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17881139 No.17881139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books where the protagonist accept their true self?

>> No.17881151

Every greek myth

>> No.17881152

Journey by Moonlight, but it's got nothing to do with being trans

>> No.17881156

You ever think about how actually non-memetic (disconnected from reality) these memes are? The only possibility is that they’re a deliberate psyop in origin and then subsequently, memesis of said psyop.

>> No.17881173


>> No.17881175

They're completely absurd and crude. They're like really bad Stormfront propaganda about becoming a race warrior or something.

>> No.17881183
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Shit is wack yo

>> No.17881187

What do you mean? Trannies and chicks with dicks exist you know.

>> No.17881206

Not like this. Memes typically depict something ironic and memetic about reality or perceived reality and the progression illustrated in this meme is just not reality, at least, it’s not reality without some sort of psychological intervention. What we have now is an infinite loop of psyops so the meme itself isn’t reality but creates reality. It is the psyop. Psyop is introduced, meme is created of psyop, meme of the psyop becomes psyop itself, meme is created of meme which became psyop, as infinitum. It’s psyop all the way down. This is actually how troons get each other when they hang out in online spaces. They’re all autistics that literally psyop each other.

>> No.17881217

If only such creatures existed

>> No.17881220

Its called hyperstition bro

>> No.17881229

why was this the first post i clicked on this morning

>> No.17881237

Based and accpilled

>> No.17881242

Manga and anime is different. Of course, some of it really is just crude and blatant but you have to consider the audience and creator. Mostly, this stuff is depicted in Japanese media (for Japanese consumers) as a sort of device. It’s supposed to evoke uncomfortable feelings of humor, confusion, maybe even attraction, but attraction to a totally fictional character. You’re supposed to like Astolfo as a character and feel humorously uncomfortable about them. You’re not supposed to literally think you are supposed to be Astolfo and generally, they don’t. It’s not self insterty and typically, they’re not at all a protagonist. At best, you’ve got stuff like the slime isekai where the protagonist is a sort of effeminate looking androgyne non-human which honestly isn’t actually that bizarre because it’s totally fantastical. Western memes about this sort of thing are very different and specifically are self inserty.

>> No.17881248

I don’t care about any of that philosophy crap. I’m just making an observation. If you’re telling me that I observed and internalized something that took a philosopher an entire book to write, well...

>> No.17881251


>> No.17881255

the part where Sisyphus does was actually written by Camus I believe

>> No.17881261

t. Enlightened accfag needs a book to tell him what some dunning krueger retard picked up in 15 minutes on the internet
Is that hyperstition too?

>> No.17881263
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>a lot more confident
>big ass
>learned how to masturbate anally
>worried about the gaze of men around them

>> No.17881270

lol butthurt

>> No.17881296
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No? Maybe. It's seems like most things are hypertension sometimes. Actually, the more I look into it the less sense it seems to make.

>> No.17881309

Post buttcheeks

>> No.17881331
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>> No.17881347

The book isn't entirely about hyperstitions. It's just a concept, and compressing complex ideas into specialised vocab for the sake of infodensity is pretty standard for philosophy. The original poster wasn't even being confrontational or disagreeing with you, so it would have been very easy to say 'Cool, I didn't know there was a word for that', and you can then proceed to relate other things to that concept without needing to explain it in detail every time you wanted to talk about it.

>> No.17881356

Yes, this stuff is horribly deceptive and can trick gender dysphoric schizo's with the idea that they're gonna be a hot/cute happy waifuish girl like their moe anime drawings.

>> No.17881358

Fair point even if I don’t like that stuff. If I came off as confrontational myself, I didn’t intend it that way so I apologize to >>17881220

>> No.17881364

I thought the word was quantum flow

>> No.17881370

>Not like this. Memes typically depict something ironic and memetic about reality or perceived reality and the progression illustrated in this meme is just not reality, at least, it’s not reality without some sort of psychological intervention. What we have now is an infinite loop of psyops so the meme itself isn’t reality but creates reality. It is the psyop. Psyop is introduced, meme is created of psyop, meme of the psyop becomes psyop itself, meme is created of meme which became psyop, as infinitum. It’s psyop all the way down. This is actually how troons get each other when they hang out in online spaces. They’re all autistics that literally psyop each other.
I'd say something about Baudrillard but I don't want to pretend I have read him.

