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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 664 KB, 2190x798, 2741FB14-7715-4656-B637-1F25F3216B38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17870879 No.17870879 [Reply] [Original]

Professor gave me an F and wrote me this. I want to fuckin die.

>> No.17870886
File: 81 KB, 750x920, 1616451284154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the context, bro? What did you write?

>> No.17870887

This didn't happen

>> No.17870888

I refuse to believe a professor wrote this.

>> No.17870890

I sure hope this isn’t an English teacher

Also, post the shitheap that made him type this

>> No.17870891

If were arguing against muh references in postmodern faggotry and in favor of narrative purity, you're BASED in my book :)

>> No.17870893

your prof sounds like he needs a good fuck

>> No.17870894

let's read your essay

>> No.17870895

You are juvenile, frankly. Disappointing even. The manifestation of ignorance, if you will. Please refrain from your future emails to him. You are in college after all. The height of emotional and mental maturation, and a high status achievement.

>> No.17870896

Universities are branwashing farms. This "professor" (if he exists) proves the indocrination attitude.

>> No.17870899

seems legit

>> No.17870901
File: 14 KB, 211x211, EuH4whdXYAMTuW7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not to mentin

>> No.17870911

From what I understand, Prof gave you feedback and you tried to debate it in a shit email. Afterwards he calls you a brainlet and shits on you. Am I right?

>> No.17870916


>> No.17870923
File: 2.86 MB, 1000x538, 1615338499148.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] based
[x] redpilled

>> No.17870924

>you have no idea what post modernism means
implying anyone does

>> No.17870932

He does. Pay $200k and you can find out

>> No.17870944

If this actually happened (it didn't), report him to the university authorities for sending you something so insulting and unprofessional.

>> No.17870948

>you are already certain about what you think.
Had a professor like this in college. He was openly Marxist yet adiment about students not including their politics in essays. This was just him stating he doesn't wish to have his world view challenged and projecting that onto us. Essentially you're forced to adapt the leftist ideology to get your work permit which is the reason I dropped out after the first semester.

>> No.17870951

literally nothing will happen.

>> No.17870955


>> No.17870972

post the dam essay

>> No.17871000
File: 152 KB, 1324x661, wahhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, anon, please remember that WE ARE IN COLLEGE. Never waste your juvenilia in e-mails, it should be saved for your essays and class discussions. Then if you find you have a talent for juvenile thought, not to mentin a capability for shallow criticism, you got what it takes to be a professor.

>> No.17871001

There are millions of books on it. It is literally an academic (ie university) term. Here are just two examples:



>> No.17871002

Everyone is saying post the essay, post your initial email (or type one up cause this didn't happen).

>> No.17871016

Guys...I think this might be fake.

>> No.17871020

>There are millions of books on it.
Kind of making that anon's argument for him, aren't you?

>> No.17871023

hey that does not look like the screenshot of an email. good sir i suspect this content is fake!

>> No.17871026
File: 53 KB, 474x491, definitely not a troll thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17871030

What's this from?

>> No.17871061

The problem with having "millions" of books on it is that it must clearly be a term that is too broad to have an easily distinguishable criteria for subsumption under it. Ie, that anon you responded to is correct by default.

>> No.17871076

You dropped out because you were (may be still are) lazy and irresponsible piece of shit. Leftists had nothing to do with it.

>> No.17871080

it is def real, I think he was drunk. he is very narcissistic. the class is about art history. my essay was saying that post-modernism is a stepping stone to a movement that will allow reality to integrate with the 'self'. it will not be left wing or right wing but something new.

>> No.17871082

Refer to these and call him a fucking idiot puh-sood and walk out of class.

>> No.17871091

Some coming-of-age chilean movie, Joven y alocada.

>> No.17871092

Post-modernism is already beyond the left-right distinction though, maybe that's why he was berating you

>> No.17871094

Isn't it just "there is no grand historical narrative (as opposed to modernism) and everything is a social construct" in other words cultural nihilism?
It stagnates culture but is pretty easy to follow, which is why it's so widespread and why culture fucking sucks now.

