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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 800x500, omori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17888786 No.17888786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woah this video game has such a well written story
>has never read an actual book
why are vidya gaymers like this?
also pic related

>> No.17889041

Fuck you I liked it

>> No.17889077

I genuinely do not know what constitutes a good story.

I am completely incapable of explaining why I like or dislike something.

>> No.17889126
File: 41 KB, 739x415, images (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only vidya that's genuinely worth playing for story alone is Pathologic (and Pathologic 2 which will be even better if those lazy Slavs ever actually finish it).

>> No.17889132
File: 41 KB, 433x500, 51pPiMqMt+L._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming thru

>> No.17889141

>it's another room temperature IQ Square Anus shill brigade episode

>> No.17889144

Hahahahah if you only knew...

>> No.17889155
File: 75 KB, 466x535, 81v+ykC1SYL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk about "such a well written story" but it's certainly more complicated than most stories i've read.

>> No.17889157

Thats not that much of a problem. Liking artistic things often comes down to gut reactions. After having read lots of books you can separate good books and bad books and try to figure out their similarities. Of course there are certain technical aspects that will make a story better or worse, however a lot of it also deoends on the person reading it. For example Id wager that men find C&P more appealing than women. Likewise women find Harry Potter more appealing than men.
Now the thing with video games is that storytelling gets butchered by gameplay sequences. So you have to cut up the story to make place for the gameplay parts. If you limit the gameplay to such a minimum that the game is basically a movie or book and the gameplay just becomes annoying. If you have intricate gameplay then the payer will want to do that instead of listen to some retarded dialogue. This is why good video games dont take their story too seriously, like Mario games. Now if you wanna tell a story in a video game but dont wanna make the game shit you should use atmospheric story telling, you have a rather simple plot, and the details can be picked up all around the game by a player who cares. This is what Half Life does and part of the reason why its such a good franchise. Of course you can also go overboard with that approach and make the palyer read the lore wiki like doom eternal.

>> No.17889173

My favourite story games are ones like Thief, Deus Ex, System Shock, Half-Life. The stories aren't anything to write home about, but the strength of the games (and gaming as a medium) is atmosphere. It's the form that redeems the content.

>> No.17889215

Based and aestheticpilled

>> No.17889283

/lit/ - video games

>> No.17889307
File: 322 KB, 845x406, 1607229592387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ - Vtubers

>> No.17889373

Hi bake!

>> No.17889421


Its the most literrary videogame by far and it has zero refferences to any other works. Its one of the best examples of videogames as art.

>> No.17889428

I actually started reading because I got sick of the writing in video games and anime. You could probably count on your fingers examples of good writing in those mediums. And also both of them are boring as shit now

>> No.17889431

>unironic middle school fan fic tier
Either youre baiting or I gotta leave this cesspit already

>> No.17889451

Roxas' story is the greatest tragedy of the 21th century.

>> No.17889460

>indie game about depression
into the trash it goes

>> No.17889473

Anon out here spitting straight facts

>> No.17889510

>getting filtered this hard
just sew a badge on all of your clothes that says "FAGGOT PLEB"

>> No.17889512

SNAKE!! bewitch, bad form, micromechanical intervener, yangmei, osmunda, herring gull, calenture, chihuahua, coldness, tell apart escape wagon, isocoumarin. Foggia. Caucasian zelkova -- penumbral, mikado, strontianite, pentafluorophenyl, A plus, danced on -- John Innes' utterness, big tent, Kalman filter crotonylated, my stool of easement, Vulcanalia, anastomose, gowk, preferences, got my wires crossed, your ass, unbiasedness. endangeredness. agro-environmental


>> No.17889533

This had some good ideas. I felt it needed some more fleshing out in trauma parts and less filler in the dream/real worlds. I don't know how you'd go about that tho

>> No.17889536


>> No.17889551


>> No.17889585


>> No.17889617

FFS, Frome crossprotection zigzag, revolvable myoepicardial, misbeat, bipetal, inadequateness, amphorae, wearer, Heracleonite butoxy, unchained, fluorophotometer. rewardably. Mem'l

>> No.17889631

Never played it because I won't forgive the fucking dev for taking too long to finish the game. But I thought Undertale and Lisa were pretty good. Not in terms of their actual writing, of course. But judging games by their prose is like judging a film it's script. Sure it matters, but a bad script can be given to a great director.

>> No.17889635

based schizo in this thread

>> No.17889642

Clearly a fraud, you're clearly a fraud, clearly a fraud, you're clearly a fraud


>> No.17889672

>it's another /lit/ talks about videogames episode
These are the cringiest. No one here has any clue what they're talking about.

>> No.17889693


>> No.17889697

Yeah, but that can also be said when we talk about books.

>> No.17889746

as opposed to philosophy threads?

