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/lit/ - Literature

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17865793 No.17865793 [Reply] [Original]

Why are schools so bad at getting kids interested in books?

>> No.17865808

it's a dumb idea. most people dont need to read /lit/ nor should they want to, especially now that we have tv. illiterate pop with monk class is the norm and it will always be that way. even when everyone can read for most its 7 habits of highly effective people and ya.

>> No.17865811

Because most kids are emotionally stunted coomers.

>> No.17865819

because schools don't give a shit. they couldn't give less of a shit about getting kids interested in anything. the only reason they even bother teaching kids anything is because there's quotas and shit they have to fill.

schools are there to destroy children and that's it.

>> No.17865828

Modern school is for learning how to be a drone and follow rules. Reading books gives people ideas. Corporations don’t like that. They want docile placated masses that aren’t full of hormones or ideas.

>> No.17865831
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Because they read historical fiction about slavery, Holocaust “memories”, obscure retarded Opera book club picks, and than spend 3 months on Romeo and Juliet instead of reading all of Shakespeares works in that time. They don’t teach fact reading techniques and instead drag a book along, and drag it out further through test and essays that barley scratch a work. They utterly disregard the context of the Western canon and do not foster an interest in participating it through organic connections made by the student and taking part in it through literature and poetry. They turn literature into something as sterile and objective as a Algebra or Chemistry. They try to suffocate that rare poet who may emerge, by making reading and writing a chore.

>> No.17865883

Because they jam anti-racist, anti-sexist boring shite down their throats. Most boys I knew thought all literature was like The Scarlet Letter at best or Handmaid’s Tale at worst until they were well into their 20s.

>> No.17865904

Because they only exist to force feed you marxist propaganda and make you feel bad for being hwhite.

>> No.17865963

Why is OP so bad at getting interested in women?

>> No.17865998

>thinking about kids' sex lives

>> No.17866031

Whatever, is “emotionally stunted hormone driven idiots” better for you?

>> No.17866138
File: 111 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would the American IQ drop if kids read The Hobbit instead of The Great Gatsby?

>> No.17866179

This. People chose ephemeral entertainment over unlimited knowledge. I guess knowledge was guarded for the few for a good reason.
This, also

>> No.17866228

>women need to be the focus of your entire existence
Fuck off

>> No.17866269

・Libraries on site (kids don't have money to buy books and don't have cars to go to local libraries)
・Teachers letting you read in class if you finish the material early

・Forcing kids to read specific books
・Really bad choices in specific books (either books that aren't interesting for a child or are just boring in general)
・Making a kid read something they don't understand (Shakespeare without explaining Early Modern English, haiku without explaining what haiku is or how you read it)
・Teaching that a book can only have one specific meaning
・Acting as if all books are objectively great and if you dislike any book for any reason you are wrong

>> No.17866270

>Modern school is for learning how to be a drone and follow rules.
This. School's job is to make you ready for wageslaving.

>> No.17866281

school in america is kid prison. it's to keep us off the streets and from engaging in healthy gang activity.

>> No.17866327

because most high school english teachers are bitchy roasties that are mentally incapable of relating to their students, even future roasties in class

>> No.17866398

At least in the US, the majority of people who end up teaching in public schools are unimaginative dullards who mentally check out of the subject they're teaching within a few years. The people I know who went into the education field here are enough to make anyone consider homeschooling.

>> No.17866699

Government mandated education's purpose is to create and socialize productive worker drones to be thrown into the cog of the societal machine. How exactly does interest in books fall into that goal?

>> No.17866745

Schools are bad at everything besides impelling conformity

>> No.17866813

Schools are prisons, they don't exist for the purpose of education.

>> No.17867499

It's the way in which books are taught - slowly inch your way through a novel, analysing and interpreting every detail, and writing essays every time you finish a chapter. It's not how a book is meant to be read, and essentially crushes any enjoyment/interest you might have garnered from it had you read it yourself

>> No.17867540

Well, that and being big kid day care so mom and dad can go to work.

>> No.17867604


Big time this these days. Early on I think it was a more centrally directed attempt to create uniformity and social cohesion. When populations in the west were still more significantly split into rural and urban or other ethnic/language groups the nation-state could build that national civic identity through more uniform compulsory education. But that purpose is pretty archaic now as most people are SO familiar with the shared experience of being socialized through school that it doesn’t really register as an issue. But with COVID you can see how pressing the daycare issue is to parents, since they’re all begging the government to reopen schools so their kids can get the fuck out of their house.