>> No.17871099

hey genius post a screenshot that looks like an actual email
then post a screenshot of the email you sent him that he was replying to
then post screenshots of large excerpts of your essay
if you do that i will believe your story and have an enjoyable night

>> No.17871126

Post the essay already you nigger

>> No.17871138

the right are the ones saying there are only two genders, objective morality, pedophilia is bad

>> No.17871146

Seethe more, chud :^)

>> No.17871168

post essay or OP is full of shit

>> No.17871177

Pretty insane to suggest post modernism doesn't have a side politically when pretty much all religiousness is on the right. But of course talking total fucking nonsense is the essence of all PoMo cocksuckers.

>> No.17871189

Conservatism is postmodern.

>> No.17871193

There's nothing postmodern about the old testament.

>> No.17871197

Have you read it? It is full of lamentations about the limits of human reason.

>> No.17871214

And the absolutism of god in turn. Retard.

>> No.17871215

post the essay you nigger

>> No.17871217

The right fucks kids. Conservatives are pedos. Anyone who supports conservatives is by association a pedo sympathizer

>> No.17871218

Or OP is just retarded

>> No.17871222

that's what the 10 commandments are for

>> No.17871223

daaddy wat does the left do?!

>> No.17871227

Protects the kid from the pedo conservatives.

>> No.17871229
File: 535 KB, 1109x605, hrQnNT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only because muslims are conservative

>> No.17871230

okayyyy.......i feel safe and ready for bed now......nigger

>> No.17871232
File: 254 KB, 683x939, conservativeprogressivetraditional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace Tradition.

>> No.17871235
File: 109 KB, 716x314, trannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

child molesters are disproportionately homosexuals
homosexuals are disproportionately left wing

>> No.17871243
File: 462 KB, 1452x752, 1575448613898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems legit

>> No.17871253
File: 37 KB, 500x288, gorky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17871255

ugh..... to have intercrural sex with a beautiful scandinavian transsexual, boys we'll all make it someday.

>> No.17871257

He's not wrong, just oblivious, since most fascism in the world both then and today is due to communist apologetics.

>> No.17871260

sorry bro in current year all your papers need to be about "women in (subject)"

>> No.17871266

Jesus christ, this is real


>> No.17871282

i came to this thread to read what OP wrote to cause that sperg out it's fake, i know, but in case it wasn't. i wouldn't put it past a modern professor to write this. and saw your comment and can attest that the second book is very good

>> No.17871283

We live in a sick and twisted world.

>> No.17871290


you're clearly retarded

>> No.17871292
File: 40 KB, 598x336, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call him a n-

>> No.17871314

Gays need adoption rights, NOW.

>> No.17871324

No evidence of more adverse outcomes with gays

>> No.17871329

Last sentence is a comma splice, too.

>> No.17871330

Yeah, OP is in the right, here.

>> No.17871336

Except for every serious statistical analysis of the matter.

>> No.17871343

Yeah but all homosexuals who are also child molesters are all conservatives. Kill all conservatives and the world will be a place without any evil. All rightist should be round up and shot

>> No.17871344

considering how it's political suicide to point it out you can expect the reality to be far worse than what's allowed to be publicized

>> No.17871349

Homosexuals molest children at 4,400% the incidence rate of the normal population

>> No.17871350

Transcribing for future use, hopefully I captured all the typos

First off, take some notes. You are the student and I'm the teacher, this is not how class operates. Second, the phrase "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing" was meant to describe you and your paper. You have no idea what you're talking about. You have no idea what post-modernism means. And your idea of purity and the value of modern self-referentiality is delusional. Not to mentin the fact that you contradict yourself 5 times every paragraph. Your instinct to kill what you don't know is so ordinary as the manifestation of ignorance, it is quite frankly, disappinting. Apparently you are in the wrong place, this class / university, because you are already certain about what you think. You are welcome to back up your points in future papers with research and references, also I'd appreciate it if you didn't contradict yourself every sentence. Also please refrain from juvenile e-mails in the future, we are in college.

