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17883210 No.17883210 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else here autistically look up every single word you don't know in a book?

>> No.17883240

yes it took me four minutes to read this post

>> No.17883242

Yes. Worst part about it, I forget what that word means, so I look it up ad infinitum. I make a vocabulary list from time to time, but always forget about it.

>> No.17883282

I don't do it autistically, i just do it sinve I'm serious about my engagement with litterature.

>> No.17883630

>he doesn't instinctively understand new words

>> No.17883654

yes. While reading the bible I had to look up ‘anon’ like twenty times during the first few books. Now I know it. Same with other words.

>> No.17883742

yes, the prince is taking me longer than a normal book its length should because I have dungo brain and my version's translation isn't adapted

>> No.17883927

I can tell when a word is a useless, rare synonym that the author is only using to appear smart/legitimate, so I don't bother looking it up. And for the other words it's easy to understand them, every use refines their meaning and instructs you better than any dictionary.

>> No.17884017

I loop up the word then write the definition in the margin so I don't have to look it up again if I re-read the book. (Yes, even library books).

Also helps with retention.

>> No.17884092

sage because that isn't autism, but how you grow your vocabulary and understand a book. fuck lol random! people like OP. the extent to which autism is spread in the population is massively exaggerated. you def have low self esteem though

>> No.17884125

Yes, glad I'm not the only one

>> No.17884147

The unjustified bitterness of your post indicates in exceedingly small penis and a feminizing hormonal imbalance.

>> No.17884151

I prefer the Oxford dictionary

>> No.17885234

Yes, is nice to learn a new word everyday. But please use them in moderation or you'll end up looking like a retard.

>> No.17885243
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I write down every word I do not know the exact definition to look up afterwards, I only look up a word I do not know if the sentence does not make sense without the precise meaning

>> No.17885252

Autism is a symptom of not being breastfed while a baby

>> No.17885306

i write them down on a piece of scrap paper and look them up once I'm done reading unless absolutely necessary. stopping to look up words every few minutes is too distracting for me.

if there's a word i really want to get more familiar with (like specific philosophical terms), I'll write a little synopsis of it in a journal i keep for all my reading notes.

>> No.17885569

are you me?

>> No.17885586
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Do you want me to be (with) you?

>> No.17885591

What would Marlboro ice cream taste like?

>> No.17885610

Like ice cream made out of marlboro

>> No.17885744

I use an app on my phone and bookmark it for later then when I finish a book I copy all the bookmarks into a notebook.

>> No.17885763
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I really enjoy learning about the etymology in any case. I have a another for german, but i stopped reading a while back; maybe someday when i get to lingua latina per illustrata i'll do a latin one too

>> No.17886030

fuck me, I looked up paroxysm for at least twenty times and i still don't remember what it means

>> No.17886054

A sudden worsening of a condition.
t. saw it in crime and punishment

>> No.17886082

If I am fairly confident that I understand it and the sentence through context I just jot it down and the page number so I can look it up later and revisit. If I am unsure I will look it up. If the book has shown to use a good number of words which I do not know I will just look it up immediately even if I am fairly confident I understood the context since I will likely be looking up other words and I do not want to risk a cascade failure.

>> No.17886172

No. I impose my own superior meaning on the text if I don't understand the words. My misinterpretations are often better than the authors original intention.

>> No.17886715

Not anymore, I realize that every age had its higher culture meme words that are, in the great scheme of things, irrelevants. The only reason to learn aged meme words is if you want to give your writings a certain feel of an era, if you try to include aged meme words into your vocabulary you will sound like a sperg, its not worth learning them.

>> No.17886830

How is that autistic? Also, E-readers make it very easy to poke the word and get the definition.

>> No.17886846

someone break out the chad meme, yowza!

>> No.17886858

>t, I like my bubble and have no intentions of leaving it

>> No.17887103
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Nah, I tried to read Dune but I gave up due to the ammount of words I didn't know, I couldn't really tell if they were silly made up sci-fi gobbledygook or just obscure real words

>> No.17887413

Nah. For maximum effect I read books in a language I don't understand.

>> No.17887433

That’s easy though. What is difficult to read and understand is when authors use constant symbolism and metaphors to get the simplest point across. Bro, you don’t need to describe a house as a face to get your point across.

>> No.17887443

How stupid are you?

>> No.17887463
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>> No.17887551

The fact OP thinks this very basic, fundamental part of reading requires some preemptive display of self-awareness is amazing to me

hahaha isn't that autistic of me guys, trying to understand the book I'm reading haha Jesus Christ

>> No.17887571


>> No.17887619

You seem like a nice guy. Not trolling btw. I recognize vs code. What’s the other program?

>> No.17887645


>> No.17887666

I've been doing this with Lovecraft, and I no longer need to look up most of the words in any book.

>> No.17887690

Come on, man, don't do me like that
Mama was old, didn't have milk
I've never been diagnosed, but combined with parents who had me at 50+ and no milk, as well as late debut into society and limited social interaction, there's a pretty good chance I'm autistic. I did get a 130 on an IQ test once, and I'm really good at memorization and learning, maybe it's the good kind of 'tism.

>> No.17887696


>> No.17888333

Editor is actually sublime text, the other is qpdfview, showing the compiled latex doc; LHS is the bottom-most part of it, with yet to be processed words
I used wiktionary for 98% of cases
Thanks for being an honest, good-faith dude.

>> No.17888347

Yup, you are autistic.

>> No.17889807

I usually infer the meaning from the context but if the word shows up multiple times all look it up just to be sure