retarded

>> No.17895018

>still pretending Joyce is relevant

>> No.17895019

glowie glowie

>> No.17895022

This comment is the perfect way to tell that someone has no idea on Chinese history in the slightest.

>> No.17895024

couple of things:

in the cultural revolution, the chinese pretty much killed anyone with half a brain. this left only dirt farmers and dumbass works. second is that the chinese are nouveau riche. they've gone from aforementioned dirt farmers to having some measure of wealth in a very short time. material conditions might change, but social attitudes take a good while longer to adjust.

>> No.17895026

That's literally how it works in the west as well, art and wine. You are just blind to it because you are part of the crab bucket as well.

>> No.17895100

People here in the West have the most superficial knowledge of Korea, just that it's one of the 'good guys' and has all the good things about Asia (safe, high living standards). Korea is hyperconservative and Koreans will go to any extreme to avoid losing face. Bending over backwards just to keep up appearances, the hyperconsumerism in order to look like a success, the need to conform. You'll be excused from most of this if you're a foreigner, but that's because the general attitude to you will be of patronizing condescension, they don't expect any more from you than they would a child. Anyone who isn't ethnically 100% Korean is forever an outsider and will gently excluded. Most Americans would be appalled by what they found living in Korea for even a few months, and would be equally shocked to hear that Koreans don't want them except as a transient novelty to gape at.

If Korea wasn't a US ally it'd be regarded much differently by Americans, although maybe not, as it's not relevant enough to regularly enter consciousness.

>> No.17895106

they just have their own foibles to deal with instead.
Koreans are especially fanatical by nature, everything is dictated by religious cults or social justice movements. If you think somewhere like California is bad, you simply have no idea. Not even five years ago their president was impeached after admitting to being a puppet of a cult, she had been indoctrinated at a young age by one of its founder and later his daughter and took advice and even direct orders regarding national policy from her. It's simply no mistake that a place like North Korea exists in the first place.

>> No.17895112

the entire strategy for the development of china has been 'copy what made the USA strong, but with more people'

>> No.17895136

do tell

>> No.17895155



https://www.jstor.org/stable/41429585 (Translator’s article)

>> No.17895162

The chinese have a much higher IQ than americans so can understand it more easily.

>> No.17895188

Yeah the country puts pygmy marmoset monkeys on their purse as a fashion statement, and turns little turtles and fish in plastic colored water bags doomed to die into keychains as a fashion statement, do not trust China to be serious about anything.

>> No.17895221

both the hysterical anti-chinese sentiment and the nauseating sinosimping are so detached from reality that it's really quite disorientating. but while the low IQ xenophobia may be stupid and based mainly on reactions to headlines and memes, at least foreign bad is a natural if unnuanced outlook, whereas the slavish bootlicking of chinese bureaucrats based mainly on reactions to headlines and memes (wowie china train fast) is deeply gay and unnatural. fact: chinese bestsellers are shit like Yuval Noah Harari and self-help books like everywhere else.

>> No.17895302

>Not even five years ago their president was impeached after admitting to being a puppet of a cult, she had been indoctrinated at a young age by one of its founder and later his daughter and took advice and even direct orders regarding national policy from her
Isn't this somehow related to that boatful of kids drowning?

>> No.17895323
File: 453 KB, 1800x1660, LNR XIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is [PHAGOCYTIZING] the literary culture [THAT THE ANGLOSPHERE] abandoned[.]

>> No.17895423


>Statery, prump Buck Murrigan...

>> No.17895440

>native English speakers cannot understand that fucking book.
Native English speakers cannot understand many things. High middle-class Chinese are very fluent in English.

>> No.17895455

Holy shit mutts seething so hard ITT

>> No.17895474

I looked into some Chinese reviews on this. Most of them only regurgitate what the west had said. Others said they don't understand what they've just read, and emphasized that the book is so little understood, even modern scholars have no idea what all the references are. Your average chink seemed to be touring the book because "le difficult read lol". The only interesting article I found was how Chinese was used by Joyce when Joyce barely knew Chinese, and they seemed pretty astounded by that.

>> No.17895503

>he thinks continental europe is any different
Major cope

>> No.17895504

>Most of them only regurgitate what the west had said

wow, almost as if its a 100 year old text that's been discussed to death in academia!

>Your average chink seemed to be touring the book because "le difficult read lol"

unlike the average american, who are known for the deep knowledge of joyce

>> No.17895508

So? At least they're engaging with the text instead of buying 50 shades of grey.