>> No.17871351


>> No.17871356

>>Yeah but all homosexuals who are also child molesters are all conservatives.
The image you're pretending to reply to literally contradicts this. Nice try sweetie.

>> No.17871357

RIghtist molest children at 1,000,000% the incidence rate of the normal population

>> No.17871361

Almost all child molesters are men. The feminist were right then

>> No.17871362


>> No.17871371

Mine is a real number that's corroborated within 2s on Google though.

>> No.17871372

I'm confused. They destroyed biker gangs and the mafia but something like this group still openly exists?

>> No.17871374

All conservatives. prove me wrong. you can't? thought so

>> No.17871387
File: 125 KB, 827x1130, 1601825152896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.17871399

Ah yeah. I've read about this one before. Although a taboo result will get increased scrutiny, it does seem to have lots of genuine methodological problems. For instance, not isolating the effects of the same-sex relationship from things like single parenthood.

>The study was met with considerable criticism from many academics[1][4] and scholarly organizations.[5][6] Most notably, only 2 children in the study had actually lived with homosexually partnered parents for their entire childhoods. Many of the non-heterosexual parents were in previous heterosexual marriages, and had then gone on to be in a same-sex relationship at some point. Regnerus removed the effects of divorce, infidelity, single parenthood from his heterosexual 'control' group, but not from the gay parent group.

>"All he found is that family instability is bad for children and that's hardly groundbreaking or new," Gates, who was not involved in the research, told LiveScience.
>In a commentary in Slate, William Saletan writes, "What the study shows, then, is that kids from broken homes headed by gay people develop the same problems as kids from broken homes headed by straight people. But that finding isn't meaningless. It tells us something important: We need fewer broken homes among gays, just as we do among straights. We need to study Regnerus' sample and fix the mistakes we made 20 or 40 years ago."

Are there any better ones

>> No.17871411

Put this in your future book, OP.

>> No.17871412
File: 23 KB, 400x281, 50309F44-5A35-4A38-BFB4-83EFC5E0356E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17871417

How did you make your professor seethe this damn hard?
>implying it's real

>> No.17871442

If this is real, don't be disheartened. Professors are like small bugs who observe human lives and claim to understand it. They know nothing. With that said, in disregarding what it says you should not become arrogant. A young person such as yourself has untold growth waiting you if you work for it. As you are now, you will later call yourself a fool. But don't go thinking that it's pointless and grow resentful. If this man had any care for your development and education, he would have chided your arrogance in a manner that led to realising it yourself without his saying it. As it stands, this letter reveals his own pathetic nature, which has define itself in superiority to the young, as though that were something to be proud of.

>> No.17871444
File: 24 KB, 356x480, 1549854309380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the master and you are the apprentice. Don't forget we also live in a society.

>> No.17871462

Fake and gay

>> No.17871465

>and wrote me this.
you deserve all the Fs

>> No.17871467

Opportunity knocks. Work with him and produce a better piece of work.

>> No.17871470

Based professor putting snowflake college kids in their place

>> No.17871478
File: 215 KB, 512x564, 1601587431979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>report a marxist professor to the marxist authorities
Are you stuck in the 90s anon?

>> No.17871489

Postmodernism is leftist, lefty

>> No.17871511

Should have been a semicolon right?

>> No.17871520

Anyone who takes a position in contemporary politics is a postmodernist. Evola is a postmodernist too

>> No.17871529


>> No.17871535

Bikies aren't imported from Russia like that kid was.

>> No.17871540

Post the fucking essay and full email retard. We can’t say whether he was correct about anything or not yet.

>> No.17871541

Thanks Anon, this will come in handy.

>> No.17871542

>another quality American thread

>> No.17871549

Getting really tired of these conservative larpers on this board, purely postmodern reaction to the dominating media narrative.

