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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 246 KB, 1200x1200, GE GE GE GAAAAMEEERR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17866108 No.17866108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious thread. For me it was reading the turner diaries by William Luther Pierce it was really that which made me question the democratic system and conservatism as opposed to something less "laid-back" and more action oriented (feel like i need to say im not a terrorist nor do i support it). Although it wasn't a masterpiece of literature per say it was able to envoke feelings in a strong way.
I think one reason why it was so important is because i already were racist and so on before reading it but i previously hadn't been able to accept it or think of my self as one because my moral compass was so "normative". Although it was fictive, the examples of conservatives abandoning the organization resonated within me as such things happen often with conservatives giving up on "their" believs whenever it was comfortable aswell as generally not standing up for their friends and fellow conservatives.

>> No.17866118

>le relatable age dubmler bumbler meme

>> No.17866122
File: 52 KB, 600x600, not_today_CIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole post glows very brightly, intentionally or not

>> No.17866127

I cant understand caring enough about anything to feel hatred. seems kinda gay ngl.

>> No.17866137

threads like this should be a bannable offense. please stop posting on here you underage retard. reminder to sage

>> No.17866141

Camp of the Saints
Culture of Critique

>> No.17866166

Lol I was gonna comment the TD when I saw it.

>> No.17866170

I hate cuckservitaves too but this post glows hard as fuck. I suppose not literature because I don’t read WN cringe but watching the Christchurch shooting made me feel that way.

>> No.17866175

I feel old

>> No.17866178

you care about not looking gay tho

>> No.17866184
File: 478 KB, 1639x1323, 1565142311806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average /lit/ poster is 19.5 years old philosophy/english student and looks like

>> No.17866197

>per say

>> No.17866203

Nothing should make you feel like that pic exactly, because the powers that be are happy when the few people who notice their bullshit decide to go shoot up a fucking laundromat instead of actually changing society. It's like taking your frustrations out on individual mushrooms at the surface when the fungal colony actually extends meters underground in every direction. The mushrooms will just grow back. Instead, help rival root systems grow and be healthy. The system is currently flailing pathetically. Whenever you think of "the system" and all its cronyism and millions of ways of preventing dissent, think of Hillary Clinton's face in one of the 500 butthurt "but it was MY TURN!" interviews she's done since losing. That's the real face of the system.

Anyway, you should read The Warwolf (Wehrwolf) by Hermann Lons. You'd love it. Get the newer translation.

>> No.17866224

This. The system can easily coopt movements that only act within it(ie Richard Spencer) or individual “lone wolves” who just strengthen it.

>> No.17866226

>no slurs or profanity
>Deliberate lack of consistent punctuation and capitalization
>"feel like i need to say im not a terrorist nor do i support it"
>extreme /pol/ meme
yep we got a glowie here lads

>> No.17866230

>goes to the gym for most of the day
more like virgin fantasy

>> No.17866247
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Do your own research you lazy glowniggers

>> No.17866263

My advice to anyone feeling this way (like the fumer) would be to give the computer a rest for a day. Just go for a walk outside, take a nice bath or shower, curl up on the couch/bed with a favorite book, etc. Just relax.

>> No.17866292
File: 178 KB, 569x797, glowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever is this analyst's boss, FIRE THIS GLOWNIGGER

>> No.17866306
File: 1.52 MB, 4320x1800, antifa chuds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, more like

>> No.17866304

this is straight cringe. these memes are supposed to be funny or at least relatable. this is cold steel the hedgehog

>> No.17866358

Dang, I fulfill most of those traits.

>> No.17866395
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>> No.17866397

>looks don't matter, just go out and talk to girls
>hawhawhaw look at those low T feminine incels with thick glasses lmao I bet their politics are derived out of resentment towards girls lol
Why are normies like this?

>> No.17866401

>/lit/ is full of incels
>no /lit/ is full of antifa
You're both wrong. /lit/ is full of retards.

>> No.17866411

Most of the obsession with chin volume and shit is coming from other incels

>> No.17866538

Because they say the first thing to flatter themselves backhandedly about their personality.

>> No.17866574

damn being 16 must be rough

>> No.17866578

i know right ppl on 4chan are so mean :/

>> No.17866590

I appreciate your frank honesty.

