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/lit/ - Literature

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17866674 No.17866674 [Reply] [Original]

My writing professor has a, let's just say, limited intellect. I often see her reading popular junk by nonsense authors. So I am easily the best writer in the entire class. My professor knows this and it infuriates her. I know this as I have a reputation among the faculty as a superb craftsman. Everything I write is an A+ work; but she finds the most god awful nitpicky ways to bring the grade down. She misunderstands the entire text wilfully. She makes the most asinine remarks. She has no business teaching, let alone placing herself forward as a professor of higher learning. It is clear that she feels intimidated and threatened by my talent. I even went as far as to collect three other papers by subpar writers in the class who graded above me; one was about a boy werewolf who got involved in band, the other was a very obvious feminist piece about her first period and abusive mother. Needless to say the remarks across those writings were euphorically supportive. At this point I believe I should have her fired and teach the class myself, but the faculty continually treats my complaints as that of a petulent child. Is there a method to devise some satisfaction? I very nearly wrote her an anonymous email telling her she should be raped, were it not for it being very obviously from me as I am the only one with a host of complaints against her.

>> No.17866695

>I should have her fired and teach the class myself
>the faculty continually treats my complaints as that of a petulent child
as they should

remember this moment, anon. in a few years you will not be able to reminisce without wincing

>> No.17866708

Is she cute?

>> No.17866717

>one was about a boy werewolf who got involved in band, the other was a very obvious feminist piece about her first period and abusive mother.
There are no bad themes just bad writers. How was the actual writing in those pieces?

>> No.17866732

>I have a reputation among the faculty as a superb craftsman
>Everything I write is an A+ work
Post your writing, we will be the judge of that

>> No.17866748

Post your writing.
If you want pity, then /lit/ is not the place for that.
>I very nearly wrote her an anonymous email telling her she should be raped,
Do it, faggot.

>> No.17866763

This is probably because you write like shit.

Post writing immediately

>> No.17866866
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>> No.17866889

Outstanding thread.

>> No.17866905

I give this thread a C+, sorry anon but you are just not there yet.

>> No.17866914

Post a story, you masterful mind.

>> No.17866932


>> No.17866982

>I once was a roofer
>I remember my undergraduate degree
fuckina hedberg association lmfaopqrstuv iud uti

if this is real, yeh yr being a child. just keep writing & the audience will decide or adjust your pov uti iud.


so check your backwards copywroghters.

& buy my books.

>> No.17866992

That sucks bro, just rape her

>> No.17867064
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>> No.17867073

You are a fucking retard and the way you typed this post made me extremely angry. Fuck you

>> No.17867169

You are the annoying loud person in a uni class

>> No.17867172

>that post
>that image
I think your teacher is right.

>> No.17867183

Oh fucking shit my sides

>> No.17867212
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lmaooo thats fkn funny

anyone got an interesting story to tell while we wait for OP's work?

>> No.17867221
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That's what happens when you let women educate a child after the age of 8. You end up with a faggy manchild like OP.

>> No.17867445
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>> No.17868291
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>My philosophy professor has a, let's just say, limited intellect. I often see her reading popular junk by nonsense authors. So I am easily the best thinker in the entire class. My professor knows this and it infuriates her. I know this as I have a reputation among the faculty as a superb craftsman. Everything I write is an A+ work; but she finds the most god awful nitpicky ways to bring the grade down. She misunderstands the entire text wilfully. She makes the most asinine remarks. She has no business teaching, let alone placing herself forward as a professor of higher learning. It is clear that she feels intimidated and threatened by my talent. I even went as far as to collect three other papers by subpar writers in the class who graded above me; one was about Kant's categorical imperative, the other was a very obvious feminist piece about Simone de Beauvoir. Needless to say the remarks across those writings were euphorically supportive. At this point I believe I should have her fired and teach the class myself, but the faculty continually treats my complaints as that of a petulent child. Is there a method to devise some satisfaction? I very nearly wrote her an anonymous email telling her she should be raped, were it not for it being very obviously from me as I am the only one with a host of complaints against her.

>> No.17868421

Pour sugar down her gas tank.

>> No.17869875

Judging on this snippet alone, you have issues with word choice and tone; your prose is likely purple, and the A+s that you receive from other professors is likely due to the automatic curve that exists almost everywhere in the humanities. Post some of your actual writing, you pseud.

>> No.17870078

this is excellent
cope and filtered

>> No.17870085

Is this pasta/bait? You write like a high schooler.

>> No.17870104



>> No.17870124

>supeurb craftsman
Just how I imagine op. Made me laugh.

>> No.17870130

I personally didn't think this was good bait, but you hooked a lot of anons.

C-, use more commas.

