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17866743 No.17866743 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like the system is actively trying, in every layer of society to castrate men

All of these "be yourself" campaigns are the system trying desperately to get loser men, neets, hikikomori, incels to drop out of society by either taking a vow of chastity (being gay) or castrating themselves (being trans). Why is this, because masculinity is what builds society? We have become suicidally enthomasochistic in our hatred of men and all things masculine.


So books on why its happening, how its happening and what to do about it.

>> No.17866767
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So obviously the first book that springs to mind is Fight Club, but thats cliche, and I want a book that explores the dynamics of the system a bit more. Also I saw some faggot in another thread say that its a hidden message about gay nightclubs in the 80s, which kinda ruined the book as I read it, with that idea lurking in the back of my head.

>> No.17866774

if you can ignore the propaganda it's less competition for you, why care. especially when there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.17866783

>caring about men

>> No.17866784

"Loser men, neets, hikikomori, and incels" are already effectively castrated

>> No.17866785
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>> No.17866791

Read Houellebecq, specifically The Elementary Particles

>> No.17866800

Personally, I think it's China. They encourage masculinity at home while funding liberals in other countries.

>> No.17866818

Men are the society. If men are castrated then we all suffer.

> it's less competition for you, why care
It's easy to say, but we don't exist in a vacuum, having a bunch of disgruntled pussy men fucks us all.


Men are needed to invent, to build and to maintain and defend everything of significance. If you fuck over the men of your society, well I guess we're just gonna get ass raped by China or all the third world retards of this planet who actually have balls.

>> No.17866826

Because masculinity is a danger to the status quo.

>> No.17866838
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>"Loser men, neets, hikikomori, and incels"
No they can still fight back. That agitation is what sets the conditions for events like Arab Spring. Governments know this, which is why they're committed to emasculating us.

"The System needs a population that is meek, nonviolent, domesticated, docile, and obedient. It needs to avoid any conflict or disruption that could interfere with the orderly functioning of the social machine. In addition to suppressing racial, ethnic, religious, and other group hostilities, it also has to suppress or harness for its own advantage all other tendencies that could lead to disruption or disorder, such as machismo, aggressive impulses, and any inclination to violence."


>> No.17866847

They are actively trying to emasculate western men and turning them into obedient compliant bonobos because they think it will prevent another war from happening but once a stronger more masculine covilization appears they will completely wreck the west and take over. You can see it happening in Europe.

>> No.17866848

To me, this all seems like a loser imagining he has revolutionary potential because he isn't gay. You don't, stop kidding yourself.

>> No.17866859

Emasculated men are easier to control

>> No.17866878

>Men are needed to invent, to build and to maintain and defend everything of significance. If you fuck over the men of your society, well I guess we're just gonna get ass raped by China or all the third world retards of this planet who actually have balls.
Sounds like it's your problem then and no one else's, American.

>> No.17866885

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.17866895
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>Arab Spring
wew lad

>> No.17866899

Look into what Uncle Ted has to say about oversocialization or the leftist psychology in general.

>> No.17866909

Americans are too cucked to do anything

>> No.17866910
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>You don't
What should we do, just give up?

What did our grandfathers fight and die for if we just give up? Its a disgrace to their memory.

>> No.17866929

24. Psychologists use the term "socialization" to designate the process by which children are trained to think and act as society demands. A person is said to be well socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society. It may seem senseless to say that many leftists are over-socialized, since the leftist is perceived as a rebel. Nevertheless, the position can be defended. Many leftists are not such rebels as they seem.

25. The moral code of our society is so demanding that no one can think, feel and act in a completely moral way. For example, we are not supposed to hate anyone, yet almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other, whether he admits it to himself or not. Some people are so highly socialized that the attempt to think, feel and act morally imposes a severe burden on them. In order to avoid feelings of guilt, they continually have to deceive themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions that in reality have a non-moral origin. We use the term "oversocialized" to describe such people. [2]

26. Oversocialization can lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, guilt, etc. One of the most important means by which our society socializes children is by making them feel ashamed of behavior or speech that is contrary to society's expectations. If this is overdone, or if a particular child is especially susceptible to such feelings, he ends by feeling ashamed of HIMSELF. Moreover the thought and the behavior of the oversocialized person are more restricted by society's expectations than are those of the lightly socialized person. The majority of people engage in a significant amount of naughty behavior. They lie, they commit petty thefts, they break traffic laws, they goof off at work, they hate someone, they say spiteful things or they use some underhanded trick to get ahead of the other guy. The oversocialized person cannot do these things, or if he does do them he generates in himself a sense of shame and self-hatred. The oversocialized person cannot even experience, without guilt, thoughts or feelings that are contrary to the accepted morality; he cannot think "unclean" thoughts. And socialization is not just a matter of morality; we are socialized to confirm to many norms of behavior that do not fall under the heading of morality. Thus the oversocialized person is kept on a psychological leash and spends his life running on rails that society has laid down for him. In many oversocialized people this results in a sense of constraint and powerlessness that can be a severe hardship. We suggest that oversocialization is among the more serious cruelties that human beings inflict on one another.

