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/lit/ - Literature

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17884336 No.17884336 [Reply] [Original]

Post your current book and your smokes.

>> No.17884343
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(Yes, I'm the anon making all the Gautier threads that die with less than five responses).

>> No.17884365

Catch-22, marlboro red hardpack

>> No.17884370

Grimscribe and a banana pop lol

>> No.17884372

Dubliners & don’t smoke

>> No.17884376

I dont read, because I browse /lit/
and I dont smoke cause Im not a fag.

>> No.17884385

Since we are on the subjects of cigarettes, how bad are they? I enjoy to smoke from time to time, but I have always been told that they are the worst for your health. People on this board sometimes say that it isn't true. What's the truth?

>> No.17884404

They're extremely bad. Not everything is a conspiracy.

>> No.17884408

Is the tobacco in itself bad or is it the other stuff in it that makes it bad?

>> No.17884409

6 a day is not bad for health

>> No.17884417

I have read that it was also bad for people who used to chew it back in the 18th-19th century. Don't know about the plant itself.

>> No.17884418
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They're good for focus and concentration; heightened cognitive function; mood stabilization; all at a cost though. I would recommend chewing nicotine gum instead. Similar benefits with less risks. If you're going to smoke, make sure the rest of your health is on point. Good diet, intensive exercise four to five times a week. The purer the tobacco, the better too. I started smoking to read longer and more intensely on the recommendation of a close friend who was mogging me literarily. It helped a lot.

Here is the big con that people rarely mention: COST. It's an expensive habit. I'd avoid it just for that. But if you have money to blow, then whatever.

>> No.17884421
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>> No.17884422

I chew more than I smoke. I am doing something worse?

>> No.17884424

Beautiful, anon.

>> No.17884426

Thanks anon, I'll keep this insight un mind.

>> No.17884433

You chew tobacco? I thought that was a very old-fashioned thing, like smoking the pipe or wearing a monocle.

>> No.17884441

It's very popular in the Canadian navy on the east coast. I picked up the habit there.

>> No.17884461

Oh, cool. It's certainly not as bad as smoking, but I've read somewhere that it can still affect your health. Everything we put in our mouth is absorbed by the body even if we spit it out.

>> No.17884472
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>smoking to look intellectual

>> No.17884479

Smoker here. Embarrassing.

>> No.17884494
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>> No.17884499
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for me it's hookah (got some turkish shisha) and I'm currently reading ernst junger's eumeswil
also obligatory "you're gay for smoking american spirits" post
I've been smoking for a while, and out of everything hookah is the worst health wise. This is only because there are more tar-related chemicals in shisha, and sharing the hose with other people increases the risk of lung disease. However it's all about how often you smoke; a pack a day cigarette smoker is worse off than a once every two weeks hookah smoker. For me personally, vaping felt the worst for my health. Smoking cigarettes and hookah frequently never made my lungs feel like they were dying nor did my skin turn grey the way vaping did. Smoking is most certainly bad for you, but there is some degree of study that shows pipe tobacco, because of how it's cured, is actually healthy and the best way to consume tobacco. Overall, smoking is not healthy, but it's all about frequency and what you're smoking. Just smoke pipe tobacco, cure your own tobacco, or roll your own cigarettes if you care about adverse health effects.

>> No.17884515
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>"you're gay for smoking american spirits"
True, but I'm exiled and can't smoke Gauloises or Gitanes, so I cope.

>> No.17884519

Also noted, thanks anon. Maybe I'll buy one of those cigarette rollers like my grand-father had. It was si hypnotic to watch him roll his cigarettes with it.

>> No.17884525

Anon it's time to move past gautier now...

>> No.17884536

Dissipatio H.G.
Never smoked, hate the smell of it

>> No.17884541
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I smoke half menthol cigs and I’m reading Lanark.

Fuck the Britbong Tory government that banned menthol cigarettes. Did anyone here actually get hooked on them first? Cause I started on regular Marlboros and I don’t see their reason for banning them in reality

>> No.17884543

Are you black?

>> No.17884549
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where do you get cigarettes without warnings on them?!

>> No.17884551
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I'll finish this book next week and find a new poet to shill. Sad Gautier never got any traction on this board. He really is amazing.

>> No.17884560

remember 10 packs? those were the days smoking mayfairs in my uniform

>> No.17884562

En Europe, confrère québécois. En Europe.

>> No.17884566

mais où? je suis en france, pas au quebec : (

>> No.17884575

Aaah pardon. Je pensais que les paquets gris-bruns n'existaient qu'au Québec.

