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17875783 No.17875783 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with him? As someone that has never read a dostoevsky before.

>> No.17875810

Some would argue Notes from Underground, what with it being his shortest work, and whilst very good I think I got more from it after reading Crime and Punishment, which is where I think you should start, with NfU being second, then if you like him whatever order you choose. Just save The Brothers Karamazov for last because it’s his best work and you’ll want to go out on a high

>> No.17875816

Zapiski iz miortwogo doma

>> No.17875976

Crime and Punishment

>> No.17876008

his major breakthrough work was Poor Folk, which made his contemporaries parade him around the street like the second coming. so yes, there where you should start.

>> No.17876773

1. Notes
2. Crime and Punishment
3. The Idiot
4. Demons
5. TBK

>> No.17876786

Whichever sounds the most interesting to yoj

>> No.17876802

Just read The Grand Inquisitor. That's all you need.

>> No.17877660

I agree with this post

>> No.17877818

His short stories, particularly White Nights.

>> No.17877873

The gambler. Has an actual plot. Interesting characters. mC is still classic dosto autism, but isn’t a complete faggot like in notes. It’s short too.

>> No.17877933


>> No.17879452

Crime and Punishment or The Gambler

>> No.17879497

Start with Jordan Peterson like most of Dosto's fans

>> No.17879588

Crime and Punishment. If you're not comfortable with late-18th century style, then get the McDuff (Penguin, IIRC) translation. [Try to avoid Pevear and Volokhonsky.] Otherwise, classic Garnett is based. Don't read Karamazov until you're almost through with Dosto — I recommend the Oxford World Classics translation. The Double also might be a good introduction; the nature of doubling/shadow is really important in his work overall.

>> No.17879618

I personally started with The Adolescent, then some of his short stories like A Gentle Creature, then C&P and after that The Idiot and Brothers Karamazov

>> No.17879621

and I forgot the Gambler, read it right after Adolescent

>> No.17879664

top kek

>> No.17879700

Here is a revolutionary idea for you - and all the people posting "where should I start with" cancers - read the blurbs of his novels or the short synopsis and decide yourself what interests you.
I mean it's really not that hard. Live a little. And even if you don't like the particular book you can always just stop reading it. No one would care.

>> No.17879712

underground man

>> No.17880043

>avoid the translation widely praised by Russian literature and Dostoevsky scholars as well as Slavic people
Popular ≠ bad

>> No.17880107

Whatever you do don't read that P&V garbage, it's extremely extremely bad. Oliver Ready is really good for C&P.

>> No.17880287

Crime and Punishment is the best introduction into Dostoevsky's opus, ignore everyone else suggesting otherwise. Then read Notes From Underground and The Double, and move onto his other great novels - The Idiot, Demons and Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.17880293

>Popular ≠ bad
HelIo reddit

>> No.17880320

don't listen to this retard, op. p&v are quite good

>> No.17880338

Yes a dual translation where neither of the people involved are fluent in both languages is good. Retard.

>> No.17880344

Read Vladimir Solvyov first because Solvyov is one of Dostoyevky's main influences and the inspiration for the character of Alyosha in Brothers Karamazov

>> No.17880352

Demons about socialists and communists
Idiot about casino and gambling addiction

>> No.17880360

meme opinion. they're acknowledged as some of the best translators in their field

>> No.17880965

Crime and Punishment and/or Notes from Underground

>> No.17880975

>Idiot about casino and gambling addiction
Son... what do you think "The Gambler" is about

>> No.17881060

Does anyone know where I can get his books in the original Russian? I want to read it as he wrote it without any worry of who translated it.

>> No.17881088

>i read from a meme translation of a russian review that p&v is bad
why do you have a problem with that when your interpretation of the quality of p&v's translation comes from the same dilemma

>> No.17881095

I did this but backward "lmao"

>> No.17881757

>Penguin Classics
>not the most recognizable imprint in America
>not popular
>Constance Garnett
>not the version of Dosto that every English-speaking person read for 70 years
>not popular
You are so dumb, you are really dumb, for real.

>> No.17881900

This guys a retard, dont listen to him OP

>> No.17881935

I read TBK first and it's the best book I've ever read. How much have I ruined dosto other works for myself?

>> No.17881962

You haven’t ruined his other works, just you won’t get any better than TBK

>> No.17882440

Crime and Punishment

>> No.17882957

it's gotta be Crime and Punishment. It's a hoot bro.

>> No.17883053

>White Nights
This guy gets it. His other short stories are great too, but this one was always my favorite.

>> No.17884734

>enlightenment bad begome orthodox
congratulations you have now read all his books

>> No.17885550

Is Dosto really worth reading? I read the P&V translation of Notes and it did nothing for me. Is it worth trying another translation? I liked the main character, but not as much as I liked Bernado Soares from The Book of Disquiet.

>> No.17885631

Notes from Underground and C P

>> No.17885639

the books that are really worth reading are probably brothers K and demons

>> No.17885701

Simply don´t. He´s a shitty author, go read Tostoy instead

>> No.17886451

Don't start. He's not worth reading. It's like the spirit of mental illness wrote his works.

>> No.17886505

midwit take

>> No.17886513

t. nihilist

>> No.17887020

Good post.
I went CP, Notes, Idiot, some short stories, Notes again for fun, then BK

>> No.17887048

They're still great and worth your time, but just not as good BK is the best book of all time