>> No.17881381

Where's this translated? I've only found an untranslated collection.

>> No.17881386

I’ve read that autistics are particularly susceptible largely because they don’t know how to let go of thoughts or emotions that they’re otherwise not used to having. They hang out in these online (unreal) spaces and over-identify with thoughts, with memes, and with each other until it’s actualized in real life. My own conversations with an anon confirmed this when he confessed to me that he once was taking hormone treatment and planning on surgery (at a very young age). He also confessed that while not clinically diagnosed, he did think that he was autistic-like at least and that he spent a lot of time hanging out in online spaces where this sort of thing would happen. He eventually came to his senses, exited these spaces, and now is trying to come to terms with the damage he did to his body as a young person. I think there’s also an aspect of this whole thing which is basically very confused, very vulgar performance art.

>> No.17881387

Not even a meme. This is literally just sexual fantasy so it doesn't make sense nor does it need to. The artist probably just gets off on feminization and in relating their own form to the feminine through escapism (art) they get off on giving the thought some semblance of reality.
Could also just be a commission but the same concepts apply, I guess.

>> No.17881404

Also don't look up sissy hypno and definitely don't seek out their general on /gif/ if you think the OP is a queer meme/psyop. Do not.

>> No.17881410

There is a very obvious word to describe what is going on here, it rhymes with vult

>> No.17881423

Yeah but that’s the point. It’s just fantasy. It’s just a thought but some people aren’t capable or aren’t able to separate thoughts from manifested reality. A normally functional person can have a homoerotic thought or even fantasy and then carry on with their lives as they are and as they should be. An autistic will have a thought, over-identify with that thought, which in turn creates more thoughts, and there’s this spiral of thinking and confusion. Ultimately, they hang out in online spaces where others are in the same position and when one of them discovers (is pushed on them) drugs and surgery as a solution, there’s a domino effect and that’s how it happens a lot of the time. What starts as fantasy somehow transforms into a economized grass roots psyop.

>> No.17881437

just admit you have gender dysphoria and go

>> No.17881448

The Fuck-Up by Arthur Nersesian, though merely saying so may be deeply misleading.

>What do you mean? Trannies and chicks with dicks exist you know.

There is no such thing as chicks with dicks; there are only dudes with tits.

>> No.17881460

That explain why autistic crowds like computer nerds always end becoming trannies

>> No.17881477

It makes me laugh whenever trannies try to pretend like they have active sex lives.

Nobody wants to fuck a fake anal-lining vagina.
Nobody thinks you estrogen grown and lumpy manboobs are "milk trucks."
Nobody wants to get serious with someone who is literally guaranteed to have regular mood swings and depressive episodes due to forcing the wrong hormones to be produced, wrecking their brains further.

It's all a giant cope.
They wanted to be a girl and get fucked easy by men all the time, but they forgot that the Chads who fuck Stacys aren't into ugly manly 'chicks'.

Not trying to be mean, it's just funny how utterly pathetic it is and how widespread it is across all transgender media both 'nonfiction' and fiction. Every tranny in every streaming series is a sex maniac who is constantly fucked by people, and they all actually pass as women due to hours of makeup, prosthetics, and post-production touch ups.

>> No.17881496

That's where the escapism comes in. It's an unfortunate side effect of having immediate access to validation for any thought one might have in passing otherwise. Sexual fixation isn't new to neuro atypical individuals, but add an ethereal crowd cheering them on like a virtual schizophrenia and they're bound to resort to extreme fantasy fulfilment a la castration, self mutilation etc, and then living out their denial in spite of reality.
The progressive cynic will mutter "so what" before going on with their day, but it's definitely a problem we'll hopefully be looking back on, sooner rather than later, in utter disgust and shame. We're also just as, if not more, likely to continue down the spiral of subpar mental healthcare and seeing the inert sexual fantasies of these neuro atypicals take form around us, powerless to call out the psychoses perverting their way into mainstream consciousness.

>> No.17881506
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>be person who by definition is a loner and shut off from society
>suddenly these people with anime avatars start telling you about how cute they all look in dresses and start to playfully talk ask if you ever had any "experience"
>finally have a group that fully accepts you and always compliments you
It's a grooming campaign.
They take over moderation teams to give themselves total freedom to say whatever fucked up sociopathic shot they can think of to trick impressionable and lonely people into destroying their life and body for acceptance.