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File: 51 KB, 850x400, quote-one-cannot-live-in-society-and-be-free-from-society-vladimir-lenin-71-22-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17865270 No.17865270 [Reply] [Original]

> Destroys Stirner
heh nothing personnel kid

>> No.17865384

nice spook

>> No.17865419

1/4 jewish is still jewish

>> No.17865628

You can't get rid of spooks if you live in society because it affects you

>> No.17865773
File: 82 KB, 600x800, 2b8fd77e70c66e6e3add5ca07f362a5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't take my definition of freedom from a communist who certainly used his "freedom" to imprison others. I'm certainly free from society when communists don't have the ability to take my property, and when I'm able to have a job to give me the thinks I desire. Freedom is having the courage to do the things you wish in society; it is not a static state of affairs like utopian non-sense such as communism.

>> No.17865791
File: 1.52 MB, 3840x2160, 1106944-Max-Stirner-Quote-Whoever-will-be-free-must-make-himself-free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17865803

>we live in a society

>> No.17865992

23 = 32

""""society""""" = SCREWED

>> No.17866260

I live in what? Huh`That's right, a spook. A spook gives me more spooks? Guess what, it's time to call someone.

>> No.17866326

>Im closing my eyes and plugging my ears Lalalalalalalala. Im right.



>> No.17866399

Why don't you take a more objective an rational view of the quote and realize that he is correct?
So is Stirner.

>> No.17867984

>Destroys Stirner
>nothing left

>> No.17868043


>> No.17868083


>> No.17868191

It's all in the
• N • E • C • K •

>> No.17868233
File: 57 KB, 1925x181, SocietyOwnness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not want *freedom* from society, but I want it to be beneath I.

>> No.17868264

Fucking .png's?

>> No.17868274

a.k.a. God-fearing

>> No.17869625

>communists don't have the ability to take my property
Freedom is having the right to take away your property by force.

>> No.17869769

Anything you have that you couldn't do alone in an island is a product of society. Any other position is liberal cope. You're not a God, you narcissistic fucks.

>> No.17869816

watch me

>> No.17869835

>Bro have you considered that we live in a heckin SOCIETY?! and that human existence is fundamentally SOCIAL?! you did an idealism. you did a capitalism. you did an individualism. it is abundantly clear that you fundamentally do not even understand the multiplicity of your bourgeois offenses. report to the gulag immediately.

>> No.17870370

>. I'm certainly free from society when communists don't have the ability to take my property, and when I'm able to have a job to give me the thinks I desire.
Brainlet analysis

>> No.17870393
File: 22 KB, 400x400, untitled_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroys society
Heh, nothing personnel kike

>> No.17871252
File: 97 KB, 500x499, skills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17871259

heh based

>> No.17871263
File: 117 KB, 1080x714, JeqTo8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly a pretty based quote from someone I do not like

>> No.17871268

>the international working class
spook, doesn't even exist

>> No.17871580

Society only exists as long as it benefits me. In all other circumstances it's a spook.
> rational
ooof, pretty spooky. Anyway, I don't "live in" a society, I live, work and shop in proximity to others, but there's nothing we share by necessity of society-ness.

>> No.17871587

>you're laughing
>Ukraine is starving and you're laughing

>> No.17871616

Your shopping and working is only possible and necessary through the coming together of a society. For what purpose is your job, if not contributing to the sustentation of a society. Likewise, how are you able to shop? How did all those goods come to be in that place for you to purchase, and why? By a society and for a society. Retard.

>> No.17871683

> the coming together of a society. For what purpose is your job, if not contributing to the sustentation of a society.
What is separate elements is by you perceived as a whole, as a "society", which by your accord I share with people I never meet, never interact with, is not influenced by and by all accords exists outside my universe. This is what is spooking your mind. "Society" doesn't provide me with milk, there's a truck which comes by every week and worker in the store restock it, from which I purchase it. "Society" is the wondertissue of human interaction.

>> No.17871696

> Secondly, we must say to you bourgeois individualists that your talk about absolute freedom is sheer hypocrisy. There can be no real and effective “freedom” in a society based on the power of money, in a society in which the masses of working people live in poverty and the handful of rich live like parasites. Are you free in relation to your bourgeois publisher, Mr. Writer, in relation to your bourgeois public, which demands that you provide it with pornography in frames[1] and paintings, and prostitution as a “supplement” to “sacred” scenic art? This absolute freedom is a bourgeois or an anarchist phrase (since, as a world outlook, anarchism is bourgeois philosophy turned inside out). One cannot live in society and be free from society. The freedom of the bourgeois writer, artist or actress is simply masked (or hypocritically masked) dependence on the money-bag, on corruption, on prostitution.