>> No.17866938

27. We argue that a very important and influential segment of the modern left is oversocialized and that their oversocialization is of great importance in determining the direction of modern leftism. Leftists of the oversocialized type tend to be intellectuals or members of the upper-middle class. Notice that university intellectuals (3) constitute the most highly socialized segment of our society and also the most left-wing segment.

28. The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today's leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples: racial equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. All these have been deeply rooted values of our society (or at least of its middle and upper classes (4) for a long time. These values are explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material presented to us by the mainstream communications media and the educational system. Leftists, especially those of the oversocialized type, usually do not rebel against these principles but justify their hostility to society by claiming (with some degree of truth) that society is not living up to these principles.

>> No.17866939

Who the hell was dumb enough to protest in Saudi Arabia

>> No.17866942
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Yeah, I've been reading his manifesto, though I'm aware he wrote several books, I will look into Kaczynski more

>> No.17866945

29. Here is an illustration of the way in which the oversocialized leftist shows his real attachment to the conventional attitudes of our society while pretending to be in rebellion against it. Many leftists push for affirmative action, for moving black people into high-prestige jobs, for improved education in black schools and more money for such schools; the way of life of the black "underclass" they regard as a social disgrace. They want to integrate the black man into the system, make him a business executive, a lawyer, a scientist just like upper-middle-class white people. The leftists will reply that the last thing they want is to make the black man into a copy of the white man; instead, they want to preserve African American culture. But in what does this preservation of African American culture consist? It can hardly consist in anything more than eating black-style food, listening to black-style music, wearing black-style clothing and going to a black-style church or mosque. In other words, it can express itself only in superficial matters. In all ESSENTIAL respects more leftists of the oversocialized type want to make the black man conform to white, middle-class ideals. They want to make him study technical subjects, become an executive or a scientist, spend his life climbing the status ladder to prove that black people are as good as white. They want to make black fathers "responsible." they want black gangs to become nonviolent, etc. But these are exactly the values of the industrial-technological system. The system couldn't care less what kind of music a man listens to, what kind of clothes he wears or what religion he believes in as long as he studies in school, holds a respectable job, climbs the status ladder, is a "responsible" parent, is nonviolent and so forth. In effect, however much he may deny it, the oversocialized leftist wants to integrate the black man into the system and make him adopt its values.

>> No.17866951

This is correct

>> No.17866953

30. We certainly do not claim that leftists, even of the oversocialized type, NEVER rebel against the fundamental values of our society. Clearly they sometimes do. Some oversocialized leftists have gone so far as to rebel against one of modern society's most important principles by engaging in physical violence. By their own account, violence is for them a form of "liberation." In other words, by committing violence they break through the psychological restraints that have been trained into them. Because they are oversocialized these restraints have been more confining for them than for others; hence their need to break free of them. But they usually justify their rebellion in terms of mainstream values. If they engage in violence they claim to be fighting against racism or the like.

31. We realize that many objections could be raised to the foregoing thumb-nail sketch of leftist psychology. The real situation is complex, and anything like a complete description of it would take several volumes even if the necessary data were available. We claim only to have indicated very roughly the two most important tendencies in the psychology of modern leftism.

32. The problems of the leftist are indicative of the problems of our society as a whole. Low self-esteem, depressive tendencies and defeatism are not restricted to the left. Though they are especially noticeable in the left, they are widespread in our society. And today's society tries to socialize us to a greater extent than any previous society. We are even told by experts how to eat, how to exercise, how to make love, how to raise our kids and so forth.

>> No.17866959

high t men are a threat, the ones with low IQ are especially inclined to violence. they're needed during wartime or in a less secure society, but in our post-history air conditioned nanny state world, they have little purpose outside of sports and high risk jobs like fire fighters and cops. post-automation, they'll only be kept around to cater to the sexual appetites of wealthy women

>> No.17866967

>shows his real attachment to the conventional attitudes of our society while pretending to be in rebellion against it
Leftists dont rebel against attitudes and ideologies.

>> No.17866971

>but once a stronger more masculine covilization appears they will completely wreck the west and take over. You can see it happening in Europe.
Whats the solution?

>> No.17866975

Hence the pretending.

>> No.17866988
File: 58 KB, 421x751, bali hai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about politically liberal society, not modern society at large. Although the media is mostly held and controlled by this group, the media isn't everything. It's also fairly strange because at least in my own experience, just being a normal guy will ingratiate you to even the most hardcore and radical of feminists far more than being an outspoken male feminist. Everybody loves a solid dude, that's a fact you can bank on. As far as I can tell, this is a group of guys selectively removing themselves from the world of serious adults.
As far as "why," I'm not sure. But I don't think this is new.
A decent portion of the male population has always been extraneous, expendable, low-quality- excluded from any sort of meaningful opportunity. If they're having kids and a family it's sort of a joke imitation of what a family should be. If they're working a job it's sort of a joke imitation of what a job should be, or they're fodder for jobs which use them as expendable resources.
People's relationship to masculinity is definitely strained these days, on both sides of the dial, but none of that changes the fact that the world loves solid competent dudes with masculine personalities.

>> No.17866998

The Capital is more and more afraid of We The People and needs subdued males to avoid mass rebellion.