>> No.17895512



>> No.17895522

Retarded tranny

>> No.17895542



>> No.17895559

You can't really pick a side if they're the ones who are doing that for you lol.

>> No.17895576

The book is translated into chinese as an experimental avant-garde project fyi.

>> No.17895581

They don't understand either, and they never will. Especially in the case of FW, this is 100% pure, unfiltered status peacocking.

t. Chinese

>> No.17895645

eh? you can research it all the way back if you want, the kikes have had a hand in china for over a century, who do you think ran the opium import business and funded the ccp

>> No.17895654

>JFK assassination /pol/ reactions
you'd have had some who had been there casually posting their photographs and pollaks wondering who that shifty bunch of guys were

>> No.17895670

>jews are responsible for literally everything cool in history
holy nigger how can goyim even compete.

>> No.17895821
File: 114 KB, 536x409, preserve and respect their language and culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> preserve and respect their language and culture
Sure, the destruction of Buddhist temples and erasure of centuries-old languages such as Mongolian counts as love of one's country.

>> No.17895873

That's what China does when it appropriates culture this hard. Do you really have any respect for a nation of slave labor apologists?

>> No.17895879

I have been reading mainlander chinese manhua and webnovels
God help us all if those crazy murderhobo drug addicts are any reflection on contemporary chinese

>> No.17895882

I'm pro China, anything is better than the US

>> No.17895890


>> No.17895953

This strikes me as similar to what a lot of European nations did during the colonization of Africa. They intentionally bred a small population mixed ancestry to function as a class of go-betweens and low level admins between the native population and the Europeans. The rationale being that they would be more loyal toward the colonizing powers than if they simply promoted the natives to those positions.

>> No.17895976

>appropriates culture
Keep your leftie newspeak on Twitter

>> No.17896013
File: 506 KB, 1047x655, assange-e1554979292892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>culture doesn't exist because it makes the lefties seethe


>> No.17896014

I mean if you've ever met young mainlanders you'll see that they're less mature psychologically than westerners.

>> No.17896092

Spain and the UK are infinitely closer in reputation and competency than China and South Korea or Japan.

>> No.17896101
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Israel shit their pants this weekend

>> No.17896129
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KFC/tacobell/pizza hut employs 450 000 Chinese citizens though.

Deng was unironically right though.

>> No.17896163
File: 119 KB, 820x554, chinese-construction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese investments

>> No.17896172

Ever been to Shang-hai?

>> No.17896182

Belt and Road is already collapsing lol

>> No.17896185

you wish amerilard

>> No.17896186

>What's the differences between these countries that has allowed this divide to appear?
Confucianism. You know how Arabs have historically been a bunch of backwards goat-fuckers because of their religion? Same thing in China and the places China subjugated (first and foremost of which was Korea lmao); Confucianism basically views cultural stagnation as a desirable state of affairs. Fifteen hundred fucking years ago the Chinese civil service was using standardized tests based on rote memorization of utterly inconsequential yet extremely traditional information to fill the ranks of their bureaucracy and just like today the students shamelessly cheated in hopes of landing a cushy government job that would allow them to be the tin-pot dictator of their own little postage stamp of government and line their pockets as much as they dared in doing do. The Japs, on the other hand, did NOT follow Confucianism because they never got fucked into submission by China the way the rest of eastern Asia did. To be sure there are some elements here and there that came in through cultural osmosis but their weltanschauung is informed by Shinto (a form of animism) instead. Case in point, guns. The Portuguese had been producing contemporary matchlocks in the Philippines for decades and the Chinese ignored them despite the close trade ties but the FIRST TIME a Jap official saw those matchlocks (completely incidentally) he realized that they could change everything, bought two of them and had his smiths start copying them. As Japan had no experience with some of the techniques used in the production of these guns they hit an impasse, so what did they do? They paid a Portuguese blacksmith to come to Japan and help them get their domestic production running and then sent him home when they had gotten the hang of it. Over the next ten years Japan domestically produced literally hundreds of thousands of matchlocks, improving on the design to better suit their own unique needs and completely reorganized its entire military doctrine around these guns. This happens repeatedly with everything from electricity to indoor plumbing to aircraft. Three hundred and fifty years after the Japs changed their entire military paradigm on a dime, Boxers armed with swords, antique muskets and whatever mis-matched black powder weapons that had slowly tricked in as part of "modernization" were attacking western (and Japanese) infantrymen armed with repeating metallic cartridge firearms less than five years before the IJN would end up kicking the shit out of the Russians Someone who fought in a war with a goddamn flintlock musket, a technology contemporary with Shakespeare, could have lived to see nuclear warfare and man on the moon. That is what Confucianism will get you.