Lenin rules

>> No.17871726

>What is separate elements is by you perceived as a whole, as a "society"
Well, yes, two semi circles while independent of one another, come together to form a circle. I don't see how this is the take you thought it was. I'd prefer if you just answered my questions.
>which by your accord I share with people I never meet
It's irrelevant that you've never met them. Meeting every person is not a prerequisite for a society.
>never interact with
You interact with strangers all the time. You very likely do it in your job and when you shop.
>is not influenced by
Just plain wrong.
>and by all accords exists outside my universe.
If by "univerise" you mean your inner universe, then yes, maybe.
Your bit about the milkman is moot. I could just pose to you the exact same questions from my prior post. I'd actually just prefer if you attempted to answer those questions than dismiss them by overly and incorrectly abstracting the topic.

>> No.17871769

yes, which is why buddhists live in the woods

soceity makes humans miserable

>> No.17871781

>Anything you have that you couldn't do alone in an island is a product of society. Any other position is liberal cope.
Thanks for confirming that depression and suicidal impulses are society-made

>> No.17871796

Whatever is, is mine.

>> No.17871816

>incorrectly abstracting the topic.
Nothing incorrect about what that anon is doing. You could abstract away the entire being of "society" because it's not a physical entity but an abstract one. We operate under the impression that one gives and takes from society which is how economists sell their brand of mixed economy and propose social duties, exploitation etc as concepts.
When you do away with all that and focus in on the individual's perception, idealism, you can shape your entire worldview on self interest. Everything outside of your wellbeing and immediate gratification can be seen as a utility, inseparable from your self.

>> No.17871846

What isn't society? Answer this first.

You're saying I am involved in society and shares some form of one-ness, even though most of it I'll never be aware of. They are as foreign to me as are distant galaxies, thus the spook. What I shop comes in form of individual actors acting separately, independent of me, even. Have I helped the shopping before I shopped? did my neighbour?

>> No.17871894

>I'm certainly free from society when communists don't have the ability to take my property
Yes, because a bank having the ability to take your property is a far better circumstance.

>> No.17871920

In what movie Joker looks like that?

>> No.17872228

>you can shape your entire worldview on self interest. Everything outside of your wellbeing and immediate gratification can be seen as a utility, inseparable from your self.
You can do that as much as you like. I don't see how that changes the fact that you're still living and interacting within a structure that depends on the vast majority of the population's minor contribution to it. You'd simply be considered a parasite.
cunt just answer my question or I will take it you don't have one

>> No.17872245

>Has revolution immediately co-opted by autistic peasant
>Regime collapses under a 100 years
>Only teenagers and porn-addicts follow your ideology in the present
Who takes this guy seriously?

>> No.17872261

That's right, you live in a spook. What're you gonna do about it? "B-bustin' makes me f-feel good..." Okay, you got rid of that one. Where are you living now? That's right, another spook.

>> No.17872278

>bad things happened after lenin died
WTF how can anyone take this guy seriously?????

>> No.17872310

marx already destroyed shitrner at die deutsche ideologie

>> No.17872312

>You'd simply be considered a parasite.
You're missing the point. These are all "spooks" to that anon, they're social constructs that only benefit the collective even though individual agents operate dependently to their own self benefit. Whether you think that's juvenile or malevolent in some sort of way is your pejorative, but to call it parasitic is a blatant mischaracterization. You don't have to be a NEET to be an egoist and that anon clearly claimed that he worked, therefore fulfilling their end of the social bargain you're touting like it's vital to any self serving individual to somehow forego their agency to benefit the whole, even though that's self evidently false in society, short of being a literal saint. It's pure nonsense.

>> No.17872313

If he had done a better job maybe we'd all be living under a global communist utopia. But he failed, and he fucked me over personally in failing.

>> No.17872316


>> No.17872338

lol, why are most stirnerites so pathetic?

they know one, maybe two words.

>> No.17872369


>> No.17872482

So is killing you for sport

>> No.17872998

Truly Kafkaesque

>> No.17873036

If a man's foot was capable of thought, it would volunteer to step into the mud. That is all.

>> No.17873313

Fucking Volunteers

>> No.17873351

> muh spooks all the way down
cogito ergo sum

>> No.17873359

What is thought?

