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17868563 No.17868563 [Reply] [Original]

do you believe in an afterlife, /lit/? why or why not?

>> No.17868578
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I cannot judge death

>> No.17868612

I want to but I don’t. Why? I’m not really sure. I just can’t “feel” it or acquire the frame of mind necessary to accept that as the case.

>> No.17868649

Not an afterlife, but I think consciousness mutes after biotic life.

>> No.17868839
File: 59 KB, 850x400, quote-the-real-question-of-life-after-death-isn-t-whether-or-not-it-exists-but-even-if-it-ludwig-wittgenstein-36-23-73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17868857

no because it feels like just a cope and I can't convince myself that it isn't

>> No.17869975

It feels exactly like that time before you were conceived. The reality is that your consciousness is an illusion. Your thoughts are just an elaborate scam to sucker you into producing and consuming more adenosine triphosphate. Once you can't keep doing that anymore, you get booted from the server for idling.

>> No.17869979

Yes, because I can't stand the idea that the jews will get away with their crimes without some kind of retribution

>> No.17869987

Was he a Buddhist or a crypto-Buddhist? Sounds like it.

>> No.17870166

no, because i'm of the very /lit/-unapproved opinion that I consist of the atoms which make me up and nothing else. i see the continuance of humanity as a sort of afterlife, though. people will keep living and dying, and it won't be any less real than my life was.

>> No.17870190

i'm not even convinced of life

>> No.17870235

Read about the Rebound Theory of the Universe.

>> No.17870256

Read the Digha Nikaya.

>> No.17870265


>> No.17870297

It doesn't exist. Can't convince myself otherwise even how hard I try. Just isn't natural

>> No.17870326

me neither

>> No.17870338

I'm not even in the business to dispute the rebound theory, it may well be valid. Like Wittgenstein just said though, what does it matter.

>> No.17870349

I think experiential data exists in a electro magnetic field that persists after bodily death.

>> No.17870359

your flippancy for asking this and posting anime is noticed, I will not answer your question.

>> No.17870816

Very much so. I believe that, when man dies, he is assaulted by something dark and horrible, as a test. This is a test of his humanity, and if he has aspired in such things, of his faith in The Father and Christ's sacrifice.
This comes in multiple forms. It can be harrowing by malefic, demonic things. It can be that which the ancient Egyptians depicted in man lying naked and alone, utterly alone, on the cold ground of night, where he must endure til the scarab at his heart, a shard of Keprah, rises at dawn and relieves him.
Even the analysis of ones own life in utter objectivity, where the merest brush of God's hand is an infinite agony of guilt for waste.
Perhaps even Christ had such a thing on the cross, seeing every sin and act of strife man would know, the vast loom of mortal life stretching sidelong into infinity.
There is no failure to this, only how long one suffers in the journey back to Divine embrace. This is the journey up the Sefer Yetzirah, or Kabbalic tree of life, among others. If man does not map and travel this in life, he must do so in death. When he is done and lies in the palm of a celestial hand, man rests for a time until once more he is drawn back to the material, where life begins again. This will occur until the return of Christ, or, very rarely, an individual succeeds in the creation of an alchemical, spiritual body by way of Christ.

>> No.17870835

>This is a test of his humanity, and if he has aspired in such things, of his faith in The Father and Christ's sacrifice.
Why not his faith in Allah and his final messenger Muhammed?

>> No.17870903

The Islamic exaltation of Jesus, the study and preservation of the works of Idris/Trismestigus, and contributions to the Hermetic framework by writers under its skein aside, and religious virtues aside, Islam does not acknowledge the divinity of Christ, and thus loses the largest lense and way to God, theoreticaly speaking. Christ is central to this.
A faithful, virtious Muslim is likely to undergo far, far lesser trivulation in what I have described than, say, a Jew or an outright pagan.

>> No.17871018

No. But the concept is great for art and religion so Im not opposed to others doing so or larping in the right (artistic) xontext. Why is it that intellectual rigour demands stripping away to the point that the very human feelings and needs are left unaddressed? I'm starting to think religious ritual and superstitions are important bros, as much as proper behaviour in social conduct and manners are.

>> No.17871025

No, there's no reason/evidence to believe in such.

>> No.17871038

I am a number written on a page. When I am erased, the Idea of my instance is not destroyed. My aim is to become my Self, i.e., manifest the Idea of my being in the world.