>> No.17871560

Then go back to r*ddit

>> No.17871572

I thought /lit/ was supposed to be better than this.
This speculation and pure opinion on a situation none of you have any context for is the exact type of reptile-brained reactionary bullshit the bottom of the barrel boards do constantly.
This is a shit thread with a good premise, OP never delivered on the promise and you guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.17871578

why does it feel I know the second girl?

>> No.17871579


>> No.17871582

What the fuck are you talking about subhuman?

>> No.17871591

/lit/ bad
/lit/ no smart as /lit/ say
Feel shame

>> No.17871620

This is how educators are taught to deal with autistic students, anon
t. pedagogy nerd

>> No.17871625

Because she looks like a stock standard arthoe. I had a gf who was similar but better looking.
This. You're meant to grovel to your professors until you get your masters or PhD, and then go full 14/88.

>> No.17871626

This is pretty inane. There are millions of books on the middle ages too, but not because nobody knows what it is but because there is a lot to say about it. Take the two linked books, do they vehemently disagree?

>> No.17871629

Extremely fake.

>> No.17871633

The "Middle Ages" are actually arbitrarily defined temporal boundaries. "Postmodernism" is supposed to refer to certain philosophical or cultural positions, which is not temporally limited and thus should not be in any sense arbitrary.

>> No.17871662

There are different definitions of the Middle Ages but none of them are arbitrary. Perhaps the neatest is the one by RW Southern who said that the middle ages is defined as the period when the whole of society is identified with the church. There are of course other definitions but none that set the upper boundary at 1945. The conditions sets the dates and not the other way around - not arbitrary. But what are you arguing for here? First pm is nonsense now the middle ages are? Lol

>> No.17871678

>starts bait thread
>never finishes
i’m so disappointed, OP

>> No.17871695

The Middle Ages is one of the best examples of arbitrary "periods" devised by academia. It's not even taken seriously anymore in itself, so I'm not sure why you picked it.

>> No.17871723

at least those creationist elementary school worksheets had a little effort put in them all you did was screenshot your word processor

>> No.17871811

>There are millions of books on the middle ages too
But not about them, that is to say from them.
Casuistry attempt: fail

>> No.17871829

the professor probably doesn't give a shit
there's nothing wrong with comma splices, you're just autistic, they're a part of the language now

>> No.17872033

There are no books from middle ages which write and deal with their time?

>> No.17872147

I keep trying to tell you people. You never listen.

>> No.17872187


First off, take some notes. You are the lurker and I'm the shitposter, this is not how /lit/ operates.
Second, the phrase "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing" was meant to describe (you) and your post.
You have no idea what you're talking about. You have no idea what shitpostng means.
And your idea of humour and the value of modern self-referentiality is delusional.
Not to mentin the fact that you contradict yourself 5 times every post.
Your instinct to kill what you don't know is so ordinary as the manifestation of ignorance,
it is quite frankly, disappinting. Apparently you are in the wrong place, this board / website,
because you are already certain about what you think.

You are welcome to back up your points in future posts with research and references,
also I'd appreciate it if you didn't contradict yourself every sentence.
Also please refrain from juvenile posts in the future, we are anomalous.

>> No.17872286
File: 813 KB, 1575x2100, E26D87F3-0DB4-4243-AAA3-6CE096666565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Wim Blockman and Peter Hoppenbrouwers‘ “Introduction to Medieval Europe” which is often used as a university textbook.

>> No.17872291


>> No.17872300

Drop the course. The professor chose you as a dummy to let loose his frustrations on and he will continue to do it in the future. It’s inappropriate for a professor to respond to a student like this.

>> No.17872505

if fake
>fake and gay
if real
drop the class and find one with a teacher that isn't the living embodiment of dysentery

>> No.17872547

Mafia/Biker gangs counter the system this reinforces it, besides the fact that most politicians are into that sort of thing as well

>> No.17872586

good post

>> No.17872610 [DELETED] 

>>17872547 (You)
shit, forgot to put that I was replying to

>> No.17872618

shit, forgot to put that I was replying to

>> No.17872621
File: 21 KB, 400x400, CE582B3E-0829-49F2-9341-D665660D9849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My professor left me these comments:

“This essay is a bunch of bull crap. I’ve had pilsners that weren’t as piss weak as this essay’s argument, if it may be called that. First of all, you don’t justify why Judas Priest should be superimposed on Ursula K Leguin’s work or why, for that matter, Tolkien isn’t “real” literature like some elitist High Modernist lit bros at my local gym might believe.”

