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17883051 No.17883051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which conspiracy theories do you believe?

>> No.17883056

911 was an inside job

>> No.17883059


>> No.17883060

MK ultra

>> No.17883061

whoops! Wrong board. Answer it anyway.

>> No.17883064

Moon landings were faked.

>> No.17883078

The Brabant killings where a GLADIO-operation that went out of hand.

>> No.17883079

That the CIA is the biggest cartel in the world.
That the European elite hunts down children in hidden forests.
That COVID-19 is a bioweapon.
That elites are all part of a weird cult thing.

>> No.17883093

Flat Earth
Obama is Kenyan Muslim

>> No.17883095

What are "conspiracy theories"?

>> No.17883099

Non human rational intelligence beings and/or entities.

>> No.17883101

BLM and Stop Asian Hate are entirely movements entirely funded by the Chinese Communist Party.

>> No.17883130

Meds. The CCP doesn’t give a shit about niggers. BLM is a top bottom vs middle op funded by the US elites.

>> No.17883155
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they care. cope

>> No.17883165

Pynchon died a long time ago.

>> No.17883186

To keep it /lit/ related
Pushkin faked his death, moved to France and became Dumas

>> No.17883191

What is that pic?

>> No.17883192

all of them that aren't stupid

>> No.17883195

So all of them.

>> No.17883198


>> No.17883201

>That the CIA is the biggest cartel in the world.
>That elites are all part of a weird cult thing.
these two are just fact

>> No.17883204

Everything related to kikes

>> No.17883205

Chinese spy-hookers seducing the sons of African leaders.

>> No.17883209

yeah not flat earth tho

>> No.17883215

Yeah that one is a bit silly. The earth is obviously donut-shaped.

>> No.17883221

Dumas had a ghost writer who did much of his work. Highly unlikely.

>> No.17883224
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based retards

>> No.17883229


>> No.17883238

WRONG. It's a hypercube.

>> No.17883245

>de Vere was Shakespeare
>Mass shooters are CIA hypnosis sleepers with dissociative identity disorder induced by early childhood satanic abuse
>matter doesn’t exist and we all live in God’s dream

>> No.17883254

>>de Vere was Shakespeare
Nope Sir Bacon was Shakespeare

>> No.17883263

The CIA killed jfk. Barely even a conspiracy at this point.

>> No.17883266
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Anti-Stratfordians in a nutshell.

>> No.17883283

Theories about conspiracies.

>> No.17883294

I think Donald Trump legitimately won the 2020 presidential election and it was stolen through fraud.

>> No.17883306

The flat earth conspiracy is that it's a deliberate disinformation campaign by the CIA to discredit conspiracy theorists

>> No.17883312

Homer wrote both Odyssey and Iliad. This is common sense for competent people but modern academics are midwits

>> No.17883315

explain the beowulf references

>> No.17883316

Once they openly admitted to testing virulent, deadly diseases on unsuspecting american citizens on american soil, that's basically just admitting to everything. That's top shelf conspiracy shit already. Getting people hooked on dirty coke and installing a dictator is baby shit.

>> No.17883317

I don't believe in any conspiracy theories, not even the ones that are true.

>> No.17883325

Agreed. Blompf should’ve done something about it though so I don’t really care.

>> No.17883326

This too

>> No.17883332

Trump was always a puppet, if he'd invested any effort into the lawsuits he could have easily won instead anyone who pushed too far got burnt.

>> No.17883333

being contrarian is not edgy anymore

>> No.17883341

America is controlled by the deep state. There was nothing Trump could've done. Mutts need a real leader.

>> No.17883351

Look. The American Election is a fucking sham, and it always has been. The electoral collage makes the public vote essentially useless. I knew this when I was 13 and Bush lost the public vote and was still elected for his second term. It's a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.17883362

You are wrong

>> No.17883370

Anything that does not agree with government propaganda

>> No.17883371

>if he'd invested any effort
Trump couldn't invest the effort to make it to the toilet before taking a shit.