>> No.17884577

Those were the days. Just the right amount to save up some dinner money to get, which is probably why they got rid desu

>> No.17884584

You can get different warnings. US have them on the side, usually in gold on a white background so they're invisible to those without sharp eyesight. Don't think Korea had warnings either when I was getting cigarettes from them either, but that was several years ago. You can also get ones with fewer/different warnings from duty free in some countries, since they don't have to meet the local standards for sale.

>> No.17884618

wtf are 10 packs

>> No.17884622

DFW's Oblivion and nicotine gum because the sustained release + no distracting smoke/flame/spitting make it the superior way to consume nicotine for reading.

>> No.17884655

you used to be able to buy cigarettes in packs of 10 in the uk

>> No.17884656

Here in the UK you used to be able to buy a pack with 10 cigs inside that were cheaper than 20 packs, naturally. But the Gov got rid of them and made shops just sell 20 packs.

>> No.17884683

ah i see, RIP.
sounds excellent. do people still smoke a lot where you guys live?

>> No.17884684

What’s the flavor profile of that? Looks intredasting

>> No.17884690

About the worst thing you can do to your mouth outside of gargling meth or some shit. Except maybe sucking op’s dick ayoooooh

>> No.17884695

proust & göteborgs rapé

>> No.17884705

Yeah a fair amount, lot of vapers here now though. I’ll never forget when I went to Lille in France and EVERYONE I met smoked and I found a small shop that sold Marlboro Gold’s very cheap.

>> No.17884727


Never smoked it, papa. Got it in Finland because I liked the cover.

t. ex-decade long Gauloise Red smoker who quit after thinking he'd suffocate during a panic attack.

>> No.17884739
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The red book= Iliad and Odissey

>> No.17884742
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>smoking while reading
Imagine being this much of a pretentious faggot. No, smoking or going to a hipster cafe to read pretentious post-modernist books doesnt make you cool, alternative or intelligent.

>> No.17884743


>> No.17884746


>> No.17884753

Fuck off smooth lungs

>> No.17884795

T. too dense to understand things in any form other than stereotypes. Nicotine is the best drug for reading

>> No.17884802

Where do you guys smoke AND read? There's almost no place where it's allowed to smoke nowadays and I doubt that you read in the streets.

>> No.17884818
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They're hipsters imagining they're in the 1940s or something. Probably have a hat rack of different fedoras for every day.

>> No.17884827

>tfw very old
10 packs were only recently the minimum amount too- Woodbines used come in 5 packs and a lot of tobacconists sold single cigarettes. If they brought in proper age enforcement that would probably get more people to cut down. I think most everyone who was going to quit probably did it at the point that cigarettes and vodka started being similarly priced.

>> No.17884834

Most cafes here the outdoor seating is smokers reading and Muslims having bro conferences.

>> No.17884839

What country?

>> No.17884841


>> No.17884845

Nice country

>> No.17884849

It's where the history comes from

>> No.17884923

Foucault's Pendulum and Newport Reds, I'm too lazy to go to the gas station today so I ran out this morning.

Do you not sit on your porch and read?

>> No.17884947


you child

>> No.17884953

Gonna go buy american spirits and smoke them outside like a real hipster

>> No.17884954

>o, smoking or going to a hipster cafe to read pretentious post-modernist books doesnt make you cool, alternative or intelligent.
that does not stop it from feeling good so im not sure what youre on about

>> No.17884961
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vant belif i wocofiyud msontbeem but idid
not rhat greatb ecpeyb ayegdel
anyone know any uakcuj miajnd idfdc aiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.17884963

Go on...

>> No.17884986

I'm too poor to own a porch. I don't even own a house.

>> No.17885018
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Is their a Jungian explanation or name for this psychological phenomena? These npcs have no sense of identity and are just attempting to copy what other people are doing, how they dress, how they act, how they speak, what music they listen to, etc...They do this with the hopes of finally developing a personal identity, paradoxically becoming a walking stereotype. Just look at all the art hoes, the feminists, the film students, you KNOW if someone belongs to one of these groups by just looking at their haircut, how they dress and how they talk....

Just look at this retard >>17884923, he probably sees himself as a charachter from a Godard film, highly intellectual, deep, artistic and alternative. Cringe...

>> No.17885085

Most people are strictly social. Everything they do is driven by social extrinsics. Hence the term "sheep," i.e., docile herd animal. People have been complaining about this situation as you are for thousands of years. You are young and just waking up to the world you are in.

