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File: 122 KB, 1400x1050, 309bec-20180705-diangelo-whitefragility-2-collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17877069 No.17877069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have honestly never read a more illuminating work that pic related. It truly made me realize that white people are the root of all problems because we are helplessly racist.

I'm a racist and a bad white man. I invite you, my brothers, to join with me in this self-same hymn.

> I'm a racist and a bad white man.

>> No.17877075


>> No.17877094
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Classic male rapist behavior.

>> No.17877103


>> No.17877151

I'm a racist and a bad white man.

>> No.17877161

Anon, I commend you, you are a Master Baiter

>> No.17877170

Of course white males always have to hijack conversations so as to gratify their overactive libido cultivated by centuries of raping women of color.

>> No.17877183
File: 187 KB, 1024x892, 1024px-Robin_DiAngelo_for_the_Unitarian_Universalist_Association.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 64
> No kids
I can't breed.

>> No.17877320
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>live in New England town
>just went to my local library 5 hours ago
>they didn't have a single work by Lovecraft
>no Henry James
>no Emerson
>one Thoreau book
>one Hawthorne (Scarlet Letter)

>five copies of How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
>three copies of White Fragility

>> No.17877452

maybe all of the good books were checked out?

>> No.17877466

what is happening to this board

>> No.17877521


shit bait
try harder next time you want to kill an innocent thread minding its own business for no reason

>> No.17877595

That means the light is winning. No more racist white books.

>> No.17877607

literally a racist misandrist

>> No.17877609

the entire state has a library system and you can see which ones your library has and which ones others in the state have. I checked on my phone. nope.

>> No.17877613

I'm stupidly proud of myself for recognizing all those names as a non-American after doing a small course on American literature.

>> No.17877621

How is it racist or misandrist? It's the truth. If a man commits a crime, do we say it's misandrist to call him a criminal? Of course not. Likewise, if a race commits many crimes over the course of THOUSANDS OF YEARS, it is not racist to label them accordingly: murderers, racists, rapists, and worst of all sexists.

>> No.17877631

>Likewise, if a race commits many crimes over the course of THOUSANDS OF YEARS, it is not racist to label them accordingly
oy vey

>> No.17877643


>if a race commits many crimes

the fact that you can think of races that you think don't fit the bill here means you're an idiot who can't avoid being racist against non-whites without leaning on some stereotypical noble savage lie you probably owe more to shitty disney movies than any actual understanding of history.

>> No.17877656

What do you want to discuss, did you read the book?

>> No.17877668
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Just take their word for it.

>> No.17877682

Yes I did. Whiteness is actually ingrained in everything. You see, being racist isn't just about saying the N word. It's also about the systems we develop and perpetuate which have a fundamental operating bias against other races.

Like mathematics for example. The way it has been taught makes it harder for other races to learn it ( EquitableMath.org ). Forcing others to do things our way puts them at a disadvantage and ultimately perpetuates the vicious cycle.

>> No.17877725


>The way it has been taught makes it harder for other races to learn it

So are we talking about Asian supremacist racism here then? Because last time I checked they blow whites out of the water in mathematics on average.

>> No.17877736

Asians are too successful, despite being a minority. Thus, they're not considered PoC.

>> No.17877754


Does that mean if we get everyone's test grades up, then we're literally erasing PoC from existence? I guess that's one way to do it...

>> No.17877757

What you just did is utilize a technique used by white supremacists called "generalization." Instead of focusing on the issue at hand, namely confronting the ills of your race, you diverted attention to something irrelevant.

>> No.17877760
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Fuck White people

>> No.17877761

literally go on social media. The "stop asian hate" campaign is "changing the narrative". they're about to become as oppressed as the blacks

>> No.17877770

I was joking. I've heard people use that reasoning.

Whatever the case, people just like to make excuses for black failure.