>> No.17896232

>if you don't like china you must be an American
Imagine being so pathetic that you need to deflect every criticism you get as "well at least we aren't the most evil country on earth".

>> No.17896238

Go back to your fulfilment centre

>> No.17896244

>"well at least we aren't the most evil country on earth".
well, yes
i welcome chinese hegemony because, while it might not be ideal, it is an improvement

>> No.17896285

How do you fuck up that badly?

>> No.17896291

The US DOES have a culture, it is simply a degenerate and harmful one that spreads only because the US has power and most people take their cues from the powerful.
>I feel like the American culture I love never actually existed.
This is true. The US has always been the world's garbage factory (or at least was until China took over in certain regards). At any rate there's almost nothing for Americans to be proud of as far as cultural output goes.

>> No.17896294

1) to be evil in the level of the USA you would have to have as much power as the usa, this has never been the case with china so you can't really say they would have bene any better.
2) The usa has very specific spheres of influence and very specific goals, which means that if you are unrelated to them you will be mostly left alone as it was the case with my country. China seems to want total and complete domination over everything, they are already bribing politicians, undermining our sovereignty, destroying our industry, ect.
And they aren't even the one global power yet.
So far their rise of power has been horrible to most countries even remotely associated with them.

>> No.17896304

When did the US culture become like that? What caused it to develop? I always perceived Americans historically as having isolated cultures due to distance but often reflecting their colonies. when did it become such a heaving vapid consumerist maw?

>> No.17896306

/his/ is laughing at us again, bros..

>> No.17896308
File: 315 KB, 843x1416, 81wjH07HWSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is American culture I can't tell? It seems like Americans just have either shitty gig economy and retail jobs (over half the population does) or meaningless SEO jobs if they went to some college?

>> No.17896328

It has always been like that, it never decayed.

>> No.17896411
File: 61 KB, 640x480, yhl5uckgmvl61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do suburban and rural Americans really spend their whole lives following Jesus working fast-food and Amazon watch ppl die from oxy overdoses while they dream about how cool Donald Trump is and maintaining their lawns thinking garyveeand consumer activism is like the best thing? That's the stereotype now

>> No.17896427

Not that many of them "follow Jesus" anymore, but this is true of all Americans, not just rural and suburban ones. In cities people die of heroin overdoses and everyone else spends their time avoiding designated shitting streets lined with heroin needles, attending "Black Trans Lives Matter" rallies, etc. so broadly analogous really

>> No.17896446

How much of this is due to the freemasonic origins of the nation?

>> No.17896456

meant as a reply to >>17896328

>> No.17896467

>freemasonic origins
not really relevant, literally every Western country post-1848 or so could be accused of having "freemasonic origins" and they all have more worthy cultural output than the US. I attribute it to Anglophone culture already being lacking + the US being an economic zone first and foremost. It's not as if there are a whole lot of Canadian or Australian writers, philosophers, composers, and so on, either.

>> No.17896479


>> No.17896550

Can you explain how Confucianism promotes cultural stagnation?

>> No.17896578

I though like 70% of GOP dumpster state Americans still attended evangelical churches between shifts at Wal-Mart and cikfila?

>> No.17896586


>> No.17896624
File: 21 KB, 377x264, Cultural_Revolution_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cultural Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the Sinic Race.

>> No.17896630

Well good. Evangelical christianity turned America into an awful place with their freemarkets and labour outsources and Reaganomics. Evangelical christianity was a clever trick played on poor whites by rich whited, but if it's coming to and end there is some hope

>> No.17896640

The cultural revolution was Mao's side which has universally in all studies and literature considered to have been defeated by the Deng-Liu Line. What are you talking about bro?

>> No.17896669

>free markets... Reganomics... outsourcing!
I have increasingly soured on this viewpoint. The reality is that the US simply does not make good stuff, which is why American companies were able to outsource so effectively - if you only make garbage, poor countries can do so just as well, but for a lower cost. America was the China of the 19tb-mid 20th Century, really. Of course there are other issues like typical Anglophone land use laws, out-of-control unions in certain sectors, cities collapsing due to race riots, and so on. Reagan also mostly just borrowed a ton of money to spend on defense, the extent to which he "de-regulated" things is exaggerated.