>> No.17872648

That's the problem with the humanities. Literally no objective criteria for passing or failing. Just a belligerent old fuckup and the philosophical words you need to throw back at him or else.

>> No.17872680

Post email and essay, faggot.

>> No.17872702
File: 595 KB, 586x598, 1568504794449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In his undergraduate class, Wallace was kind to the clueless but cruel to anyone with pretensions. When a student claimed that her sentences were “pretty,” he scribbled lines from her manuscript on the blackboard and challenged, “Which of you thinks this is pretty? Is this pretty? And this?” He continued to battle any young man who reminded him of his younger self. When one student wowed his classmates with a voicy, ironic short story, he took him outside the classroom and told him he had “never witnessed a collective dick-sucking like that before.” Wallace promised to prevent the “erection of an ego-machine” and strafed the student with criticism for the rest of the semester.
None of you would last five minutes in his class.

>> No.17872715

I know I hate when profs expect sources for obvious and objective facts such as that Judas Priest should be superimposed on Ursula K Leguin’s work or that Tolkien isn’t “real” literature like some elitist High Modernist lit bros at my local gym might believe.

>> No.17872736

Not "the Middle Ages", which is a Renaissance and Enlightenment fabrication

>> No.17872759 [DELETED] 

if he said the last part in class it would be fine I think it's the cowardly and personal nature of a direct email that makes it uncomfortable and infuriating for example the part with the girl I would just laugh if I was her, plus it would be fun opportunity to here some criticism from classmates if any were brave enough to comment

>> No.17872792

Nah cause I’m a shitty writer and clueless person, so he’d be nice

>> No.17872794

It's not a fabrication except if it's used as a contrast to modernity to mean unenlightened, and no one uses it that way anymore. It's just a convenience to delineate period and everyone understands what it means in context (although the exact years may differ from country to country).

>> No.17872819

In other words, it is an arbitrary classification to make discussion slightly easier.

>> No.17872824

Damn, why is it that leftists have to psychoanalyze everyone who disagrees with them.

>> No.17872840

this right here

>> No.17872919

i hate faggots like this. had plenty teachers who pulled that kind of shit

>> No.17873151


>> No.17873170
File: 825 KB, 1263x624, Screenshot_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adulation lasts me for a life time, and I forget words used to scorn me in like 2 days tops. No man can stop me.

>> No.17873538

What do you write, anon?

>> No.17873550

You need to tell us what you wrote in the email he refers to, though

>> No.17873554

ah yes and also that there is a cabal of blood-drinking satanic jews, that virgins can give birth to babies who resurrect from the dead, that the category of the "natural" makes sense and other such mythological beliefs. Truly an amazing tribe to study, if you are interested in primitive thought.

>> No.17873565

> ITT anon learns that what is based on 4chin will be deemed cringe outside of it.

You beautiful retard.

>> No.17873575

same here. We are the immortal narcisists.

>> No.17873576

Wow, that's unprofessional. Seems fake.

>> No.17873594

The concept of the middle ages is honestly retarded. The idea of a 'dark age' from ~500-900ad in Western Europe between two civilizations(classical(greece and rome) and modern western) makes more sense from both a cultural and economic perspective.

>> No.17873608

I'd burst into tears, I don't give a shit.

>> No.17873614

The administrators are less than Marxists. They're indifferent neolib hedonists.

>> No.17873630

True but I that's cause I wouldn't want to be in a room with a corpse

>> No.17873644

If true, the sole purpose of this Professor is to prove he knows more than you.

This is not a teacher.

>> No.17873729

Anon you need to post the email you sent, or this is worth nothing.

>> No.17873738

>Neoliberals have no problem propping up countless numbers of Marxists and anarchists