>> No.17867664


Public Schooling, at least in America, was implemented to get Poor and/or Immigrant children out of the workplace, or at least that's how it was pitched. The *Germans*, who created our modern education system (The Prussian Education System) created it to socialize children to become obedient & productive citizens, more ready for military recruitment & officer training. American Education reformers were fully aware of that fact, but implemented the system anyways because they thought the benefits outweighed the possibility or side affects of socialization. So today, we have a "day-care" system, which was used in the past to keep kids off the streets and away from work, that is socializing future generations of Americans into accepting the values of *educators*, because more time is spent with them then parents. A prime part of why the world and society is the way it is.

>> No.17867710

Your mistake is thinking schools are there to educate people and not merely indoctrination centres

>> No.17867813

This, but unironically

>> No.17868163

Nice strawman, fag.

>> No.17868168

Little kids don't want to read books and never have. They have other stuff they want to do.

>> No.17868206

Be aide they have a bizzare authoritarian curriculum designed to get the little ducks to memorize trash instead of teaching them how to learn about and do the things that interest them. Education's failure to inspire a love of learning and creation is why our democracy cannot work.

>> No.17868225

>pathological to observe how young people behave

>> No.17868240

Schools do not have getting kids interested in books as a goal.
The goal of compulsory education is to turn kids into wageslaves, which means getting them to follow orders from bureaucrats, sit still for long periods of time, and do meaningless boring things for 8 hours a day.

>> No.17868268

Half the garbage we had to read was anti racist stuff. Modern school is just globohomo wageslave indoctrination center.

>> No.17868346

i was not being ironic. the american public education system is evil. the few good souls who try to actually provide knowledge and wisdom to the youth trapped within are, by selling themselves to a system that is inherently evil, equally evil for lending their good likeness to a thing so wholly corrupted. i hate a good teacher as much as i hate a pedophile teacher and i see no reason not to group the two together, just as the system does.

>> No.17868357

>i see no reason not to group the two together, just as the system does.
by acting like the system you are approving of it in a way imo

>> No.17868384

have you ever farted and thought it was proof you were haunted?

>> No.17868404

can't say i have

>> No.17868415

t. thinks having to read a book with a black person in it is anti racist propaganda

>> No.17868447
File: 24 KB, 325x499, school is intellectual cuckholdry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


spot on

many schools are so violent that the "Keeps kids out of trouble" claim falls apart

"We have exposed speedways as spurious public utilities by noting their dependence on private automobiles. Schools are based upon the equally spurious hypothesis that learning is the result of curricular teaching. Highways result from a perversion of the desire and need for mobility into the demand for a private car. Schools themselves pervert the natural inclination to grow and learn into the demand for instruction. Demand for manufactured maturity is a far greater abnegation of self-initiated activity than the demand for manufactured goods."

>> No.17868464

>"We have exposed speedways as spurious public utilities by noting their dependence on private automobiles. Schools are based upon the equally spurious hypothesis that learning is the result of curricular teaching. Highways result from a perversion of the desire and need for mobility into the demand for a private car. Schools themselves pervert the natural inclination to grow and learn into the demand for instruction. Demand for manufactured maturity is a far greater abnegation of self-initiated activity than the demand for manufactured goods."


>> No.17868471

ITT: lukewarm takes by underage zoomers

>> No.17868485

>hides his take
stay out of the fucking rodeo if you ain't man enough for it

>> No.17868512

you probably can't. If it's homework then they'll just see it as an obstacle to their daily routine of being wired to cyberspace 24/7. You could make them more interested by picking books whose protagonists they can relate to.

>> No.17868550

>5-12 years old, it's really easy to read to kids, or get kids interested if they aren't brainlets
>12-17, teens are too preoccupied with shit to want to read. if they are forced to read they already hate the book before they read it because it's been forced upon them
teens should be reading lots of short stories, they are short enough to do in one class sitting while also providing kids good material while also being adhd enough for them.
18 years old, kids might actually want to start reading.

>> No.17868554

school is fine, most of you are just utter faggots expecting schools to give you good taste when that can’t be taught anyways

>> No.17868669

don't think the primary objective of school is to rear you into being a knowledgeable well-rounded adult beyond teaching you basic english and math skills. i cant recall 99% of the shit taught to me in public school, i believe it for the most part wires young people to prepare for spending many hours doing inconsequential labor as it applies to most of the workforce.