>> No.17871041

>Islam does not acknowledge the divinity of Christ, and thus loses the largest lense and way to God, theoreticaly speaking.
Or they just don’t commit the unforgivable sin of polytheism, unlike you. So who’s right?

>> No.17871048

...it solves the problem of death. Lol was he being serious?

>> No.17871059

How can you not believe in an afterlife? Lol what do you think comes after life? Nothing? Do you think you just cease to exist simply because you stop subjectively experiencing the world around you? Do you think you stop existing when you sleep? I can understand not believing in a resurrection, but how can anyone not believe that after life there is the afterlife?

>> No.17871065

This is what coping looks like

>> No.17871067

>a problem

>> No.17871074

It's probably just an inverse. The nanosecond after you die, you emerge from the womb.

>> No.17871086

Just like you believe that there is an afterlife.

>> No.17871090

And then, with a funny Hispanic accent, you proclaim ‘Oh nooo, not again’

>> No.17871109

Friend, I do not bear any theological prejudice against Islam, and am sqeaking from the perspective of my studies and religious belief. If you want to chalk up what I say as null for falling under the umbrella of what you feel as an errant sin, then I cannot stop you. But Jesus was being very simple when he said he alone is the way and the light.

>> No.17871140

what's the definition of afterlife being used here

>> No.17871261

that isn't even a question. Nothingness itself would be an afterlife. If you say nothing happens after death, you say the afterlife is structured like nothing. This is paradoxical. Because how can you ever arrive at nothing, if there is no "You" within nothing? If nothing happens after your life ends, then your life doesn't end, because phenomenologically speaking there isn't a sucession from one state of experience to another, which means you don't experience your own death. That is quite absurd. Thus what is said to exist cannot enter nothing, it can only become something else. Nothing is reserved for the ground of existence, i.e God. Only God is nothing. Only God experiences nothing. Only after becoming God will you see nothing for what it is, which is everything, because the totality of being is undifferenciated just like nothing.

>> No.17871305

expound on this. What makes Christ distinct from Buddha, Odin and Mohammed? What gives him as an archetype or being his unique power, in bringing us to divinity?

>> No.17871311

I believe in Asuka.

>> No.17871328

>Friend, I do not bear any theological prejudice against Islam, and am sqeaking from the perspective of my studies and religious belief.
And a Muslim does so from the perspective of theirs, and according to theirs, you will burn in hell forever for worshipping the cross instead of the on true god. So, again, which perspective is the accurate one?

>> No.17871340

Thanks, King Autist.

>> No.17871389

Simply put, Christ is the highest archetype of a prophet, martyr, or realized alchemical man. It would take far more than I can type on a flipphone, but to be short this state is signified by the nature of faith relative to earthly force. All authority is derived from the capacity to express physical source greater than any challenger, save authority clad in faith. This is not nessecarily religious faith, but the literal definition of believing in more than what is readily apparent to our senses, or to the physical world as a whole. Faith in the existence of morality, reliability, etc, things which hardly touch the locus of material force. Faith is what raises the fine from the gross, or immaterial from material. What I write on, and what I believe, is such a form of faith, and I hold to Christ because what He explained as teaching is the purest form of this dichotomy, and therefor the strongest path to God. At least, that is my belief, and that is the grist of things for how I have studied, personal experiences of a mystical nature aside.

>> No.17871405

Why would it need to "solve a problem"? What is this retard's problem?

>> No.17871421

Ah, my apologies I misread your question.
I am too much of a layman on comparitive religion to give an academicaly sound answer, so please forgive me in saying that it is faith tied to personal conviction and outlook alone in this truth.
We will, either of us, only be confirmed outside of faith when we die, no?

>> No.17871453

Better question: what does it matter?

>> No.17871457

There's nothing in the world worth believing in, so I believe in something beyond the world.

>> No.17871473

this is the most pseud fucking answer itt. You understood the question, answer it like a normal boy.

>> No.17871485
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My man

>> No.17871512

There is no coping with life or death.

>> No.17871700


Dialectical Monism.

>> No.17871715

i do hope that there is something after death, but i can't believe in it without any proof

>> No.17872177
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>> No.17872809

Yes. Because I choose to.

>> No.17873679


>> No.17873704

Then why do you claim that yours is true, then? This is completely subjective, apparently