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17863505 No.17863505 [Reply] [Original]

This book is unironically based. Manson is Albert Camus, Friedrich Nietzsche, Charles Bukowski, William James and Alan Watts all wrapped up into one. Why is he hated here? Is it just that this board is mostly comprised with Christian/Muslim fundementalists and science reddit bros? Or is it because they could never say something as profound as "Wanting positive experience is a negative experience;accepting negative experience is a positive experience."? Or is it because they're jealous of his body (rock hard abs, muscular, 6'2, probably a large cock) and smoking hot wife? I think it's mostly the last one since they seem to be especially annoyed that although his book is intended for men, it also get's a lot of attention from women. This board likes to shit on “arthoes” a lot but they are unironically hot and intelligent (and this book is popular with this demographic in part because of both of those qualities). To all the normal people on this board don’t let the incels meme you into not picking this book up (the sequel is good too btw).

>> No.17863511


>> No.17863543

Some good advices, but mostly bullshit, just like every self-improvement book where they try to fill the pages with nothing

>> No.17863553

I don't read books that employ crass language as any kind of prosaic device. If it is not relegated to dialogue exclusively, the book remains relegated to its shelf-space in the airport storefront that's pretending to sell it.

>> No.17863570
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>and smoking hot wife
Damn wtf I had no idea

>> No.17863609
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>> No.17864061
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>> No.17864067

Just pirated your book 10 times you americuck piece of shit. You mad?

>> No.17864075

Wow do europeans really have such shit taste in self help?

>> No.17864078

He doesn't give a fuck

>> No.17864091

This is the guy that wrote Models, after all.

>> No.17864266
File: 93 KB, 645x770, D93F1315-7359-4BE7-95D5-007415362F88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just pirated your book 10 times you americuck piece of shit. You mad?

>> No.17864274

Just say yes next time

>> No.17864313

I didn't like it, especially the writing the style.

>> No.17864323


>> No.17864451

Very cringey title and cover, would not read

>> No.17864525

Dope. If you were capable of comprehending this masterpiece then you'll definitely... here's a sample from my new self-help book, "Time to Unfuck Yourself" by Anon Anderson:
>Listen up, fuckwit. It's time to pull the cock out of your ass and stop guzzling shit down your suckhole. Do you know why everything in your life is gay? Because you're gay. No positive energy, just a depressing little sad sack, probably have a cuckold fetish. You can't even fucking think right, but that's OKAY because I'm going to teach you how to unfuck yourself. *leans close, grabs you buy the collar, aggressively points finger in your face* I WANT TO SEE YOUR WARFACE. First exercise, just go outside and fucking scream at the sky. Build up a bit of confidence. If you don't feel more confident after making an ass of yourself in the street then that's your fault. Fuck you.

>> No.17864742

This but unironically.

>> No.17864780

> 17863505
But, Anon, we wrote the Well Cultured Anonymous together, the best self-help book since Plato's Republic.

>> No.17865358


>> No.17865763

Of the author wanted me to read his book he should have given it a less pringelized bug man title.

>> No.17865889


>> No.17865929
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Based Chad

>> No.17866078

>writes models
>marries 6/10 from hueland

What did he mean by this

>> No.17866093

I only know the title is annoying.
That was it before this post.