>> No.17868884

Because people who actually read good books and are able to get something out of them are smart enough not to become public school teachers. Half the teachers I had thought John Green was a genuinely great author. I would see them read stuff like Ready Player One. I once had an English teacher in middle school who never heard of HP Lovecraft, and when she tried reading him after I said it was really good, she said it was too hard. I got lucky once with one teacher who actually really understood how to explain poetry and why it worked instead of just vaguely putting it on a pedestal

>> No.17868894

Why are schools so bad at getting kids interested in books?

they are just trying to teach mexicans how to use indoor plumbing and convincing them that ghosts arent real at this point
the public school system is nothing more than daycare/detention center to keep niggers and spics off the streets during daylight hours so there are less 14 year olds stabbing old women for 20$

>> No.17868906

in the historical scale american public education is a massive success. a higher percentage of the population is literate than probably ever in history. maybe 1/3rd of the great gatsby is the hardest thing they will ever read in their lives, but that's still pretty good considering the historical standards.

really the sad failure of the american education system from an engagement perspective is it doesn't at all foster a culture of deep literary knowledge. the people at the bottom don't know that much less than the people at the very top. elon musk dropping terrible "wating for godot" puns is really the furthest we get towards actual literary engagement in public culture. lit degrees from most schools just spit people out without any standards. i don't know if this is as much a failure of the education system as it is a shift in societal values though. if people generally don't value being well-read then the schools aren't going to do a good job teaching people to be well-read.

>> No.17869043

Because they make reading into jailhouse slave labor.

>> No.17869200

There are some decent takes in this thread, but it's clear that most people here haven't been to high school in a while and don't have a deep understanding of the school system. There's really not some systematic agenda to brainwash students into societally productive drones. Schools are not smoothly-run enough to actually operate with that single-minded of a purpose, and pretty much any school is just a loosely bound collection of individual faculty who fall somewhere on the spectrum of not-giving-a single-fuck to trying-but-failing, with a few beacons of hope sprinkled here and there.

A teacher with a solid base of knowledge and a good relationship with the students can get them somewhat interested in certain texts, but in a lot of cases, it's basically a lost cause. The average kid is much less literate than you probably think, and in most cases they literally don't want to read or think about anything that doesn't directly involve themselves or have an accompanying photo, video, game, etc. I know it's cliche and sounds like boomer complaining, but they are by-and-large apathetic when it comes to almost anything rigorous and/or abstract, and many simply want to sleep through class no matter what you're asking them to do.

Having students analyze every bit of the book is grueling, yes, but otherwise, most of them will not understand a goddamn word of the book, and you will have nothing to grade them on either until you have finished the book, which is a no-no from an administrative standpoint. Another big issue is how you actually read the book. There are only a few option, and they're all pretty bad:

>1) the students read it outside of class
They simply won't do it, even if there is some sort of grade associated with it.
>2) teacher read-aloud
Many students will tune it out and just go to sleep
>3) audio-reading
See above
>4) students read silently
See above
>5) student read-aloud
Students can't read with expression, so it's painful to listen to and then students tune-out/go to sleep/etc.

These are just a few ramblings, but this is a bottomlessly frustrating topic that seems to have no real solution besides the realization that reading is simply mean to be a niche activity.

>> No.17869221

>OP never mentioned age besides liminal space high school pic

>> No.17869224

Kids don't like having to do homework. Reading is often assigned as homework. Thus, there is a negative connecting made.

That's it.

>> No.17869257
File: 413 KB, 487x366, proudy_internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could much of this be addressed by allowing students to study content that actually interests them?

the paternalistic mistrust that administrators have for students to self-determine seems to be part of why students are the way they are. Treating them like children will produce students that behave like children.

I'm a fan of the montessori model which basically says, you're not allowed to fuck off and do nothing, you have to do SOMETHING this semester, but what you pursue is up to you.


>> No.17869276

I remember getting in trouble as a kid during class reading, because I would be like 5 chapters ahead of everyone else and the teacher would say "you need to be doing what everyone else is doing".

>> No.17869292

They absolutely are. Their dysfunction assists their function. The mean thing is to get kids hypnotized into regimented work. School, home, school, home becomes work, home, work, home. If kids were well educated by the school system, they'd realize that they are slaves.

>> No.17869364
File: 237 KB, 778x1024, ACC2EAD5-4735-44F7-8BB4-4DAF328AE8D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would increase

>> No.17869370

ive had some nice teachers, but yeah, I've never had an English teacher who genuinely seemed passionate about writing or reading, and they always dejectedly assigned us shit like the alchemist

>> No.17869386

yeah, kids basically grow up away from their parents, and these teachers are absolutely no substitute

>> No.17869410

this was exactly how it went for me

>> No.17869418

yeah this has been my public school experience

>> No.17869430

I have a lot of sympathy for Montessori methods, and I think greater choice is definitely needed. This is probably a boring answer, but I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. Students should be encouraged to learn about what they are interested in because they need to learn how to be self-motivated and they need to see learning as a way to better themselves and get what they want/need. At the same time, if left to their own devices many students would never develop certain skills or competencies simply because they didn't want to (imagine as a parent if you told a kid they could eat whatever they want at all times--their diet would be shite and they would never branch out and try new foods). Your point is crucial, and teacher prep programs pay lip service to giving students choices, but very few teachers actually put it into practice. It's something I'm striving to do more and more in the classroom.