>> No.17883388

I really wish he had tried something.
I was torn between "bewildered: I guess we're 4th reich now?" and "Former US President Donald Trump was dragged crying and pissing out of the white house this morning."
I really don't know which would have been funnier.

>> No.17883393
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It doesn't sound like you grew up since you were 13. This is not about which system is better, it's about fraudulent elections.

>> No.17883397

>k-pop is cia
>home diy shows are cia
>news is fake, the people mentioned are not real, e.g. thispersondoesnotexist.com... this includes ur fave twitter personalities
>breakway civ in antarctica
>flat earth is psy op but world map is manipulated, some places aren't real, some places exist that aren't on the map
>everyone on the internet is a bot

>> No.17883405

Covid-19 was lab made and released by China on purpose.

>> No.17883420
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The eternal return

>> No.17883421

I don't think Hitler actually died in that bunker. There's no way that his body would have been cremated like the Soviets said it was, they would have used it as a trophy for pics and the like.

>> No.17883432

The electoral collage was deliberately implemented with the express purpose of nullifying and voiding the public vote. Voter fraud is irrelevant when the entire democratic system is play pretend.

>> No.17883435

weakening the voting power of west and east coat megacities isn't a bad thing though

>> No.17883441


>> No.17883447

not china it was linked to fort dietric

>> No.17883450

>Mass shooters are CIA hypnosis sleepers with dissociative identity disorder induced by early childhood satanic abuse
43% are

>> No.17883462

it's a constitutional republic that selects its representatives via a flawed universalist public vote

>> No.17883475

Lol why not? "Power to the people" is what people want to hear so that's what you say.

>> No.17883480

>a flawed universalist public vote
you mean lobbyists and pedophile rings.

>> No.17883485

Real democracy has never been tried.

>> No.17883495

the federal reserve is a private bank designed to enslave America for the benefit of a corrupt elite

>> No.17883499
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>> No.17883500

Brexit and Trump 2016 was real democracy. That's when they shut it down.

>> No.17883517

what about the 1970s vote on membership of the european common market?

>> No.17883523

The Jews are running the world

>> No.17883545
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>> No.17883550

Obama was gay, Michelle Obama and Nicki Minaj are both guys so are many other supposed women.

>> No.17883559
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>> No.17883562

>Deep state is real.
>Moon landing was fake
>vaccines for covid are probably ineffective
>elites are using the pandemic to gain surveillance and absolute authority
>Corona is probably a bio weapon released by world leaders with help of China
>Hollywood has edgelord pedo satanic cults
>the new "attack on Asians" was done by glowniggers

>> No.17883567
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>> No.17883569

No, I had a dream I met Nicki Minaj once, so I know she's a woman. She's also really nice.

>> No.17883573

JFK was literally just shot buy a mentally ill communist . Conspiracies were created by the deep state or whatever you want to call it to distract people from the fact that a retard could just straight up shoot the president.

>> No.17883579

>>the new "attack on Asians" was done by glowniggers
I was thinking China but it could be retarded American media too. Muttland is over anyway

>> No.17883580
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>> No.17883582

I wish I was this naive again.

>> No.17883589
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>> No.17883591

haha lol

>> No.17883598


>> No.17883608

-Mind control slaves (monarch programming)
-Cabal of satanic/sabbatean frankist elites in politics/finance/entertainment who abuse children ritualistically

>> No.17883609

Why , if you’re a mentally I’ll communist with some military training it’s not outlandish to have motivation to kill the president . JFK authorized the use of agent orange on Vietnam , one of the only communist states at the time .

>> No.17883612


>> No.17883615

Qanon was a deep state project to redirect the energy away from real research

>> No.17883628
File: 1.49 MB, 836x2450, Fink Me Once, Shame on Jews Fink Me Twice….png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd agree, but it's not about vote tallies and ballot stuffing. It's that your choices are functionally identical and the media has gaslit you into believing there's a difference.