>> No.17877771

Uhmm sweetie stop asian hate

>> No.17877777


You're deflecting from the fact that your ideas don't make sense by pretending asking analytical questions about the meaning of the words your ignorant ass is using is just a tactical maneuver in some linguistic parlor game.
What you just did is utilize a technique used by woketards called "narcissistic projection"...

>> No.17877781
File: 22 KB, 380x64, Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 8.13.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just downloaded and read through their first module. Nowhere in that 'book" does it provide a single example of how to teach math.

>> No.17877793
File: 121 KB, 851x415, Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 8.12.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically designed to drive white people insane and insure that if Negroes can't learn math, no one can learn math.

>> No.17877797

wow.. making this post unironically??

>> No.17877800


Starting to think they're pushing this as an intentional illiteracy production program frankly. Big tech benefits when 90% of the public is too stupid to do anything but be gig economy serfs

>> No.17877802

it's a psyop to make it illegal to acknowledge whoes to blame for c0v1d 19 even though it literally has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the fact that ccp selfishly suppressed information to prevent themselves from looking bad causing the literal flu to mutant into something that couldn't be controlled

>> No.17877808
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>> No.17877812

honestly I think far more sinister things are afoot with coronachan. I'm not sure what exactly but I bet it has to do with consolidating financial power as the markets fall apart.

>> No.17877825

No dummy. It's to con Asians into blaming white people for the 300% rise in black crime after BLM made cops afraid of enforcing laws against blacks.

>> No.17877827
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What is that even trying to say? I don't even understand their complaint. The others are shitty complaints but at least coherent ones.

>> No.17877832

This proves the thesis of the book. Ladies and gentlemen, behold:

White Fragility.

>> No.17877833

>I'm not sure what exactly but I bet it has to do with consolidating financial power as the markets fall apart.
Yes but not the financial markets, the consumer markets.

>> No.17877845

Seems disingenuous

>> No.17877844
File: 264 KB, 817x612, Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 8.24.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically telling math teachers to turn their classrooms into preschools.

>> No.17877848

>have students create tikoks, videos or silent films or cartoons about mathematical concepts or procedures
now I know why the teachers wasted two weeks making us recreate that stupid fucking
song "gettin triggy with it"

>> No.17877854

I would not be shocked if teacher performance reviews now use number of TikTok vids their classes produce as a metric.

>> No.17877872


The thesis of the book is circular. If you say anything besides "yes massa" to this bitch about racism she just accuses you of white "fragility" (another example of the narcissistic projection of this liberal white bitch's neurotic relationship to her own discomfort around race bred from her sheltered segregated existence). There is no "proof." The logic is totally circular and empirically unaccountable.

The only thing white fragility "proves" is how dangerous it is to start politicizing your mental illnesses - especially if you're a neurotic suburban white bitch with zero self awareness

>> No.17877874
File: 388 KB, 1503x2000, 1606003210953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my point was that I live in New England and that they didn't have classic books from quintessential writers who were actually from New England and formed our culture. meanwhile I can read about irrelevant bullshit that has little to no importance to my state.

>> No.17877891

I am a big fan of this recent woke intensification because I like watching commies have to apologize and defer to 80IQ retards calling them racist
>I-I'm not a class reductionist I suppo-
just lmao

>> No.17877901

Empiricism is a white thing and is therefore racist. As I was studying with the amazing Sukuma people for my grad school thesis I quickly learned how subjectivity permeates every aspect of African life. Nothing is ever certain because no one really understand anything anyway. They have a saying "No te preocupes, sé feliz." Which roughly translates to "Don't worry, be happy." Filled with mirth, the African does not need cold hard objective facts. He does not worry, and therefore he is happy. I learned so much from those beautiful people. I am truly blessed to have experienced their presence on this earth and so are you upon hearing my tale. Sé feliz, my friend. Sé feliz.

>> No.17877925
File: 561 KB, 1243x633, 1588171515553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf independent practice is white supremacist??? Bonkers.

Where is this from?

>> No.17877947


>> No.17877950

you sound like a fag

>> No.17877954
File: 118 KB, 818x333, Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 8.45.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where is this from?