>> No.17885090


>> No.17885136

beyond based

>> No.17885139
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I smoke because I'm addicted and it's fun.
The smarts are for free

>> No.17885163

Tobacco's bad. Additives make it worse.

It's the abuse of the stuff that's the real issue. You shouldn't be smoking more than one cig every couple of days.

>> No.17885304
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>> No.17885359

Smoking is for fags

>> No.17885371

causes mouth rot

>> No.17885379

i'll read some and discuss with you next time, anon.

>> No.17885489


>> No.17885502

This poster has always registered to me as being a huge faggot. Anyone else?

>> No.17885515

very based

>> No.17885617
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>This poster has always registered to me as being a huge faggot. Anyone else?

>> No.17885738

I don't see myself as anything, interesting to have such strong opinions about other peoples personal identities though...

>> No.17885764


>> No.17885787

Master Wilhelm's Apprenticeship and Travels by Goethe and Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro.
Only vape dabs, but I think I have COVID, so no vaping for now.

>> No.17885816
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>> No.17885822
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Friend gave it to me a while back, and I never got around to reading it until now. Used to smoke black American spirits, but can't fucking find them anywhere since I moved

>> No.17886058

one of these is true
and one is false

>> No.17886453

lol it kind of does though

>> No.17886465

I smoke a pipe sometimes, it's comfy and a bit of a hobby

>> No.17886529

Stop smoking. It's bad for you.

>> No.17886580
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>> No.17886586

Incredibly based, dunhill reds are the best

>> No.17886644
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Some light reading, Henry James is very enjoyable. Why people came here to shame us smokers? Stop moral fagging on 4chan

>> No.17886687


>> No.17886696

supremely based

>> No.17886824

are you seriously gonna trust 4chan retards over official medical recommendations?
If you want relaxation just vape weed or eat weed gummies, drink weed tea or whatever. Try to avoid smoking anything at all. But if you're gonna smoke, do it from a pipe, not paper.
If you want concentration just drink coffee, best drug in the world. It has made people productive for millennia, and research has found no long-term risks in drinking it unless you suffer from high blood pressure. If you don't like the taste, drink actual tea with caffeine or just take caffeine pills.

>> No.17886907

Smoke them in a confined space, the buzz is amazing, its better than cumming.

>> No.17886917

Chronic City - Jonathon Lethem
Small is Beautiful - EF Schumacher
The Jesuits - Malachi Martin

Camel Filters

>> No.17886973

Burn your own lung tissue all you like, just be aware you're wasting your money and you smell of sour smoke. You'll never be Humphrey Bogart or whatever you're imagining in your head when you smoke.

>> No.17887084

>Humphrey Bogart
literally who lmao you're the fucking hipster, retard

>> No.17887434

Love the Adelphi's

What's a good Iliad / Odissey Italian translations?

>> No.17888276
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>> No.17888284

Maybe Feltrinelli's edition are good

>> No.17888317

>bratishka yebat' ti dolboeb

>> No.17888324


>> No.17888403

c'etait inévitable que ce thread soit majoritairement des francophones

>> No.17888416
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>> No.17888590

I dissected a cadaver in anatomy class, and I’ll never forget what I saw when we removed his lungs. Healthy lungs are a big soft pink mass of cute. Think somewhat compressed cotton candy, or the most perfect wad of chewing gum. The man we dissected was a smoker. As soon as we cracked into his thoracic cavity, we knew something was foul in Denmark. Not only were his lungs about 2/3 the size they should have been, they were dark brown, like meatball. Then we sliced and the alveoli were caked with sticky tar-like occlusions. We all agreed: it was not bubble gum, but raisin bread.

Still, the only reason I won’t smoke is that I don’t want to get wrinkly too fast.
I’m also allergic to coffee. Is there anything else I can use to get that edge when I write?

>> No.17888719
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Heavy Brandaris rolling tobacco and Propaganda by Bernays.

>> No.17888813

Yeah, speed

>> No.17888821

borges and a 2 year old pack of lucky strikes with 2 or 3 smokes left

>> No.17888872

Nicotine gum, nicotine pouches (non tobacco snus)

>> No.17888966

Frequent tobacco use ain't great for you, but there are also much healthier ways to consume it than cigarettes.
Cigars and pipe tobacco are both better provided you smoke them the right way (not inhailing into your lungs).
The only form of tobacco intake that's not connected to any cases of cancer is nasal dry snuff, but it's not something you find in most stores and also you get gross dark colored snot from it.

