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17868863 No.17868863[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You only say read the Greeks because they were white.

>> No.17868878


>> No.17868910
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>> No.17869006
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Yes why I'm white so I read white people. I like to know about my culture.

>> No.17869015

White is generous.

>> No.17869023
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my ancestor

>> No.17869026

they weren't white

>> No.17869028

They're just so boring. It's such a chore. They were not even interesting thinkers and were so repetitive. What is like the bare minimum of the Greeks one has to read to be done with it?

>> No.17869036

>t. Spics who don’t want to admit they idolize White males

>> No.17869037
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You only say read the Greeks because you have not read them yourselves

>> No.17869044

Plato's early and middle dialogues are fun. Greek comedy and tragedy is fun. Greek poetry is fun . Greek Fables are fun. Late Plato and Aristotle are bores but that's about it.

>> No.17869059
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Yeah that's part of it, what's the issue?

>> No.17869062

I’m Spic and White supremacist. Just Greeks aren’t White.

>> No.17869083


>> No.17869097

Not just that, but that they were foundational for Western European thought. The Tao Te Ching is an incredibly moving work and I think basically everyone should have at least passing familiarity with it, but if someone asks "where do I start" the answer isn't to an offshoot that isn't culturally and intellectually foundational for them, but to start with the people who make a fairly solid beginning for basically everything contemporary.
The issue is moronic newfags either A) don't understand and think they have to read every single fucking work in order to be familiar (or even beyond familiar) with the Greeks or B) are too lazy and brainfried to actually handle reading, and in either case they should go back to wherever they came from.
Fuck you and your shitty bait I'm actually mad

>> No.17869105

make sure you get up to date translations and not jowett. Don't read 19th century translations please.

>> No.17869124

you only say that because you don't want to put in the work

>> No.17869194

do you also like making babies with your cousin in your trailerpark, you backwards ignorant cretin?