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File: 267 KB, 992x1508, Screenshot_20210325_131622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17864624 No.17864624 [Reply] [Original]

It's international DANTE day in italy. Post 'ghieri

>> No.17864752
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>> No.17864996
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Today is actually waffle day, which takes precedent.

>> No.17865030

>in Italy

>> No.17865231
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>> No.17865267
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>> No.17865742

You are celebrating at your local Dante Alighieri Society center, right /lit/?

>> No.17865755

Technically, these aren't waffles.
t. Wafflebro.

>> No.17865757

Anyone has the discourse by Saint-John Perse on Dante? It was pronounced for the opening of the International Congress of Florence for the 700th birthday of the poet (one hundred year sooner it was Hugo who made a speech).

>> No.17865780
File: 141 KB, 1160x655, TradisjonsMat0031-vafler-1160x655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're waffles in the countries that are celebrating waffles today.

>> No.17865821
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Post paintings. Blake's are so beautiful.

>> No.17865829


How can I enjoy Dante? I tried reading him, but it's so old and off-putting.

>> No.17866040

I knew this fat kid named Dante in elementary school and everyone in the class would bully him for being fat. I liked to get him in a rage in which he would try to chase or tackle us. Don’t know if that’s relevant or not.

>> No.17866064

He will write the next Divine Comedy.

>> No.17866174
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Of course

>> No.17866187
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>> No.17866200

>tfw he still makes people seethe to this day

>> No.17866220


Mi puoi insegnare l'Italiano?

>> No.17866252

Who is the translator?

>> No.17866300

I once met an 80-something years old Polish revolutionary who learned Italian by copying a translation of Dante's Comedy; his vocabulary was, frankly, both impressive and ridicolous at the same time, for he used latinism and obsolete terms for anything. For example, instead of saying "let's go upstairs and talk" (saliamo di sopra e parliamo) he said "let us ascend to the highest plane to freely exchange thoughts" (ascendiamo allo superiore stadio per liberi iscambiar pensieri).
It was weird, I can tell you.

>> No.17866312
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, get a load of this guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let us ascend to the highest plane to freely exchange thoughts" (ascendiamo allo superiore stadio per liberi iscambiar pensieri)

>> No.17866320

Holy fucking based Polack

>> No.17866337

I could not believe my ears; it was like some experimental theatrical play in real life.

>> No.17866370
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So fucking based. I did something similar with trying to apply my knowledge of Latin to Italian and one of my friends told me I sounded like a weird mutant person

>> No.17866387

I wrote this poem after crying to a portion of purgatorio and seeing the following poem unfold in my mind.

I sign this by the holy purgatorial fire
and the river of lethe and fivefold Eunoia
transmute me in accordance with the Lord’s desire
that is my sole fruit, bread, meat, milk and euphoria

in the midst of a mist covered land stand I
let me try to recall how and why
I pry first from my memory a woodland
old and deserted, now a wasteland
save for the Sphinx statue which made me tremble
it guarded an abandoned temple
its incense was all pervading dread
lit by a river of clouds blood red
fearing the night fall and the ferocious beasts
i entered the temple lacking priests

the once worshipped idols no longer hallowed
are now by the dark abyss hollowed
something seemed amiss in the yawning darkness
I heard mourning cries of a goddess
and saw the monstrous idol with Dew adorned

“he who is rejected and Adored”

I heard as I stepped towards the vile image
with courage I relate its visage

the legs of scorpions and a lizards face
and a crab’s claw bearing a cruel mace
and its other hand a bear’s paw lifted up
and before it was a dark red cup
its color was heaven’s own starry tincture
i stepped forth to grab the admixture

but again I heard that goddess siren cry
I stepped back in fear that I may die
then I beheld from whence the cup I would rip
the stone fleshed hand of a statue’s grip
and with the cruel goddess voice she spake to me
“I have mingled the blood of the free
and the astral cross of the four Royal hosts
with the beheaded one and his ghosts
brought to him by the gorgons dread face
which bound to dark ignorance the human race”