You mention that you were already racist before reading the book, and that the book made you more accepting of these feelings. Do you think the book has acted more as a means of confirmation bias, rather than a catalyst for insight? As in, did the book help confirm to you that your racism is justified, or perhaps righteous?

I ask whether you would try to disconfirm your own beliefs, not because it is socially acceptable to do so, but because actively trying to disconfirm your own beliefs can lead to a better understanding of where you align yourself. If you only ever sought out information that was already in alignment with your preexisting beliefs, you might never discover anything new about yourself or others.

Where to start? I don't have a specific recommendation. Maybe someone else does. But I think the meme "start with the Greeks" is fitting. Then, slowly make your way through the Western canon. See if anything... literally anything from our long history of philosophy can bring you some new perspective. Perhaps this classical route is also fitting because it means there are no possibilities for foul play, as you might think about modern books of impact. Plato does not wish to shill to you, so trust he will give you his honest observations. And follow along even if you don't agree. Just try it.

>> No.17866623
File: 1.03 MB, 264x360, anthony hopkins senile.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honeypot thread

>> No.17866634

I'm not racist or a nazi and I dislike the current system and all but I cannot be on the whole white ethnostate shit you faggots are into, that sounds retarded to me. I'm against all forms of violence. Also go back to /pol/ please, this board gets a bad name because of easily influenced terrorists like you.

>> No.17866762

Because they lack empathy, intelligence, and perspective. In other words, they're retarded.

>> No.17866868
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Fuck people like this, useful idiots. This js the guy who will ditch it all the second a black person is nice to them.
It's about more than hate for the system, it's about love of something different.

>> No.17866877
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Hitler ruined the NSDAP and lost the war. Grow the fuck up

>> No.17866891

hitler was the product of the NSDAP, grow up

>> No.17866915

You're a retard

>> No.17866920

these people do not exist, every person like this from highschool turned out to be skinny manlets who draw their only strength from easy to consume hate. Oh no trannies and muslims are taking over the world.

>> No.17866923

The science of Dialectical Marxism is immortal.

>> No.17866937

Caesar btfod the republic and democracy lost for a couple centuries.

>> No.17866943

I wish I had a time machine...

>> No.17866969

To do what

>> No.17866978

To destroy democracy

>> No.17866986


>> No.17867001
File: 106 KB, 782x682, 1585535160682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to strengthen that feeling? Being angry 24/7 isn't precisely healthy no matter what your based friends told you but I get why you would want to feel that way. Anger is at least a proactive sentiment while the fear and hopelessness that come from accepting the worse part of human society can be paralyzing however there's no real way to avoid them for long you will need to become more and more detached from reality to keep this mindset. Coming to terns with the worse parts of ourself can be a terrifying and titanic task but you will become a stronger and wiser individual once you do it believe me.

>> No.17867021

Because it's gay

>> No.17867034

Uhm so I could be an honorable farmer ruled by a based king that could come and fuck my wife and daughters whenever he felt like it

>> No.17867044
File: 21 KB, 645x973, 6ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uhm so I could be an honorable farmer ruled by a based king that could come and fuck my wife and daughters whenever he felt like it

>> No.17867125
File: 43 KB, 750x749, EuqHqNUVEAIaCHF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Placing high emphasis on your baser, most immediately reactive rage
>Fermenting a personal dogma against outsider communities you likely have never intimately engaged with
>Externalizing self-hatred

As opposed to
>Doing the labor of deciphering your negative feelings
>Overcoming the natural friction of a diverse society in order to cultivate a community that will not only challenge you but help you through your deep psychological wounds

>> No.17867147
File: 9 KB, 267x400, gringo fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a new symbol

>> No.17867478

Picrel is peak pathetic cowardice and resentment. White nationalism has this psychological effect. Blame all the worlds problems and personal idiocies onto the the jews and rage at them like an idiot while the elites are having a blast at you destroying the trade unions that gave you protections.

>> No.17867543

What would it say about you if the man you considered a coward beat your face in and absolutely fucking physically dominated you. I know you are too elevated above such beasts to even consider such a thing, but if so what is a coward to you? You are like a bitch using a vague and in modernity almost meaningless word as an insult, but that is if no surprise as this board has testosterone levels as low as Reddit.

>> No.17867626

But not to the point of hating things that look gay

>> No.17867666 [DELETED] 


>> No.17867677

>wigger nationalism
Lol no. Embrace Nick Land(pbuh)

>> No.17868207

I chuckled at OP's pic.