>> No.17867000

Our grandfathers fought and died for the interests of world leaders. It is a disgrace to reduce their memory to that.

>What should we do, just give up?
To be honest, I'm not even sure what you want. You say masculinity is under attack but the most popular media right now (Marvel) is just another dipshit masculine power fantasy.

>> No.17867002

When society is at peace masculinty starts to get shunned, once real conflict or crisis begins men will be valued again

>> No.17867011

At this point there isn't one
At least not one that is peaceful

>> No.17867017

You're being very charitable in assuming that the guys who waste their time hand-wringing over the death of masculinity are "solid dudes."

>> No.17867019

>The problems of the leftist are indicative of the problems of our society as a whole. Low self-esteem, depressive tendencies and defeatism are not restricted to the left.
Defeatist faggots example here >>17866848

>> No.17867024

That assumption exists entirely in your head my man.

>> No.17867036

>People's relationship to masculinity is definitely strained these days, on both sides of the dial, but none of that changes the fact that the world loves solid competent dudes with masculine personalities.
Not anymore, people like masculinity in modern society only in so far as it is a necessity, but in every other way, systematically it is being undermined, alternatives are being found for what was previously the job of men, and then the culture pushes further and further, demonizing men.

>> No.17867042

Unironically Nietzsche

>> No.17867052
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>(Marvel) is just another dipshit masculine power fantasy.
Then why are those that are most obsessed with Marvel the most pussified people in the world?

>> No.17867058
File: 215 KB, 863x1390, BMN4CT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to rule forever. Therefore, they want no competition, even if it means that Western Civilization must disappear because the people who built it are gone. The planned dissolution of the nuclear family in order to put women into the workforce under the aegis of feminism was largely designed to displace men, who are far less threatening to the PTB when pushed down into the lowest strata of society and/or deprived of income. If you show any strength as a male, and you do anything but play professional sports and put money in the pockets of those up the ladder, you’ll be “negatively selected” in no time flat. On the other hand, let yourself be emascuated, become a good little flunkie / indoctrination victim, and you’ll be tolerated.

All kinds of natural camouflage and dissemblance are exploited by various organisms from viruses to butterflies, octopi, chameleons, and cuckoo birds in the course of survival and adaptation. The PTB would therefore maintain that all is fair in war and evolution, and thus that what we view as “fraud” is just nature in action. “”Fairness’? Oh, please!” they cackle. “You little people never understood the game you’re in, did you! When all is said and done, evolution naturally incorporates fraud among competing groups – the lion hiding in the grass before it pounces on the impala, the mantis waving gently like a leaf in the breeze before it snatches the fly, the anglerfish dangling its lure. All are exploiting concealment and dissemblance, just as we have done against you! “If you are collectively so stupid as to allow this fraud to be practiced against you because you’d rather watch TV and swill beer and listen to your bought-and-paid-for talking heads in the MSM (which we own) – if you’d rather beg, borrow, and steal like brain-dead suckers to pay us for college degrees that amount to nothing but certificates of indoctrination (by us!) – if you’d rather sit in your churches and swallow a “traditional morality” that has always been absolutely certain to lead to your own extinction – if you’d rather let us pay you for your service using currency that we hand you in the form of debt to us while admiring yourselves in the mirror wearing your spiffy, official-looking uniforms and the shiny little badges we’ve issued you – then why on Earth do you deserve to survive? “Obviously, you little people suffer from a level of moral and cognitive weakness and vulnerablity that renders you profoundly nonadaptive. Man is a social species, so OF COURSE adaptive dissemblance has a legitimate extension into the social realm! You’re simply unfit, you see. We are the evolutionary victors, and as always, to the victors go the spoils! But fear not, you despicable, unwashed vermin. For we, your superiors, will let a few of you keep on drawing breath, if only as our obedient slaves and eternal inferiors!”


>> No.17867060

There are a couple of books related to it.

>> No.17867082
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http://knowledgebase.ctmu.net (CTMU2025)

>> No.17867098

>All kinds of natural camouflage and dissemblance are exploited by various organisms from viruses to butterflies, octopi, chameleons, and cuckoo birds in the course of survival and adaptation. The PTB would therefore maintain that all is fair in war and evolution, and thus that what we view as “fraud” is just nature in action. “”Fairness’? Oh, please!” they cackle. “You little people never understood the game you’re in, did you! When all is said and done, evolution naturally incorporates fraud among competing groups – the lion hiding in the grass before it pounces on the impala, the mantis waving gently like a leaf in the breeze before it snatches the fly, the anglerfish dangling its lure. All are exploiting concealment and dissemblance, just as we have done against you! “If you are collectively so stupid as to allow this fraud to be practiced against you because you’d rather watch TV and swill beer and listen to your bought-and-paid-for talking heads in the MSM (which we own) – if you’d rather beg, borrow, and steal like brain-dead suckers to pay us for college degrees that amount to nothing but certificates of indoctrination (by us!) – if you’d rather sit in your churches and swallow a “traditional morality” that has always been absolutely certain to lead to your own extinction – if you’d rather let us pay you for your service using currency that we hand you in the form of debt to us while admiring yourselves in the mirror wearing your spiffy, official-looking uniforms and the shiny little badges we’ve issued you – then why on Earth do you deserve to survive? “Obviously, you little people suffer from a level of moral and cognitive weakness and vulnerablity that renders you profoundly nonadaptive. Man is a social species, so OF COURSE adaptive dissemblance has a legitimate extension into the social realm! You’re simply unfit, you see. We are the evolutionary victors, and as always, to the victors go the spoils! But fear not, you despicable, unwashed vermin. For we, your superiors, will let a few of you keep on drawing breath, if only as our obedient slaves and eternal inferiors!”
This is great

