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/lit/ - Literature

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17893006 No.17893006 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit boys! Its scholastic book fair week!

>> No.17893021

Time for some Jigsaw Jones babyyyyyyyyy

>> No.17893022

remember the smell

>> No.17893025

Those were some of my favorite days. Now please point me to the Goosebumps section.

>> No.17893049

This is how I knew jews ruled the world

>> No.17893083

nostalgia is gay

>> No.17893218

*steals Guinness world records book*

>> No.17893317

>your class is last to visit
>Deltora Quest is all gone
>smugfuck dinosaur kid has bought up the only copy of the dragon encyclopedia
>he says dragons are a type of dinosaur
>teacher tells him no, they aren't and to be quiet
>she is also sick of his shit

>> No.17893371
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>> No.17893431

I used to buy extra and then bring my items out later in the year to hustle pokemon cards away from kids. I didn't even know what I was doing. I just knew kids really liked the cheap crap they sold on those things.

>> No.17893437
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>tfw a new Animorphs book comes out

>> No.17893440

unfortunately goosebumps was a trap, detracting from the true monster kino that was out there.

>> No.17893463

The last book I read as a child, which I think was a major development point for me, I had picked up because it had Gameboy in the title. The only way it was related was because the main character and his friend played Pokémon together all the time and then his friend killed himself and his mom broke down in front of the main character. I think that's the reason I'm all fucked up now. I read that when I was 8.

>> No.17893713

If you niggas aren't buying Deltora quest then you ain't my niggas at all.

>> No.17893850
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Does anyone know what this book is?

>> No.17893872
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I know it's not lit but did anyone else ever pick this up there? These games were my jam.

>> No.17893896
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>sells out in minutes
>spend rest of day seething jealously at kids wearing the ring around their necks

>> No.17894221
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"Scholastic" —that word does not mean as much as it used to mean in the "Y2K" era.

>> No.17894228

Gonna get the new Tycoon game for Windows

>> No.17894299

diary of a wimpy kid

>> No.17894300

mom gave me 30 bucks. im going in. give me some
>magic tree house
>bendy pencil
and saving the rest for next fair when i can get the magician set

>> No.17895015
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This, those wizard/dragon encyclopedia books, Deltora, and Series of Unfortunate Events for me please (and a cool ruler).

>> No.17895029

Give me dat cheat codes vol 1 and a copy of rollercoaster tycoon

>> No.17895036
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time to ask dad for money and steal books

>> No.17895107
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Looking back, it was pretty good sci-fi, wasn't it? I can thinking of a lot of modern "adult" science fiction that doesn't handle things as well as Animorphs. I actually loved the sorting of the various races that made up the Yeerk Empire, and how the politics of the various Vissers operated. The cast of the Animorphs themselves likewise had a good dynamic, though Tobias could be kind of insufferable.

>> No.17895124

>those weird pens and highlighter
good shit

>> No.17895145
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>> No.17895450

>American kids buy books instead of borrowing them from the library


>> No.17895463

Lolled when I found out the scholastic bookfare was a cia op


>> No.17895472
File: 151 KB, 695x960, 74692494_1030155263987825_8440741064658124800_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never had a book fair but twice a term we got what was basically a mail order catalogue like this.

>> No.17895514
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I had both

>> No.17895517

Give me a name to look up.

>> No.17895532

>30 dollars
F-fuck did I grow up poor

>> No.17895679

Everything's a CIA op.

>> No.17895690
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>scholastic week
>no aquinas

>> No.17896331

Sexsplain this to me pls

>> No.17896361

Lmao all I ever bought were pencils and other collectibles, I have always regretted buying books from there. Made me realize how wonderful it is to live in a society with libraries and the internet.

>> No.17896387

>the teacher smiling sympathetically after seeing you miss out on all the books

>> No.17896418

>30 bucks
you went through public schooling and your parents gave you this kind of cash?

>> No.17896450

>he says dragons are a type of dinosaur
what a retard, everyone knows dinosaurs are a type of dragon

>> No.17896723

Ending was garbage though

>> No.17897352

I got roller-coaster tycoon from a book fair and got filtered hard.

>> No.17897680

how else could you afford that shit

>> No.17898986

Have you ever felt anything you cold bitter husk of man

>> No.17898999

Guinness world record books are pure kino and I still look at them today even though I am a grown ass man