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/lit/ - Literature

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17885044 No.17885044 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently the book 'America Against America' has become a pop sensation after America's capitol riots.
>After chaos engulfed the U.S. Capitol last week, some Chinese intellectuals found themselves searching for copies of an out-of-print book to make sense of events. “America Against America” forecast the U.S.’s decline due to domestic conflicts more than 30 years ago.
>Among the things driving demand was the author: Wang Huning, the Communist Party’s No. 5 leader and top political theorist to three Chinese presidents. Some copies have surged to more than 16,600 yuan ($2,500) on Kungfuzi, an online marketplace for antiques. That’s more than 3,000 times its original asking price in 1991, when Japan was more widely seen as America’s big economic rival.
Anybody have any old copies kicking around? Its a good time to make some money.

>> No.17885088

More about Wang Huning and some exerts from his book.

>> No.17885715

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.17885797

I wish there was a full English translation of this. There were a few extracts in the thread above, but not the full book. Surely the CIA or something has gotten this translated right? It would be in their best interest to do so, wouldn't it?

>> No.17885815

>It would be in their best interest to do so, wouldn't it?
How would humanizing their eventual enemy help them?
The cia doesn't care about knowledge they just need to know where the kindergartens and hospitals are for drone strikes.

>> No.17885841

That poster on SA is still translating. There's another chapter online since the thread last summer.
There's also a chinese copy of the book on lulu, possibly you could find someone to read to you.

>> No.17886378

Chapter 3: A Colorful National Character
Part 4: Sanctification
> Americans tend to demystify, but they also tend to sacralize the most. Sacralization is still not deification because it involves relationships between people. Americans rarely deify anything. In some societies, a thing is often sanctified when it reaches beyond the capabilities of ordinary people. [...] Some people on the Pacific islands deified the accidental landing of a U.S. Army plane during World War II by making a realistic plane out of wood to worship. In not a few societies, shamans possess mystical perceptions. American society does not have such a culture, and while there have been cases of mass suicides of hundreds of people like the People's Temple Church, these are rare. The American nation does not tend to mystify or deify, but it has a special nature that I call 'sanctification'.
> What is "sacralization"? Sacralization is first and foremost a secular domain. It has a certain nature of worship, but it is not religious worship. The process of sanctification is the elevation of an earthly phenomenon to a very high status. This process is not initiated by any one person or organization but it is a process of socialization. Let's look at the specific analysis of what I call sacralization before we analyze the social function of this phenomenon.
>The American nation is very susceptible to emotional impulses, and a people that are very receptive to externalities. Sacralization can be seen in the political sphere. The National Convention of both parties is a typical example of this sacralization. The enthusiasm, the excitement, and the genuine emotion of the people in the room were a rare spiritual resonance. The candidates of both parties will be warmly welcomed in this venue. When they come out, people can cheer for as long as ten minutes. Their speeches, constantly interrupted by applause and cheers. Throughout the campaign, candidates from both parties are greeted in this way wherever they go. As usual in such an individualistic and egalitarian culture, it is difficult for an individual to receive such adulation. One of the reasons for this is that they are sanctified. They are just a symbol, a symbol of a culture, or a goal that people are pursuing more of a sacred frame of mind.
Huning really is a modern day Tocqueville.

>> No.17886398

dam he predickted dat trump nigga

>> No.17886412

In his opinion, the celebration of sports like football was a form of materialist religious spectacle:
>The whole process of the game, from the playing of the national anthem to the ceremonies, to the game, to the performance at the break in the stadium, went beyond the game itself. For example, the event under the Statue of Liberty to celebrate the bicentennial of the country was lively and grand, and its nature was not an ordinary celebration, but some kind of sanctification. This is the work of the government. The government is often the promoter of sanctification, as in the case of the military, and the sanctification of the military is obvious. This is especially true of American attitudes toward military victories and those who have fallen in battle. There is a peculiar Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C., where every fallen soldier has been named. For the fallen, official funerals are held with pomp and circumstance. The government's fondness for the space shuttle is also an excellent example. When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded, the government gave the astronauts who died extremely high praise and honor, seeing them as dedicated men who pioneered the American spirit. The successful launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery, which the government viewed as a triumph of the American spirit, has taken on a significance beyond the technological breakthroughs of astronautics.
A while back I read a post where an anon compared Chinese mass culture to American culture in the 50s and 60s in terms of themes and mood. Maybe this is more intentional than we realize.