With that said, it is true that Evangelical Christianity in the US is anti-intellectual, but you have the causation backwards - Americans are anti-intellectual, so their religion tends to be anti-intellectual.

>> No.17896688

Without intellectualism and a labour movement America will be unlivable in 25 years.

>> No.17896737

Is this true, Nipophil bros?

>> No.17896752

The countries that abandon Catholicism are doomed to become either individualistic, turbocapitalist Jew havens like Anglo countries or degenerate multicultural hellholes like Scandinavian countries or Germany.
Either way, without a strong sense of religious kinship (that the Reformation actively destroyed) you can't form livable communities.

>> No.17896777

Feigning a literary culture is better than having none at all. Anglos have known this for a while now.

>> No.17896781

The Catholic labour movement was good. I wish Biden was younger he could bring it back but no. It's amazing how badly fellow whites treat each other in redstates and accept those worthless lives of part-time precarious work and for their brothers.

>> No.17896793

England, probably the most Anglo country of them all, is a communitarian nanny state that literally worships healthcare. People have been barely allowed outside for a year because the government's terrified people might catch the cold. The population have been trained since birth to "do the right thing" for the sake of others, but I'm told by brown people on the computer that I live in a turbocapitalist state that promotes radical individualism, I don't see it.

>> No.17896794

not really true, the language surrounding "personal liberation" in American discourse masks the underlying reality of a deeply communitarian concern for victims.

I don't see how Labor Unions! are going to improve the US in any way unless you work an extremely shit job like "Amazon warehouse worker". The actual problems the US has are unpayable public pensions, third-world immigration, Civil Rights creep, and crime. Unions aren't magically going to make the US produce non-shit cars, steel, comptuer chips etc. and another generation of "intellectuals" aren't going to make the US have a non-shit cultural life.

>> No.17896806

Do you know the Wei?

>> No.17896810

>England, probably the most Anglo country of them all, is a communitarian nanny state that literally worships healthcare
True in the US as well, but replace healthcare w/ antiracism. they mistakenly see Individualism where the real mindset is "Oh heavens, I wouldn't want to victimize someone else in the Community. You know who did that sort of thing? HITLER! And we fought Hitler in the War!"

>> No.17896813

To gain influenc. The Chinese are this soulless that they'd create mutt babies in order to gain dominance.

>> No.17896856

You are kinda dumb

>> No.17896861

whoa I totally believe this image posted on 4chan about another country

>> No.17896870

What do you think I have said that is incorrect?

>> No.17896881

It just... fell over? Hahafaha!!!

>> No.17896897

Because England is a perfect example of the two attitudes I mentioned. The English will sooner travel to Africa on an humanitarian trip to help niggers that won't even bother to thank them than help their eldery neighbor get her groceries.

>> No.17896909

my chinese friend's dad and uncles "used to" run a business where they'd build a bridge or building that the government was schedeled to build before they got a chance to, obviously they'd make sure it was built cheaply enough that they and the official responsible for the hijacked project both profitted.

>> No.17896911

Not helping other cultures flourish is backwards.

>> No.17896915

>erasure of centuries-old languages such as Mongolian counts as love of one's country.
If you are Chinaman it absolutely does

>> No.17896923

Why would an "Individualist" care about the plight of some random Africans? They view themselves as being part of "The Human Community :)" with an obligation to care for poor childlike victims like Africans. It's just a different value ordering than that of, say, an Arab.

>> No.17896938
File: 32 KB, 302x400, giving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast! Japan did much of this, but then they literally abandoned it for decades because the katana meme was so strong even back then.

>> No.17896945

It's not about other cultures, it's that practicing actual charity is not fashionable and you can't post it on social media in order to boast about how good of a person you are.
It's a mix of the narcissistic drive to present yourself as a good person worried by the wellbeing of others while refusing to participate in making your community a better place.
That's why people will clap when some Paki woman get's elected as a town official yet they will pass by the same homeless person everyday as if they are invisible.
Perfect mix between a badly understood social justice (far removed from the actual Social Doctrine of the Church) and an individualistic and narcissistic approach to your relationship with your community.

