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/lit/ - Literature

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17881557 No.17881557 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading, anon?

>> No.17881569

Life in the Woods, Thoreau

>> No.17881587

Neuroscience by a collection of ppl, and Modern Physics by Kenneth Krane. I read About Certainty by Wittgenstein before this.

Textbooks are dry as hell but a philosopher should not limit himself to theory and metaphysics.

>> No.17881593

Are you a phiosopher?

>> No.17881615

america is in the heart by carlos bulosan
it's a recent penguin classics, i'm actually a bit surprised they reprinted it. and of course they gave the forward to the author who named her book after it so she could shill her work

>> No.17881623

I miss Kat so much

>> No.17881625

Why does she read all these dogshit airport bestseller books?

>> No.17881641

French Decadent Tales and Moll Flanders.

>> No.17881642

i love emmie

>> No.17881646

Serotonin by Michel Houellebecq
I like the part where the dude finds videos of his Japanese trophy gf getting fucked by dogs. Old man's definitely been keeping up with contemporary cultural trends.

>> No.17881657

• Waystations of the Deep Night by Marcel Brion

• Cowboy Graves by Roberto Bolaño (didn’t like my paisano’s work for years, but now am suddenly finding it moving and relatable)

• In Memory of Memory by Marina Stepanova (my second time; one of my fav books of 2021 so far)

>> No.17881658

how's the rest of it?

>> No.17881666


>> No.17881673

that's the goal

>> No.17881679

I used to be impressed at just how much she actually reads (compared to the average /lit/izen) but its not hard to read a lot when the stuff you're reading doesn't require you to think too hard about it

>> No.17881695

Because she’s a cute girl.

>> No.17881711

• Journey to the End of the Night (in translation T_T)
• Poetic Edda (Jackson Crawford translation, kys old norsefags)

>> No.17881713

Dracula and the short stories of Flannery O'connor
Did she read any classics?
All her videos seem about YA books desu

>> No.17881737
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If you like Houellebecq you'll like Serotonin, simple as. He's a one-trick pony but to his credit he's very, very good at that one trick.
If you haven't read him before and just want to read one of his books before you die, I'd rather suggest you read Submission.

>> No.17881744

submission it is then

>> No.17881747

>Did she read any classics?
>All her videos seem about YA books desu
IDK, you'd have to go through her channel; I remember she says she likes horror, romance, and YA, but strongly dislikes fantasy/science fiction

>> No.17881767

>strongly dislikes fantasy/science fiction
what a pleb

>> No.17881844

does she do facial or swallow

>> No.17881858

she's a woman, what do you expect? I don't hold it against her

she's a lesbo

>> No.17881866


>> No.17881895

Norwegian Wood and Capitalist Realism

>> No.17881925
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almost finishing Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.17881926

Nothing. Waiting for books to come in the mail right now

>> No.17881936 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17881942


>> No.17882047

who is she looking at, god?

>> No.17882058

Brian Gozzling

>> No.17882068


>> No.17882076

I read this book exactly a year ago in quarantine

>> No.17882090
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this shit

>> No.17882092


>> No.17882104
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Currently this. Very kino so far. I wish we treated nature with more respect bros

>> No.17882157

catcher in the rye

>> No.17882187

do you like it?

>> No.17882291

What edition is that?

>> No.17882328

King Lear
The Perennial Philosophy
The Will to Power
The Jews and Modern Capitalism

>> No.17882361

Gottfried Bammes

>> No.17882374

Emmie it the ideal lit gf.

>> No.17882376

Have fun, m8. I read it last year and absolutely loved it.

>> No.17882391

- Eumeswil
- Washington Bullets
- Revolt of the Elites

>> No.17882441

Fanged Noumena and Stirner.

>> No.17882451
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The Lord of the Rings

>> No.17882457

Attention Merchants, Tim Wu.

>> No.17882475

PALS Provider Course
The Sisters Brothers
La Pista de Hielo
School Rumble

>> No.17882481

I read Celine on a Spanish translation and it was awful desu. My French is too undeveloped right now to go at it.

>> No.17882549

the (English) translation I’m reading has endnotes explaining innuendos/references/entendres that get lost in translation. It’s pretty fucking cringe ngl

>> No.17882567

I mean, Céline is fucking hard to translate right from the very first paragraph lol I compared both the Spanish and English translations and both can even have vastly different versions of the same phrase.

>> No.17882574

E essa mãozinha gorda? Faz a cama e lava o seu pênis, desgraçado.
BR Amazon exclusive.

>> No.17882625

The Marsh Arabs by Wilfred Thesiger

>> No.17882641
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I'm reading a swedish book on the poetry of Yeats called Be Secret And Exult (but in swedish).

>> No.17882646

what inspired you to learn swedish

>> No.17882664

Felt it would be practical to know as I was born in Sweden to swedish parents.

>> No.17882933

Klara and the sun
Pretty new to reading

>> No.17883014
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>> No.17883028

Guide to English Literature from Beowulf Through Chaucer and Medieval Drama by David M. Zesmer. It's comfy as shit bros...