>> No.17886419

>The process of sanctification is actually the process of elevating various phenomena that people believe in and choose into the American spirit, as well as the process of people accepting the American spirit. Society cultivates this mechanism, and people have a solid psychological deposit of hero-worship and achievement worship. The basic spirit depicted in the western goes against hero worship and achievement worship. [...] Today's heroes are not the cowboy images of yesteryear, and today's concept of achievement is also changing. However, the character of hero-worship and achievement worship still exists in the hearts of Americans. The American nation lacks the worship of ghosts and gods, and the first two worship instead.
>These two kinds of worship are hidden in the hearts of people and will reveal themselves when given a strong and powerful call. The growth of egalitarianism, nihilism, and relativism in contemporary American culture has caused a deep suppression of this character. Under ordinary conditions, it is difficult to imagine that Americans would have such strong feelings of worship. The process of sanctification is, on the one hand, a process of social induction and, on the other hand, a process of self-release. A look at the frenzied emotions of the audience at ball games, venues, and concerts will show how they satisfy the two basic human needs mentioned above: a sense of worship and a sense of personal release.
>[...] The non-mystical tendencies of the American nation make it difficult for them to produce deified worship, and the need for human worship turns to the secular. People look for worship in their own surroundings. Americans are a pragmatic people who find it difficult to worship abstract, legendary, and invisible objects, but they can worship success, bravery, adventure, and wisdom in their own surroundings. This worship carries with it a complex of elements, rational, irrational, emotional, non-emotional, conscious, and unconscious. The process of sanctification is not actually the sanctification of the individual, but the sanctification of a spirit. This spirit has constituted the tradition of culture and has become the gene of it. The process of sanctification of society in turn constantly consolidates it. [...]
>The process of sanctification has a fundamentally social function, which is to maintain and transmit the core values of society. The process of sanctification of society plays an extraordinary role in spreading its spirit to all levels of society on the one hand and attracting people to join the process of sanctification on the other. I am reminded of Rousseau's argument that society must have a civil religion, and I feel that the process of sanctifying society is very much like the process of creating and spreading a civil religion. In such an individualistic, self-centered society, sanctification is the best mechanism for spreading core values.

>> No.17886467 [DELETED] 

Wait, I actually think I have a pdf of this, I haven’t read it tho https://mega.nz/file/KnIzmKYC#J4Eo_1xqxjvmflLDTZ76BEc5I3IiV602FFIqZ9C4Zgc

>> No.17886492

Wait, actually think I have a pdf of this, I haven’t read it tho https://mega.nz/file/iyo0iKqA#J4Eo_1xqxjvmflLDTZ76BEc5I3IiV602FFIqZ9C4Zgc

>> No.17886522

Woah nice. How'd you find this?

>> No.17886526

>he thinks the CIA is smart enough to learn Chinese

>> No.17886578

They could just hire some Chinese people?

>> No.17886602

If they did that they wouldn't have any money left over to give to skinheads and drug cartels.
And then who will they turn to when they need an enemy, foreign or domestic, gunned down in cold blood? Chinese people again?

>> No.17886609


>> No.17886619

How long is it?

>> No.17886632

how do you think China found out who all of the US's assets in China were and killed them lel

>> No.17886672

On logo daedalus’ Twitter. His account is great lol

>> No.17886700
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>literal who
>only posts about him date back a year
>barely ever mentioned
>"here is all the information you need on him"
>"zomg i <3 this book i wish it were in english"
>"here guys I have this exact rare book as a pdf you should all read it"

>> No.17886721

The pdf is 350 pages
Oh shit I’ve been found out

>> No.17886724

Yeah man turns out posting the same massive pasta list over and over for a year gets some people fucking annoyed enough to remember.

>> No.17886734

It's nice when stuff works out like that huh?
Threads like this are why /lit/ remains one of the best forums on the internet despite sucking so much.

>> No.17886752

Yeah man having non stop gay ops and guerilla advertising campaigns is what makes everyone love this board so much they spam it with gay porn and scat every couple weeks.