>> No.17883629

go read final judgement

>> No.17883647

what's the conspiracy theory regarding that? We already know it happened, the details, the fact that Ted Kaczynski was part of it, etc.

>> No.17883651

why does your screencap blot our important lines?

>> No.17883660

That Stephen hawking probably died in 1985 and he had been replaced because he was too convenient as a mouthpiece

>> No.17883664


>> No.17883685
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>> No.17883689

you really think they would have picked someone with a more politically relevant position? I can't remember Hawking making any outlandish statements.

>> No.17883695
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>> No.17883699


>> No.17883700

it's a deep one but you have to understand the big science grift they;re pulling

>> No.17883701
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>> No.17883703

Maybe , I’ll look into it more thanks for that. I just have a hard time believing that some dude from a political dynasty clan like the Kennedys would be against Cold War imperialism.

>> No.17883711

Please don’t tell me you actually believe that. It was obviously a deepstate globohomo coup.

>> No.17883712


>> No.17883716

Neil Cicierega is a major cosmic player. I know this, but I'm not sure how yet.

>> No.17883719

My opinion this really triggers people to end idk why .

>> No.17883722

Lol how is this thread /lit/?

>> No.17883726

It's because I fucking hate the CIA

>> No.17883732

My opinion on this really triggers people to no end idk why. It wasn’t hard to shoot the president in the early 60s

>> No.17883734

it is not.

>> No.17883741

do you have any loose hypotheses you would care to put forward, or is it just vibes?

>> No.17883748

Oh, it's definitely vibes.

>> No.17883750

literally no one cares about irrelevant commie peasants

>> No.17883754


>> No.17883763

here's an odd one I read that obesity in america was intentionally encouraged to increase the number of people that carried extra fat reserves that would allow them to better survive nuclear war

>> No.17883768

Except a mentally ill American communist with some military training who decides to take up a gun shoot the president for being complicit in the slaughter of Vietnamese communists

>> No.17883777
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I just feel like he's uplinked to higher knowledge.

>> No.17883780
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Personally I think he's got a bit of a vibe of someone who cosmically plays with his cats anus and his own kind of vibe, but I know nothing of the guy, so I really can't say

>> No.17883782

That’s actually a super sick quote

>> No.17883783
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We seizing you /lit/

>> No.17883791

it's one of my favorites

>> No.17883798

how? his rifle shooting ability was utter shit, no way he could pull off that precise a shot
there's a reason his bodyguards leave the car only a few moments before he got shot

>> No.17883800
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>> No.17883801

You need to resolve whatever issues you have concerning HP Lovecraft.

>> No.17883817

Nigga got lucky . You never got a cross map throwing knife kill in Modern Warfare 2 ? C’mon brev.

>> No.17883819
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>> No.17883823


>> No.17883827

oh god reality is fake

>> No.17883855

Found the jew.

>> No.17883878

stop playing around and actually go do some reading
searx.ir is an alternative search engine

>> No.17883886

The weird thing is that Lee Harvey Oswald had numerous connection to Russians... white Russian emigrés. Like the Russian anti-commies spent years taking care of his wife afterwards. It's super fucking weird.

>> No.17883898

you tryin' to fuckin' censor me?

>> No.17883914

what are some non schizo rambling books about conspiracy theories

>> No.17883931

Not my diary desu

>> No.17883974
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>> No.17883990

there are some actually decent lists on /x/

>> No.17884022
File: 104 KB, 1470x952, Screenshot 2021-01-21 at 19.16.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.17884045

what? Is this fake?

>> No.17884057

spoonfeed me sir

>> No.17884058

people say it is a conspiracy theory

>> No.17884067

It seems to be flipping off the UKIP racists with facts and logic.