I think your characterization is a bit extreme, but I'm interested in your viewpoint. How would a better system be designed? How could school function in a way that did not essentially enslave students?

>> No.17869448

that teacher was an npc

>> No.17869461

You seem to have some pretty specific knowledge in this area. Do you have any book recommendations I can use to read up on the history of the American education system?

>> No.17869472

the school only objective is to grade the student, giving them an interest in litterature is sceondary at best. Also most kid don't have the attention span to really get into it

>> No.17869488

firstly, public schooling shouldn't exist
secondly, just have a home library and no computer, your child will 9 times out of 10 be drawn to reading
don't rely on schools to educate your child, parents are responsible in all the ways that matter; good dinner table conversation, push for reading/studying/outdoor time, consistent and healthy meals and sleep, and all around guiding your child's interest
school's are only good for socializing your child and killing their creativity (which you need to help foster by exposing them to extracurriculars/letting them choose certain aspects of their free time)

>> No.17869507

>could much of this be addressed by allowing students to study content that actually interests them?
harder to grade

>> No.17869750


leftists are so tiring and boring.

>> No.17869808
File: 31 KB, 600x599, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What "good" books would HS students be receptive towards?

>> No.17869846

Because they FORCE kids to read shit chosen by committee based on politics and then teach them that reading is about FILLING OUT PAPERWORK

>> No.17871079

I used to think The Catcher in the Rye but lately I've seen most young people (mostly females) hate the book due to holden not being a likeable protagonist, as if all books that have a protagonist you don't agree with or relate to aren't worth reading. I guess male students would probably be receptive towards it.

>> No.17871113

>are so tiring and boring
Ironic as fuck. I am so fucking sick of poltrash and its influence on this site. Go back

>> No.17871156

I had a teacher who assigned the class a book he never read. He only taught english so he can coach baseball

>> No.17871198

FUCK public schools. The vast majority of them are full of gigantic retards. The disparity between the few smart kids and everybody else is extreme. I went to a small catholic school (pretty much the same group of 30-40 kids from grade 1 to 8) and then attended a public high school of 5,000 students. The stupidity you encounter on a daily basis blew my tiny head. The teachers you can tell who actually cared about the subject matter either became burned out years before or struggled daily to get through a class(every kid expected the teacher to do the bare minimum and let them goof around).
They were writing essays at age 16 like I was writing at age 10. My senior year English class, we had a project where we make a presentation of our ten favorite books and why we like them. Majority of 17-18 year olds were listing books they read in the 6th grade, or literal picture books. People were shocked that I put down hamlet(we had just finished reading it in the class) and books appropriate for a 18 year old. The class would literally bitch and moan everyday about reading Shakespeare. We had a training teacher sub in for half the year in that class, he had a career change and wanted to help out the community. I can see the his hopes and dreams slowly drain away from his eyes as the semester progressed.
This was a middle grade public school in a $75,000 a year large town in california. School was like 75% white 20% hispanic and 5% everything else (me)

>> No.17871234

Because they don't give a shit about anything but grades. I was lucky to at least have an English teacher who saw potential in me but I didn't start reading till my twenties despite this because I failed in all other aspects of school and came to see myself as a failure. Some of the smartest people I've met are wasting their lives away because school made them feel that was all they're worth.

>> No.17871239

They're run by teachers who are given the cool-aid about how they can raise a whole generation of scientists and presidents. So instead of actually being taught by accomplished people, they're being taught by people with delusions of grandeur who think that they're making the world a better place by getting some bastard child to read The Hunger Games. I have never met a sub-college teacher who actually enjoyed any form of serious academic or artistic study. They're actually very similar to /lit/ in that they like the idea of intellectualism, but don't actually care to crack open a book and read. My grandmother was a teacher and she didn't even know some of the bigger names in philosophy, such as Nietzsche. If teachers were surveyed, how confident could anyone be that the majority of them knew who Proclus or Hermann Hesse were?

It's a massive LARP fest where children are trained to be obedient and scheduled. To learn to just go with the flow and coast by on the minimum amount of effort, never actually demanding anything meaningful. It's a whip, like those used on slaves, but this whip costs us trillions of dollars.