>> No.17886777

I know you won’t believe me but I only found that pdf because I was trying to dig for writings by members of the ccp so I could understand their philosophy. Stuff in English on wang huning is very scant so I doubt there’s an op to promote it. If anything the ccp wants it to stay obscure. That being say this place is absolutely a honeypot.

>> No.17886779

Two threads mentioning an author who also is an important statesman in the worlds most powerful country isn't a guerilla advertising campaign. I'm the OP and I had no idea that the other anon had a translated copy, I just like the author.
Should /lit/ be restricted to discussion of the same five canonical texts instead? Grow up.

>> No.17886868
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Whole lotta "me like china" posts going around past few days. Hmmm... What does it mean? Hmmmmmm... I can't quite put my finger on it. How can I, or anyone really, possibly put 2 and 2 together and finally begin to decipher this conundrum? What can one man do, but continue to wonder all the infinite possibilities? Perhaps one day, in the distant future, a lone scholar might stumble upon this absolutely bewildering enigma, and put it's boundless mysteries to rest. Alas! I shall surely never see the day this mystifying conundrum is finally solved by a mind far sharper than my own.

>> No.17886930
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Does Wang Huning browse /lit/ or something?
If so, that's pretty based of him alongside the three letter feds. How cosmopolitan!

>> No.17886990

Just because someone likes China does not automatically make them Chinese intel. Of course you should be wary of glowing ones, but if you’re unwilling to accept valid criticism of the US and acknowledgment of China’s successes as genuine then you’re probably infected with the ideological parasite of schizo-conservatism. This can be seen in people like Bannon who see hidden Chinese actors behind everything the same way anti-semites see Jews behind everything. Also note Bannon’s ties to the Falun Gong, he spreads the same propaganda they do.

>> No.17887036
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Chinese intel? Who in the world mentioned Chinese intel? Why would that have to do with anything? Why would Chinese organizations associate with members of the media or United States government officials? Quite the radical theory you have there... Hmmmmm... Nevertheless, we shall never in our lifetimes be able to solve this peculiar quandary.

>> No.17887111
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china go away

>> No.17887125

>tfw you could have invested in meme books and gotten bitcoin level returns but instead you were shilling for the Chinese government at 50¢/hour.

>> No.17887133

Chinese agents do work in US media and government, but right wing pundits play this up to distorted levels to fearmonger. Chinese intelligence is younger than US intel so it doesn’t have the global framework they do. Still, it’s something to be aware of.

>> No.17887171
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Relax, will ya? I'm just breakin your balls. I'm just bustin your balls, alright? What's got into you, huh? I'm just giving ya a ballbustin. I'm just cumbustin ya a little bit. I'm only cumbustin ya and you gotta start gettin fuckin fresh?

>> No.17887183

> Excerpt from the book

American loneliness is either superficial or deep and manifests itself in different forms. It is also a disease derived from all developed societies. A friend told me a story that vividly reflects the loneliness of an American. The main character of the story is a woman of almost fifty years old. She came from a wealthy family, married to a professor, and then divorced. Her children have grown up and are living independently outside the home. She now lives alone in a house. She has no job and earns some money by working short hours. Due to her mental depression, she often drinks heavily. When she drinks, she becomes delirious, crying and screaming, which is naturally caused by her mental loneliness. But what made people feel that she was lonely was not her situation, but people's attitude toward her. The friend, who was living in her house, was often worried about the woman's condition. He called her children. Her children said that it was her business and they could not interfere with it. If she felt that she needed to go to the hospital or to the police, it was up to her to decide and they could not decide. In effect, they were saying that they couldn't control it, but just let it happen. When he called her best friend, the answer was the same, saying there was nothing he could do. Although the best friend, but also can not exceed the authority, the friend often can only watch her drunken madness, helpless. That best friend of hers said, "She is trying to treat me like a mother and pamper me." From the bottom of her heart, that friend despised her too. The question is, why was she like that? It was a deep-seated loneliness. Her loneliness was not only within herself, but also in the way society treated her on the outside. She was alone in society, and society was alone in her. This is the situation that a lonely American encounters.