>> No.17867107

look up who wrote them

>> No.17867121

My self-esteem is great, I'm just calling it like I see it


>> No.17867131

they say all that second part, yet as soon as you start bringing out Mr Guillotine or starting marching bands they start getting really whiney

>> No.17867154
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What the fuck is the point of this
>You say masculinity is under attack but the most popular media right now (Marvel) is just another dipshit masculine power fantasy.
What does a power FANTASY matter if it doesn't result in anything? What he is saying>>17867000 actually proves my point. These "men" need to fantasize because they've been deprived of masculinity in their own lives, and the artificial bullshit of marvel amounts to terrible mimicry of masculinity.

>> No.17867173

>These "men" need to fantasize because they've been deprived of masculinity in their own lives
What is masculinity, to you? And how can it be taken away?

>> No.17867179

And to avoid Mr Gullotine getting wheeled out they decide to castrate us.
All marvel is, is bread and circus, see >>17867058

Guessing its the (((nose)))

>> No.17867237

>What is masculinity, to you?
Masculinity is aggression, power, balls, audacity, stoicism, domination, the ability to enforce your will.

Being a man is having the will to climb a fucking mountain just because no man has before.

> And how can it be taken away?
Boys can be conditioned from a young age and brainwashed, taught that being a man is bad, they are drugged as children for being boisterous, taught that being dominant is a bad thing, see >>17867058

>> No.17867494
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Get me off this hell ride

>> No.17867514

The only answer OP needed enclosed in one sentence. Well done, anon.

>> No.17867530

People with nothing to lose are dangerous

>> No.17867629

It sounds like bullshit. I'm no fan of plastics but they've already been around for a long time and they were used in much more stupid ways in the past. 2045 is not a long time for such a drastic change in humanity to occur. We would already be seeing ridiculous amounts of infertility.

>> No.17867656

Because it’s not useful or perceived as not useful. Men have always been idealized as masculine pretty boys. The pretty boy hasn’t changed but the masculine has? Why? There’s no need for it anymore. They don’t see work as strenuous or the world as unsafe or war as a necessity and so the implicitly violent and harsh realities of masculinity become something to cast off rather than to be appreciated. Hence, you have the elevation of the eboy and the femboy.

>> No.17867663

>all the third world retards of this planet
maybe they're not retarded and your society is the retarded one for castrating itself, ever thought of that buddy?

>> No.17867711
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This is the real answer posed the question ITT.
The left-media establishment wants to redefine masculinity to "supporting my politics makes someone masculine, opposing them makes someone a beta cuckboy", not at all different from what the right wing has done for years.
Don't forget to pay your taxes and support Israel you fucking faggots.
Real masculinity is not being a slave to a bunch of spooks.

>> No.17867723

it could be another cover story for something else making men infertile?

>> No.17867745

China are just source of this garbage

>> No.17867845

this is the book I think https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Count-Down/Shanna-H-Swan/9781982113667
>In the tradition of Silent Spring and The Sixth Extinction, an urgent, meticulously researched, and groundbreaking book about the ways in which chemicals in the modern environment are changing—and endangering—human sexuality and fertility on the grandest scale, from renowned epidemiologist Shanna Swan.
>In 2017, author Shanna Swan and her team of researchers completed a major study. They found that over the past four decades, sperm levels among men in Western countries have dropped by more than 50 percent. They came to this conclusion after examining 185 studies involving close to 45,000 healthy men. The result sent shockwaves around the globe—but the story didn’t end there. It turns out our sexual development is changing in broader ways, for both men and women and even other species, and that the modern world is on pace to become an infertile one.
>How and why could this happen? What is hijacking our fertility and our health? Count Down unpacks these questions, revealing what Swan and other researchers have learned about how both lifestyle and chemical exposures are affecting our fertility, sexual development—potentially including the increase in gender fluidity—and general health as a species. Engagingly explaining the science and repercussions of these worldwide threats and providing simple and practical guidelines for effectively avoiding chemical goods (from water bottles to shaving cream) both as individuals and societies, Count Down is at once an urgent wake-up call, an illuminating read, and a vital tool for the protection of our future.

>> No.17867860

The it fills the masculine thrill-void that lifting, hunting, shooting, fucking, fighting would normally give them.

>> No.17868124

>book about men written by a woman
Hard pass.

>> No.17868131
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>> No.17868143
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>> No.17868164

Kings are the only people not daydreaming about being a king.

>> No.17868200

Masculinity is just dumb. Took society quite a while to realize that but now we're finally eradicating this moronic trait.