>> No.17877962


That's great. They all sound like swell chaps. That doesn't mean you've got carte blanche to just pretend you're saying something in a language that means something determinate and then slink away with pseudo-intellectual sophistry like this - especially when you're demanding total linguistic control of the context and content of the conversation.

>> No.17877964
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 1553884263076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first genuine example of White Fragility I've ever seen.

>> No.17877965
File: 265 KB, 368x464, vcaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teachers often treat mistakes as problems by equating them with wrongness

>> No.17877991


>> No.17877997

How does it feel to be controlled? Perhaps it doesn't feel so go to walk in the shoes of a native american...or one of the many other peoples who have been oppressed by white supremacy. It's their time now. You owe it to them to listen.

>> No.17878006
File: 116 KB, 809x303, Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 8.50.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's official: expecting niggers to learn is white supremacy.

>> No.17878008

1+1 = 3 isn't wrong. It's not correct, but it's not wrong. It's a mistake. Wrong makes kids, especially children of color, think they've done something bad. We should never make a child think they did something bad when they tried to give a solution. Don't you agree now that I've explained it to you?

>> No.17878021

>play semantic games with your students and never give them a straight answer
Excellent advice. If you want to make sure they never learn anything but how pathetic you are.

>> No.17878027
File: 200 KB, 809x419, Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 8.49.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is straight up Cultural Revolution stuff.

>> No.17878028

Are you implying that my post was wrong simply because I made a mistake?

>> No.17878030

Why are you black facing text?

>> No.17878039

This is ridiculous and infantalizing.

"Wrong makes children of color think they've done something bad"

Pretty sure everybody doesn't like getting a wrong answer.

Even if I were to grant you that it specifically makes p.o.c feel bad, that doesn't show how the teaching practice is connected to white supremacy, nor why it ought to be abandoned.

>> No.17878042

You aren't wrong. You're just racist honey.

>> No.17878052

Thank you. I am getting pretty good at it too, I have been doing some studying

>> No.17878053

> This is ridiculous and infantalizing.
To you and your white perspective. Not everyone thinks like you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. These recommendations were made by top POC experts. Who are you to question them? Perhaps you are just a part of the problem. You want everything to be your way. That's the problem. That's why we are here.

>> No.17878071

I've always enjoyed minstrel shows.

>> No.17878077

You're really good at this.

>> No.17878078

Just remember:

You Will Always Be White

>> No.17878086

Thanks honey. I do my best.

>> No.17878088

you gay.

>> No.17878093

I'm not being controlled. I'm saying whatever the hell I want. If you want to be an obtuse dumbass and refuse to engage in a real discussion that doesn't have any effect on me. I do plenty of listening. Too bad you don't have anything worth saying.

>> No.17878103

>no u
I accept your concession

>> No.17878110

Just calm down. I didn't mean to make you so upset. I know it's hard to address your inherent bias. Don't worry, be happy. :-).

>> No.17878142

still gay.

>> No.17878175
File: 117 KB, 780x242, Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 9.15.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This I agree with: blacks and beaners aren't going to learn math no matter how good the instruction.

>> No.17878181


I'm calmer than you are kid.

Seriously, there's so much else to read out there. Stop wasting everyone's time with this trash if you know it isn't good enough to defend on its own merits. It's enough already. Tedious, stupid, toxic and boring.

>> No.17878189

Good for you.

>> No.17878191

You are displaying significant signs of white fragility. I suggest engaging in typical white male dissipation activities like berating your wife or masturbating to blacked porn.

>> No.17878194

Naw. I don't you to die young bro.

>> No.17878231

This is it. This is literally as far as your stupid little word game takes you in a conversation: nowhere. I'm not even mad. I'm just trying to help you understand that all you're doing is making yourself and everyone around you stupider by talking about this. Now that I'm on the AI chatbot infinite loop response sequence here I guess I've done what I can at this point. I wash my hands of this situation.