then opened her delirious eyes
they shined not with darkness, for they were her lies
in them layed a million blasphemies
my soul was trapped in her pleasing agonies
I was nearly beguiled but came three
who came to this tenebrous place to save me

they held outstretched three swords, longest was their chiefs
(this is naught but a Christian’s beliefs
be not alarmed as if a strange new doctrine
for I veil the only truth sovereign)
their swords pierced through my soul‘s every part
revealing even my inmost heart
then I arosed free from my dark stone prison
thrice infused by the great lord risen

then I beheld that object of derision
that former idol in my vision
crippled, divided and laying there prostrate
in the name of love, hope and of faith
I seized the cup from the abomination
by the lord of true combination
I blessed it saying “i bless you with marriage
and I rebuke your confused mirage
love without the lovers be not truest love
for the marriage of heaven above
is with the earth below in obedience
a curse then on disobedience “

and as I spoke these words a pearl of great price
arose from the dark cup shining thrice
thrice perfect, thrice holy, thrice infused and blest
I seized the pearl and entered deep rest


>> No.17866390

I awaken now in the midst of the mist
in a small boat, with no human to assist
nor to grant direction nor grant me guidance
but as I sat in the fog and deep silence
I remember that my sole captain and guide
is the captain of eternity who died
and now lives and reigns forever in power
neither poet, Sybil nor pomp could scour
the white robes stained with the cracks of broken clay
gained when Adam had ate of the fruit that day
how then can they lead me across the river
into the green pasture, shining like silver
decked with glories more splendid than the whole earth?
through this my faith, I saw he of virgin birth

though he stood far off and upon the waters
I knew it was he, the groom of earths daughters
and he cried out to me “ be thou unafraid!
it is I, through me was your soul knit and made”

and I shout to him “to the lord I now pray
if it be you who calls out, leave me not stay
but call thou me upon the waters to come”
and my lord with utter peace said to me “come “

I stepped out of the boat and upon the waves
for a moment I looked down and saw the graves
of men within the waters, as if they slept
they lay there motionless in the darkest depth

in that moment I fell into the dark deep
but the shepherd clenches with his hand his poor sheep
the fog vanishes like darkness slain by light
he embraces me, wiping my tears and blight
and he leads me to the place which knows not night

>> No.17866433
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Dante is a major influence on my own development as a writer and a poet. I am writing a large work right now that is heavily inspired by the Comedy.

>> No.17866686
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For me, it's beatrice

>> No.17866872


>> No.17866936

>International in one nation

>> No.17867018

What nationality are you, anon?

>> No.17867043

Ahah based old Pole.
I'm also trying to expand my vocabulary in this direction by progressively going back in time with the works I read.

>> No.17867090


>> No.17867113

Where did you learn Italian, you absolute badass?

>> No.17867207

quanto è difficile la commedia? il mio italiano è OK

>> No.17867316

I can't speak Italian. But I go through the original and check it against four or five other English translations. It's possible to work out more or less what's going on.

>> No.17867350

I hope I get credit

>> No.17867525

You should make like a google drive with all your poetry I really like it but I see it rarely and fragmented among various post

>> No.17867534

Un po’ però se prendi un’edizione annotata con parafrasi e ti impegni un po’ c’è la fai

>> No.17868014


>Innovated the switch from Latin to the vernacular
>Revived the epic form
>Wrote not one, not two, but three epic poems better than any that came before or since
>Fused classical learning with medieval fable and Catholic theology
>invented the sonnet

How could one man be so based?

>> No.17868026

Though he didn't invent the sonnet, that would be the Sicilian poet Jacopo da Lentini

>> No.17868121

>Revived the epic form
Once and for all The Divine Comedy is not an epic.

>> No.17868140

based pole. what a legend.

>> No.17868149

Holy based

>> No.17868160

first of all epic is an adjective and yes it is

>> No.17868382

B-bro is this from Boston? Plz be friends with me, I just started learning Italian.
I speak French and like 19th century and early 20th century lit. We can be buddies?