>> No.17887190

How are Americans lonely? This is a question that is difficult to answer in one sentence. We can say that the American economic system has created human loneliness, and the prominence and importance of money in society has monetized human relationships, while human feelings are forced down in money relationships. A little warmth may mean money. We can say that the dominant value of America - individualism - leads to the isolation of the individual. Tocqueville says that the American Revolution led to the growth of individualism, but individualism means at the same time self-solitude. Without accepting self-solitude, the fear of dissolution also makes it difficult to truly create the conditions for individualism. The overwhelming position of individualism in society may be a good note for the lonely American. We could say that the American protection of the private domain also protects loneliness; each person does not like or want others to invade his or her own domain of life. This desire breeds solitude. Perhaps Americans like solitude, or more accurately, want a moderate amount of it. The question is whether they are prepared to deal with the greater or socially imposed loneliness. The mechanisms that people devise and build themselves to ensure moderate loneliness sum up in society to impose unbearable and unbearable loneliness on the individual. The problems that such mechanisms create for the individual become potential problems for society. Human loneliness is a product of social institutions, and it is difficult to find solutions as long as such social institutions remain intact. The most difficult thing for an institution to overcome is its own by-products.

The authors of Megatrends argue that the development of high technology has increased the pursuit of high emotion. The overly concentrated pursuit of any one thing in a society constitutes a political management problem. The isolation of people has become a major burden on the political system and will continue to do so. Analyzing many of the government's policy actions, it is easy to see that the more fundamental motivation lies in the complex and constant role of each person's loneliness.

>> No.17887200

This is basic as fuck shit I would think most teenagers would figure out on their own. Is this the power of Chinese poltical thought? Lmfao. There are hundreds of thousands of books over the centuries written about the same kind of subjects

>> No.17887212

yeah I'm going over it, it's basically a summary of grades 1-12 history, civics, government, and sociology class. But the audience aren't Americans who went through the education, it's Chinese people who haven't been raised in our educational system

>> No.17887231

Intellectual poison, always stupid fucks like you in every historical period

>> No.17887238

gonna cry?

>> No.17887244

Cringe. Enough from you

>> No.17887250
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>shill propagandizing for a literal 1984 dictatorship that wants to destroy my country doesn't like it when I call him out
boo hoo, cry me a river nigger

>> No.17887264

Please, keep going with your brain cancer. You're only embarrassing yourself further. Like I said, stupid fucks like you have always existed, and always will. You have never and will never experience actual higher thought or genuine need for knowledge.

>> No.17887267
File: 17 KB, 347x391, billy batts 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax for cryin out loud, will ya? I'm just bustin your balls a little. Come on. I mean, I'm only cushin your cock man. I come home and I'm givin ya a cockbox stompjob and you gotta start gettin fresh?

>> No.17887271

Fucking cringe. This boomer nonsense manifesting itself even on 4chan is pathetic.

>> No.17887275

baby gonna shit his diaper?

>> No.17887278

Go back to facebook or your shithole containment board, doesn't matter which one, both are the same

>> No.17887282
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>> No.17887295

Boom boom boom boom, i want you in your room, with all the other boomers, From now until forever

>> No.17887299

seethe nigcel

>> No.17887317

astute for a chinaman, though a lot of the observations are trite or obvious, even for when the book(?) was written
was this originally published and distributed to public markets?

posting helper in 2021 huh

>> No.17887320

>This is literally 1984!!!
The most brain dead take these days. Do better

>> No.17887340

no one is allowed to have a take that people have had before. every take has to be wholly original and everyone has to have a take and if you have an opinion that isn't a take you're an idiot.

>> No.17887342

Seethe poltrash

>> No.17887346

big baby wet diaper? poppy sloshy wet diaper?

>> No.17887347

Or you're a braindead clown repeating bullshit like a robot on subjects you don't understand

>> No.17887353

wowee hot take! bazinga!

>> No.17887372

Yea that sounds good. Stop repeating garbage.

>> No.17887389 [DELETED] 
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>Stop repeating garbage
>"omg 'literally 1984' is a brain dead take"

>> No.17887395
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>America footbarr isa rike der mateliarist lerigion!
Bravo chinks, bravo. Stunning insights from the country that can't go one week without a safety oversight killing 80 bugbrains.