>> No.17889748


>> No.17889858

The trick is nobody cares

>> No.17889867

The Prestige

>> No.17889871


>> No.17889883
File: 99 KB, 400x600, 1616172840637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who would win walter white or tony soprano
>pirating indie games is immoral
>its fun with friends
>its a good X game but it falls flat as a Y game
>japanese movie posters
>this scene of Vito from The Sopranos kind of looks like Star Wars!
>/tv/ is a bad board
>racism outside /b/ not allowed
>christianity/mormonism/scientology is just like a cult
>lofi hip hop
>plastic love
>the caretaker
>language evolves
>it's almost as if
>john lennon was a wife beater
>who hurt you
>I don't really care about politcs, it makes me unhappy
>misinformation spreads quicker than real information
>it's not rocket science
>frankenstein is the scientist not the monster
>reporting soijak spammers isnt reddit
>Ed Edd n Eddy took place in purgatory
>nordic chad
>John Wick
>make sure to take care of your mental health, kings!
>trope threads
>it's ok to cry to music
>celebrity worship
>you just can't basedjak the things you don't like

>> No.17889893

I always lol at the comments discussing "writing". The apotheosis of good writing is Divinity original sin 2, they say I've played it and it reads like a bad Terry Pratchett novel. Disco elysium is pretty great tho

>> No.17889897



>> No.17889911

i played patholigic 1 for a few hours but got stuck and stopped playing since i was busy at the time. I heard 2 is a remake, so is it worth completing the first then playing 2, or should i just buy 2 or what?

>> No.17889922


Buy 2 , but be warned its just as brutal as the first, you cannot even save scum death penalties. The game will give you ptsd and its not enjoyable to play most of the time. But its all worth it for the story which is tied to why its so difficult. You cannot save everyone.

The first one has atrocious graphics, while the remake has better graphics and somewhat more developed presentation. However two of the 3 character playthroughs are missing.

>> No.17889931


>> No.17889948

Right now the superior order for Pathologic playthroughs is
>Bachelor in 1
>Haruspex in 2
>Changeling in 1
Though this will change when they finish Bachelor's route in 2 because 2 is just a superior game in every way. Changeling probably never though, feelsbadman.

>> No.17889976

Two months or three weeks?


>> No.17889993


>> No.17889998

Are there examples of games utilizing their medium as games to some literary effect? Obviously this is more than just gimmicky 4th wall breaks, but actual observations.

As an aside, although it would be hard to call a wordless adventure up a mountain literature, I do believe Journey qualifies as some type of art in the way it communicates to the gamer.

>> No.17890003


>> No.17890015

Actually it references Slav lit and philosophy quite a lot. But it does so in a way that seamlessly integrates all the existing ideas and uses them to synthesize something new entirely, instead of just namedropping shit in order to appeal to reddit pseuds the way most games do.

>> No.17890088

>Wall of unrelated text

>> No.17890253

ok thanks, but what about the soundtrack of the second one? as good as the first?

>> No.17890442

what is happening in this thread?

>> No.17890487

It took me way too long to finally realise this.

>> No.17890516

i want to gently pinch her/his big stupid floppy ears

>> No.17890569

games are games they shouldnt utilize their medium for a literary effect

>> No.17890665

I would have played this game if it didn't have multiple endings. That's always a dealbreaker when it comes to playing something.

>> No.17890831

Games should not be competing with literature narratively. The story's function should be to imbue purpose and meaning to the players actions during gameplay so you don't feel like you're just abstractly manipulating pixels

>> No.17890852
File: 178 KB, 850x1082, 1614819357360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie that gave me a giggle.
>hang out on vt promoting one of them til I get stressed out
>come back home to lit, start writing again, get to page 80.
>vtubers followed me. There's no escape even though the one I like puts 30ish hours of content out a week and I only have 16-20 hours of free time and can't ever catch up.
>can't watch live anymore so I just watch the five of them in archives and pause the vids when writers block dies and work on my craft.
It is what it is.

>> No.17890855

Why do gamers use the term "Visual Novel" is a normal novel not visual?

>> No.17890900

I think it's because the background/characters are drawn on screen so the author doesn't have to spend a paragraph describing how they look or how the place looks.
Hey at least it gets people reading in one way or another.

>> No.17890902

Not in the way a painting or movie is

>> No.17890916

metal gear solid 2 and 3 and red deadredemption 2 have good stories. i will not hear otherwise.

>> No.17890960

Kojima is based and /lit/ pilled.
I agree with you outside of that, although Catherine and Virtues Last Reward had fun stories

>> No.17890970

Yoko taro is a pseud, DoD 1 was good tho

>> No.17891006

wtf, the original has such better art and lighting than the remake. you're a soulless NPC who thinks better graphics = better art

>> No.17892264

Faggot. OMORI is kino.

>> No.17892306
File: 13 KB, 290x400, 1614624520974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a more quotable game.

