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/lit/ - Literature

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17891057 No.17891057 [Reply] [Original]

How quickly do you read books, on average?

Is there such a thing as reading books too quickly?

>> No.17891069

One book every two months

>> No.17891076

About three fifty a day but I can do a kilo.

Yes, if you're not absorbing the information if you're reading on autopilot if you aren't thinking about what the ideas are if you don't have a sound comprehension then you're doing it too fast.

>> No.17891077


I read one book a week usually, smartphone has ruined my ability to concentrate.

I'd say that you are reading too fast if you can't remember much from the book you just read.

>> No.17891081

Depends. Most recently finished book took one day.

>> No.17891083

>How quickly do you read books, on average?
One every week and a half
> Is there such a thing as reading books too quickly?
Yeah. But it varies. Fuck speedreaders

>> No.17891088

Depends on the book. If the book is well thought out, well written, I’ll usually finish it in about a week. Most of them aren’t that long though. When I don’t like them, I give them to the thrift store. The only three books I’ve ever thrown away were A Secular Age, Maps of Meaning and 12 Rules for Life. From this, I’ve drawn the conclusion that Canada was a mistake

>> No.17891096

One long book every month or 2 short ones
Read a page of the dictionary every night before I go to sleep

>> No.17891198

Depends on the book and writing style. A modern 300 page thriller or horror only takes a few hours. I like to binge read these types of books on weekends. For non-fiction, depends on the size, subject and how much I feel like reading per day. Definitely takes longer since it involves taking in information and not just reading a story.

>> No.17891227

>Is there such a thing as reading books too quickly?

is there a bigger philistine than the self-improver who powers through a great work of literature as fast as possible, counting the pages to go, retaining little and enjoying nothing, just to say he's read it?

>> No.17891263

However you want, unless you have some kind of deadline, then lie.

>> No.17891987

If I had the time and motivation to sit down and read every day I would read between 15-40 pages a day depending on the complexity and interest. Yes, I am a short attention span zoomer but atleast I read

>> No.17891988

this picture is actually the library i go to

>> No.17891994

Depends upon the length of the book, and how enjoyable and interesting the book is. I tend to average reading two books per week.

>> No.17891998

^Not counting study-books which I speed read and analyse for relevant information

>> No.17892012

>I read one book a week usually, smartphone has ruined my ability to concentrate.
I found an interesting technique to use your phone less is to put it into gray scale mode. Every time you go it, it serves as a reminded that you want to stop using it, and its a lot less pleasant to look at.

>> No.17892017

One book a week on average, some I read in a day, some in a month

>> No.17892031
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Having read nothing except class papers in at least the last three months, I started Holland's Rubicon yesterday night and am already 70 pages through it. It reads very easily but I don't like its grand narrative. Anyway, when I'm motivated very quickly but if my ADHD drives my elsewhere then not at all.

>> No.17892462
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I read maybe 2 or 3 books a week. Usually I have a fiction, a nonfiction, and a miscellaneous going at the same time, sometimes two fictions at once. Right now I'm reading Deerhunter, Walden, and the poems of Whittier.

>> No.17892726


>> No.17892764

It really depends. I read The Shining in one week, but I took me two months to read V by Pynchon. Both are around 550.

>> No.17892910

Large bursts, followed by long periods of nothing/ruminating. Seasonal more or less. Considerably more with current habbenings rummaging

>if you're reading on autopilot if you aren't thinking
Less an issue if history, esp. if already familiar — mostly retreading for comparison with ones own model or trawling for novel tidbits

>> No.17893045

I tried the 25 minute than take 5 minute break rule and banged through a 300 paged penguin classic, which is coo lube cause it usually took me a week to get through a book

>> No.17893050

Of oy I could transfer all the time and post I read here to actual books, than I would be like Thoth himself.