>> No.17884073

was 90 20 years ago

>> No.17884085

You need to go back you tourist tranny

>> No.17884108

Pretty mild stuff I guess, but same as many others I think that a great deal of NGO's (if not most of them) are controlled and managed *directly* by governments or big corp.
They can pursue any agenda without worrying about transparency, assuming responsibility, fund mismanagement, criticism from political opponents or the rule of law.
The assumption that an NGO works to 'change society' or some bullshit higher ideal makes them immune to all sorts of backlash and oversight. It might seem obvious to us now, but it's actually quite genius to come up with such a concept so you can accomplish any end-goal without assuming much risk.

>> No.17884112


>> No.17884113

Says 2016. What are we supposed to be looking at now?

“Ethnisists” then.
I’m not trans and I’m from /lit/

>> No.17884118

I assure you I am real

>> No.17884121
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>> No.17884127

only a bot would say something like this.

>> No.17884130

That's not a conspiracy, it is known in most of the real religions.

>> No.17884138

Obese people ain't surviving shit. It's just that the grain and corn lobbies exerted an undue influence on Americans' understanding of nutrition until all of our foods were full of carbs and corn syrup. Now obesity perpetuates because it has the residual "benefits" of making the population depressed, dependent on consumption, and dumber (being obese literally reduces your IQ).

>> No.17884139

behold a pale horse is the gold standard

>> No.17884140

from the ons
i cant find the exact page again theres so many about births idk which it was found on

>> No.17884144
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>everybody finally forgot about this dumb bitch
CRY about it N E W F A G

>> No.17884157

I assure you I am real

>> No.17884176
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>> No.17884177
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>> No.17884183

Yes, and I'm an Australian

>> No.17884187 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17884190

'ello mate.

>> No.17884193

That's way too low, I wonder what the birth ratios are?

>> No.17884195

Oh well even if it isn’t 100% accurate it’s probably only like 70% British at max. Really concerning.

>> No.17884203
File: 85 KB, 1452x842, Screenshot 2021-03-27 at 21.50.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 5 years ago
shrunk since then

>> No.17884206

I don;t necessarily think it works out but if you look at some of the cold war policy shifts raising the average fat carried might not be the worst strategy to at least survive a couple of months bunkered

>> No.17884226

yeah it's the ultimate consequence of not taking more responsibility on the state and allowing private power to grow excessively

>> No.17884244

go to one of the archive sites an look for certain topics like say madeline mcCanne then look through the read lists

>> No.17884251

how is racism bad?

>> No.17884253

+1 gets very sus once you learn about the Apollo 1 "accident" and Grissom's skepticism toward the feasibility of the landing

>> No.17884267


>> No.17884275

If he would have marched on the capital with his supporters and founded a new government it would have worked

>> No.17884316

Drumpf isn't a Jackson

>> No.17884320

Ok what‘s up with this book? I keep trying to get into it, but nothing makes sense.

>> No.17884323

>Apollo 1 "accident"
>Grissom's skepticism toward the feasibility of the landing

>> No.17884335

He's a dumb old boomer narcissist that apparently thought he actually lived in a republic and became confused about why glow-op-org turned every elite institution against him when he started making minor adjustments to their rape of the American people

>> No.17884342
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>> No.17884353

He would've been arrested or possibly shot

>> No.17884378

The Jews.

>> No.17884401

mosquitos are robots designed by THEM to sample our blood for dna etc, think about it, what animal eats blood?

>> No.17884420

and wallace took his place as the punchmeister

>> No.17884432

>how is berserker rage at the Other a bad thing?
If you don’t know why, keep nice, polite and quiet about it.

>IT WAS A SOUNDSTAGE! They got Kubrick to direct the whole thing!

>> No.17884434

pigs are demonic

>Superstitious sailors consider pigs to be unlucky because they have cloven hooves like the Devil and are terrified of water.[34] Pigs would not be carried on boats. Fishermen once regarded pigs as harbingers of bad luck: a fisherman seeing a pig on his way to work would rather turn round and go home. This even extended to a prohibition of the word "pig" on board a vessel. This is why the animals were referred to, across North East England, as "gissies".