>> No.17873507

This thread has utterly convinced me that Stirner's analysis is completely worthless and Stirnerties are brainlets who shoud be executed.

>> No.17873522

You just got spook'd.

>> No.17873524

It is.

>> No.17873537

Your question was how the food appeared in the store, I explained that. Rendering the explanation to be "society" is a spook, it's just sociological wondertissue.

>> No.17874436


>> No.17874906
File: 28 KB, 386x398, Catgirl Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-you just got spooked b-baka!

>> No.17874968

>What is separate elements is by you perceived as a whole
ESL please shut up

>> No.17875353
File: 280 KB, 576x1296, 1410183857904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boner why

>> No.17876610

>Don't pay the contract you had with a bank
>They take your home
Communism really is theft and free shit

>> No.17876651

>Bad things happened after Lenin died
Bad things happened because Lenin stayed alive
Yes, In Stirner's Critics he actually makes this argument which is pretty much what you are saying,
>Another example of the uninteresting is work, which passes for one’s lifework, for the human calling. This is the origin of the prejudice that one has to earn his bread, and that it is shameful to have bread without having worked a bit to get it: this is the pride of the wage. Work has no merit in itself and does no honor to anyone, just as the life of the idler brings him no disgrace. Either you take an interest in work activity, and this interest doesn’t let you rest, you have to be active: and then work is your desire, your special pleasure without placing it above the laziness of the idler which is his pleasure. Or you use work to pursue another interest, a result or a “wage,” and you submit to work only as a means to this end; and then work is not interesting in itself and has no pretension of being so, and you can recognize that it is not anything valuable or sacred in itself, but simply something that is now unavoidable for gaining the desired result, the wage. But the work that is considered as an “honor for the human being” and as his “calling” has become the creator of economics and remains the mistress of sacred socialism, where, in its quality as “human labor,” it is supposed to “develop human capacities,” and where this development is a human calling, an absolute interest.

>> No.17876674

Oh no no no Stirnerfags we've got to have a better argument than this, r-right?

>> No.17876701

To be honest, philosophy is such a joke you don't even need to have "serious" answers or answers at all - which was Stirner point. You just don't have to care; just like I won't ever aid, or help, any communist cause. I will, if I have the chance, rat out communists to fascists or even the government.

>> No.17876818

An egoist takes advantage of so-called society in order to further his own ends. You can take advantage of spooks while still regarding them as spooks. This isn't a BTFO at all.

>> No.17877110

You answered only one part of my questions, the very easiest part, which when asked and answered on it's own is completely unimportant. You, likely deliberately on account of not having an explanation which fits your infantile fantasy, failed to answer the why to how those goods came to be in the shop. You also failed to give a purpose for your job that is anything other than to contribute to some structure that one may very well call a society.
>1. an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.
Tell me how that definition is spooked.
Whether or a person is or is not spooked does not matter for this argument. From a neutral and even "unspooked" third perspective, the individual who does not contribute to the structure which grants him prosperity, while all other individuals do lest that structure crumbles, will be seen as a parasite. Whether or not the behaviour is attributed a moral character is not what I am arguing.

>> No.17878553


>> No.17878706

is 1/8?
>asking for a friend haha

>> No.17878712

>the philosophy of High Scoring
it all clicks suddenly

>> No.17878714


>> No.17878816


>> No.17879917

Why do you guys think that individual imposition=like libertarianism

With respect to the context by OP, stirner would just make his own society and people would reflect it

>> No.17879929

spooks, spooks everywhere. Wanting me to get spooked but failing to do so. Wanting everyone to get spooked and almost succeeding... it's a farce.

To be free of the spook is not to be a monad, it is not to be unaffected and transfixed. To be free of the spook is a processesing technique, through which each conception must be approved, changed or discarded by my own will.

>> No.17880164

Why don't you try actually reading Stirner instead of pissing yourself in public?

>> No.17880177

>the collective
There is no "collective". People have been using the "greater good" to justify exploiting others for as long as some people have been smarter than others. And somehow, with all this work for the "greater good", people keep on being stupid, ignorant, poor, and miserable.

>> No.17880242
File: 33 KB, 750x588, 7c3689e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner is a spook. Since I don't acknowledge him he doesn't exist

>> No.17880354

>get refuted
>regress to reiterating your retarded argument
>meanwhile denying that it has anything to do with moral judgement even though it's inherent to said argument
okay retard