>> No.17868226

The comments and like to dislike ratio is a whitepill

>> No.17868246

> I'm no fan of plastics
Why would anyone be a "fan" of plastics? God, I hate zoomerspeak.

>> No.17868406

It's not zoomerspeak, it's the English language. I'm communicating that I'm not an enthusiast of plastics. Some people are.

>> No.17868409


>> No.17868492

in developed asian countries including various chinese cities men are supposed to wear makeup

>> No.17868606

Lol no. Lots of Chinese men are feminine too. They have a huge incel problem.

>> No.17868615

Return to classical/pagan values. A natural balance and respect of both masculinity/femininity rather than the forced shit we have today.

>> No.17868626

By masculimity, I mean things like caring for your community, family, and culture, working towards goals, valuing physical and mental health/fitness, etc. I couldn't care less about aesthetics such as makeup. To me, Chinese society seems to value those things in its men, but in Western society such things are looked down on. (Perhaps I see an incomplete/biased view of the Chinese side of things).

>> No.17868646

China is just as consumerist as the West and their fertility rate is even lower so I dunno.

>> No.17868647

This stuff goes way back. We gave Amelia Earhart a ticker-tape parade in the 1920s for getting flown across the ocean by a male pilot. Feminism and wokism are centuries in the making.

>> No.17868672

Actually it's not, you commie fucking retards. There is no such entity as "The Capital." "Capitalism" is not a group that meets behind closed doors to plan its actions. Capitalism is not central planning and there is no entity called "capital."

>> No.17868690

Lrn2read you dumb faggot

>> No.17868750

If you meant the government it should be "Capitol" not "Capital"

>> No.17869104

based science believer


>> No.17869602

You've got another thing coming.

>> No.17869666
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yup, just started a new initiative to retestoterize the youth
>Last May, a delegate of China's top advisory body, Si Zefu, said that many of China's young males had become "weak, timid, and self-abasing".
>There was a trend among young Chinese males towards "feminisation", he claimed, which "would inevitably endanger the survival and development of the Chinese nation" unless it was "effectively managed".
>Si Zefu said the home environment was partly to blame, with most Chinese boys being raised by their mothers or grandmothers. He also noted that the growing appeal of certain male celebrities meant that many children "did not want to be 'army heroes'" anymore.
>So, he suggested, schools should play a greater role in ensuring young Chinese get a balanced education.

also lol
>"little fresh meats" (小鲜肉). This is a buzzword that refers to young, Chinese male icons who are seen as squeaky-clean, well-groomed, and with delicate features. Boyband TF Boys and Chinese singer Lu Han fall into this category, as do many K-pop stars.

>> No.17869675

Here's my crackpot theory.

Men, when fully realized, have an innate tendency towards independence and toward forming their own system which they then seek to impose on the world. This is the whole story of history until now. This is your Napoleons and Cesars and Charlemagnes, the men who shaped history.

Contemporary corporate capitalism however is a distributed, globalized, nonlocal system of conformist integration. It loathes anyone with the--how shall I put it--balls to contest it. Women have their qualities, and I do not intend to make this a misogynistic screed. One thing they tend to have less of is a lust for power, an instinct to dominate or to replace the existing culture with the one they desire. They are more inclined to behave as integrated nodes in a harmonious network of community. How many female warlords has there been? And I don't mean to suggest that there should be warlords, or that men are not the most destructive sex. I just mean that sociobiologically men have a drive that women tend to lack.

Capitalism wants slaves. It wants a docile consumerist base. It does not want competition. And the statistical fact is that rebellion and unrest comes from the androgenic element. It wants to feminize or androgenize men to render them docile. So that its seamless order may prevail.

>> No.17869696


>A new study has found a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s,

>The average levels of the male hormone dropped by 1 percent a year

>for example, a 65-year-old man in 2002 would have testosterone levels 15 percent lower than those of a 65-year-old in 1987. This also means that a greater proportion of men in 2002 would have had below-normal testosterone levels than in 1987.

>> No.17869698

t. capitalist desperate to uncouple capitalism from its history of failure

>> No.17869717

if this is what failure looks like i cant wait to hear how youll describe what communism 'achieved'

>> No.17869730

based tunisia

>> No.17869735

You don't need a book. I'll tell you why. True men would destroy this degrading society. Masculinity desires independence, but this system imposes hyper dependence on its subjects. Hence masculinity must be destroyed on the road to the new feudal system.

>> No.17869745

>muh communism!
shut the fuck up, dad

>> No.17869746

You are correct. It's no crackpot theory. Don't gaslight yourself. This is the objective reality.

>> No.17869818

>muh capitalism!
seethe zoomer

>> No.17869893
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Real men don't let themselves get fucked over without a fight.
The French revolutionaries, the Bolsheviks, they had enough, took up arms and busted heads.
It takes courage to go up against the establishment. Courage is a masculine quality, and its dangerous to the status quo.
They want to stamp out masculinity because when MEN et angry, things get ugly.