>> No.17889024

when I smoke it's because it feels good and makes me look cool

>> No.17889029
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ive just started that one as well

>> No.17889037

Really depends how much you smoke. If you're at like 3 a day it's not gonna do nothing

>> No.17889043

I don't smoke any more :'(
I'm reading the epic Hadji Murat by Tolstoy

>> No.17889098

Are you German? Why is the warning in Finnish and Swedish?

>> No.17889131
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>> No.17889258
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i don't want my books to smell like cigarettes you guys
how do i prevent them from absorbing the stink?

>> No.17889281


I am German, but bought the tobacco when I was in Finland.

>> No.17889808

Every period in my life when I smoked I would get heavily sick for week or two from things like winter colds my body would otherwise just shrug off in a day.

You can't, but you can remove it later by putting the book in a sealed tin with some baking soda for a couple of weeks.

>> No.17889853

My room at my house

>> No.17889882

they're bad like everything else
gotta love someone that complains about smoking but eats fast food weekly and drinks of whiskey, lives in a polluted shithole etc

everything is fine in moderation

>> No.17889912

lmao nerds smoking is cool

>> No.17889933

sorry, I quit. which means instead of buying packs I buy whatever random loosies I can every day and it ends up being twice as expensive

>> No.17889956
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>> No.17889970


>Every period in my life when I smoked I would get heavily sick for week or two from things like winter colds

Funny I used to get sick every winter when I was a non smoker now I haven't had a cold in about 3 years

>> No.17890022
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>> No.17891302

pipe tobacco gang out in full force on this post

>> No.17891429

Thanks friends
Don’t turn into raisin bread

>> No.17891544

Those carts are worse than cigs

>> No.17891548

stop being such a pussy and let that musky virile tobacco smell permeate every single one of your belongings

>> No.17891558

that means cigarettes must be healthy

>> No.17891599

Real man confirmed

>> No.17891700

Bur Rizzoli

>> No.17891775

Too true about health risks of cigs and cost of gum. The way I got around this was vaping loose leaf American Spirit tobacco out of a dry herb vape. Very cheap and pretty clean apart from occasionally getting the leaf in your mouth (pretty gross). Still need to be careful to limit the amount of nicotine because of heart concerns, but you'll get that with any stimulant.

>> No.17891843

>he doesn't purposefully blow his smoke over each and every page

>> No.17891912
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Fuck all you stupid niggers.

None of you know how to smoke or read at all.

>> No.17891997

>None of you know how to smoke or read at all.
>Smokes weed and read Stephen King.

>> No.17892204


>Implying that smoking weed and only pointing out Stephen King out of all the other credible authors shown equates to not being able to read at all.

You must be a real hoot at social gatherings pointing out the ironic hypocrisy of one’s exploitation of systemic contradiction, am I right?

>> No.17892431

go back

>> No.17892447

Demian. And I dont smoke

>> No.17892484
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>> No.17892513

checked, but why didn't you remove the plastic from the bottom

>> No.17892517

stop reading stephen king

>> No.17892526

kyle from pka kek

>> No.17892623

Also reading Borges, but with a fresh pack of lucky strikes

>> No.17892663
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t zoomer who just started reading

also rec me a book after these

>> No.17892835

>american spirit
>anything but turquoise
Die tastelet.

>> No.17892880

yellows are better ;)

>> No.17892886

Story of the eye

>> No.17892909

Brave New World

>> No.17892961
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God I want to read Under the Volcano while smoking those cigs

>> No.17893033

>calling cigarettes “smoke”
>smoking to begin with

>> No.17893044

kys vaper nigger scuml0rd

>> No.17893070

Studies show that people who smoke a very small amount of pipe tobacco are actually at a lower risk for cardiovascular disease than nonsmokers. I would think 1 or 2 cigs now and then is completely fine and basically identical to a nonsmoker risk wise. You just don't want to become a serious smoker who goes through a pack a day.
I used to occasionally enjoy 2 or 3 cigarettes every few days, I noticed no difference after stopping and stopping was very easy.

>> No.17893079

>Is the tobacco in itself bad or is it the other stuff in it that makes it bad?
Smoke a pipe. Don't inhale. Some nicotine is good for you.

>> No.17893197

Smoke good (actual) tobacco and enjoy light puffs. All about a subtle taste and aroma and not swallowing clouds of smoke

>> No.17893208
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Aristotle - Rhetorics
Winston Blue 100s

>> No.17893227
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The black ones are everywhere here because no one smokes them. They're also all stale because of that. For me though, they're the only alternative to light blue because every shop is sold out for the last few weeks.