>> No.17868388

"Epic" is also a name retard. Now please tell me why you think the Divine Comedy is an epic. What are the common points with other epics (which you have obviously read) that allow you to say that? Pro-tip: "it's long and grandiose" is not enough. Saint-John Perse's Anabasis is more an epic than the Divine Comedy.
Now even it was one, the genre was well-alive at the time. See for instance: Song of the Albigensian Crusade, Cantar de mio Cid, Africa, the Song of Roland or the Nibelungenlied.

>> No.17868429

>"Epic" is also a name
Name a single person called epic dumbass
>gets chased by large cat
>goes to hell
>not epic

>> No.17868437

Pretending you're retarded won't magically make you right.

>> No.17868460
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Spanish speaker fag here. Since italian is extremely similar to spanish I would assume then that it's best to read a spanish translation of the divine comedy. If such is the case, does anybody knows which spanish translation should is best?

>> No.17868517

Yeah sure. I’m a languagelet though

>> No.17869298

I store all of my junk on a little blog/diary. If you want to read them here’s a link.


>> No.17869304

Anyone have the screencaps of the anon whose professor failed him because he wrote a paper about Dante being a tranny?

>> No.17869308
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this painting reminds me of kurosawa films, especially dreams and kagemusha.

>> No.17870156

Dreams is great

>> No.17870740
File: 27 KB, 500x600, The-Order-s-General-devil-may-cry-4-39170022-500-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I need to read for prerequisites, as a layman, to get into Dante ?

>> No.17871469

What would anyone say is the best English translation of The Divine Comedy for a first read through?

>> No.17871561


>> No.17871718
File: 318 KB, 827x1169, dante-alighieri-illumination-the-divine-comedy.-illuminated-manuscript-fine-art-print-poster-4737--27216-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

! /LIT/ !
In commemoration of this day, I have prepared a story for you from the olden times. Records have failed to preserve it in it's original form, but I have done my best to transform my memory into a pale reflection of the original.

Once upon a time, Anon's dad died. Anon was bequeathed an ancient illuminated copy of Dante's Inferno by his dead dad.
Anon was a bit of an incel, but having a dead dad must have upped his game enough to nab an arthoe for a while. He loved her, but twas not meant to be. One night, after an argument, anon's arthoe gf agrily packed up her stuff and left. Many days later, Anon realized that his exgf had TAKEN his dead dad's copy of Dante with her. He tracked her down and discovered that she shacked up with a methed up biker.
Anon almost gave up on getting his dad's book back.
He watched the biker's house until he knew for sure that the he was out but his ex gf was there. When she came to the door, she flew off the handle because she had evolved into a METHED UP ARTHOE stuff at him. Anon was undeterred, He pushed his way in and miraculously recovered his dad's old Dante.
The soft leather cover was blackened and crusty with meth crud. The pages were ripped, bent and stuck at all angles.The beatiful illuminated pages inside had been "upcycled" by his arthoe ex with her arthoe shit. Before Anon could pick his jaw up from the floor, his screaming arthoe gf screamed at the top of her lungs that "It was like that when you gave it to me, Anon!" Just then the biker returned, shocked to find Anon in his house and harassing his girl. The biker beat Anon bloody and threw him out, with his ugly book. And that was the last time Anon ever picked up a copy of Dante.

>> No.17871847

I could snoffle those waffles right now

>> No.17872113

shame on you

>> No.17872218

I like the vita nuova maybe I will go read it today

>> No.17872921
File: 45 KB, 256x317, Dante's_Inferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was 13-14 I was obsessed with Divine Comedy, particularly Inferno. I collected images related Dante's Inferno, including God of War ripoff on my hard drive. I got in to trouble because the teacher (whom I disliked) thought it wasn't a suitable game for kids. Didn't bother to explain it and just said I've never even played the game because I thought she would never believe that 8th grader would be interested in 14th century Christian epic.

>> No.17873014
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The only Dante

>> No.17873624
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