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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.37 MB, 2300x3484, Bust_philosopher_Louvre_Ma544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17872264 No.17872264 [Reply] [Original]

>Art is giving the world your vision of the world
Can you refute this?

>> No.17872267

What vision does his bust give?

>> No.17872268
File: 53 KB, 324x428, Martin Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17872270

I mean it's a pretty pedestrian and agreeable take. Why would anyone waste time refuting it? What else would art be?

>> No.17872276

I think art is giving the world a vision of the world to compete with the world

>> No.17872282

>Art is that which comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable

>> No.17872296

The vulgar visual arts (i.e. paintings, sculptures, etc.) do this, but the narrative arts (theatre and literature) go beyond this.

>> No.17872355

art is jsut hedonists building a narrative where they are coomers full of wisdom.
THis is why all atheists get wet over art.

it gets worse in atheism, because the bourgeois used art to subvert the judeo christian values, which is why the atheists put sex in art all the over the place.

>> No.17872364

>go beyond this.
Go beyond this to where?

Also why do you describe the visual as vulgar?

>> No.17872387

What’s wrong with sex?

Don’t Christians believe that we should be fruitful and multiply?

>> No.17872887

Not him, but I imagine it's because literature is behind an educational barrier, and looking at a painting or sculpture is not.

>> No.17873207

the vision the sculpture had of the guys face

>> No.17873304
File: 308 KB, 850x1189, __jeanne_d_arc_jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_haneru__sample-0ef9bcfc13f4f7b9135780cdcb556d27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. refuses to read books with illustrations cause i'm such a grown up xd

>> No.17873320

This is drivel. There's nothing substantive to refute.

>> No.17873330

Or your counter vision.

>> No.17873332

Why is it drivel?

>> No.17873336

>vulgar visual arts

>> No.17874245

>illustration doesn't require any learning about art fundamentals, tool use, or how to provide visual context so the illustrations appropriately accompany the written content they are based on or paired with in a book
How about we try r/iamverysmart next time bud

>> No.17874326

He literally just said

>> No.17875786

It is not merely, nor necessarily, one's vision of the world, but, rather, a reflection of one's own inflected internal world, regardless of whether it is in respect to the (external) world.

Art is fathomed the clearest by the respective artist; clouds are most beautiful next to, and from the perspective of, the sun.