>> No.17871248
File: 72 KB, 700x525, and_here_is_our_negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> School was like 75% white
> 20% hispanic
> and 5% everything else (me)
wait a second .............................

>> No.17871274

A. Go back to your shithole containment board
B. I'm not black, but if I was, I would still be more intelligent and wealthier than you

>> No.17871280

Imagine putting a bunch of growing boys, surging with testosterone and HGH, in a stale classroom and telling them to keep quiet and sit still and expecting them to come out healthy

I was addicted to pornography at the age of nine years old. It's been eleven years since I saw my first porn video and masturbated to it.

>> No.17871295

*if I were

stay in school, DeShawn

>> No.17871298
File: 71 KB, 600x769, c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay in your shithole

>> No.17871306
File: 36 KB, 900x455, 423157-devourer-quotes-1702495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why else would I need to read multiple memoirs about American slavery in Denmark? We spent more time on Blixen than Kierkegaard when I was in school. We had to read Mark Twain but never touched Holberg or Grundtvig. America is a pathology that has infected the world but even that is not enough, villains like you deny it that you might demand more of it.

>> No.17871308

Forcing people to read books they don't like is probably the biggest factor.
Maybe it would help to let students choose between ~3 books for each topic.
I'd imagine it's much more interesting to compare and discuss different works, instead of talking about the same book for months.

>> No.17871309

such self-hate. SAD!

>> No.17871326

The totality of all American classes on The Great Gatsby comes down to "the book is about the American dream and symbolism, symbolism about the American dream"

It is a completely worthless exercise, even internally (there's so much more to Gatsby).

>> No.17871333

>that quote
every day im more convinced Dosto was a prophet of some sort
that's the best summary of objections to the left I've ever read

>> No.17871339

Pathetic how simple the poltrash brain is. They have 10 words total to express their thoughts and it seems to be adequate. How easy is it to spot one more poltrash migrant fresh off the assembly line. Copies of eachother, no need for actual bots anymore

>> No.17871346

go back

>> No.17871355

> this butthurt because he thought "if I was" was correct

>> No.17871358

>this butthurt because somebody mentioned that white kids are retards

>> No.17871375

If you work hard at grammar, maybe one day, we will say that you're eloquent

>> No.17871379


>> No.17871381

THERE it is. Hilarious how thin skinned pol trash are. Thanks for confirming my assessment faggot. Now return to your shithole

>> No.17871384

Bitchfaggot trash. Go back

>> No.17871386

Don't just blame the schools, blame the parents as well.

>> No.17871392

You can tell schools went the wrong way since you don't even learn the basic skills to survive nor how to make simple things like pottery, sewing, skinning animals, making fire and gardening. They make you choose a course that you have to spend money on and in most you don't learn any of those basic skills.

>> No.17871393

How do I read more about this? Sounds interesting and you sound knowledgeable.

>> No.17871395

That's just silly, the central focus of Gatsby is clinging to the past to the point of forgetting all reason. American dream is just another small thing making the full picture with all the other little things. Gatsby could have easily been living in England or France and the story would still work.

>> No.17871397

kek, all this over "if I was"

>> No.17871400
File: 61 KB, 850x400, quote-civilization-advances-by-extending-the-number-of-important-operations-which-we-can-perform-alfred-north-whitehead-31-36-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't even learn the basic skills to survive nor how to make simple things like pottery, sewing, skinning animals, making fire and gardening

>> No.17871401

That reminds me a lot of something CS Lewis said:
>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.

>> No.17871402

Because of lecturing at a shitty pace + weird monotonous "what did the character mean by this" exercises.

Most kids in general, though, simply see literature as something for old people and nerds. I remember i really liked reading as a teen but never did it at Highschool. Not even in the library. I thought it'd make me look like a spergy pseudo-intellectual

>> No.17871406

kek, all this over "School was 75% white"

>> No.17871408
File: 393 KB, 567x430, and there's something terribly sad and banal about that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's just silly, the central focus of Gatsby is clinging to the past to the point of forgetting all reason.
If nothing else you've made a convincing argument that schools shouldn't insist upon literacy in the general public.

>> No.17871409

The teachers are all women

>> No.17871410

> "if I was"

>> No.17871413

we have a winner
women do not belong in academia

>> No.17871422
File: 118 KB, 1080x1020, EdiidUSXsAA8uQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17871428

And you're a triggered little faggot obviously angry at somebody triggering you pol pea brain

>> No.17871431

Care to elaborate?

