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/lit/ - Literature

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17872417 No.17872417 [Reply] [Original]

What would you say is the equivalent of abstract art, that doesn't neccessarily represent anything concrete? or if that's a bad analogy, what is some literature that pushes language to its limits?

books like finnegans wake or Zettel's traum come to mind but it doesn't neccessarily have to be like those. I'd love some literaute that is exceedingly abstract.

what comes to mind /lit/?

>> No.17873181

Naked lunch.

Short of that much poetry would fit your bill.

>> No.17873556

I've heard peeps recc Pyncheon and D.F Wallace for this but i never read those.

>> No.17873945

Neither is abstract.

>> No.17873951

How it is by Beckett.

>> No.17874073
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gordon lish. people have accused him of editing "nothing." reading pic related is like having read -1 book. some of it feels like hegel, whos one of his influences.

italo calvino, beckett, burroughs, some phonetic palindrome poetry, /lit/zines and ofc hegel are some that come to mind

>> No.17874524

John Ashbery

>> No.17874580
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Beckett's a good pick; I would go with "The Unnameable."

>> No.17874954


>> No.17874963

how can a text be abstract, what does it mean that it's abstract?

>> No.17875002

like this
>t r a n s c e n d e n t a l a e s t h e t i c i s m
just have some cool words and write them in a cool way like that and you'll have some real abstract writing

>> No.17875046

>Abstract art uses visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.

Translate it to writing. I'll try:
Abstract literature uses the language by scripture which may exist with a degree of independence from conceptual(?) references in the world.

>> No.17875054

>meme answer
try again

>> No.17875067

Basically you can't use words which is going to disqualify everything anyone recommends in this thread

>> No.17875097
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Reading and literature is already boring as fuck.

Why the fuck you want literature about nothing that says nothing where nothing happens?

>> No.17875396

If you interpret "abstract art" as the opposite to Aristotelian 'mimesis', then the abstract literature would be the opposite to the naturalism/realism, therefore it would be either the "art (literature) for the sake of it" (modernism, parnasianism and metaliterature) or the art loosen from
art as representation of the reality ('mimesis') therefore art that expresses some kind of insight, or truth not restricted to the mimesis (romanticism, and post-romanticism, modernism, avant-gards and post-modernism).

>> No.17875710

n o