Is food pig? Was it clothings? So we say.... Pigs to the sewers, into the drown. Get drowned filthy unclean animals

>> No.17884447

>American elections

>> No.17884455

God, I would have cracked like 8 nuts right then and there.

>> No.17884469
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They're evil.

>> No.17884493

kill yourself

>> No.17884527

berserker rage is based. cry about it.

>> No.17884601

it good actually really good

>> No.17884607

Blackbeard was innocent and did nothing illegal at all after the pardon. He did not do anything worthy of execution even before the pardon. His most violent act was shooting Israel Hands, and second conspiracy, that was only to get Hands off the ship.

>> No.17884819

Stratfordians are barely human
Enjoy knave

They really aren’t what they seem

Only the funny ones

>> No.17884837

Everything in the Protocols is correct, but about the City of London Corporation.

>> No.17884844

That Life is a dream.

>> No.17884858

Every last theory about "Jews" is correct if you replace the word "Jew" with "German".

>> No.17884886

Now I am curious.
>t. German

>> No.17884928

The best thing for you would be a week of severe whipping. It's a shame for you it won't happen before your eggs run out.

>> No.17884936

>Jews control the banking system
No. Germans control the banking system.
>Jews are behind the influx of refugees into Europe, in an attempt to destroy the continent's culture and turn it into MENA 2.0.
Wrong. Germans are behind the influx of refugees into Europe, in an attempt to destroy the continent's culture and turn it into MENA 2.0.
>Jews are the ones trying to encourage anti-natalism, degeneracy, social decay, etc.
Incorrect. Germans are the ones encouraging these things.

The history of anti-semitism is nothing more than Germans weakening Western civilization and then turning Jews into scapegoats. Take literally any "Jews run the world" theory and replace "Jew" with "German", and the statement becomes true. Germans in my opinion are the primary antagonists of world history (not you in particular, I'm sure you are a nice guy/gal). Look at the present! Germans have created a new European empire stronger than their last one and there's a German dude running around trying to start the "Great Reset". I mean, seriously? WHEN WILL YOU PEOPLE LEARN

>> No.17884939

i dont "believe" conspiracy "theories" i KNOW them to be FACT
fact (intelligence isnt even natural or human; artificial intelligence is redundant)
fact. pynchon wasnt even a real person but a team of spook writers who changed with each publication
facts. shakespeare, like pynchon, wasn't a person but multiple people
literally undeniably factual
fact but not for the reason you probably think
fact but the illegitimacy of US elections has nothing to do with muh electoral college vs popular vote. everything is fundamentally rigged from the start
anglo eugenicists are wiping out the unwashed masses of all races
facts except replace german with anglo

>> No.17884940

You do know you're talking to a granny right?

>> No.17884952

>Saturn is the Jewish planet

This is very deep lore and I wonder how the hell the animators knew about it.

>> No.17884962

Are you polish

>> No.17884976

The biggest wealth transfer in history is the result of government lockdowns. Small businesses are out of business and big corporations are scooping everything up. It was all rigged from the start.

>> No.17884985

No I am American

>> No.17884997

Then you are not even affected by all these shenanigans. In fact, as a German I'd say you are responsible for this.

>> No.17885021

Avril Lavigne died and was replaced

>> No.17885037

For Whom the Bell Tolls was Hemingway's suicide note

>> No.17885074


They give a shit about West, and the US in particular, that's too busy fighting within itself about bullshit instead of being united against a common Chink enemy.

>> No.17885089

>In fact, as a German I'd say you are responsible for this.

>The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics. At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic, they acted as if they could not understand the counter arguments and bolted away to another field of discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with this point they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles one's hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards. If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The German would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday's defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct. Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more--the abundance of their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods.

