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17881169 No.17881169[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>my University's Literature Club is now under investigation for being a recruitment front for Antifa

>> No.17881186

Why would they invistigate about that? Isn't antifa encouraged?

>> No.17881201
File: 257 KB, 620x916, lain_bored_at_navi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antifa is not illegal and actively supported by most universities. This is wishful thinking.

>> No.17881207

>those who read are left wing
its almost as if left wingers are smarter and read more

>> No.17881213


>> No.17881215

I'm not American, I'm Polish. Yes, liberals and leftists exist here.

>> No.17881219

That's particularly funny because if you are antifa that minor enforcement of bureaucratic rules brought to you by bored, indifferent administrators is the only evidence of your ideas actually upsetting the establishment that you will ever get. Hold on to that memory tightly.

>> No.17881222

Everything is antifa/communists in America. A nation of spooked citizens

>> No.17881236

Is antifa illegal in Poland?
>Yes, liberals and leftists exist here.
Like everywhere else? I don't see why you mention it.

>> No.17881240
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pretend to read more.

>> No.17881245

Not strictly but violent activities have been done under the flag of Antifa.

>> No.17881246

antifa isn't an organization, you dumbfuck

>> No.17881257

whats wrong with that

>> No.17881272


>> No.17881275

It’s always refreshing to see that there still are some bastions of common sense around the world.
Cry more.

>> No.17881276

>That bio
I fucking hate those types on Twitter.

>> No.17881287

Maybe they're fascists. That'd make sense.

>> No.17881312

>le based Poland thread

>> No.17881319

The way they appear and disappear at politically convenient times indicates to me that someone is paying the bills. Most of the antifa ground troop retards might not really be aware of the higher structure, they probably don't understand why their charges get dropped and the alphabets basically leave them alone.

>> No.17881334
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I’m one of the senior commanders of Antifa, I can confirm that our Polish chapter continues to operate undisturbed. This thread is a false flag. As you were comrades.

>> No.17881378

They all have the same flag and outfits. Just because leftists suck at organization doesn't mean they are organic. They glow like all the other political groups.


>> No.17881392

>le seething leftshit reply

>> No.17881400

Keeeeeek, fuck these faggots for thinking that there is still some kind of hope left.
These fags should sit in front of the computer screens to enjoy the shitshow.

>> No.17881408

>Uni doesn't have a literature club
>The de facto lit club is the John Birch society

>> No.17881415

aren't the Antifa in Poland from Germany?

>> No.17881425

>they probably don't understand why their charges get dropped and the alphabets basically leave them alone.

They chalk it up to racism and use it to their own advantage.

>See?! The police just let me out of jail! They don't do that for black people!!!

>> No.17881426

b-but antifa doesn't exist

>> No.17881436

Not exactly hard to find either of those things. I wouldn't be surprised if theres money in the mix, but its definitely not from people who agree with them. I know lots of 'antifa' - definitely not an organized group, just a bunch of preachy annoying college students with too much time on their hands

>> No.17881472

Usually cannon fodder doesn’t know it is cannon fodder, that’s why it is cannon fodder.

>> No.17881476

Close, they're Poles who grew up in Germany and brought their retarded ideology here when they enter into University(why they don't study in Germany idk)

>> No.17881485

>Half my lit/phil reading group and social circle have become anarchists and only the apolitical have not.
Imagine being someone with sympathetic tendencies to Futurists in that enviroment. They say some of the most retarded shit sometimes.
>they're Poles who grew up in Germany and brought their retarded ideology here
ah continuing the good old tradition of having ideology exported from Germany into foreign nations. Deutschland ist Exportland!

>> No.17881493

Based poles.

>> No.17881511

Anarchists are based though it’s how I get along with friends who are right wing but are still anti-government

>> No.17881544
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>pooland wanting fascists back

>> No.17881559

Both you and your friends have only the vaguest conception of the reality of power now and in the past, the plausible configurations of power, and the likely near future possibilities. Your anarchist or anti-state instincts are just noticing tyranny of various sorts and abstracting your dislike for it into a ludicrous meme system because your personal psychology and situation in life make you focus on this particular aspect of politics.

Anarchism is so removed from reality that it represents more a physiological diagnosis than a political theory

>> No.17881572


>> No.17881581

All of what you wrote is just ‘I don’t like anarchism, so there.’ You just make assumptions on more things you don’t like. It is very much a political theory whether you like it or not

>> No.17881582

>disliking Antifa means you want full-fledge Fascism

What makes people think this?