>> No.17878255

Based, mathematics education should be rooted in pure contemplation of the Platonic forms decolonized from western materialism. The only Calculi students need are for stoning to death heretics who reveal secret doctrine concerning irrational numbers and the transmutification of souls in a beanstock

>> No.17878262

pretty sure it's a troll (I hope)

>> No.17878265

>he's so mad he can't even type straight
like I said >>17877950

>> No.17878277

It's never an oppressed minority that writes these books lol. Just jews

>> No.17878281

>Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
No, not universally.

>> No.17878282

1. You're being trolled by someone who's sharpening their skills in the dialectic

2. No one actually believes this stuff. It's a power process.

Companies hire Robin Diangelo to come to their offices and harangue whites with this rhetoric. IRL you can't make your rebuttal. You'll be fired.

>> No.17878285

lol okay homo

>> No.17878287

ahahahaha you new age faggot

>> No.17878293

>Based, mathematics education should be rooted in pure contemplation of the Platonic forms decolonized from western materialism
such pretentious shilling

>> No.17878297

>IRL you can't make your rebuttal.
I can. He can too. I'm not that special.

>> No.17878298

This, so much this. I now let black men breed my wife to repent for slavery

>> No.17878300

>2. No one actually believes this stuff. It's a power process.
at least you're honest
now say that it's the jews

>> No.17878307

No. When people argue back in these diversity-education sessions they get fired.

Robin Diangelo isn't jewish, but this can only happen in a culture that's completely dominated by jews.

>> No.17878308


>the dialectic

1. I know I'm being trolled by a 16 year old leftbook pseudo intellectual.

2. Yes they do, that's part of how the "process" works. You need it to replace the room you'd be using in your mind to have other beliefs with it.

IRL I can do whatever the fuck I want, jannie. Go cry about it and eat more hot pocket.

>> No.17878309

>it's the jews
Shut up and listen to yourself, idiot.

>> No.17878317
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>> No.17878321

After DiAngelo read Black Future and Race Traitor.

>> No.17878326

>IRL I can do whatever the fuck I want, jannie.
I mean. Hey. More power to you. Good luck.

I listened to myself and heard the quiet voice of William Luther Pierce whispering "It's the kikes."

>> No.17878328

wow, look at these future leaders of society
what a glorious vision for the future they'll bring us. yes, let's make north america exactly like south africa

>> No.17878334
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Das rite.

>> No.17878336
File: 61 KB, 1129x376, Ebcu4T_X0AEH9gN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they all look so soulless and lame bros? ??

>> No.17878344

They're just aspirational middle class conformists. Whatever elites say, they repeat. If Nazis came to power tomorrow they'd be quoting Mein Kampf by Monday.

>> No.17878354

William Luther Pierce was right about the white middle class.

>> No.17878361

And Democracy. And pretty much everything. The Turner Diaries was probably the most prescient novel written on this continent.

>> No.17879257

Bitch I have no problem talking about racism but not with some fucking ideologue hired by my fucking job and jews to fucking terrorize all the white people just trying to pay bills.

>> No.17879290

Get real, DiAngelo poster.
Nothing will change for the next 100 years. Do you know why is she so successful? It's cheeper to pay her 400k for a 6 hour lecture (and do nothing afterwards) than to let go your good workers and hire POC.

>> No.17879294

fucking eurofags, why do you always bump the shitiest threads? let it die

>> No.17879364

So we can talk about kikes and national socialism.

>> No.17879385

>You're brain on >>>/pol/
Have you even read it or did you just read a summary on wikipeida or something. It's easily the worst books I've ever read. Not only in terms of of political content but also in terms of characters, settings and plots. Even though I find the political content of Camp of the Saints repulsive I can acknowledge that has artistic merit. I guess I can understand why /pol/ likes it because it's written like a cringey, edgy shonen anime (think Akame Ga Kill) that was authored by a nazi and set in the future but that's not literature. Underneath the racism is just a poorly written piece of genre fiction.