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17892686 No.17892686 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will go with the mood of the upcoming white boy summer?

>> No.17892728

The Fan Man

>> No.17892769

You have to go back

>> No.17893090

The Turner Diaries

>> No.17893147

>white boy summer

>> No.17893167
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> white boy summer

>> No.17893179


>> No.17893233

Chet Hanks (Tom Hanks’ son) is going viral for declaring next summer to be “white boy summer”

>> No.17893238
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Every summer is white man summer

>> No.17893261

legit tho, everyone's tired of black people and their antics. Once per generation there's an event where we all realize what they're like and buy guns, move out of cities, get home alarm systems. Now even more so, with the popularity of the most tried and true negro delivery vehicles ie sports and hip hop declining among all demographics.
Looking forward to grilling with the boys each white boy summer from here on out.

>> No.17893314

you are not part of white boy summer>>17893179

>> No.17894257

sounds based

>> No.17894296
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uhhh hello? chet departement?

>> No.17894689

It is

>> No.17894977

I've gotta lose like ten or fifteen pounds of fat, I'm actually fairly muscular but I badly need to go on a cut. I think I could be shredded if I dropped about fifteen pounds.

>> No.17895093

Breeding rates of dumb whites has really shaved down white iq since the 1800s. I did not understand the baby talk at the end. That sounds too stupid to be even authentic Ebonics so I figure it’s something he just made it up.

>> No.17895098

>white boy summer

the what?

>> No.17895110 [DELETED] 


I hate Americans so much.

>> No.17895133


>> No.17895146
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Why do even white americans behave and talk like niggers? Was Jung right or is there something else?

>> No.17895176

Because you touch yourself at night, retard.

>> No.17895210
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>Breeding rates of dumb whites has really shaved down white iq since the 1800s. I did not understand the baby talk at the end. That sounds too stupid to be even authentic Ebonics so I figure it’s something he just made it up.
Stay in your mom's basement you are not part of white boy summer

>> No.17895587

Go keto (focus on animal fat and protein) for a month or two, and you'll reach your goal with ease bro.

>> No.17895607

Ok so based on that I should go back to the many countries where my ancestors came from Europe to rejuvenate my european spirit? Will that work?

>> No.17896246

Alright but can I get a recommendation?

>> No.17896514
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To read list:
Rudyard Kipling's White Mans Burden
Karl Marx's On the Jewish Question
Austria's finnest painter's , Mein Kampf
Ernst Haeckel's The Riddle of the Universe
Can't remember more, help me out

>> No.17896540

Just got more:

Third Positionists:
Julius Evola
Mircea Eliade
Martin Heiddeger
Nicolás Dávila
Juan Donoso Cortés
Alasdair MacIntyre (more left-wing, but I still consider him to be a third)
Giovanni Gentile
Alain de Benoist (more right-wing, but I still consider him to be a third)
Francis Parker Yockey
Anthony Ludovici
Alexander Dugin
Carl Schmitt
Mario Palmieri (I can only find one book of his and it's on Amazon)
Alfredo Rocco
José Antonio Primo de Rivera
Corneliu Cordenau
Third Positionists:
Edmondo Rossoni
Sergio Panunzio
Michel Aflaq
Juan Perón
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Giuseppi Bottai
Muammar Gaddafi (The Green Book)
Ugo Spirito
Antoun Saadeh
Raven Thompson
Onesimo Redondo
Georges Valois
Gottfried Feder
Gamal Abdel Nasser (a politician, but read his "Egypt's Liberation: The Philosophy of the Revolution")
Gregor Strasser
Otto Strasser
Plinio Salgado (Brazillian, don't know how hard it is to get in English)
Jean-François Thiriart
Adriano Romualdi
Corrado Gini
Giorgio Locchi
Stefano Vaj (I can only find refferences to him, never really anything direct)
Enzo Erra
Giorgio Pisanó
Franco Freda
Georges Sorel
Thomas Carlyle
Giovani Papini

>> No.17896564

My boy. Grilling with friends is kino as fuck.

>> No.17896591
File: 282 KB, 494x450, Screen-Shot-2015-06-03-at-10.45.13-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chet hanks

That boy really is as dumb as a bag of hammers

>> No.17896597

And more:

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, PhD - 12 Rules for Life
Stefan Molyneux, M.A. - Universally Preferable Behavior
Milo Yiannopoulos - Dangerous
Charles Murray - The Bell Curve
Mike Cernovich - Maga Mindset
Jonah Goldberg - Liberal Fascism
Ann Coulter - In Trump We Trust
Scott Lamb - The Faith of Donald Trump
President Donald J. Trump, B.S. - The Art of the Deal
Patrick J. Buchanan - The Death of the West
William Luther Pierce - The Turner Diaries
Jean Respail - The Camp of the Saints
Roosh V - Bang
Michelle Malkin - In Defense of Internment
Bill O'Reilly - Those Who Trespass
Ludwig von Mises - Socialism
Murray Rothbard - the Case Against the Fed
Aleister Crowley - The Book of Lies
Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion
David Icke - Children of the Matrix
Debi Pearl and Michael Pearl - To Train Up a Child
Ashida Kim - Ninja Death Touch
Rhonda Byrne - The Secret
Steven Seagal - The Way of the Shadow Wolves
Sayyid Qutb - Milestones
Bethany Baird and Kristen Clark - Girl Defined
Pat Robertson - The New World Order
Jesse Lee Peterson - Scam
Kim Jong Il - On the Art of the Cinema
Julius Evola - Ride the Tiger
Giovanni Gentile - The Doctrine of Fascism
Sadhguru - Inner Engineering
Osho - Tarot Zen
Savitri Devi - Forever & Ever
David Horowitz - Big Agenda
Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam - Almost Black
Oral Roberts - The Miracle of Seed-Faith
Jasmuheen - Living on Light
Jerry Falwell - The New American Family
Frank Dux - The Secret Man

>> No.17896605

white boy summer reading list:
>a supposedly fun thing i'll never do again
>scar tissue
that might just about do it

>> No.17896634

Well personally, I don't get out much so I'd also like to have some fun this summer.

>> No.17896648

oh wait, or are you serious?

>> No.17896655

I also meant to say that most are fine, but some are just memes like
>Milo Yiannopoulos
>Jordan B. Peterson

>> No.17896662

a little place called kokomo

>> No.17896685 [DELETED] 

Reas Siege

>> No.17896691

Holy based

>> No.17896698

>controlled opposition kikes
No thanks senpai.

>> No.17896700


>> No.17896864

This isn't an incel summer.get that shit out of here

>> No.17896875
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>> No.17896971
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>> No.17897198


>> No.17897346


>> No.17897390

Wasp Factory

>> No.17898164


>> No.17898230

This has to be bait.

>> No.17898313

But what did he MEAN by that?

>> No.17898379

>tfw I've read most of the authors on this list
there's nothing beyond

>> No.17898549


>> No.17898786

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkein
Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson
On the Road - Jack Kerouac