>> No.17883042

you're disgusting

>> No.17883050

Hinterland by Phil A Neel

>> No.17883057

She's the one getting jizzed on, redditor.

>> No.17883076
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Been trying to find something that sticks after I finished Infinite Jest.
I read the first 30 pages of Man in the high castle.
I read the first 100 pages of the Iliad.
I read the first 20 pages of the Bible.
I read the first 30 pages neuromancer.
I read the first 30 pages of count of montie cristo.

Nothing seems to be sticking right now. Help anons.

>> No.17883085

Bible is wack, yo. boring as shit

>> No.17883097

stfu nigger

>> No.17883106

That doesn’t help!

>> No.17883114
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Moby Dick translated into Finnish. I'm 200 pages in and thinking about switching careers to a monomaniac whale hunter, what a great read so far.

>> No.17883125

and every time I go to church that old bald faggot spoils a huge chunk of the story

>> No.17883131


>> No.17883132

what you posted is disgusting and you know it so stop being arrogant, dont be a fuckin /b/degenerate or stay there and dont come here

>> No.17883136


>> No.17883139

Mist, by Miguel de Unamuno

>> No.17883147

I got recommended it by you guys, and it's pretty good. I'm currently on the part about Archimboldi, and I'm impressed by how well Bolaño manages to tie together so many different stories.

>> No.17883150

i always wondered how moby dick would translate into other languages.

>> No.17883168

John Lukacs, The Hitler of History
i realized my favourite books to read are books about other books

>> No.17883336

>Anal ects

>> No.17883347

Complete works of Plato

>> No.17883384

>when the stuff you're reading doesn't require you to think too hard about it
I think these type of books can be useful for me.
>t. esl pro

>> No.17883392

Mount Analogue - Daumal
It's amazing

>> No.17883457

I think these type of books can be useful for me.

t. brainlet

>> No.17883488

I will start reading Geoffrey Chaucer immediately then.

>> No.17883494

>nooooooooo my e-celeberino wholsomino
cry my a river, faggot. she's just another whore.

>> No.17883515

Why are people reading multiple books at once? Why not just read one book and finish it and then start another

>> No.17883530

Because some people like to. Deal with it.

>> No.17883533

the vast majority of books are written to be read for only 1 hour at a time, not on purpose but naturally. this is why chapters exist, you fucking moron, if you actually spent any time reading, you'd know this already.

>> No.17883544

>Deal with it.
deal with what? it's not an issue.

>> No.17883581

Journey to the end of night by Celine. Halfway through, it's not bad. Could have used smaller chapters to make it more readable.

>> No.17883617

why did this question make you so emotional?

>> No.17884502

Why wouldn’t you hold it against her? My gf loves fantasy.

>> No.17884540
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Honestly finding it hard to stay motivated reading it for some reason, might just be the slow start. But it's just not pulling me in.

If it's doing what I think its doing, it's kinda cool though. But I'll hold of recommendations til I'm finished.

>> No.17884621


>> No.17884638

>thinking about switching careers to a monomaniac whale hunter
Depending on which chapter I was reading, Melville had me dreaming of becoming a whaler, then a whale biologist/conservationist, then a whaler again etc. Wonderful book.

>> No.17884669


é de tanto comer a diabética da sua mãe.

>> No.17884706

We do. Incidentally it’s the poor people and the lefties with their retarded policies (e.g. wind and solar instead of nuclear, electric cars) that are destroying nature faster than conservatives

>> No.17884730

That looks cringey as fuck desu. I have no idea what it is or supposed to be. But how do you get to something like that?

>> No.17884750

Drop that crap and grab a real book anon.

>> No.17884813

Books are for enjoyment. And cool heroines doing cool shit is fun.

You learn to ignore shit that's plastered all over covers anyways. The book itself is well written so far and the characters are interesting even if they are playing up cliches. If I am correct in my early analysis of it though I think the point of it is playing with those common themes of fantasy novels and legends so the slightly cliche characters and odd choices may be done to fulfill that purpose.

>> No.17884872

this post

>> No.17885144

that's not much

>> No.17885259

Mythologies by Roland Barthes

>> No.17885346

Fair enough. I hope you enjoy

>> No.17885416

What's her name again

>> No.17885417


>> No.17885420


>> No.17885437

Fr. Have you read Murray Bookchin?

>> No.17885511

>i read books so other people can tell me what to think and how to think it
I hope you don't seriously do this.

>> No.17885577

Started Naked Lunch today but I think I'm going to drop it. Also working through History of the Peloponnesian War.

>> No.17885613
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I read books so I can tell other people what to think and how to think

>> No.17885951

Absalom, Absalom

>> No.17886070
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Just finished this and it was amazing. The next book I’ll read will be the unconsoled.

>> No.17886086
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>> No.17886125

I could not possibly read anything other than that which is written by my own hand. To read a book, I must write one. To have sex, I must consult my hand.