>> No.17869920

Anyone bitching about "capitalism" is a coward who is unable or unwilling to see the glaring obvious problems that we actually face.
The problems we actually face are the insane rules and ideas that dominate our society. We live under collective delusion which is enforced at every level. We are not allowed to speak the truth about women, sex, gays, race, biology, history, or basically anything else. We walk around on eggshells for fear of violating one of the always multiplying rules of speech and thought we live under. Anyone pointing the finger in any other direction is either completely delusional or else purposefully misguiding. We live in a completely upside down world where this upside down ideology is the law of the land and permeates everything.

>> No.17869940

This board is lousy with communists trying to convince disaffected channers that they are on your side, and hate the degeneracy too, and that communism is actually the answer!

The problem is they can never actually name that which is bad and why it is bad. Hey commies. Tell us WHY feminism and BLM are bad. Don't just vaguely allude to them and pretend you feel the same things as us. You can't even bring yourselves to call out the lies explicitly, yet we are supposed to believe your analysis of the situation.

>> No.17869980
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Reactionary romantics who pull their visions of the past from the Sears catalog don't realize that the current order they despise so much embodies the same values more or less as what they're nostalgic for, which was just as dystopian as this Rooms-to-Go ad. Same system.


This is why fascism is a meme and a cope, it's people coping with the fact that modernity stole their way of life. Instead of creating new paradigm and finding new meaning in industrialization and modernization, they stew in resentment -- a modern-day slave morality and exactly what Nietzsche despised.

>> No.17869996
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>And to avoid Mr Gullotine getting wheeled out they decide to castrate us.
The French Revolution was kicked off by the Women's March on Versailles because they were angry at rising bread prices.

>> No.17870001

Unironically, this. The scale and sophistication of their bot networks and online propaganda campaign is frightening. I don’t know why we don’t discuss this.

>> No.17870029
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(((Who))) pushes this ideology and why?
You have to look at the ones who own the media, they all push the exact same messages, the same propaganda to keep the public distracted.
Make no mistake, the people are not as dumb as the (((elites))) would like you to believe.
Opinions show that most people were strongly opposed to gay marriage and adoption prior to it being legalized, yet the legislation went through regardless due to a topdown push from
above. This is only one out of many examples.
They WANT you to keep talking about race, gender, etc, they don't want to you to talk about economics, the real source of their power.
They can push their agenda and legislation because they have the cash, and they have the cash because they set up a system that siphons it from the masses to them.
This system goes by the name of Capitalism.

>> No.17870058
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>By masculimity, I mean things like caring for your community, family, and culture, working towards goals, valuing physical and mental health/fitness, etc. I couldn't care less about aesthetics such as makeup. To me, Chinese society seems to value those things in its men, but in Western society such things are looked down on.
I think Chinese society probably has a lot of similar debates and concerns, but whether you think the official state propaganda reflects reality or not, the value system and set of motivations the Communist Party tries to encourage seem like they're on a totally different axis from what I'm used to in the West that it's just bewildering.

Like one second they're giving you the Legion of Steel with a bunch of ultra-macho dudes singing about the glory of construction. And then the next minute you have cornball 1950s-style musicals:


That's funny, because it does remind me of the 50s, but it's not the patriarchal father telling his kid to clean his room, but the youth venturing out to go on adventures, and gender egalitarianism is a very strong theme there.

>This board is lousy with communists trying to convince disaffected channers that they are on your side, and hate the degeneracy too, and that communism is actually the answer!
Honestly I think the average /pol/tard would enjoy living in a communist country, it's just that they haven't realized it yet.

>> No.17870163

They just print the money they want. They don't need to do all this for the sake of economics.

This isn't some grand conspiracy where they don't actually believe in this anti racism stuff or it is just some sideshow. It is the main course and it pervades the highest levels.

And again, you are not actually saying WHY it is bad. Your argument for why it's bad is because it distracts from economic Marxism. No. Fail.

>> No.17870188
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This is right-wing Russiagate. Face it, the West is in crisis and fails to inspire its people and its youth, they don't feel they have a future, so they are looking around at alternatives even if they don't really understand what they're looking at -- and often project their own views onto societies which are really complicated (that's another form of cope). You can't import the Chinese or Russian system to the U.S. and just copy it, anymore than you could transplant the American system onto those countries and expect it to work. That will never work.

But still, there's an attitude that "the West is the Best" and has it all figured out and doesn't have to learn from anybody else. In the U.S. we call that American Exceptionalism. They don't think that way in China. They study everything we do, and they take what they think is good and will work for them, but they're selective about it.


>> No.17870195

Communism is so fucking based. Bros I love and vote for my communist party every elections, why are communists so great? Remember to only vote for the IMCWP-affiliated party for your country :) Love! And solidarity!

>> No.17870207

Read The Reign of Quantity by Guenon and then read Weininger's Sex and Character and ask yourself what happens when the two poles of gender are blurred together by you know who.

It's a great distraction when people don't know who they are. When people know who they are, the natural strengths of their archetypes are unleashed and interesting things happen. When nobody knows who they are, activity cancels itself out in brownian white noise and history ceases.