>> No.17885120
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It’s a Euro-Anglo-American-Zionist establishment working through groups like the

>Council on Foreign Affairs
>Trilateral Commission
>Royal Institute of International Affairs
>United Nations
>Bilderberg meetings
>Knights of Malta (as well as various factions in the Vatican and the Jesuits)
>Skull & Bones
>Scroll & Key
>CIA/FBI/MI6/Mossad and other intelligence agencies

At the top is a few super-wealthy families obsessed with purity of their bloodline and probably occult rituals. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are some of popular names known by people who first start looking into it but it’s also a lot of other families who mostly work from the shadows, like the Black Nobility, or the Windsors (who own a ton of land and wealth and can employ the MI6 for missions). Then there’s also their henchmen and more modern lackeys like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, the big tech CEOs, and the presidents and prime ministers they help into power and initiate into their cult.

>> No.17885149

Seems like Hitler got outsmarted by Jews.

>> No.17885164

Hitler was a German who tried to deflect all of German nefariousness onto the innocent Jews. In fact, I would not be surprised if he planned on losing the war, so that the Jews would get Israel, dooming them to conflict with the Muslim world.

>> No.17885195

So are you a Jew then? I do not get it.

>> No.17885208

Yeah, I'm not seeing it. I find the Anglo conspiracy to be more plausible. I'm sorry it's own base population is receiving the short end of the stick.

>> No.17885247

Agreed. This is all the Anglo's fault.

>> No.17885257

See >>17885089

I am sympathetic to the Jews and how they have been screwed over again and again. I only came to the realization that it was the Germans who were the cause of Western civilization's collapse recently, after dumping my ex-gf (who was a German).

>> No.17885270

You need to realize that you Americans are responsible for this. It is your own fault.

>> No.17885277

Truly, the German is a most shameless creature

>> No.17885287

it's interesting how you can state publicly that it's an Anglo conspiracy and nobody cares, nothing happens to you. And yet if you state it's that other group suddenly there are a whole lot of consequences

>> No.17885293

>And yet if you state it's that other group
Oh no you don't
I get the feeling that you are trying to pin it on the Jews
It's the Germans, simple as that

>> No.17885300

Which group do you get in trouble for publicly accusing?

>> No.17885302

What? You mean Jews? Here nobody cares.

>> No.17885317

That's because we need to back the Jews up, as the Germans are using them as a scapegoat.

>> No.17885391

3D chess-wise?

>> No.17885424

Look at this thread, Germans are blaming Jews and Anglos. Thus, Jews and Anglos need to back one another up to beat back the German menace.

>> No.17885818

That there is a global conspiracy, also that aliens and cryptids and some mythological monsters exist. Also that most human beings are naturally kind of stupid, maybe even including myself.

>> No.17886018

No I only blame Anglos. They are pretty bad in my book.

>> No.17886045

Shut up Germ
Your evil schemes will be defeated yet again

>> No.17886069
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No they won't. You will see soon.

>> No.17886076
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>> No.17886097
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>> No.17886222

all of em

>> No.17886256

This looks like it was made in 2007 but it's got Francis and George Floyd, what the fuck even. How haven't people adapted to 2021 standards of editing?

>> No.17886302

pre 2010 edge and facebook memes is kino

>> No.17886312

It's exactly the same schizo horseshit that you came to this thread for.

>> No.17886321

Upload and download a JPEG enough times and it'll look older

>> No.17886357

The meek FaceBook boomers will inherit the Earth.

>> No.17886385

cia niggers make them look bad on purpose to smear the people stupid enough to believe them

>> No.17886592

based. Are there any conspiracies believers of them think are too much? I've never met a conspiracy theorist that didn't believe them all.

>> No.17886633 [DELETED] 

what's your opinion on this blog?
they recommend peroxide nebulisers and vitamins?

>> No.17886646

gonna cry?