>> No.17893248


Neuromancer then Infinite Jest.

It doesn't get better than what you got already desu

>> No.17893254

Not that poster, but leaving the bottom plastic on keeps all the loose tobacco from falling out all over the place every time you move the pack.

>> No.17893290

Grow up, you ugly turd. Ste'n'king is just as bad as Gaiman, Palahniuk, and House of Leaves, and you're reading all that shit, you braindead waste.

>> No.17893301

Mac Baren Latakia flake in a pipe and 'Tragedy and Hope' by Carroll Quigley.

>> No.17893469
File: 3.82 MB, 4032x3024, DCD54E28-E04C-4927-82DE-A6B675E9508A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming by Laszlo Krasznahorkai

>> No.17893871


>> No.17893877

If they still have a fuckload in stock, that means that someone's smoking them. Any time I go to my local smoke shop and ask for blacks, they tell me they can order a carton if I pay in advance. I never do, but in retrospect, I might as well

>> No.17893878

Culture of narcissism
Weed (from bong) (not while reading)

>> No.17893940

I would normally think the same thing, but as I said, they're all stale as fuck like they've been on the shelf for years.

>> No.17894022
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>> No.17894051
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>they're all stale as fuck
I still like blacks, okay

>> No.17894066

That warning is aesthetic af

>> No.17894076

I do too, just prefer the blues (which the blacks are actually pretty good at lol.) I've had fresh packs of the blacks in the past and they are great, when they go stale they burn my mouth.

>> No.17894087

I didn't know you picked up smoking.

>> No.17894103

No, you're just a light-weight pussy.

>> No.17894108


>> No.17894152

Oh gotchu. Sorry, I'm a bit drunk. Where do you live that they have blacks constantly in stock? I used to live in cali when I smoked them

>> No.17894158

Maybe L-theanine. It synergizes well with coffee though it can still work without caffeine. If you're not keen on supplements, matcha has the highest concentration of L-theanine, since the powder is the full leaf, but you can find it in regular steeped green tea too.

>> No.17894285


Except the only reason anyone starts smoking is because of social pressures. Then they become disillusioned and stop or continue to think it looks v cool because aesthetics! Literally the definition of cringe.

>> No.17894306

You’re not addicted and no one believes you went you say that.

>> No.17894340

Shut up, Gregory

>> No.17894343
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>> No.17894352
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extremely based and cowboy pilled

>> No.17894426

Allready read it and desu it's probably one of my favorite books next to like slaughter house 5

>> No.17894471

Sorry you didn’t get high enough grades for college anon

>> No.17894477

They go together so well! Have an updoot!

>> No.17894501

pretty sure i have a higher gpa than you anon ;)

>> No.17894509

Classic Terry

>> No.17894550

In that case, you might like Player Piano. It was Vonnegut's debut novel.

>> No.17895002

>the only reason anyone starts smoking is because of social pressures
I started smoking because my parents smoked, and I like the way it smelled. Tried smoking and liked the way it made me feel. Then I got addicted after a while and haven't wanted to stop bad enough in more than twenty years to actually try. No one pressured me to smoke, I just wanted to.

>> No.17895805
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Middle English is ez as fuck.

>> No.17896029


>> No.17896217


>> No.17896265
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x3259, 1586266015885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I rolled dubs on the book.

I miss the feeling of a real book, I might return this shit.

>> No.17896266

>I miss the feeling of a real book, I might return this shit.

>> No.17896447

wait that's what a paperback of it looks like? with a shitty black border? Jeez!

>> No.17896545

There seems to be a little projection going on here. Most people, whether or consciously or less so, begin to emulate those they spend a lot of time with. If I had to speculate, I'd guess you noticed yourself acting this way, was bothered by it, and now think you're enlightened by your awareness of it. But who knows, I dont know you and it ultimately doesn't matter. Just try not to think you're so much better than other people, even degenerate smokers, as odds are you're not.

>> No.17896560

The Book of Chuang Tzu, Marlboro reds

>> No.17896581
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not a fan of this new Luckies' packaging

>> No.17896589

If you've just started you're wasting your time trying to jump into Nietzsche. Gotta crawl before you can run.

>> No.17896596

Is Borzoi's book worth buying? I've read the shit he's posted online but people have said the new stuff is good. Hard to tell if there's any objectivity because people in our circle relentlessly shill everything that any of them do.