>> No.17870263

i'd imagine 5-10 of the guys in that pic fucking hate wearing that shirt but would be fired if they objected

>> No.17870269


>> No.17870649

the chink bots are doing nothing whatsoever that the Jews and their pets the SJWs and the various Western NGO funded bots and astro-turfers were not already doing on a mass scale. their shitty little Chinese knock-offs operate with the full permission of Big Talmud and its completely fake and fraudulent ad numbers. their operations are carried out with the full consent of the Jew controlled media which refuses to report on their activities, and the Jew and communist riddled echelons of academia which refuses to "study" their activities. so what is there to discuss?

>> No.17870678

>Honestly I think the average /pol/tard would enjoy living in a communist country, it's just that they haven't realized it yet.
they already do. why are communists so blind as to what their own ideology produces? you really need a helicopter ride

>> No.17870720

I think so too.
Look at this new booklet that is now being used as standard curriculum in BC
The whole book is a list of everything awful white people (as white people) have ever done, ignores any nuance or context (for example, bringing up a case of a black man being denied entry to a movie theater while ignoring that this went on to cause an outrage and was even denounced in Parliament as an injustice), then occasionally shoehorns in the Chinese with phrases like "Though frictions existed between some Chinese and Indigenous peoples, they also formed great friendships" and stories of solidarity between Chinese people and Blacks or Natives.
It's obviously got a lot of money behind it, but it reads like Protocols Of Zion tier propaganda. It even has ominous phrases like "A reckoning is long overdue." (p.55)
Ultimately the people who are really at fault are arrogant white boomers and liberals who scream down anybody who points this out, but white people need to wake up to the kind of dangerous propaganda being pushed and ask some hard questions about why it has so much money and influence behind it.

>> No.17870741

You know, you really don't have to get so worked up over something you can't control. I don't know why some men have these masculinity issues, literally nobody is obsessing over your masculinity as much as you are. It's pathetic and only serves to make you look like a child in an impotent rage. Get help, have sex, dilate.

>> No.17870749


>> No.17870760

>My self-esteem is great

>> No.17870773

>You know, you really don't have to get so worked up over something you can't control. I don't know why some women have these feminism issues, literally nobody is obsessing over your femininity as much as you are. It's pathetic and only serves to make you look like a child in an impotent rage. Get help, have sex, dilate.

>> No.17870814
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when men get together things can turn into a situation where you have ride or die niggas on a mission really quickly

>> No.17870848

The natural state of man is killing each other. Natural state of woman is to consoom and reproduce. Estrogen in the water is intentional.

>> No.17870864

Satan of truth. They even have memes from a few months back about young men succumbing to some filthy rich sugar mommy so they don't have to work hard anymore.

My take is that modern society simply doesn't need masculinity as a solid object anymore. Our way of living no longer requires it, so it became nothing more than a wandering spirit, got caught by feminism and now a puppet for politicians to lure ideologues and sow dissent.

>> No.17870910

>They even have memes from a few months back about young men succumbing to some filthy rich sugar mommy so they don't have to work hard anymore.
Based, it's a real danger and possibly the only way forward for western males.

>> No.17870941

the yang to that yin is that masculinity does not need modern society, and will certainly begin to express this by seceding from it as the Jewish central banking system's covid "great reset" unfolds

>> No.17871157

good stuff anon where can I read more about this

>> No.17871202

Claiming that masculinity is a cover for homosexuality is one of the channels by which homosexuality is used to destroy masculinity.
Until the dick enters the recipient, it's innuendo at worst, which men find hilarious.

>> No.17871210

Effeminate men make better consumers
Masculinity is derided because masculine men are less interested in buying pointless shit

>> No.17871221

Unabomber Manifesto

>> No.17871236

>How many female warlords has there been?
supposedly there was a major one in Somalia that executed something like 80-90% of all men in that country.
It might be why Somali men are such pathetic creatures.

>> No.17871277
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You vill eat ze bugz

>> No.17871414

> Based, it's a real danger
No it isn’t, maybe for the top 10% of chads, but no woman wants to fuck your average dude

>> No.17871447
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>> No.17871455

Women love war, it reduces the male population and lets them pick out the best ones that survive more easily

>> No.17871477

Women never suffer during war, becoming a rape bride is better than just getting killed

>> No.17871558

I've always found this line of rhetoric funny

>Women ruled the world, there would be no wars.

Because they feminists claim to be believe men and women are equal, then in a Freudian display of double think simultaneously believe that women are these civilized pacifists.

men women equal but women better

>> No.17871597

This might be the only non-retarded thing Langan ever said.

>> No.17871612

Who is the one in the middle? Is she Margaret Thatcher? (IDK British leaders very well)

>> No.17871622

A society tending toward automation begins to find the masculine traits that had previously served to enmesh men in specific kinds of physical labour a threat when undirected.
A society valuing games and leisure begins to evolve. Ideally we would have found ourselves heading toward one based around physical games and outdoor activities, but instead, for whatever reason, we have chosen to become masters of virtual environments where these masculine traits are needed even less, or simply simulated when called upon.

>> No.17871636

Women suffer constantly, which is what makes them least qualified to talk about suffering.
A creature who lives only at night has no standing to talk about the merits or shortcomings of either light or darkness.

