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/lit/ - Literature

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17870811 No.17870811 [Reply] [Original]

>read a book
>forget most of its ideas a month later

>> No.17870823

You're suppsed to read physical books and take notes. Otherwise it's just passive reading.

>> No.17870829

I personally like the experience of vaguely remembering a handful of details from a book you read several years ago. It's similar to remembering a dream but different enough to be a unique sensation

>> No.17870832

> Goldfish posting.
You watched too much T.V. as a kid. I've seen this happen to a lot of people. I guess you are destined for the slave class now desu. Sucks pretty bad.

>> No.17870837

this. Sometimes get annoying when youre talking to somebody about the book and trail off as your memory fails though

>> No.17870845

I often wonder what people did about this before you could just google the basic details of a work so you don't look like an idiot when discussing it

>> No.17870861

It just means it wasn't worth remembering

>> No.17870865

or that OP is a retard (more likely)

>> No.17870905

>I often wonder what people did about this before you could just google the basic details of a work
People had better memories before google became a crutch that allowed us to remember without remembering.

>> No.17871027

One must remember what is worth remembering and revise if he wants to continue remembering. This is why you should be picky with what you read because if youre just going to read it once then youre spending time with a one dimensional idea (aka inferior books)... and imo you should rarely read fiction because it interferes with useful information

>> No.17871031

t. bugman

>> No.17871037
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This was me until I stopped spending 12 hours a day in front of a screen and switched to a ketogenic diet. I remember every blink now and am only slightly schizophrenic at worst.

Not even kidding, look up how keeping your body in ketosis improves your memory. Sugar is bad for your brain.

>> No.17871070
File: 13 KB, 400x271, jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it again faggot

>> No.17871098
File: 48 KB, 657x527, apusad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a paragraph
>forget everything and have to reread it

>> No.17871524

Christ what a shitty post. Yet not even a shitpost because it was sincere. Just a shitty post

>> No.17871539

So read it again.

>> No.17871628

>read book
>forget everything about it in a year
>except for the single throwaway about something lewd
I have the mind of a child. Anyone else?

>> No.17871855

>read a book
>forget that I even read it
>nonetheless absorb its wisdom
werks for me

>> No.17871928

I couldn't tell you fuck about the novels I read years back except for some names and the general storyline, and yet they persist in the memory as an emotion of sorts, like a lived experience. If you go on a hiking trip, bond with your friends, and get attacked by a bear, years later you won't be able to tell the particulars of the road, or the clothing you wore, or the food you ate, yet the event would remain forever relevant in the recesses of your memory. After all thats what books ultimately are, the experiences of other men, hopefully great men, intensified through the use of literary language and fictional characters.

>> No.17871933

Write them down then, take notes, write your thoughts down once you've finished the book.

>> No.17871980
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read pic related

>> No.17871986

>read book
>make notes
>read books about book
>reads books that influenced the author
>read book again
>write an essay on the book
>do this for all the author’s books
Everyone wants to pretend you can just read a book once and move on, breezing through the canon with a chapter or two a night while boasting on lit about not needing secondary lit because the ideas of hundreds of scholars are just obvious to someone with a gigachad IQ on first glance. Not going to happen, faggot. You must Do The Work.

>> No.17872036

Maybe I don't want to suck each book down to bone marrow. Maybe I don't want to become an assfucked grumpy academic obsessed with Shakespeare. Maybe I'm cool with just, you know, reading books for pleasure.

>> No.17872140

That’s fine too

>> No.17872153

>read a book 3 times just to read it once
Op just annotate your books and read secondary scholarship/watch lectures about it, plus write essays on the subject matter

>> No.17872333

>Reading for pleasure

>> No.17872359


>> No.17872414
File: 81 KB, 1280x853, raped_corpse_of_a_novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking notes
>writing in margins
Is /lit/ full of females these days? Fuck off with that woman shit, I bet you cucklords also decorate your books with colorful stickers and write a fucking essay to express your feelings

>> No.17872454

You’re an idiot who doesn’t retain any of what he’s read

>> No.17872486

Reading for the pleasure of self-development?

>> No.17872495
File: 13 KB, 657x527, Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a post
>Forget what i posted 5 minutes later

>> No.17872496

Fucking based.

>> No.17872517

>he doesn’t create an extensive personal index on the third reading, binded and shelved, without annotating or destroying the original text
Don’t worry, me neither but I’ll get to it some day[\spoiler]

>> No.17872519
File: 26 KB, 474x508, 1596195859882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a post
>Forget what i posted 5 minutes later

>> No.17872737

True and hardworking pilled