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1788793 No.1788793 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question - what do you get out of it?

>> No.1788801

Why are you anon?
What do you get out of it?

>> No.1788802

Attention. I'm an attention-starved attention whore. I lie about details of my life to get attention and have a good reputation on forums. Sometimes I lie about having an illness--AIDS, renal failure, drug addiction, whatever.

I also like to start arguments in forums by holding ridiculous and controversial opinions.

>> No.1788808

it makes people recognize me, my awesome, i like that a lot. a respect where it's due.

>> No.1788809

why do I sage? what do I get out of it?

>> No.1788850

You lie about being Tao Lin.
Impersonating Tao Lin is about as low as you can get.

>> No.1789405
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God told me to.

>> No.1789530

Tao Lin is Br0.

I didn't tell you though, I don't think he wants y'all to know that. He revels in everyone assuming someone else is Tao Lin. He doesn't have to personally promote himself, just set off the infinite chain of anonymous Tao Lins.

>> No.1789566

I used to be a prolific tripfag. The best part was seeing your name brought up in threads you hadn't even posted in. It was like being a celebrity. But I dropped my trip after a few people called me their "favourite tripfag". I have a debilitating fear of high expectations.

>> No.1789567

As a tripfag, I

>> No.1789572

it's because they're trolls

and they probably want e-fame, like Chris chan or iJustine.

>> No.1789621

it allows my posts, ideas, and opinions to be strung together into a consistent identity or system of thought. people can reference things i previously said, we can connect multiple trains of ideas together, etc, and this makes for more interesting conversation.