>> No.17871664

Thatcher is bottom right

>> No.17871667

>Women suffer constantly

>> No.17871672

>Women suffer constantly
F for all the poor women out there

>> No.17871675
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>> No.17871682

Lack of knowledge and information. Possible parties to blame: Parents, educational system, individuals. Possible cure: Life-long education.

>> No.17871685

They are truly so spoiled and pampered they are disconnected from reality
Whenever I read the most retarded takes on the internet they are almost always by a woman because these individuals never suffer any consequences for being wrong

>> No.17871706
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Can't be too mad at them. They can't help that they're retarded.

Imagine if you were a woman, imagine being someone who no matter what you did or said the chances of you getting punched in the face were near 0%. How would you live? How much power would you have? How disconnected from reality would you be?

>> No.17871766

Hang on the cognitive dissonance in this one is a little too much to fully take in.

>> No.17871787

>especially when there's nothing you can do about it

what makes you think that?

>> No.17872252

It’s similar to when you see those stats where it shows

>Epidemic of homeless women on the rise, 1 in 8 homeless people are women, something must be done to stop it

>> No.17872514

Good post.

>> No.17872541
File: 35 KB, 720x717, 583C8566-006A-455C-80A4-10A64051A29F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay bucko- how do we radically reform every aspect of our society from a Kazakh Tea Forum? Btw our system is armed with the most dystopian and all-encompassing surveillance apparati there has ever been AND is also terrifyingly effective at incorporating and rebranding any and all dissent or critique. Go.

>> No.17872614
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Imagine being so overdosed on soi and xenoestrogens that you think Marvel is a paragon of masculinity

>> No.17872650

A few years of war, civil unrest and violance should do the trick

>> No.17872659

Yeah because that fixes everything

>> No.17872675

you'll just create even more debt and hand further power to the bankers

>> No.17872722

You wanted solution to masculinity crisis, not solution to everything. The only way to reform numales in OPs pic is trough long period of mass violence. They will perish either literally or metaphorically and become actual men

>> No.17872762

Aggression AND stoicism?

>> No.17872771

How do they conflict?

>> No.17872778

Aggression is a kind of passion

>> No.17872795

Can the stoic not be passionate?

>> No.17872805
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>150 posts
>literally nobody mentions deindustrialization


>> No.17872836

it's more about automation of industry

>> No.17872837

No, he cannot.

>> No.17872871

Doesn't matter. The point is that you don't need the ideal of a burly masculine man with big muscles and aggressive attitude in an office building. It should be obvious to anyone that social roles are in part constructed by the material environment in which they exist; a coal miner is a tougher man than a bougie office worker and that's because the job demands it.

And jobs like in the coal mines and the steel industry barely exists in Western countries.

>> No.17872882

Why not?

A stoic should be passionate in the matters that concern him and that he can have affect over, he should be accepting of that which he cannot change. No where have I read in Stoic thought can a Stoic not be passionate, life warrants passion, and a Stoic is to live in accordance with life and nature.

>> No.17872918
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This is what they took from us...

>> No.17872963

You have to be over 18 to use this website

>> No.17872973

>I don’t know why we don’t discuss this.
Because there are more important issues we need to address anon, like innocent black people getting shot by police as they try to break the law peacefully

>> No.17873070

Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave

Without just one nest
The bird can call the world home
Life is your career

Flowers bloom and die
Wind brings butterflies or snow
A stone won't notice

A tiger can smile
A snake can say it loves you
Lies make us evil

>> No.17873079

it doesnt. You are basing your assumption on twitter trannies. Go outside

>> No.17873830


Read BAP.

>> No.17873999

Whats BAP?

>> No.17874223

Because masculinity represents aggression, competitiveness and dominating people. All these things are in direct contradiction to what is considered good and moral by western standards.

>> No.17874259

On the Genealogy of Morals

>> No.17874488

Being gay is hardly chastity.

>> No.17874540

Good point, chastity from women?

>> No.17874792

Eh.. aggression, domination, and enforcing your will isn't masculinity. We have other words for that. Definitely not my idea of masculinity.

>> No.17875059

Indira Ghandi

>> No.17875178

>Definitely not my idea of masculinity.
Okay whats your idea of masculine?

>> No.17875188


Bronze Age Pervert. He's a weird (probably) gay Romanian, but he writes somewhat about this. Bronze Age Mindset and Masculinity Amid Madness are his two books.

>> No.17875235


>> No.17875425

where is this from

>> No.17875493

>You say masculinity is under attack but the most popular media right now (Marvel) is just another dipshit masculine power fantasy.
those two things aren't incompatible. that sleight-of-hand is used pretty often. "yeah we're reducing your pay, but look at these benefits packages you get!" "yeah the ability to be an autonomous male is being eroded, but look at these depictions of manliness. that guy is just like YOU!" etc.

>> No.17875500

Culture of narcissism by christopher lasch
It just comes down to trends about feminism/ woke capital recently imo; lots of masculine men are still revered even if not by the liberal establishment but I agree there has been constructed a system that causes male alienation

>> No.17875534

>should we ban plastics then?
>"NO we need a carbon tax!"
>"pay no attention to multinational conglomerate producers of cheap shit peddled to morons and 3rd worlders"