>> No.17871435

kek, the irony. After making a post about how smart you are and how retarded everyone else is, you reveal that you lack basic grammar knowledge. And you're being weird about race too

>> No.17871436

Imagine trying to compete with hundreds of other more exciting and easily available things. Like porn. Like social media. Like youtube. Like alcohol. Like...

>> No.17871449

you'd think a guy who brags about his essay writing abilities would know how to form the hypothetical

>> No.17871458

Not in the slightest.

>> No.17871459

>Unironically being a grammar nazi on 4chan
No you're a polfag who got triggered, and then like all desperate retards start scrambling for anything to reconcile the post. Go back

>> No.17871471

kek, you genuinely thought "if I was" was correct

>> No.17871476
File: 64 KB, 960x960, 1616636551297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they don't understand the ultimate redpill. That reading itself, the act, sucks shit. Its the stories that make it worth it, not the act of reading the story. Thats what teachers miss, they have not taken the bookpill

>> No.17871486

kek, you genuinely were angry at the idea of retards being white kids that you found a grammatical error as a "gotchu" and now believe it doesn't make you look like a pathetic faggot

>> No.17871493

the important question is: did you know that "if I was" was wrong?

>> No.17871502

the important question is: did you know you were triggered by a statement that attacked your image board derived thought system?

>> No.17871503

HAHAHAHHA I knew it, you didn't

>> No.17871508

HAHAHAHHA I knew it, you were triggered. Now go back to your shithole faggot

>> No.17871516

go back poltrash

>> No.17871525

If I was

>> No.17871526

lmao hows a book gonna get me money and pussy nigguh? aha xDDD

>> No.17871556


Absolute garbage is usually chosen by teachers. In year 12 one of our books for the year was the Kite runner. The other was Romulus my father. The first is on the nose, cheesy, tasteless garbage for stupid old women and the latter is actually a pretty good bit but it's really boring. Neither have much meaning and what is there is obvious and benign, and panders hard to the status quo.

If people are going to read mediocre shit, they'd rather just watch it. I'm almost tempted to become a teacher myself just so I can put something a bit more Kino in school curriculum.

>> No.17871630

There are Chinks, Flips, Chongs, Japs, Gooks and three dozen other variants of Zips too. You know.
Murrikans are unhealthily obsessed with their Negroes, truly.

>> No.17871733

>civilization evolved
>don't know how to skin a rabbit
>apocalypse happens
>die from starvation because never thought how to skin a rabbit
Yeah, sure thing Alfy. How about I shove your whitehead on a desert island and watch you try to survive?

>> No.17871751

you are retarded and do not understand the concept

>> No.17871761

Explain, then.

>> No.17871767

If you were starving, your brain would be extra focused on solving the problem of skinning a rabbit until you figured it out. Or you would just eat the bunny with fur and everything.

>> No.17871788

The point is to tie you up with desultory non-sequential reading until you’re model making faculties are utterly bamboozled, incapable of making inferences or getting at the heart of things. Rote memorization and teaching the tests produces Mandarins. It’s their self-preservation instinct to eschew books and reading entirely and they’re more right than wrong on that account — mere ‘entertainment’ market for trash fiction and pulped hagiographies is what most are being initiated into, if at all

>> No.17871808
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>There's really not some systematic agenda to brainwash students into societally productive drones
Banking interests bought out the relevant institutions and textbook publishers with that aim turn of the 20th century; Common Core is Satanic, and good faith or bad, you are nescient

>> No.17871835

American schools are daycares that prepare and in due course entice the unkempt hordes towards wage slavery. The Canon is irrelevant; what is relevant are books that support whatever ultimately trivial social problem is in ascendancy, so as to provide a veneer of meaning and relevance to what is nothing more than test preparation to differentiate between those who will be pulling lever and those who will be telling them to do it. Read at home. I learned absolutely nothing about literature in highschool.

>> No.17871918
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Big brain take anon

>> No.17871941

>Or you would just eat the bunny with fur and everything.
but then you would die from dysentery caused by consuming uncooked meat.

>> No.17871972

What made you think that bunny wouldn't be roasted over fire? But even if it weren't, you don't get dysentery from eating freshly killed, uncooked meat on its own, it has to be infected with some of the microorganisms causing the disease. In fact, you are more likely to get it from contaminated water or unwashed vegetables.

>> No.17871989

But speaking as someone who is currently a teacher, I can assure you that even if that is the intent, it isn't happening in most cases. Most teachers are hardly even using textbooks any more, societally desirable traits like obedience and discipline are becoming less and less emphasized, and student productivity is at an all-time low (and I don't mean just this year due to COVID). If the school system is trying to brainwash kids into being drones/wageslaves, it's so ineffectual at doing so that might as well not be the case.

