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17874372 No.17874372 [Reply] [Original]

Just took a Bible from my hotel room, what do?

>> No.17874376

Read it?

>> No.17874381

Read the New Testament or the gospel of John . Don’t worry about stealing they’re meant to be taken that’s what the Gideon Bible is for

>> No.17874387

Read it. They are meant to be taken.

>> No.17874405

Set it on fire, and extinguish it by taking a shitpiss on it

>> No.17874421

>thou shall not steal -Exodus 20:15

>> No.17874429

Stealing has the elements of mens rea and the act of taking someone else property, but even if my intent was to steal another’s property, it’s not theft if the Bible’s are meant to be taken.

>> No.17874431

Tell that to the native Americans

>> No.17874457

>old testament
don't care; didn't ask.

>> No.17874667

What hollow existence

>> No.17874712

Imagine thinking life is meaningless without inane desert ramblings.

Now that’s a hollow existence

>> No.17874744

Read it

>> No.17874767

The Gideons and the Mormons put the books there for people to take and read. They literally seek you out and give them to you for free.

>> No.17875876

This (at least for the Gideons with the Gideons Bibles; Idk about the Mormons for sure)
Hotels often have a box, or even a few boxes, of spare Bibles because the Gideons want the Bibles to get worn out and/or taken and read.
t. literally asked to have a Bible from a hotel I was staying at once and was given one

>> No.17875926

Hotel Bibles are meant to be taken home. Otherwise you just end up with college kids messing around with them.

>> No.17876199

Okay. I started reading it. This genealogy bullshit is worse than the parts of the Iliad where they list of how many ships everyone has. But it’s nice to see where all the little references and phrases and things come from.

>> No.17876388

All of jesus' teachings come from the old testament

>> No.17876402

I remember the Gideons came to my highschool and gave us all Bibles. I destroyed mine, tore it to shreds. I wasn't a fedora-tipping atheist, just an edgy shitlord, but I don't regret it. There are better Bibles out there.

>> No.17876986

besides the commandments name one

>> No.17877221

When Jesus says the sexually immoral will not enter the kingdom of heaven he's getting his definition of sexual immorality from leviticus where all the rules are outlined. Every moral teaching of jesus he is pulling directly from the old testament.

>> No.17877830


Matthew 22:36-40
>Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
>Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
>This is the first and great commandment.
>And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
>On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Deuteronomy 6:4-5
>Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
Leviticus 19:18: You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.

>> No.17877906

check for surveilance

>> No.17877916

Yeah dude. They were constantly stealing from each other.

>> No.17877922
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>> No.17877932

They used to give out the KJV. Now it's the NIV, I think.

>> No.17877969

The copy I took that looks like OP was new King James Version. Is that a bad thing?

>> No.17878996

Not stolen, conquered.

>> No.17879001

Not as bad as some but your best to go with the 1611 kjv

>> No.17879046
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>Imagine thinking life is meaningless without inane desert ramblings.

>Now that’s a hollow existence

>> No.17879068

I got the ESV. I guess they give out multiple translations.

>> No.17879091

fap to delicious tranny porn then repent

>> No.17879273

Would it be a good idea to cut out the in side of the Bible and put a used weapon in there? As oppose probably somebody would find it after a couple weeks, but then, when they have no idea how it got there? Into it came from? Or do all hotels check ID now? As I recall, nobody checks ID at the motels that they stay in in the book no country for old men

>> No.17879349

Read it. Then return it to the hotel with your sincerest apologies.

>> No.17879795

They do check ID and that is literally the dumbest way to dispose of a weapon I've ever heard.

>> No.17879807

But it would be hidden inside the bible and after a few guests it will not be clear who put it there

>> No.17880212

Now you have something to wipe with for the rest of the trip

>> No.17880271

Literally not true

>> No.17880837

It is true

>> No.17881328


this isn't entirely true/untrue. Jesus still teaches us to follow the commandments so >17874421 still applies. However many rules of the old law no longer apply. No sacrifice, etc.

To ignore the OT would be foolish, to follow the laws of Moses would be silly as you're essentially LARPing as a Jew. Unless you are Jewish...

Anyway OP, read it, or at least read the gospels and return it after you have acquired another bible for yourself, any half decent church will give you one.

>> No.17881473

Read Mark, then Romans, then John. Gives you an idea of what it's all about in the shortest time possible.

>> No.17882088

Read Song of Songs

>> No.17882132

You're better off throwing a used weapon into the nearest river. What are you trying to do? Play BookCrossing with murder gats?

>> No.17882141

I'd say just read Ephesians if that's your goal.

>> No.17882339

Is it the KJV? Only the KJV is the inspired word of God.

>> No.17882344

It’s the new KJV.

>> No.17882463

Return it immediately and buy one.

>> No.17883803

Misses the story aspect

>> No.17884911

True. But it encapsulates the entirety of the doctrine, and you could reconstruct the faith from that book alone.

>> No.17885083

You've just narrowed the list of suspected criminals to those few guests.