>> No.17870132

Isn't the semicolumn redundant if it's followed by a conjonction? I'm ESL so it's an actual question.

>> No.17870308

OP here

Here's a passage of my craft. This one is about an alcoholic child getting kicked out of a public house:

>Unhand me, stupid grownup! I burp and burp. Feels good. See sky through the window. Window blurry, smudged. I drank at least 3 of those things. Never imagined them to taste so bitter. So sweet they looked on TV. The man serving me what a loser. Cannot believe he believed when I asked him to believe it was for my father. Cannot believe some dumb idiots work for this place. Get off me you shitty shit! Stop looking at me dumb woman! Everyone looking. Who cares I will be gone from here soon. Wonder if my parents will find out. Are police coming? Don't want to get in trouble. Not Dad and his belt again. Or his signet ring. Dad drinks a lot, too. Signet ring so green with emeraldy green. Green green green green. I will vomit. I want to vomit. I feel like vomiting. Where's the bathroom! I shout it loud everyone thinks I'm being a dumb kid I want I need to vomit! I vomit on his shoes. The big guy who smells of laundry detergent and cigarette smoke. The shiny shoes so unpolished so polished after vomiting. My arm hurts where he grabs me. Get off me, Dad.

>> No.17870314

>My writing professor has a, let's just say, limited intellect.

Stopped reading there. You sound like an Eliot Rodger pseud.

>> No.17870363


>> No.17870371

Yeah, I'll be honest with you. It's bad .

>> No.17870386
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>>Unhand me, stupid grownup! I burp and burp. Feels good.

>> No.17870577

Imagine to unironically write diffuse, uninteligible, futile and irrelevant things like that then feel moral superiority because the populace doesn't seem able to understand your genius for writing it

That's post-modern art politics in a nutshell. You're not better than anyone, you're just some self-absorbed asshole with a lot of experience on writing dense texts that no one cares, specially when they're able to decypher what you mean, that maybe can get a contract on a publisher that will use your bullshit to move taxpayer money around.

>> No.17870613

Great writing post more.

>> No.17870620


Bit jealous are we?

>> No.17870622

Honestly, I write like this. I like it.

>> No.17870627

You guys don't even know if that guy is the real OP or someone who is pretending to be OP

>> No.17870633

Frog, do your magic.

>> No.17870664
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>OP is buttmad someone with better prose is impersonating him
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.17870669

Superb craftsmanship anon

>> No.17870756

Dispute the grade and carry through with the threat to, this is a formal process at every University. Document heavily, and solicit example papers from peers for comparison. Do not let on they are from frens, if they are.


>> No.17870783

>not Dad and his belt again

>> No.17872442

This is unironically good

>> No.17872656
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>> No.17872763

Praise Karras

>> No.17873056

>people unironically think this overtly self absorbed writing is anything but garbage
actually let me correct that
>people unironically think they could bait others by claiming this is anything but garbage
congrats on the (You)s OP
genuinely entertaining thread and A+ if it's improv and you didn't spend time actually planning this shit

>> No.17873107

>Is there a method to devise some satisfaction?
I can already tell you can’t write

>> No.17873613
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you're welcome

>> No.17873712

She’s obviously tsun tsun but waiting for you to make the first move.
Start making aggressive sexual advances towards her and those grades will go up.
Fair warning, she’ll expect you impregnate her before the end of the semester; is an A really worth being tethered to this woman for the next 18 years?

>> No.17873760

Told you so. You're delusional. The only way you'll get rich with this shit is if you suck off some corporate overlord or politician to live off "culture stimulus" money, not because your writing is something anyone would want to read.

>> No.17873770
File: 1.68 MB, 1769x1059, cum chalice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read the thread, post more Alucard faggots

>> No.17873810

I’m pushing 30 and I find I no longer have the energy or desire to make really involved, creative shitposts like you.
Everyone else here may be shitting on you but I’m legitimately envious.
Our shitposts are our legacies, you should be proud.

>> No.17873881


>> No.17873947

Terriable bait.

That being said, even in a bait thread, please use semicolons correctly. Contrary to what you seem to think, semicolons are NOT a fancier version of the comma. Do some googling to learn more! A helpful hint for your incipient journey into English grammar: it's almost always ungrammatical to proceed a coordinate conjunction with a semicolon.

>> No.17874555
File: 17 KB, 320x330, 1615967943927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Keked

>> No.17874665

It's bit a bad bit of SoC. Just needs to be less juvenile

>> No.17875153

quality content thanks

>> No.17875189
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>> No.17876316



>> No.17877525

netflix alucard is fucking disgusting.

>> No.17877553

You should try to make her look good and feign deference to her authority and wisdom. That is how you get ahead in this situation. Arguing, undermining, and being elitist is going to do the opposite of what you want, as it always will.