>> No.17872017

A good portion of wild rabbits carry Tularemia. https://healthfully.com/dangers-eating-wild-rabbit-8459597.html

>> No.17872041

both of you fuck off

>> No.17872058

I guess antibiotics would be a must in the bag, since the article says you don't even have to eat the rabbit, just have an insect bite you.

>> No.17872091


Eastern European here, the school only made me hate books. Having to memorize stupid ass two-hundred-year-old poetry, having to read some depressing hundred-year-old story about some depressed commoners, having to read books set in the most boring settings, having to read books about people's interpersonal relationships with which you can't identify for shit, no choice about anything just depressing pre-war, war, post-war, living under soviets gay ass literature.

>> No.17872185

Kids either like reading or they don't, and that is usually determined before they even enter the school system. If their parents read to them regularly in their early childhood, they'll usually take a liking to it on their own. Even if the school reading assignments are all boring shit, they'll have enough initiative to search for books that interest them in their own free time. If their parents are neglectful midwits who never read chances are their offspring will be the same. Schools have little to no influence in this.

>> No.17872214

Now I really like literature so I feel like I should defend kids reading at school, but it is a hard sell. Teachers are unqualified, kids raised by the internet can't relate at all these basic human struggles at early age, the tasks you give with the literature are often boring and pointless.

>> No.17872246

>never been taught in school herb medicine
>Alfy still thinks your brain will automagically learn what plants to gather before you die from the poison

>> No.17872301

'firstly' 'secondly' you know you can just use first and second right brainlet?

>> No.17872463

Imagine a person of this intellect being drawn back to school, a place filled with morons who probably bullied them.

>> No.17872488

because the only books you read in school are about race, class, or gender.

>> No.17872551

Performative intellectualism because they're PMC aspirants who missed the mark, so they need another way to assert their class identity (chuds / uneducated / working class / rightists are synonyms)

>> No.17872577

>implying it's not the same person

>> No.17872604

>knowyourmeme filename

>> No.17872753

>Highways result from a perversion of the desire and need for mobility into the demand for a private car
uhhhh Dwight Eisenhower commanded the construction of interstate highway for transporting war materials.

>> No.17872982

because school gay

>> No.17873134
File: 145 KB, 585x396, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While true, the author was speaking in a panamerican context. There's no reason Bolivia needed an international highway system mimicing the one in the US when a simpler road/vehicle system would have served their needs better at a more affordable cost. But instead they and other developing countries hamstringed the potenial of economically activating as many people in their country as possible by building an expensive highway system which only benefits people wealthy enough to have a car. Modern accredited education does a similar thing, gatekeeping who is and isn't allowed to share knowledge regardless of their actual or expertise. This is also why high schools and colleges are mostly staffed by passionless dead end halfwits.

>> No.17873218

Because Schools are NOT parents, and because of inane funding laws most schools just pass kids who can't read rather than have their funding get cut for some moron child with parents that don't give a shit about their kids education. Being in ninth grade and listening to some chucklefuck stumble through a sentence for a fifth grade reading level book was torture.

>> No.17873229

>Teachers letting you read in class if you finish the material early
I wish this were true. I got reprimanded for reading in class, despite getting straight A's.

>> No.17873243

>>Says the christian apologist who browbeat everyone around him about how not being christian was bad
CS Lewis wasn't even a good writer.

>> No.17873292

They choose the worst book imaginable.

>> No.17873771

This. It's just a bunch of divorcees reading chicklit

>> No.17873863


Great answer. Out of all the combinations of books you can make a kid read and all the different ways you can try to teach literature, the fact that we can't force books down society's throat shows not really a failure of the institutions but of the society which continuously rejects them.

>> No.17874270

the answer is becoming increasingly politically charged

>> No.17874363

No, school from K-12 is glorified babysitting. There's no ulterior motive. Even if there was a high-level Jewish covert operation to inculcate us with a wage slaving mentality, the incompetence of public school teachers makes the execution of such a plan impossible. Don't you remember how incompetent Ms. Smith was, Anon? Once you get to college, you're old enough to be expected to have developed agency. An adult who decides to study something that only acts as a pipeline to wage slaving has nobody to blame but himself.

>> No.17874433

Gatsby is showing us how even though americans (and most other "democratic" countries) believe that nobility is a thing of the past, it still exists. Even if you make millions, you still are not seen as an equal by "old money", just as some prole that had some luck. You can never become like them if you are not born into their world, and ultimately they don't give a fuck about you.