>> No.17887405

Someone had to say it

>> No.17887408


>> No.17887412

It's been said more than the "take" it's complaining about.

>> No.17887424

Definitely not

>> No.17887440

It's like faggots who complain about mario mushroom jokes. We get it, you want attention for complaining about something that was popular to say like ten years ago. Nobody cares. Cry over it.

>> No.17887450

Idgaf stay mad

>> No.17887453
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>> No.17887454

Go back or kill yourself

>> No.17887460

Damn... I'm going to give my mom a hug next time I see her.

>> No.17887462
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absolutely SEETHING

>> No.17887471

Oh I remember this and the thread from a few months back. Read the whole book and it's pretty good. Though I don't recall him predicting the decline of America. It's more of an analysis of contemporary America in view of social management techniques. He pointed out some problems, which seem pretty prescient in light of recent years, but he also thought American society was very well managed, and you can see the prototype of social credit system just from his comment on credit card alone. He cited also the likes of Hayek and Marcuse too, so his thought is probably not very original.

>> No.17887488

Where’d you find the book?

>> No.17887545

congrats on sliding the thread successfully, Chinese intelligence agencies
you've already won

>> No.17887581

It's an interesting approach that he takes. Both with the credit cards and also when talking about how coca-cola acts as a manager for millions of people in the USA.
He's really concerned with how to organize people and societies into a higher productive potential, and when I look at China's attitude towards things like social credit scores and biotechnology it would make a lot of sense from that perspective.
He's not fatalistic at all, unlike Tocqueville, it seems like all of his observations are rooted in observations of processes or material realities. Very marxist sort of analysis.

>> No.17887612

we’re pretty clever aren’t we hehe

>> No.17887717

doubt it glow nigs are worthless now days

>> No.17888424

Haven't read it myself, but:
>If anyone is interested in reading an amateur translation of Wang Huning's America Against America check out the link below. It was made using DeepL and then line edited for coherence by performing a second pass at troublesome phrases.

>> No.17889790

Imagine witnessing the chimp summer but it takes a bunch of larping fags to make you realise the usa is nearing it's end

>> No.17890097

>His account is great
It's ok.
Too bad he seems to be the only guy outside China to buy into all of the CCP's propaganda completely uncritically.
Also, he seems a little arrogant and pigheaded at times, even when he argues a completely untenable position.
Still gives some decent literature recommendations though.

>> No.17890108

it's a common phenomenon among dejected American former-patriots to lionize foreign powers as somehow about to rain down righteous destruction upon them to ensure that Humanity(tm) keeps on advancing, a similar example is the people who go on about BASED PUTIN. of course the US is in fact run by morons, but the reality that many are not willing to accept is that it always has been.

>> No.17890164
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janny get a little mad? piss his pants over a little bit of greentext? gonna cry janny?

>> No.17890261

is he not aware the sports competitions in general grew out of pagan religious rites in both hemispheres?

>> No.17890644

What’s an example of something he believes that you think is ccp propaganda?

>> No.17891632

>insectoids trying to grasp freedom
Why should human or gorillas care what insects think abou tus

>> No.17891716

thanks og

>> No.17892466

Its interesting because Maurice Samuel similarly attacked gentiles in his book for being so fixated on sports and sports teams.
I think you underestimate how juvenile society has become. This kind of writing is a revelation to most people. Rehashing the basics like this is a very effective kind of political rhetoric. Its refreshing because no one in America would be allowed to publish something like this.

>> No.17892856

This thread is full of feds. Pro-china and pro-usa feds. Too bad Americans and /lit/ posters are retarded. Where are my Russia nibbas at? Neo-Eurasia gang rise up

>> No.17892889

Does anyone know of an English translation online? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.17892903

It’s linked twice itt

>> No.17892914

The Russia-China Alliance is
neoeurasianism. If you’re pro Putin you’re also pro Xi because they’re working together towards the same goal.

>> No.17893223
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Can buy on taobao for 28 rmb

>> No.17893294
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>A while back I read a post where an anon compared Chinese mass culture to American culture in the 50s and 60s in terms of themes and mood. Maybe this is more intentional than we realize.
poast it