>> No.17896949

These things aren't incompatible at all. It's Sinicisation: the atomisation of people under individualism creates chaos, alienated creatures in a permanent 'state of war', obsessed with the need to survive, and consequently they become dominated by the tyranny of the masses. This is why China can be simultaneously one of the most cutthroat, self-interested, cynical societies on the planet, notoriously full of scams and corruption, while remaining nominally socialist. There is a kind of communitarianism that is rooted completely in self-interest. It's not the government that's terrified of the cold; Boris seems if anything more vacillating than e.g. Merkel. Just look at surveys from any country. It's the masses who want lockdown, who are controlled by the fear of death.

>> No.17896951

See >>17896945

>> No.17896952

The Tokugawa shogunate banned guns so that nobody could use them against them because they were OP.

>> No.17896954

>This is why China can be simultaneously one of the most cutthroat, self-interested, cynical societies on the planet
China was like that before Socialism though.

>> No.17896956

>The English will sooner travel to Africa on an humanitarian trip to help niggers that won't even bother to thank them than help their eldery neighbor get her groceries.
urbanites are braindamaged

>> No.17896962

Yes, absolutely. That’s why I say Sinicisation, not socialism.

>> No.17896964

what was that book, I think it was ugly chinese man or something

>> No.17896966

I think there is also the issue of charity-as-product done by nations and the potential reliance of the country being helped to the helper, i.e. "helping" other nations often comes with political caveat, and people either don't look or are unwilling to look behind the humanitarian curtain.

>> No.17896983

It makes perfect sense if you view the Paki woman as part of your community and more oppressed than the homeless person in question by virtue of being a Paki - which is basically what American-style racial theory teaches. Again, this is perverse (where you define perverse to be "not in line with Catholic Doctrine"), but I don't think it really makes sense to call it Individualist.

>communitarian self-interest
This seems to be a contradiction - there has to be better wording to describe it.

>> No.17897012

Plus, it's not as if Catholic countries have really been that much better... American-style racial theory has been gaining influence n France recently. Spain seems to be obsessed with feminism to a far greater extent than the other developed countries. Communism was always more relevant in the Catholic countries than in England or America. I suppose you could chalk this up to abandoning Catholicism but at the state level everyone except African countries is abandoning Catholicism unfortunately.

>> No.17897015

>That's why people will clap when some Paki woman get's elected as a town official
Which is good since tribalism in the West is rightfully dead.

And everyone, including the homeless, ought to be helped.
The ethnonationalist argument about limited resources meme has to die.

>> No.17897031

oi cunt give em back!

>> No.17897046

>Which is good since tribalism in the West is rightfully dead.
this is about to go very wrong

>> No.17897101

It is individualistic because they don't give a fuck about the Paki woman either, they don't regard her as a person worthy of respect and dignity like everyone else, they regard her as a symbol of their imaginary fight against oppression. Thus they empower her by virtue of what she represents, not because she means anything to them or because they have a strong sense of justice and want to fight for the dignity of others.

Spain, France and Italy are a perfect example of how the growing secularism is a destructive force that will erode the very fabric of a country.
Don't get me wrong, the Church is responsible too in all of this.They abandoned those who needed it the most and refused to make a stand for their values.
John Paul II basically destroyed liberation theology, which is what brought life to many Catholic communities in South America, and now Pope Francis is so focused in looking good for the press and appeasing the mass of atheists and agnostics that will never be a part of the Church that he alienates the actual believers.

"All that is solid melts into air, all that is sacred is profaned" Nowadays, not even the Church can stand up to this hellscape that we have been carefully curating for the past 200 years.

>> No.17897110

No contradiction at all if you understand self-interest here to mean the will to live. The myth of individualism, especially in its most extreme form, is that the liberation of self-interest will lead to the rise of the most exceptional people, while in fact this assumes that people want to excel and exalt in life, rather than merely *survive* and increase, conforming to those practices that will best allow that and cynically exploiting any opportunity to scam and manipulate others.

>> No.17897123

Are there any especially good or interesting series that you'd recommend?

>> No.17897168

Many LatAm countries are becoming Protestant nowadays as they become wealthier (and due to proximity to the US). I think another factor here is that Catholic social organization seems to be built for peasant societies, but when people start to get lifted out of peasantry the Church doesn't really know what to do with itself.

>> No.17897183

Go to /a/ search for isekai in the catalogue and then ask them what chinkshit they would recommend other than "reverend insanity"

>> No.17897187

>in the mistaken belief
westerners very consciously claim that fear and adrenaline within a slaughtered animal will make the meat taste worse, of course this means that the belief is not mistaken, it is simply two different value judgements of a commonly perceived phenomenon.

kill yourself kike

>> No.17897194

The West also has animal rights, my manchurian shill.

