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/lit/ - Literature

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17892730 No.17892730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello bros. neo-/lit/ is a semi-new invite-only /lit/-related goodreads group. The goodreads group (and, yes, there is a discord) serves as a supplementary forum for expanded, long-term conversations not possible on /lit/. Everybody is anonymous and we've thus far avoided all of the common "discord horrors". We typically read a book every week (this week it's Whatever by Houellebecq) and a philosophy book every ~month (last one was Screened Out by Baudrillard). We also do shorter ~weekly bonus books (this week is The Brick Bible: The New Testament: A New Spin on the Story of Jesus).

Here's an auto-invite for those interested in joining: https://www.goodreads.com/group/invite/1145736-neo--lit?invite_token=YzMyYmQ4NjQtNGI1Ni00OGFmLWIwODItNGRjMDBhN2E1MGE1&utm_medium=email&utm_source=copypastegroup

>> No.17892738

do others have to see my pathetic "read" list? otherwise ill join

>> No.17892746

sorry bro I'm pretty sure we're gonna see everything

>> No.17892972

let me in

>> No.17893705

Sent my request

>> No.17893724

Welcome aboard, young Mexican man. Seeing as you're a Horror's Call fan, you'll be happy to know that F. Gardner is an active member of the group. Very cool guy.

>> No.17893730

Change the gay picture. It's peak simp.

>> No.17893740

taking applications

>> No.17893804
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I dunno, what about the sticky pic or something?

>> No.17894060

I would, but then I'd have to reveal my identity.

>> No.17894218

sent, my account is new because i have never used goodreads before

>> No.17894522

Can we skip books if they look shit or is that looked down upon?

>> No.17894944

Sent. Don't really use Goodreads, but this seems fun.

>> No.17896326

wow, so edgy