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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 351 KB, 1280x558, Turin_Erotic_Papyrus_Scene,_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17890229 No.17890229 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this? It must be an example of some of the earliest love poetry.
>Sister without rival,
>most beautiful of all,
>she looks like the star-goddess, rising
>at the start of the good New Year.
>Perfect and bright, shining skin,
>seductive in her eyes when she glances,
>sweet in her lips when she speaks,
>and never a word too many.
>Slender neck, shining body,
>her hair is true lapis,
>her arm gathers gold,
>her fingers are like lotus flowers,
>ample behind, tight waist,
>her thighs extend her beauty,
>shapely in stride when she steps on the earth.
>She has stolen my heart with her embrace,
>She has made the neck of every man
>turn round at the sight of her.
>Whoever embraces her is happy,
>he is like the head of lovers,
>and she is seen going outside
like That Goddess, the One Goddess.

>> No.17890603


>> No.17890673

Very pretty.

>> No.17890707
File: 163 KB, 1204x534, IMG_20210314_203224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Egyptian poems are in Demotic not Hieroglyphs if you wanted to learn their original language, shown in the image.

>> No.17890735

The text in the image is written in Hieratic.

>> No.17890740

as in, the OP image - but most Egyptian belles lettres was written in Hieratic during the 2nd mil. BC on papyrus

>> No.17890761

I didn't say it wasn't.
By the greek conquest Hiecratic was nearly exclusively used for religious books.

>> No.17890794

the classical period of Egyptian literature was the 2nd mil. BC, a period where non-monumental texts were written in Hieratic
Demotic developed around 650 BC

>> No.17890845

She looks hot. Name?

>> No.17890856

Demotic lasted just over 1000 years and left the most material.
And her name? Alberta Einstein.

>> No.17890928

it might have left the most material, but the high period of Egyptian literary production was written in Hieratic
we have way fewer remarkable pieces in Demotic

>> No.17891001

>it might have left the most material
Thats all I said.

>> No.17891080

I know, but people usually recommend Middle Egyptian, if one is interested in their literature

>> No.17892038


>> No.17892465