>> No.17897235

Yeah, she disappeared off the grid for like 7 hours to secretly meet with her benefactor. People had no idea where she went in the middle of such a crisis, after that her administration commissioned groups to investigate her and put her under a microscope, eventually they found everything out.

>> No.17897316

>Unfortunately for America it’s a nation built on genocide and slavery
most nations are

>> No.17897332

>which makes it very hard to build a unified patriotic populace

Not really. It began that way and has shifted, largely, since the Hart-Cellar Act.

>> No.17897403

I was more so asking about things that are more "serious" that might exist, outside of the usual genre trash, in the vein of a "graphic novel" or mangas like Punpun and Aku no Hana. That kind of stuff is very pseudointellectual in a way but I love it, it doesn't feel totally shallow but it still manages to be more emotionally satisfying than real art, I think the visual medium is a big part of that too though. And I'm just asking about Chinese ones specifically because obviously there's a lot less modern cultural output from there than from Japan, so it's a bit more of an unknown for me.

>> No.17897409

ultra based analogy

>> No.17897496

No it was not continued to the next logical step. It was completely co-opted and the old thought was taken out back to the shed and shot. Today we have basically no culture, the we do have if you can even call it a culture is objectively harmful and even self-flagellatory.

>> No.17897952

Do you really think that retard will elaborate on his silly pointless snide remark?

>> No.17897988

Good post

>> No.17898019

will never understand how so many people came to hate china so much

>> No.17898044

Anti-China sentiment in the media and the feeling that the West is being eclipsed, everyone knows it and there's nothing anyone can do about it

>> No.17898057

China is it communism, but we need their system of government.

>> No.17898155

racist and hatepilled

>> No.17899114
File: 261 KB, 1024x765, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ridiculous. A Chinaman could never truly comprehend Joyce.

>> No.17899343
File: 76 KB, 600x452, 1591260403761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god they're actually fucking chinese, look at their broken chinglish

>> No.17899366

>t. bad karmar holder

>> No.17900196

lol who tf is "james joyce" he sounds like a faggot

>> No.17900213

he's got like 5m followers on tiktok tho

>> No.17900266

Why did this post trigger so many of you fags? He’s absolutely right. 99.99% of English speakers literally, linguistically, grammatically can’t comprehend a single sentence that is the gibberish prose of Finnegans Wake. How are the Chinese, in reading a fucking translation of all things, going to do any better? You retards realize the Chinese aren’t a different species from us right? We’re all the same.

>> No.17900296

Chinese middle schoolers learn calculus whereas the average American learns it in Uni, that is if their major calls for it. It's not surprising that the average native English speaker is also linguistically retarded.

>> No.17900651


>> No.17900686

Chinese are petty, lazy, selfish and cruel

>> No.17900705

China numbah wan!

>> No.17900717

That's like... all of literature readers, don't?

>> No.17901140

pure *nglo cope

>> No.17901159
File: 104 KB, 960x932, Xi Jinping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17901685
File: 130 KB, 692x937, 624d18378448b61f6d39dbf42d379607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being ruled by the Nazis for 300 years.
Yeah. Just imagine.

>> No.17901695
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>> No.17901711

Euros learn it in middle school too.

When the jews move endless waves of niggers into China AND THEY WILL we'll see what the "average chinese" learns in primary school.

>> No.17902655

itt cia shills and wumao army

>> No.17902854

>Spain, France and Italy are a perfect example of how the growing secularism is a destructive force that will erode the very fabric of a country.
But why do you think that is? Secularisation by itself shouldn't erode the fabric of a country, and though the failings of the Church can certainly contribute to it, what's preventing some other organisation or community from springing up and providing a sense of community and justice to people?
I'm not saying that it doesn't by the way, just asking why you think so.

>> No.17902986

It's not necessarily secularism by itself, but rather secularism in thos specific countries. Some countries are intrinsecally linked to their faith, much more than others:
Spain was literally built on Christian opposition to Islam during 800 years of constant war, it's origins could be traced to Roman administrative provinces, but it was the faith that provided the common goal that allowed for the unification.
What allowed Italy to be more than just a peninsula full of city states and principates was the Bisophric of Rome.
Modern Greece was formed in opposition to Ottoman occupation based around the Orthodox faith.
Ireland also, with the Catholic opposition to Anglicanism and Protestantism.
France is a bit different, since it went through secularism in a faster, more drastic way after the Revolution, it still suffeered a great deal for it, but back then things could hold better than they can now.
Those countries lose their very sense of identity if you deprive them of their faith.