>> No.17886705

more than two shooters at Columbine

>> No.17886762

I keep searching my mind to find one so I can join in the fun but I can't think of any. I guess I'm rational :/

I pretty much only believe what I am able to substantiate. Either that, or like any conspiracy theorist, the lack of support for my deeply held beliefs is masked from me by and I do not doubt that they are facts so I cannot detect their inaccuracies.

>> No.17886770

>I guess I'm rational
i don't feel believing a "conspiracy" is irrational. i remember when lolita express was a "conspiracy theory."

>> No.17886782

Substantiation isn't real. Everything you can "rationalize", you can only rationalize because you were given access to highly regulated information, it's explicit purpose being to make your own sense of right an wrong work against you.

>> No.17886783

Stratfordians are the only ones who are right. Occam's razor applies here.

>> No.17886792

it might be that something you know as fact you don't consider a conspiracy theory, you would only recognise it as such when someone claims it as one, perhaps you can only realise this when interacting with others who you realise do not have the same perception as you

>> No.17886803


>> No.17886811

Revisiting it, I guess I would say I believe the whole Great Reset is some kind of shadow front for nefarious rich people to remake the world to be their technologized Brave New World in which the average human is turned into a passive and disenfranchised nodule in a fully uberized service economy that cloaks the total consolidation of all capital in the hands of a few. People will have to rent the dicks they fuck with. Additionally pushes for environmental friendliness are a screen for the economic austerity that would be a consequence of this capital concentration.

>> No.17886826

It depends, "conspiracy theory" is usually used to mean a system of beliefs without any evidential basis or proof in fact that makes fallacious or tendentious claims. The fact that people plot to do things behind the scenes is not a conspiracy theory in this sense if the documentary evidence is supplied. Watergate was a "conspiracy" in this second sense. Conspiracy theories always seem to loosely fit the unexplained, but supply no justifications for believing them besides that they have a kind of internal coherence that appeals to the believer.

Nice conspiracy. I choose to think there are facts, and that different sets of propositions either fit or do not fit them.

>> No.17886828

Wikipedia says that he travelled a lot to France and Italy but in Shakespeare's plays you can find very basic geographic mistakes about Italy that a travelled man wouldn't possibly make.

>> No.17886836

That I live in the world of opportunity and I can be anything I want to be.

inb4; ywnbaw

I don't want to be a woman.

>> No.17886875

facts don't exist

>> No.17886882


>> No.17886884
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only interpretations

>> No.17886883

>supply no justifications
People do things without justifications all the time.

>> No.17886968

That the medical industrial complex suppress knowledge of lysosomotrophic agents because it's a threat to their vaccine racket.

>> No.17886972

>anglo eugenicists are wiping out the unwashed masses of all races
I remember when I woke up in a cold sweat 15 years ago with the realization this is what was going on.
Now I realize the reality is much worse: they're not.

>> No.17887152
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>> No.17887218
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Empiricism is a form of anglo imperialism and the highest form of fascism.

>> No.17887306
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Way way way deeper than
>le funni lsd

>> No.17887332

Holy based. It works for angl* too.

>> No.17887334

Not that deep desu. Yhvh was considered to be Saturn/Kronos by the romans

>> No.17887391

This is an incredibly refreshing take. I have never heard this theory before out of all the other ones. Going to read into this myself.

>> No.17887409

Conspirifacts. I believe all the true ones.

>> No.17887668

They are called GERMam because they are a disease. A blight on this earth that must be eradicated at all costs.

>> No.17887953

Flouride lowers IQ

>> No.17888163


>> No.17888221

Why 43?

>> No.17888273

redpill me on...
lysosomotrophic agents

>> No.17888384

Well two of the factories that made the precursors for hydroxychloroquine were literally burnt down

>> No.17888406

Term propagated by the CIA to discredit critical attitudes towards the government.

>> No.17888436

>I pretty much only believe what I am able to substantiate.
You don't believe in your own existence?

>> No.17888447

Piss your pants?