>> No.17875418

they tell us to read without first reading from it to spark an interest

>> No.17875521

>Even if you make millions, you still are not seen as an equal by "old money", just as some prole that had some luck.
this is rather ironic that "old money" Americans see themselves this way when most of those families were themselves proles that got lucky not so long ago, the US as a nation is really just a prole that got lucky with finding a good plot of land.

>> No.17876571

Even more reason, there's a lot of degenerate lit they would enjoy

>> No.17877118

sounds like you got filtered

>> No.17877212

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.17878777


>> No.17879211

If that is true then Fitzgerald did a poor job presenting it, because all I'm seeing is cowardice and greed, rather than some disdain because of class differences. In fact, Nick is from "old money" family and he respected Gatsby.

>> No.17879221

ITS ABOUT THE JEWS. It's in Jew York for chrissakes.

>> No.17879265

Standardised schooling, remember when in school only me and 2 girls in a class of 25 raised our hands when our teacher asked us if The Overcoat made us laugh. They just took the book literally even after we learned about gallows humour.

>> No.17879279

Man that bitch sure made Telemachus look like a fucking fag. He's supposed to be a plucky little fucker who can nearly string his daddy's bow.

>> No.17879300
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This is partly true. They fetishize reading and supply you with trash.

>Common Core is Satanic
It pretty much is. I found a copy for elementary 3 or 4 ripped in half on a hiking trail near a school. I read it and after 10 minutes I realized it was designed to drive children insane. Which is why a little kid ripped it in half I guess.

>> No.17879316

It's about organized crime, barely alluded to. Gatsby is either coded as gentile, or Fitzgerald knew essentially nothing about jews.

>> No.17879321

I hated books too as a kid
Now I read like 50 pages a day

>> No.17879322

I didn't do great in my language learning classes in high school (partially because I wasn't interested in the language I was learning). Do I have a chance of learning another language or am I just a retard?

>> No.17879361

School language curricula are mostly retarded and teach in a way that had practically nothing to do with the normal processes by which people acquire languages. If you want to learn a language get the Pimsleur course.

>> No.17879371

it's by design as a well read youth would lead to some bad things for the current elite class

>> No.17880525

My English teacher was awesome with stuff like that, he read had us read a lot of short stories by people like Fitzgerald and Poe. We would read through it one lesson and talk about it the next. His English class mixed with drama extracurriculars made me surprisingly well read by the end of high school

>> No.17880531


>> No.17881707

>I hate a "good" teacher as much as a pedophile teacher

THIS. i wanna see the leftist slogan All-Cops-Are-Bastards turned on teachers.
"Good" teachers prop up a toxic, evil and broken system and are just as guilty if not more
American teachers should be mocked, hated and humiliated far more than they already are.

>> No.17881766

>posting on 4chan on a Friday evening
you might not be black, but you're definitely a faggot

>> No.17881819

>Wuthering Heights, Of Mice, Lord of the Flies, R&J, Hamlet


>> No.17881841

hating a book because you had to read in school and being incapable of evaluating the book outside of that single aspect is small mind shit

>> No.17881856

Because you read existential books that you can not possibly understand as a teenager or kid.
I remember reading Nietzsche in school and I thought it was dry, boring crap. Now I reread Zarathustra and BG&E and they are amazing books.
Same goes for all the other classics you were forced to read.

>> No.17881864

Bullshit, you probably didn't even read Wilhelm von Humboldt. The prussian (read: Humboldian) education ideal is humanist in nature, and the cornerstone of it is learning latin as the logically sound language of western civilisation, something which most fags here tend to sperg out about.

>> No.17881889

hahaha good joke, most students will just take the path that is easiest for getting good grades rather than doing something that actually interests them.

>> No.17881896

I would like to have a source of this. None of this sounds like the Prussian system, or the modern German system for that matter.
In fact, it directly conflicts with my knowledge of that particular education system:


>Humboldt's model was based on two ideas of the Enlightenment: the individual and the world citizen. Humboldt believed that the university (and education in general, as in the Prussian education system) should enable students to become autonomous individuals and world citizens by developing their own reasoning powers in an environment of academic freedom. Humboldt envisaged an ideal of Bildung, education in a broad sense, which aimed not merely to provide professional skills through schooling along a fixed path but rather to allow students to build individual character by choosing their own way.[4]

>> No.17881982

Because schools aren't schools they are population control centers. I just want you to imagine for a moment the sheer amount of people, of no accountability, breeding, constantly. The state exists to contain and direct this massive glut of power. Little Johnny reading the classics is of no concern to anyone seriously involved in the equation. He is destined to be content making his superiors money with all the toys they afford him.