>> No.17892336

Kingdom Hearts? Really? Worst example you could have given why are KH fans ike this

>> No.17892340

I really liked Fallout 1 and the Wasteland series. I've read Roadside Picnic and Metro 2033. Any books like Fallout or Wasteland? I know Fallout had inspiration from a lot of shit like A Boy and his Dog or whatever, been thinking grabbing it. Anything else post apocalyptic which explores human behaviour any of you would recommend?

>> No.17892385

What's wrong with Omori? I read regularly and I thought the story was a cathartic experience. I think the fault lies in /lit/ posters pretending that they're above certain media when in reality they're not bright enough to engage with it in any capacity beyond the most superficial.

>> No.17892399

Have you ever played one?
I can think of many worse examples desu

>> No.17892427

it looks like a reddit tier earthbound rip off and the tags listed on steam confirm that

>> No.17892429

saccharine themes/dialogue. at best, omori is the equivalent of a john green novel with horror overtones

pathologic series and the silver case games/killer 7 have been the only ones that I've really liked for stories/writing

>> No.17892437

I imagine this is a shit take but I read the Witcher books and the Witcher 3 feels like the best way to experience that universe.

The best storytelling in videogames uses the medium for what it is and not as a book. If I wanted to read a book I would read a book. If I wanted to watch a movie I'd watch a movie.

>> No.17892442

Don't type in manchild speak, please.

>> No.17892454

>red deadredemption 2 have good stories.
Pfft hahahaha fucking millennials.

>> No.17892476

>Virtue's Last Reward
Having played all the Infinity and Zero Escape games, I now think Kotaro Uchikoshi is a writer who hasn't grown out of using multiple timelines and Schrodinger's Box. That kind of storytelling is a one trick pony, and once you look beyond that, there is no substance to the story.

>> No.17892479

Pretty much spot on. I would blame the fact 4chan's demographic is replaced entirely by a younger generation but we all know perfectly well the average poster is mentally 16 years old regardless of physical age.

>> No.17892480

>it looks

I don't care about your opinion if you haven't played the game

the point of the game is juxtaposing the saccharine themes with the horror UNDERTONES because it's about coping with tragedy. Just because something covers a universal topic doesn't make it the equivalent of a John Green novel. I don't like that nothing can be sincere without being called disingenuous or shallow unless it tackles ontological topics.

>> No.17892511

>the point of the game is juxtaposing the saccharine themes with the horror UNDERTONES because it's about coping with traged

doesn't devalue my criticism. you can have tragic themes, but saccharine dialogue is unforgivable. I'm not panning it on the basis of "sincerity".

>> No.17892532

Yeah, it's philosophical without being heavy handed didactic trash like New Vegas. I heard Disco Elysium is good, but I'm somewhat cautious of its obsession with ideology.

>> No.17892543

A book has never made me feel the way these games have. Just straight magic. Any books for this feel?

>> No.17892550

it sucks, they modeled the writing off of twitter. if you've ever played an isometric RPG, it's just wandering around talking to people. it would have been better off as a traditional visual novel.

>> No.17892553

cynicism is not exchangeable for goods and services. totally worthless substance.

>> No.17892556

>A book has never made me feel the way these games have.
Extreme embarrassment? There's plenty of those.

>> No.17892610

but your criticism assumes that saccharine dialogue has no place in the writing. My contention is that it serves a purpose in the narrative of Omori.

>> No.17892636

wrong, my argument is that the melodrama isn't well-written. "saccharine" means "excessively sweet or sentimental", ergo, it's not a matter of sincerity or even a like/dislike of the tragic themes. if you simply like the narrative/themes, feel free. I would not consider it well-written, however.

>> No.17892673

but melodrama can be well-written! I'm saying that it can be used to demonstrate things in the story, it's a style choice, not a crutch. You literally could not convey the same atmosphere in Sunny's dream world without melodrama/exaggerated sweetness that parallels the way things are in reality. They're all young children in the dream world approaching things like it's a fairy tale and the relative simplicity that implies, whereas in reality the characters have grown up and they're reacting in different ways to the death of an important member of their group. You can say that's cliché, but I would argue that the dark undertones leading to the twist in between all that is somewhat clever and would not be able to resonate the same way if the dream world was written in a less sweet way.

>> No.17892688

You might enjoy the Umineko When They Cry VNs. A lot darker but that same kind of complexity and feeling of 'magic'.

>> No.17892712

Last time there was a thread with kh there were 3 anons that felt positively about the series. 3 seems to be a very special number in kh. Maybe one of them will write something to fit, but I haven't found any books for that feel yet.

>> No.17892727

where the fuck am I attacking tragic themes. I don't like the writing, why are you straw-manning?

>> No.17892740

>no mention of hotline miami

>> No.17892751

it's OK. can't say it really left a big impression on me, but I did like Hotline Miami 2 more than the original; the fan-base usually prefers the first one. I liked the Son and military guy's story.

>> No.17893166

I don't think you know what you're talking about and you haven't refuted my contention. I guess that's to be expected from here.