>> No.17881584

>politically convenient times
Strange way to say "rising fascism".
I wonder why the "security of a free State" 2nd Amendment people don't join up with antifa when bills aimed at tyranny through voter suppression are passed by Republicans. Must just be an inconvenient time.

>> No.17881591

>supported by most universities
I do not love false takes lain

>> No.17881592


>> No.17881599

>Anarchism is so removed from reality that it represents more a physiological diagnosis than a political theory
this. it becomes quickly relevant in a discussion with anarchists that their solutions are instantaneous leaps from an issue they have come across and where its questionability is not of relevance as long as there is an initial persuasion that made the anarchistic resposne plausible.
To a larger degree I would say these people are the most brainfucked of all. For a group of anarchists they cant help but constantly talk about actual relevant political events such as regional elections, political party gossip and other current pedantic propaganda events. The number of times I have to hear about what the greens or the communist party is currently espousing from these anarchists is truly bewildering. Most anarchists are jsut crypto-antifa thinkers anyways. Cant imagine how Stirner would have felt if he had to hear how my friends discussed how Stirner was the ultimate communist, which is why he was vilified by the other young hegelians (for some retarded reason, like jealousy).

>> No.17881611

Your priors are so different from the people you call fascist that there is no possible conversation between the two. Antifa are in any case not fighting fascism, they are just useful idiots for a coalition of financial elites and the DNC.

>> No.17881612
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Boze bless based Poland.

>> No.17881689

God bless Poland.

>> No.17881701

>implying you want neoliberalism to rule over you

>> No.17881878

Let me preface this by stating that I am not an anarchist and I am aware only of the general principles. Having said that, I do believe that anarchism of some kind is inevitable, and here's why:
We may agree that States, in some form or other, hold a form of government over the people within it. We may also intuit that government is based on trust and power to coerce, in different quantities for different forms. If public trust were eroded, and if the state's power to coerce to be inhibited, we would most likely see the destruction of government and the birth of anarchy.

To convince you why such a future is entirely possible, I will list below some very short points:
1) public trust being slowly eroded due to lack of social mobility
2) public trust being eroded due to lack of financial opportunity
3) public trust being eroded due to lack of unity, i.e. lack of philia in the Greek sense, that of brotherly love between kin; this being brought about by mass immigration and identity politics
4) public trust being eroded by a long-running evolution to mass politics, wherefore the individual is no longer seen as even a cog in the machine, but as an unimportant appendage to a greater whole, which subsumes and transforms their views into some political superstructure
5) the state's power to coerce being eroded by the rise of cryptocurrency breaking the state's monopoly on finance
6) the state's power to coerce being eroded by the rise of the internet superhighway breaking the state's monopoly on law
7) the state's power to coerce being eroded by the rise of 3-D printers breaking the state's monopoly on violence
8) the information age breaking the state's monopoly on knowledge

Even if only some of these points prove to be completely insurmountable by governments, they still pose serious challenges and posit a future with limited government control.

>> No.17881957

>We may agree that States, in some form or other, hold a form of government over the people within it. We may also intuit that government is based on trust and power to coerce, in different quantities for different forms. If public trust were eroded, and if the state's power to coerce to be inhibited, we would most likely see the destruction of government and the birth of anarchy.
I will first point out that the state does not need the public's trust or approval to govern, it needs only to hamstring any potential organization of the public that could threaten it. Secondly when a state collapses it is immediately replaced with a new nascent state(or several if it balkanizes) composed usually of the people who had the biggest hand in its collapse.

>> No.17881985

>The way they appear and disappear at politically convenient times indicates to me that someone is paying the bills.
Do you think Anonymous is a real organization too?

>> No.17882011

Nothing has ever more obviously been an alphabet front than Anonymous
>we are le brave outlaw hackers, here is our fucking Twitter account, btw our opinions are identical to those of the DNC and FBI
The credulity necessary boggles the mind

>> No.17882124

he might be talking about the old /b/ "Anonymous" which was the mass media's understanding of the 4chan community

>> No.17882140

>redditors discussing about 4chan

>> No.17882341

Their reading list
>Harry Potter

>> No.17882716

smokes dildo

>> No.17882733

Why is it that book clubs are always fronts for commie organizations?