In every society, the dissolution of religious principles allows for growing disunity and distrust, your neighbor is not someone you trust and love, someone who will be there for you if needed, he is simply an stranger, someone who could hurt you and your familiy. How can you build a sense of community and belonging around people you don't know or trust?

>what's preventing some other organisation or community from springing up and providing a sense of community and justice to people?
You can't provide strong justifications for any of those things if you give up on religion.
Human rights are useful, they allow to biuld a prosperous, stable society, but they are ultimately sand castles.
If your justification for them is that they allow us to live together, when the moment comes that they lose this utility they will be abandoned, since their only justification is the results they provide.
It's the same problem with the 'golden rule'. Only treating people a certain way because you expect reciprocity is fundamentally flawed. What about those who can't reciprocate, like babies or old people?
With this mindset a baby's life is only worth as much as the parents care for it.

So secularisation is damaging to every society, and to some countries it has an added historical impact.

>> No.17903034

Japan and South Korea have Honour cultures passed down by its (now dying) Aristocratic classes

>> No.17903042

>the very fabric of a country
You amuse yourself with senseless words.

>> No.17903052

Why are you here if you don't know what words mean?

>> No.17903076

They literally conquered the world by just working and not doing retarded things. That's it, that is how they won.

>> No.17903097

To be more precise, they conquered the world by making cheap copies of anything people might want in times of growing consumerism, but couldn't afford with their measly salaries. They also offered cheap labor so that owners of western companies can get bigger profit.
They were the devil and we sold our souls to them.

>> No.17903110

>'Kneeling for hundreds of years, is it not enough?'
no its fucking not get back down

>> No.17903168

Yeah because Catholicism has served countries like Italy and Spain so well recently

>> No.17903177

I am begging you to leave whichever city you live in

>> No.17903294

the reality is that china has enemies on all front
china can only continue to be a dick for so long
not that i'm implying the government will be abolished as a result, but they're definitely not winning any friends and the only real friend is north korea while every other middle eastern country is just a debt trap for their colonialism through debt

>> No.17903342

>The ethnonationalist argument about limited resources meme has to die.
Sorry I forgot some people live in a fantasy world where everyone has everything

>> No.17903425

you have writers like james joyce to thank for the lack of culture. your obsession with the dying movments of anti culture is pathetic

>> No.17903622

theyve plagued /his/ for a while but it's actually sometimes funny seeing a poo in the loo run circles around them when they show up to combat them

>> No.17903646

I think the mainland chinks overall (in the upper tier cities, anyway) are probably not as different as people think compared to other populations. But if it came down to a hypothetical of if I could live anywhere I want because I had gajillions in my bank account, I would never in a million years tolerate the absolute state of mainland chinese public restrooms and toilets. Who in their right mind would choose the mainland over Taiwan if they wanted to live among chinks for half a year

>> No.17903647

You clearly don't know how fucked their English is.


>> No.17903772

Allegedly Chinese elites are groomed isolated from American culture, a lot of them don't know any English at all
Powerful flex

>> No.17904188

That actually wasn't that interesting

>> No.17904201

Public shitters are filthy everywhere

>> No.17904220

Just the gay subversive stuff

>> No.17904231

The face aspect? Absolutely. Everything else? Not really, RR has the same shit and we know how cringe westerners are

>> No.17904271

In the Gothic tradition America is a powerhouse. Not sure about much else but they definitely have some notable poets too. There must be something else they're good at

>> No.17904281

kinda dishonest to suggest there isn't a spectrum of filthiness. public shitters in china, at least when i was there, consisted of one trough, with a few doorless dividers, into which people pissed and shit, i never saw the point in the dividers since they afforded you no privacy, western public toilets might be less than clean but at least i never have to see another man, dick out, squeezing out a turd.

>> No.17904624

Ahh yes, Denmark and Sweden are such multicultural hellholes compared to Spain and Italy. If you honestly believe this your brain has been turned into mush

>> No.17904652

What sort of literary syncretism will come from China as a result of this?

>> No.17905429

Lmao, the only reason Southern Europe hasn't turned into third world hellholes is because of constant gibs from Northern Europe. Take your catholic "work ethic" and stuff it.