>> No.17883086

Most lefties prey upon impressionable teens with good intentions. They are the only ones who are naive enough to pay them any attention.

>> No.17883090

Because they're filled with specific women (kinda school activist type) and omega newmales with uebercringe vibes.

>> No.17883302

book clubs for political theory definitely are, because most theory was written by leftists. I don't see how normal book clubs are communist though. They're usually liberal at best (or worst)

>> No.17883323

Makes sense. Modern Poland is basically proto-fascist

>> No.17883342

Idk man, in the few clubs I’ve been part of most people were either apolitical or basic starbucks marxists. The second ones were drawn to that ideology because of their obsession with aesthetics and to the tragic martyr figure. Most liberals I’ve known are only superficially interested in art.

>> No.17883710

May dazbog continue to bless Poland.

>> No.17883744

I love when people say antifa isn't an organization. When you have city antifa groups that decide what happens and when, on fucking facebook, it is quite obviously a controlled movement.

>> No.17883814

Takes solace in the knowledge that they are most likely even more suicidally depressed than you.

>> No.17884120

imo I dont think it will ever happen or if it happens it'll last only a couple years until some organized political movement, probably authoritarian, creates a government again

>> No.17884128

>commies know other commies and network with them on social media
>this confuses the boomer retard
being organized does not an organization make, and there are people who believe in this kind of shit without having to be paid off by le shadow gubmint

>> No.17884143

>organized does not an organization make,
This is the famous Commie thinking ability that brings us also the 'stateless society governed by a council that is totally not a state'

>> No.17884158

I'm not a commie, nor do I support antifa. You just can't handle getting your retarded "logic" btfo without accusing me of being a concern troll.

>> No.17884169

No. Liberals are censoring and trying to silence the lefts. It’s not just the rightwingers

>> No.17884215

Please elaborate on the distinction between an organized group of people and an organization

>> No.17884239

>put a post on facebook to form a flash mob at a specific place and time
>come up with a name for the event
>do this multiple times in different places
>different people show up each time
totally an organization bro

>> No.17884250

What university do you go to?

>> No.17884258

>implying faggot anarchists know what they're talking about

>> No.17884276

Yeah that is an organization or rather it is a set of related organizations, they have networks of people, funding, rules of engagement, PR campaigns, etc. They are an organization whose main activity is creating mobs

>> No.17884321

>and there are people who believe in this kind of shit without having to be paid off by le shadow gubmint
I dont care what some pleb foot soldier thinks. The fact remains that they all follow the direction of a local/regional facebook group and that facebook group takes its directives from elsewhere, be it the facebook group of another locality or whatever else.
There is most certainly an organizational structure and its more clear when you look at the antifa groups of smaller cities.

>> No.17884509

Who said that? Mainstream media?

>> No.17884523

Poland is like the 60s conservatives. Not close to fascist.

>> No.17884539
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Has anyone here read this? Thoughts?

>> No.17884582
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Not particularly interested in reading that guy's book, he seems a bit dim, but he is doing a great job making commies angry by posting videos of them doing retarded stuff

I suggest though that everyone read the book that Antifa wrote themselves, or one of them anyway. It is both deeply retarded and instructive. One could say its retardation is itself instructive, and the guy just comes out and admits that their goal is basically to violently repress anything that they deem fascist, which is basically anything that opposes Prog demands.

>> No.17884617

the overarching political ideology in the west is anti-anti-Communism, one should expect educated kids to at least be somewhat interested in actual Communism.

>> No.17884628

I've come to the conclusion that Poles are literally the dumbest and most subhuman race of people. Imagine your country gets raped by the fascists in WWII and a few generations later thinking "yeah that was a pretty good political ideology"

>> No.17884635

>They all have the same flag and outfits.
perhaps the most retarded thing I have ever read.

>> No.17884652

>It is both deeply retarded and instructive. One could say its retardation is itself instructive
I understand where you're coming from.

>> No.17884662

be an antifash skinhead

>> No.17884676

Retard. If I organize with some neighbors to grow some tomatoes for our fourth of july burgers we did not suddenly create a neighborhood gardening organization. You can organize without an overarching organization

>> No.17884698

>we did not suddenly create a neighborhood gardening organization.
yes you literally did

>> No.17884704

theres a lot to read